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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6304830 No.6304830 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, /v/ doesn't wanna talk about video games, and since you seem to have similar tastes with me, I came to ask you what PS3 game I should be getting next.

I just bought the console with Demon's Souls.

>> No.6304842

Wait for Umineko.

>> No.6304848

Do you know about the ghost board? We had a thread about this today, so just look it up. It's thread number #6301934.

>> No.6304852

Valkyra Chronicles
Rorona Atelier

>> No.6304860
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>> No.6304891
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Atelier Sharorona.

>> No.6304910

If you had the same taste as me, you would only play games that use sprites.

>> No.6304917

That doesn't mean you can ask us for your normalfag games on your PS3 though.

So Atelier Rorona.

>> No.6304918
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>> No.6304921
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Good old days~

>> No.6304923

I'm fucking sick of this meme. It was a valid point when the PS2 was first released, but now it has more exclusives than a 360. ( ´_ゝ`)

>> No.6304936
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>more exclusives than a 360.
>Implying the 360 has a negative amount of exclusives

>> No.6304935

Well of course, PS2 is the best console after all.

>> No.6304934

So true, so true.

>> No.6304929


>> No.6304928

The Tales series is a great game series.

>> No.6304944

I remember looking at a chart on /v/ saying that the PS3 had 40 or so more exclusives then the 360. I'd look for it but that'd require going through 18,000 pictures in my downloads folder.

>> No.6304954

Why the fuck do people care about exclusives?

>> No.6304967

Yeah, every game is eventually available on the PC, emulated. I still can't get one of the Tales games for the PS2 working, though.

>> No.6304971

They feel the need to justify their purchase. I enjoy owning all 3 current-gen consoles and both handhelds.

>> No.6304980

Stop wasting taxpayer dollars, damn you. I, at least, just play games I can emulate on my cheapass PC.

>> No.6304984

My money is mine to do with as I see fit.

>> No.6304992

/v/irgin here, Demon's Souls is pretty fun, but you should also buy 3D Dot Heroes .
Here's a link to /v/'s favorite PS3 games.

It's essentially a "I have something you" don't contest. Xbros only have shmups and Halo.

>> No.6304995

Not when you are a NEET.

>> No.6305000


Holy shit get the fuck out

>> No.6305015

Sure it is. I don't even pay for games, anyway. I won't be buying anything else until Ar Tonelico 3 comes out. Most of my money is spent on figures.

>> No.6305096


>Hey guys, /v/

Go back there.... And stay.

>> No.6305106

>implying bullshit
>ps3 has no games xDDDDDD
Go the fuck back to /v/.

>> No.6305123
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Back to /v/, underageb&
