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6282201 No.6282201 [Reply] [Original]

>She was to be the protagonist of the original Fate/stay night novel that was never finished and the master of the male version of Saber. It was felt that she would not appeal to the target audience of the visual novel, so she was redesigned as Shirou to be more appealing.

You will never be the cute high school girl ;_;

Does anyone else still cry themselves to sleep over getting Shirou instead of this?

>> No.6282204

>Does anyone else still cry themselves to sleep over getting Shirou instead of this?
now that I know of this, I feel as though I probably will be starting tonight.

>> No.6282203


The shit?

>> No.6282205

Image that character design with male shirous exact personality. The only difference gender.

>saber: I'm going to p-p-p-ut it in
>shirou: What are you putting in?

>> No.6282206

No Shirou=no sakura and Rider
So nope, not sad.

>> No.6282207

I would miss Shirou and his abs of steel.

>> No.6282208

Saber is.

>> No.6282209

I'd like it if she was like Vhailor. Justice can be so awesome done like that.

>> No.6282212

Nope. Shirou is fucking hot after all. And if he weren't Shirou we probably wouldn't have gotten tsundere Archer and Kotomine.

>> No.6282219

>No Shirou

I'm okay with this

>No Saber

get out

>> No.6282224
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>no saber no rin no sakura no rider.
yea no thank you.
also I didn't like shirou at first but after playing through the entire vn he really grew on me and by the end of HF I really liked him.

>> No.6282225 [DELETED] 
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>Shirou is fucking hot after all.

>> No.6282233
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I would rather not read sex sceenes from a female POV thank you very much OP.

Or wait a min.. Would Rin still have been there as a female?
..I might be okay with this after all.

>> No.6282237
File: 229 KB, 850x1211, nope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never be swept off your feet by a king.

>> No.6282238

>No Shirou

But where will JUSTICE come into this? Does Sajyou Ayaka want to be a HERO?

>> No.6282241

I can't imagine a female servant Archer.

>> No.6282244
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Mana transfer time~
All of a sudden Sakura aint the only rape victim.

>> No.6282243

I'm pretty sure in CharaMat it mentions that the Archer in this route would have Rho Aias.

>> No.6282250

>implying there exists a female who would not want to procreate with Saver

>> No.6282255


>> No.6282258

Gilko-sama. She would not bring herself low enough to do such a thing.

>> No.6282260

I hate glasses.

>> No.6282263
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I actually ended up really liking Shirou by the time I got to ubw route. I haven't got a good enough memory to explain why properly, but I liked his determination and his ideals.

>> No.6282266

Speaking of those glasses she probably would have been the "plain" girl that suddenly becomes beautiful after they get taken off.

>> No.6282271

I think it's to a specific type of person, he's my favourite main character in any VN

>> No.6282277

Shirou is a man. Fat otaku want to be the man who fucks the delicious saber. They don't want to be the little girl who gets fucked. Of course this all could have been solved if they had just made the main character Arthur/male saber.

>> No.6282281

Shirou greatly appeals to moralfags and amoralfags tend to hate him.

I consider that a successful main character

>> No.6282282
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>Fat otaku want to be the man who fucks the delicious saber


>> No.6282286

so Archer was supposed to be a girl too?

>> No.6282288

It would have been a completely different game in every way. None of the dialogue given to shirou would make sense for a woman, which by itself changes everything.

>> No.6282289
File: 293 KB, 400x688, PSP_Fate_Extra_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never be the cute high school girl ;_;


>> No.6282292

Rin was still in the story, and she was the master of Gil.

>> No.6282296

Archer wasn't supposed to be the CG version of the MC at this point.

>> No.6282295

Unless she was a butch bisexual

>> No.6282303
File: 618 KB, 1000x1333, 0401853f5d7e749263377d417ccedad4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing I'd want from this is a yandere Gilgamesh-ko.

Just imagine her stalking Saver and then holding him down as she fucks him silly.

>> No.6282309

Gil was still a guy.

The only ones who got genderswapped were Shirou and Saber.

>> No.6282319

There should have been four versions:
Male Shirou, Female Saber
Female Shirou, Male Saber
Female Shirou, Female Saber
Male Shirou, Male Saber

>> No.6282322


When TM needs some money

>> No.6282325
File: 125 KB, 539x428, 3c44824a6bea290c43f616e922ba3de3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This does not make Gilgamesh happy.

>> No.6282327


If "Shirou" was female, and Saber was male, what about the rest of the cast?

If there were still Rin and Sakura routes I'd be all for a female protag...

>> No.6282332

Again, the only characters that were different were Shirou and Saber.

And there was only one route, since it was meant to be a novel at first. The other routes came to be after the change was already made.

>> No.6282337


Oh... fair enough.

Looking at it without my penis, the idea of a male Saber is interesting (and at least stays consistent with her true name...)

>> No.6282346



>> No.6282358

What kind of gigantic faggot would prefer to read things from a male perspective rather than a female one?

>> No.6282379

Are you saying all males who play eroge are actually gay?

>> No.6282387

So, just Fate, no UBW or HF?


>> No.6282422

>implying Fate wasn't the best route

>> No.6282425

Some time after F/HA. Possibly within your lifetime.

>> No.6282428

It wasn't.

>> No.6282430

Heaven's Feel > UBW > Sacchin Route > Fate

>> No.6282445

>Better than anything
Maybe if you like sluts and shitty characters.

>> No.6282450
File: 218 KB, 800x600, Fate Stay Night 216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kotomine and Rider are not Shitty.

Nasu agreed, don't bother him about it.

>> No.6282461

There's been some interest in localising it commercially ilke F/UC due to it being similar to Persona, which sold well in the west.

>> No.6282728
File: 62 KB, 494x456, Saber_vs_Archer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My rage-radar senses a massive amount of Fate-loathing.

>> No.6282753

I forgot what were the reasons on why all the heroines were sluts?

Extra Saber has a see through skirt.


Sakura is obvious.

>> No.6282767

Why ask a question then answer it yourself?

>> No.6282780
File: 38 KB, 320x337, 0a73e905bfe0d548f819d37ed61dd3c78786e3d8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather just have a Gilgamesh-ko route. I-I-It's not like I think your projection skills are good or anything, Faker!

>> No.6282789
File: 194 KB, 800x600, Fate Stay Night 127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least the whole "sheath" thing would've been slightly less awkward.

>> No.6282808

I'd rather have a bro end where Shirou realizes that you can't outhero Gilgamesh and joins him out of necessity.

You could have Shirou in a red tinted set of Gil's armor standing next to Gil with infinite blades works + gate of Babylon in the background along with bitches everywhere, ready to face off a bunch of counter guardians.

>> No.6282834

I'd rather have a Harem Route where Shirou summons Lancer instead of Saber somehow. Best Fucking Route ever.

>> No.6282911

Yeah, Lancer deserved more screen time.
