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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6280626 No.6280626 [Reply] [Original]

The other board is back up. Sorry about the delay everyone, we had a problem the hosting company.

With that said, we wait warmly for you. Please make us your temporary home until things die down here. Posting the url in this thread is frowned upon.

>> No.6280640

shit, after being away for some weeks, am i missing out on the super cool new /jp/, full of quality threads, translations and much more?!

fuck. seriously

>> No.6280635

What the fuck is this shit?

>> No.6280645

What is this about? bunbunmaru?

>> No.6280650

Hi /bun/.

>> No.6280652

Just a troll thread, similar to the "mangaslide" threads you used to see on /a/. There is no "other board".

>> No.6280656

We made something of a campaign before this recent decline in quality happened. If you know anyone who was likely to be lurking at that time please ask them for a link. We don't have a site specific translating community yet but I have been seeing a good deal of VN discussion so I don't think it is out of the question in the future.

Sorry not /bun/ we're still in our opening steps, as it were.

>> No.6280660

>super cool
Hardly. Don't worry you're not missing anything.

>> No.6280668


you may be trying to keep me away from the fun!

>> No.6280673

The only complaints I've been getting so far, have been either requests for a touhou dedicated board (which we're thinking about) and some issues regarding our somewhat strict moderation. Unfortunately that is something we can't really change just yet considering the circumstances. It is, however something we are keeping in mind. I'm sorry if your experience was found lacking. Would you care to elaborate as to how?

>> No.6280677


>> No.6280690


trolling or cocktease? oh, the despair

>> No.6280711
File: 102 KB, 600x600, 1259033146244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You made an advertisement thread for another board but you refuse to say what board it is? Good thinking.

>> No.6280711,1 [INTERNAL] 

I think it's hilarious how he thinks anyone browsing this board has friends.

He also doesn't seem to know about this archive as it's obvious there isn't any such campaign.

>> No.6280720

I understand your discontent. A way to increase traffic to our site without adding to the arduous task faced by our already understaffed moderation team is something I spend a good deal of time considering. Admittedly I thought the issue wouldn't arise as quickly as it did, as many *chan projects lay dead or flop more times than not, so I simply wasn't fully prepared for the volumes of traffic we did receive. With a fairly steady pace now, I'm forced to think about the near future of the board and how to best allow more people access to it without compromising certain views of quality across the site.

>> No.6280732

Well for one, I think the /scat/ board was a good addition, but there's still nowhere near enough horse porn. I like the looping gif of the old ladies vomitting on eachother as the background, but sometimes it doesn't load so I have to browse without it, which really kills the mood. The forced tripcodes were a great move but recently someone hacked mine. Also you should cut down on the Naruto threads, it's cool that everyone there really likes to discuss it but 6 Naruto stickies on the front page is a bit much.

>> No.6280738

How would one "hack" a tripcode on a board with forced tripcode?

>> No.6280739

3/10 for effort

>> No.6280745


... fuck you

>> No.6280763

If you would have tried without making it overtly outrageous from the get go I would commend your efforts. The concept however will be noted if we ever follow through with a refugee board for shit posting. I would like to take the time to note however, at this time we only host two "NSFW" boards one catering to 3D and one catering to 2D. Thought on expanding these are being considered, however a /scat/ board is not on the list of boards awaiting approval. Perhaps a place like gurochan may better suite your interests, as I'm sure you can understand it is difficult to provide for every niche interest group.

>> No.6280780

Don't give me that, you know it amused you. We're both trolls after all.

and I love Gurochan

>> No.6280815

Were I truly a troll, the only way I would do so with this project is by letting my poorly thought out attempt at making a community die out as I know next to nothing about keeping such a thing profitable. And in order to make that into a proper trolling maneuver would be to gather a large userbase with a majority of popular opinion first. As indeed I am pandering to the posters this may be a possibility but I like to think enough dedicated users will note the ad's placed about the site. Only time will tell I suppose. I do admit however your post made me want to chuckle.

I'm glad I've got a few new posters from this thread already however. I hope anyone who remembers the other mentions of the site will take a moment and stop by.

>> No.6280824


What "site" are you talking about? Can someone just mention a word, a phrase, or a hint, for the site?

>> No.6280833

e-german tree

>> No.6280843



>> No.6280844

I see what you did there, deutschbag.

>> No.6280861

This time I laughed.

I'm sorry but the hints were provided some time ago. If you have been lurking diligently for several months you may know where to go. If not, then I again I apologize but these methods are in place to keep our friends from other boards of unrelated interest to their own devices. When there is a contingency in place to deal with this problem in a more practical way I'm sure links will not be a difficult thing to find. So just hang in there and take it easy with everyone here until then okay?

>> No.6280870


>> No.6280878

>I'm sorry but the hints were provided some time ago.
then how about a thread number for the hints

>> No.6280887

We warmly wait for you at the secret Umineko board, too.

>> No.6280890

I'm sorry newfriend but that WAS the hint. Please keep the old place nice for us, eh?

>> No.6280891

Nanana is the best

>> No.6280896


>> No.6280891,1 [INTERNAL] 

I am not really sure what he is on about either, the archive shows nothing and this is just pathetic samefagging.

>> No.6280904

Spoilers: Take the numeric value of the first letter of every sentence in that second paragraph. That number should help you find the post you're looking for. See you on the other side, seeker.

>> No.6280917

This thread is pretentious

>> No.6280915

You are a gentleman and a scholar.

Something like that would simply be spelling it out for you, I'm afraid. And as >>6280890 said, it pretty much was the hint. But don't worry as I said we hope to ready the site for a larger userbase in the near future. Until then, enjoy what /jp/ has to offer, there still is a good bit of content here if you look for it, I'm sure of it!

>> No.6280924


Well suited for /jp/'s isolationist tendencies, and need for obscure elitism.

>> No.6280950

Guess I'll take the Hard mode and start searching the ghost board
>If you have been lurking diligently for several months you may know where to go.
Not as if I don't have the time to kill anyway.

>> No.6280964


lets hope it's safed on easy modo

>> No.6280975

People have already combed through the archives for the last couple of months, it's pretty much assumed that there isn't any such board.

>> No.6280983

Not OP but I saw a few of the threads it was in. I think they went in knowing it would be archived and intentionally make it look like something it wasn't.

>> No.6280996

You are so obviously the OP.

>> No.6280999

Seriously guys, seriously. You can't be this stupid.

>> No.6281010

I've hardly used easymodo, is there a limited data retention time? anybody know how long it is?

>> No.6281014
File: 32 KB, 505x639, Ritsu check'em.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6281021

Hm, the archives might help, but you'll have to know what you are looking for. But >>6280983 is wrong. No one ever labeled the links as something else. And as far as I know the url was never posted here, but I can't say that with certainty. I'm off to do other things but if you get the chance stop by, check things out, and take it easy with us. Have a good day everyone.

>> No.6281039

Self concealing has always been a dead end in the long run. I expect if such a board really exists, only about a dozen or two of people post on it who know each other pretty well, anyway. Does not sound like a jolly place for an outsider like me.

>> No.6281040

Reminds me of the "pressure" threads on /v/. Kind of boring.

The problem with this is the userbase you're advertising to: Somebody would post the link just to fuck with you.

Oh well, good luck.

>> No.6281050

Woah wait
Are you the guys who were talking about this before summer? Because holy shit if that place is back I'm going to be pissed I didn't bookmark it.

>> No.6281055

>Does not sound like a jolly place for an outsider like me.
Kinda the point

>> No.6281086

>mfw when I'm posting on the secret board.


I laughed heartily.

>> No.6281091

You forget your userbase. We have no life, we can literally look through every thread that has been posted.

>> No.6281096

What is a life?
I consider that a fine life.

>> No.6281102

>only about a dozen or two of people post on it who know each other pretty well
How is that any different from /jp/

>> No.6281105

There's no point to even have a board like this. You may as well just make a friendcircle or irc channel or whatever else circlejerkers use.

>> No.6281110
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>> No.6281117


>> No.6281122


OP is retarded, thread is retarded, OP's site is even more retarded. It's just another image board for free piece of crap which 12 retards a day make thinking they'll replace 4chan and be some kind of internet gods.

>> No.6281126

I do go to a sekrit board, it's pretty fun.

>> No.6281133

While you're most likely right, there's a sticky where it specifically says that they intent to keep the site small.

>> No.6281158

I remember this shit. Now I have to find the address again, OP if you're still here did you ever add a separate board for games and VNs? Or if not will you?

>> No.6281164

Fuck off OP. You're a retard.

>> No.6281176

not sure if serious.

But they said just keep VN discussion on the general board.

>> No.6281200

It's just tohno-chan, faggots. If you don't know of that place you really DO not belong here.

>> No.6281212

Oh, is that all? I already knew about that place.

>> No.6281221

Tohno doesn't advertise, and while they are shitty, OP comes from an even shittier ib4f site.

>> No.6281224


>> No.6281236

But tohno-chan is /a/'s board.

>> No.6281236,1 [INTERNAL] 

tohno-chan is a shitty ib4f site.

>> No.6281236,2 [INTERNAL] 

So Bunbunmaru is /jp/'s board?

>> No.6281236,3 [INTERNAL] 

No different than tohno-chan or any *chan knockoff board.
