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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 480 KB, 642x900, c34074358e1da1d57ccb0c63e4c03475[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6267714 No.6267714 [Reply] [Original]

Upload/request music using your browser: http://skully.hopto.org

Listen to the stream using your music player: http://skully.hopto.org:8000
If it lags/fails, please connect manually to one of the relays in the second post.

FAQ: http://skully.hopto.org/playing.php?page=faq

IRC: irc.rizon.net #jp-radio

If the stream is full, please connect to one of the relay servers.
More information about the stream is in the second post.

>> No.6267715

As of right now, it's possible to upload both MP3 and OGG files, but keep in mind OGG files do not properly display their tags on the site. This means that it'd be best to remove any Japanese from an OGG file before uploading it, if possible.

As always, feedback is always appreciated. Post any error messages you get, post opinions, suggestions, whatever.

Main server holds 7 users. There are a number of relay servers up that automatically redirect you when the main server is full, so don't worry. If you are not automatically redirected, you can manually connect to them. There's a page on the main site to check what relays are currently up.

Here's a list of the currently known relay servers:

http://pyonta-kun.kicks-ass.org:8000 (hosted by Pyonta-kun's Yandere Stalker)
http://hentai.student.utwente.nl:8000 (hosted by leofox!tkMd2Fh4DM)
http://www.yukkurishiteitte.net:8000 (hosted by Kaguya is a !BEaRD8DGAI)
http://doujinplay.net:8000 (hosted by Anonymous)
http://home.kamokow.com:8000 (hosted by Anonymous)
http://kaguya.eientei.com:8000 (hosted by Anonymous)
http://boof.kicks-ass.org:8000 (hosted by BOOF)
http://warosu.org:8000 (hosted by Anonymous)
http://yamaxanadu.tarball.us:8000 (hosted by Anonymous)
http://g.faghats.com:8000/jp.mp3 (hosted by Anonymous)
http://shoutcast1.rootnode.net:1100/jpradio (hosted by Relay 'Server' Guy)

You can still submit logo's for the website. Make sure it's 300x100 and I'll make sure it's in the rotation. Lets see some of that /jp/ creativity.

Also, if you'd like to join our Skype chatroom, you can search for Jaypee Radio. Once you add that account, you should be accepted to the chatroom shortly. It may also be a nice idea to let us know in the thread that you've added the radio account, so we can get to your request faster.

/jp/ Radio is created for /jp/, by /jp/. If you guys have any questions whatsoever, feel free to ask them in this thread.

Take it easy, Anon.
Enjoy the stream!

>> No.6268591

Needs more Duck Sauce

>> No.6270176
File: 235 KB, 714x785, 1283109877207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who uploaded all these Duck Sauce remixes anyway?

>> No.6270504
File: 30 KB, 125x171, 1282003264435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What'd I miss?

>> No.6270518

メアリー is my waifu.

>> No.6270521

Also, the server's full, apparently.

>> No.6270535

Damn, I remember when we used the げんき textbooks in college. Good times.

>> No.6270540
File: 480 KB, 921x1200, 1277427809179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/r/ vuvuzela remixes

>> No.6270565
File: 126 KB, 500x500, 1240274990645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6270727

Goddamnit, Japan.

>> No.6270754


>> No.6270853

She needs more fanart.

>> No.6270882

Fuck yeah Mary-san!

>> No.6271019

site lags like fuck and I can't vote skip

>> No.6271023

They're DDoSing or something so we can't voteskip troll shit now?

>> No.6271039

getting a 408 timeout

>> No.6271068

This is bullshit, 3 troll songs back to back and I could only vote skip the gjs after waiting like 4 minutes for the popup page to load

>> No.6271128

Eh, seems like it was just random slowdown at the wrong time.

>> No.6271140

I think it's rather the server getting hammered as people rush in to axe the song.

>> No.6272116
File: 39 KB, 409x456, 12234216033181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hatsune Miku PoPiPo
>Chiba Saeko Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan 2007
>Shishido Rumi Fushigi Purupuru Pururin Rin!
>Ogura Yuko Koi no Jumon wa Papa-PiPu-Pa


Dedicated by

>> No.6272573

Trying to get the site back up. Stream is still fine though.

>> No.6272662

wow someone must be pretty gay to want to listen to a western nigger whore singing about raining men

>> No.6272664

it was dedicated to /jp/

>> No.6272916

Well the site is not up and I can't request or or dedicate.

>> No.6273043

well, at least with the site down there is no shitty beastie boys or GSJ or boris requests

>> No.6273051

I thought the "dj" was playing them because they like them.

>> No.6273319

The site and the stream should be fine again

>> No.6273463

>baaaaawwww i can't request the can can again

>> No.6274362

There is no DJ. SAM is the program they're streaming off.

>> No.6275197

I think that is why DJ was in quotes, as SAM basically is that when there is not a constant stream of requests.

>> No.6276367

Can't hear shit, Captain.

>> No.6276820

The stream has been on and off all morning, and now there are nigger indian songs playing. What the fuck is wrong with this shit.

>> No.6276863

>モヒカンサンドバッグ Toho Cocktail

Fixed the Japanese, but wow. I didn't think I'd see this track again. I remember back before the skip button was implemented, on that only black interface, where this song would come up.

I wish the requester luck in keeping this track alive.

>> No.6277040

It got skipped while I was enjoying it :(

>> No.6277050

What are these
00:00:05 songs?

>> No.6277206

Lengthy queue is lengthy.

>> No.6277275

Yeah. A lot of times when the queue starts getting long, people like adding to it and seeing how long it can go.

>> No.6277567

some faggot took the wan wan disco fever song and shaved off 2 seconds and reuploaded it, it's got the exact same tags and everything

just so he can spam the song

>> No.6277587
File: 76 KB, 750x717, Anime-Violin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That last song was amazing!

>> No.6277595

Fucking ASPIES everywhere.

>> No.6277629

> wan wan disco fever
That narrows down the suspects to 1

>> No.6277647 [DELETED] 

A report button and a "zero length" filter or button are needed, I go to request a song off the bottom right list and it's 0:00 long. Those song shouldn't even be qued. Spam need to be reported as spam. spam = anything by Boris and the like.

>> No.6277671

>spam = anything by Boris

Eat a bowl of dicks.

>> No.6277894

Well, they can't spam it if it has the same tags, but I'll delete the dupe.

>> No.6277905

0:00 tracks are usually either:
1. Bugs (SAM reading a whole folder as a song, not sure why the hell it does this)
2. A song that SAM is too stupid to read the actual length

In most cases it's the former, which is sometimes simple to fix.

>> No.6278422

Long que is long.

>> No.6278792

maybe we'll get it long enough to crash it, i'm just requesting from the request these list

>> No.6278814

I don't think it's possible with as few of us as there are right now. Plus it seems that SAM crashes when SAM wants.

>> No.6278904

Someone requested my upload!

>> No.6278932

What the heck? The queue is insane.

It's usually just me and one other guy requesting songs over and over every night.

>> No.6278937

Yeah same here. I forgot I uploaded some of these:

>>Wild Arms A Ring and a Promise OC ReMix

Actually one of the best Western-made doujin remixes I've ever heard IMO. Has like 2 hours of stuff to get to it though.

>> No.6279011

Yea I had to read and write an essay so I'm up late tonight and have been requesting a lot. Apparently me and Evil Eye Sigma decided that the queue wasn't long enough.
Yea I've never heard it myself and saw it on the 'request these' so I was somewhat curious. Can't wait to hear it.

>> No.6279085
File: 119 KB, 450x450, すりっぱ~.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quite a queue going.

>> No.6279106

Temporarily changed the limit to 2 songs per 20 minutes. The wait time is 3 hours and I really don't want to have it higher then 1 hour max. If the queue isn't decreasing I'll temporarily disable requesting for a bit.

>> No.6279126

somebody mind calculating the amount of time before moonbug comes on so I can be back to help axe it?

>> No.6279150 [DELETED] 

Reported to the administrators for foul language.

>> No.6279151

~4 hours and 7 minutes

>> No.6279252

I'm impressed. Was a really good remix, you're right.

>> No.6279276

>Mass of the Fermenting Dregs - i f a surfer
>COWPERS - シアン
>Tenniscoats - Abi and Travel
>凛として時雨 - Telecastic fake show
>AS MEIAS - coma

I thought you guys hated all my music.

>ミドリ - 5拍子
>envy - Color of fetters
>Mono - Ashes In The Snow
>Kashiwa Daisuke - Black Lie, White Lie
>Boris with Merzbow - Walrus

Maybe a long as fuck queue is not a bad thing.

>> No.6279437

we do hate your music, some faggot is just requesting things from the request panel to fill up the queue

>> No.6279494

>some faggot
>one person
It's funny, because every song that has been playing is much better than the usual fare. What do they call that? Irony?

I nominate this randomly spamming single troll for DJ.

>> No.6279539

Disabled requesting to let the request list shrink.

>> No.6279561

awwww shucks, I can't request boris super low frequency version! at least beastie boys and GSJ got through!

>> No.6279612

Absolutego (special low frequency version) hasn't been played in about two weeks. What's it like being frustrated?

>> No.6279653

We've successfully killed SAM

>> No.6279693

Skip! Skip! Skip!

>> No.6279698

>skipping shitty music from shitty requesters

I love you guys.

>> No.6279712

wat is dis

>> No.6279851

>THOUSAND LEAVES - Dead Night Blind
Hey. Empowered vocal minority song skippers. Where are you?

>> No.6280007

>upload Guitar Wolf
>never request them, thinking that it'd be too much for /jp/
>someone else requests it
>doesn't skip
I don't understand you guys.

>> No.6280080


Don't worry. I hammered that skip buttons. Sadly, to no avail.

>> No.6280104

Requesting is enabled again. It's back to the old limit again. I'll continue to monitor the queue. If it grows too large again, I'll adjust the limits again.

>> No.6280113

*requests popipo*
SWEET! Thanks for re-enabling requests!

>> No.6280134

So what was it at before you changed it back? It used to be 2 per 10 minutes right?

>> No.6280179


>> No.6280238

Hooray, popipo!

>> No.6281020

Did I just hear Vampire Weekend? I fucking love you

>> No.6281265

/r/ upload of:


>> No.6281677

request you do your own fucking homework and obtaining/uploading it yourself

>> No.6281709


>> No.6281761


>> No.6282771

Did you do ALL of it?

>> No.6283119
File: 26 KB, 193x187, 1258430558925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coolio - Fantastic Voyage
>Coolio - Gangsta's Paradise

>> No.6283261 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 446x470, 1286075944237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aykmin is actually Slow Jamz mistagged so I don't swap it with more Phoenix Wright music
Okay, you made m chuckle a little.

>> No.6283627

Restarting the box for a second. Stream will be back up shortly.

>> No.6283779

The stream is fine but the web interface is brokened how can I vote to skip this horrible shit I am listening too?

>> No.6283788

Site is down and I can't vote skip someone's tape of them singing along to the Cruel angel thesis


>> No.6283791
File: 57 KB, 271x249, 1267166664641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ehh, well I'm still working on getting it up. Apache is being a bit stubborn and won't start up.

>> No.6283799

You meant screaming didn't you?

>> No.6283820

I can manually add requests you guys have.

>> No.6283824

Play Freebird

and Miya's Can Can

>> No.6283828
File: 1.96 MB, 640x360, 1273392063159.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just Be Friends, or any of it's remixes.
Alternatively play LOST IN SPACE

Thank you

>> No.6283864

Can Can played not too long ago, so I won't put it up. I didn't find Freebird in the database either.

LOST IN SPACE coming up next since a (disco?) remix of Just Be Friends played not too long ago. Forgot the exact time, but I heard it fairly recently.

>> No.6283878

moar like electrarock

>> No.6283903

Something DJ Sharpnel, I don't really care what. I think I uploaded Shind Bad last time or Stawberry Sweetz. I'm gonna go ahead and request either of those

>> No.6283917
File: 149 KB, 363x342, hikaru-tan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kotoko - Onaji Sora no Shita de
Momo - Philosophy

>> No.6283924

/r/ Miya's Can Can featuring Johann Sebastian Bach and Gerald Jay Sussman (600 minute mix).mp3

>> No.6283948
File: 17 KB, 475x317, morgan_god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6283954

Don't be so mad. You love men. We all do.

>> No.6283959

I really don't see how a 1982 song sung by 2 niggers has anything to do with weaboo music or /jp/

>> No.6283963
File: 184 KB, 1280x720, 42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those aren't uploaded, so I picked a random Sharpnel track for now.

Added, playing after Sharpnel

Um, I don't hear this at all. You listenin to the same stream I am?

>> No.6283966 [DELETED] 

it just finished playing, look for

Weather Girls - It's Raining Men
in your database

>> No.6283969

That is what I have been wondering there is lots of stuff that ain't /jp/ played.

When I hear some nigger or rap music remix I go WTF does that have to do with /jp?

>> No.6283975

seach for
The Weather Girls - It's raining men

in your database, I think he needs to reconnect the song played a while ago, the shoutcast stream lags alot after a while.

>> No.6283981

Try thinking about it outside the box a little bit. It should make more sense then.

>> No.6283982
File: 9 KB, 349x241, History.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What relay are you on? History list doesn't have it.

>> No.6283996

left it on the shoutcast stream overnight, did >>6283975 what said and reconnected, and the song changed.

>> No.6284007

lol kanon, good choice

>> No.6284013

I don't think the streams are synced, I'm hearing Philosophy right now and not kanon

>> No.6284118

No I posted that 2 songs after kanon

>> No.6284200
File: 175 KB, 850x900, 1277666288272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have the song C.H.O.C.O?

I think it's the OP to Trouble Chocolate

>> No.6284218

Playing next.

>> No.6284235

> Did you do ALL of it?
I didn't do the singing.

>> No.6284245


>> No.6284270
File: 335 KB, 600x800, 1277916512527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the name of the current Luka song?


>> No.6284275
File: 92 KB, 503x562, 1243396849340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm heading off to sleep in a bit, so you guys know. Maye Pyonta can try to get the site up again.

No problem.

>> No.6284282

Bye-bye lover. It's from the album "Crime" from Nation One, the C78 album.


Think that's it.

>> No.6284289

>Invalid or Deleted file

thanks anyway

>> No.6284299
File: 352 KB, 600x470, a04629a4dc14eead00de1c8ec1aadd74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Try that. (Shitty fileservice, I know, blame the Hongfire uploader)

Had to butcher the link a bit because Moot's spam detection sucks. ・ is / and the rest is obvious.

>> No.6284309


MP3 version

I think the 3xx mb one is flac

>> No.6284404
File: 235 KB, 704x400, 1233990460800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pyonta got the main page back up again. I'm off to bed now, see you guys in a few hours.

>> No.6284414

Ugh, you beat me to it...

>> No.6285664

I'd forgotten how much I like this song, Nice Marbles - Furuoto

>> No.6286366
File: 116 KB, 372x375, 1247469716789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fantastic Voyage is actually some really nice remix of Phoenix Wright song

>> No.6286638 [DELETED] 


>> No.6286853

>Tokyo City Philharmonic Orchestra - "The Legend of Zelda Theme" from "The Legend of Zelda" Super Famicom Version

Wow, I have had this song for years, but it was mistagged and playback stopped right as it slows down. I'd been trying to find the full song for forever, and now I know what to look for! Thanks!

>> No.6287154

I gotta thank you for this awesome radio Pyonta-kun.
Keep it up please.
I know that it have been there for a long time already, but I didn't bother to see what's going on.
Thank you.

>> No.6287193

It's been a while.

Anyone interested in me getting my smaller steam up later?

>> No.6287482

>Tristram Theme
For some reason, I'm okay with this.

/jp/ radio: Stay a while and listen.

>> No.6287718

>Coolio - Fantastic Voyage
Persistent, aren't we? I promise I won't replace it with Phoenix Wright music this time though. Just letting you know I do see it though.

>> No.6287782

Replace it with something else then. Save us from that music!

>> No.6287832

Might I instead nominate the Pokemon theme?

>> No.6287926

stream went down and now its asking for a user/pw


>> No.6287950

SAM saw how close to the top Fantastic Voyage was and collapsed in terror of non-weeaboo music

>> No.6288013

Of course the stream breaks when I get off to get dinner. Got it back up.

>> No.6288041 [DELETED] 

>mfw when power metal

>> No.6288037


>> No.6288065

Well, someone suggested Pokemon, and I couldn't find where I saved the original theme in time for when the song would play.

>> No.6288085
File: 804 B, 60x100, 648146_m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would one of you fellows be so kind enough to make this into an icon?

Actually, I think it'd also be nice if we could try to make icons out of the sprites from Yume Nikki itself, actually.

>> No.6288402
File: 278 KB, 555x450, 8134450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, funny you bring this up. I have a folder of Yume Nikki sprites that I was thinking of turning into icons long ago but forgot about because I couldn't resize them in a way that looked nice.

In fact, that very Madotsuki image you used was one of the first images I wanted to make an icon out of, along with the Yotsuba one (which did eventually make it in). There were a few others that was scrapped last minute because of their size, but most of those eventually found their way in when I messed around with them enough. So you can kinda say that Yume Nikki icons were next on my list of icons to be added.

Also adding Disgaea (Sorry, forgot, Senior) and have been wanting to add some Cave Story icons for quite some time now. i just can't find a sprite sheet that has them at a nice size where shrinking them doesn't kill them. Or, even better, a size where shrinking isn't even needed.

So I'll try to get back on working in new icons tomorrow. Pyonta still has to attempt to fix the icon system a bit as well, so we both have some work for tomorrow (if he's up for it).

>> No.6288502

blah, I can't get in to request anything.

>> No.6288557

Fixed the site.

>> No.6288585

Thank you kindly.

>> No.6288692

Requested stuff got voteskipped like a motherfucker until requested fripSide - LEVEL 5 -judgelight- popped up. Proxy voteskipping much?

>> No.6288827

probably because umehara was a few songs before it and streams were lagging

>> No.6288869

so we're playing crash the server with long queue game again?

>> No.6288875

You're joking, right? It was 3x as long when that happened and they disabled requests.

>> No.6288883

That's not going to take too long to reach at the rate that list is building up

>> No.6288888 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 445x349, garyLOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ is gay

>> No.6288898 [DELETED] 
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, giovannitea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6288904 [DELETED] 


>> No.6288913 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 692x588, 1286087987755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6288915 [DELETED] 

*starts adding fuel to the fire in response*
I'm going to bed anyways. The queue better be 5x larger and requests disabled by the time I wake up.

>> No.6288916 [DELETED] 
File: 289 KB, 1170x720, fascinating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6288919 [DELETED] 

>fight /jp/ with one of it's creations
>so fucking smart

>> No.6288923 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 300x300, ohohohoho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/vp/ here.

Hi guys. How's Japan?

>> No.6288929 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 397x385, 1264890129861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6288938 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 500x376, itbegins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6288941 [DELETED] 
File: 4 KB, 184x184, Slowpoke3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gary you are the hero of /vp/


>> No.6288942 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 320x240, WE ARE IN CONTROL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6288943 [DELETED] 


>> No.6288954 [DELETED] 
File: 335 KB, 640x480, areyoufrustrated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6288958 [DELETED] 
File: 195 KB, 700x900, 1270204227833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>17 listeners
>25 songs on queue

>> No.6288962 [DELETED] 
File: 141 KB, 631x479, 1285270649259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6288973 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 636x335, 1285658193127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Problem /jp/?

>> No.6288974 [DELETED] 

lol why u so mad tho?

>> No.6288975 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 103x123, 1286037880653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go away /vp/
jp already knew it was gay 88888

half the threads made on this board are just bitching about how everyone else here is gay

>> No.6288985 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 640x480, 61567_1390867740779_1504688127_30859807_2266086_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6288999 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 472x472, doublesguypokemon2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


One of you faggots from /jp/ keeps making Touhoumon threads on our board.

This is Payback.

>> No.6289004 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 458x450, 1286751861559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6289005 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 465x619, areyouapsychictype.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6289008 [DELETED] 

>/vp/ invades /jp/
>/jp/'s current population: 3 people

>> No.6289007 [DELETED] 

It's not us. We know Touhoumon belongs on Pooshlmer.

>> No.6289010 [DELETED] 

>post rate: 4.9

Holy shit guys that was really hard to get. Fucking kids.

>> No.6289011 [DELETED] 


holy crap

>> No.6289013 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 514x424, 1324082588765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6289014 [DELETED] 
File: 253 KB, 1835x1734, 13538939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh lord

>> No.6289016 [DELETED] 

i feel that touhoumon is alot closer to pokemon then touhou

>> No.6289018 [DELETED] 
File: 394 KB, 500x376, 2314123421241421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you happy king of gays?

Also, are you putting Renko in one of your games?


>> No.6289020 [DELETED] 
File: 72 KB, 500x303, 1284957822281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6289021 [DELETED] 
File: 129 KB, 600x600, 1286910603956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6289023 [DELETED] 
File: 430 KB, 500x400, black_youmad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Failed get poster

>> No.6289029
File: 27 KB, 200x200, 1285962595270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you meido.

>> No.6289027 [DELETED] 
File: 333 KB, 426x345, 1287121703676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wow janitor, you sure are buttmad

>> No.6289034 [DELETED] 
File: 199 KB, 500x500, maidpringles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But Byakuren, you ARE the meido.

>> No.6289039 [DELETED] 

How's that asspain going for you guys?

>> No.6289042 [DELETED] 



>> No.6289059



>> No.6289434

Huge queue. Limit changed to 2 requests per 30 minutes temporarily to allow it more time to cool off.

>> No.6289740

SQL error=Could not connect to MySQL server

I think we killed SAM again

>> No.6289747

erm n/m it's working again

>> No.6289897

this song is wonderful

what is it from

>> No.6289899

i mean the one before renai circulation by the way

>> No.6292584

I decided to upload the rest of Kyon's character songs, starting with volume 5.
Just before I uploaded the first song, someone else uploaded the other song from volume 9.
...I love you, /jp/.

>> No.6292685

I love you too. Sometimes.

>> No.6293305

Correctly tagged the Rapbit version of HANAJI (dunno the album though, so just but Maria Holic for it).

>> No.6294071

>Someone that isn't me requested World Order
Feels good to know people like the song.

>> No.6294113

It's a good song, and the dance is pretty awesome.

>> No.6294241

>Harada Hitomi - ever forever

Since the song was mistagged by an error, I put the actual song up next.

>> No.6295175

>Megurine Luka - Stardust Utopia
>otetsu - 星屑ユートピア

Aren't you clever SAM. Aren't you clever.

>> No.6298303

Just wanted to let you guys know that the icon system isn't using cookies anymore. Let me know if you still have problems. If you do, check if you can display the relay page properly. People have been reporting problems related to javascript, while the relay page is using the same kind of script. As far as I know, the relay page has been working fine for everyone.

>> No.6298334

Pyonta said he worked on the icon system a little today. Let us know if you guys still have problems using them.

>> No.6298421

*hits skip and disconnects*

>> No.6298428

They've been getting deleted though, some faggot just keeps re-uploading every time it's removed.

>> No.6298456

That's good I guess.
And the skip went through.

>> No.6298469

fucking nigger remixes

>> No.6298493

>Love Hina - Sakura Saku (Musical Version)

This makes me wanna listen to the original. Anyone have it to upload?

>> No.6298506

Had the same thought just now, and I found I've only got the musical version in my music folder.

>> No.6298522

I can't load the relay list. Can someone post an html so I can connect?

>> No.6298544


>> No.6298609

If you have Foobar, you can just save the stream ID and set Foobar to automatically play it when you start it up. Really convenient. If I wanna listen to the stream, I just press the hotkey to open up Foobar and it auto-plays.

>> No.6298903

>Beastie Boys
Skippin time!

>> No.6298922

408 request timed out when trying to vote skip

>> No.6298949

Mad because Beastie Boys are stylin on you

>> No.6299673

Been getting frequent "cannot connect to MySQL server" errors. They usually disappear after a few mins or so, but I figure it's still worth bringing up.

>> No.6299767

Others have reported slow image loading, but it's most likely the site being sluggish. I'll keep an eye on things and check into it if the problem persists.

>> No.6300035

What is this epic medley im hearing called?

>> No.6300043


>> No.6300058

while I do like this song 30 minutes is excessive

>> No.6300166

Wasn't expecting someone to beat me to posting Mono.

>> No.6300315

SQL error=Could not connect to MySQL server"

When I tried to search for a song to request.

>> No.6301106

After sitting around listening to this stream for a week, I think I'm going to stop, all I hear are repeats these days, always the same people requesting the same repeating requests.

>> No.6301126

look if it isnt 20 minutes long i dont want to hear it

>> No.6301236

what is this french shit this isnt japanese skip imo

>> No.6301303

this sort of generic non threatening shit is my fuckin gangster jam

>> No.6301309

eat it eyeball cunt

>> No.6301319

>Two shitty ear-raping songs (Boris and G.Wolf) voteskipped in a row.
I'm proud, /jp/.

>> No.6301330

Well. You guys really have a great music taste.
/jp/ radio is the only radio channel in world worth listening.

>> No.6301364

Wow, Scandaroon, I thought you only listen to SKA?

>> No.6301386

Also I uploaded a great piece of music by Akamushi. Dedicated to you all.

>> No.6301517

Any of you music guys know if anyone has this album yet: http://butaotome.web.fc2.com/tasogare-elegy.html

>> No.6301568

/jp/ I feel so proud when you guys request Bump Of Chicken. So proud.

>> No.6302887


>> No.6303206

A while ago someone asked if he/she could get a DJ spot on the radio. Is that guy still around? Would be nice to have a DJ around on the station. Contact us on skype or irc or email or whatever...

>> No.6303314

Say NO! to change, vote NO! to proposition 6303206.

>> No.6303410
File: 19 KB, 205x194, 1263201618093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But maybe this DJ will actually be a /jp/ lurker.

>> No.6303550

It would be nice not to hear so many repeats.
Some of this is OK once but not over and over.
If you like it that much I suggest you play it on your own computer..

>> No.6303918

Easy solution if it bothers you so much: request more unique songs yourself.

>> No.6304198

Can the recently uploaded song DD get an edit? Artist should be Itou Kanako.

>> No.6304222

On it in a second.

>> No.6304226


>> No.6304226,1 [INTERNAL] 

Next thread: >>6308992
