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6268860 No.6268860 [Reply] [Original]

Homework time, /jp/.

As we all know, Battler's position on the idea of magic and witches makes a 180 degree turn from EP4 to EP5&6. From EP1-4 he maintains the idea that magic and witches absolutely do not exist and play no part in the murder of his family and that none of his beloved relatives could be the murderer.

In EP5, when Natsuhi is faced with the accusation of not only being the culprit but disgracing the name of the Ushiromiyas by sleeping with Kinzo, Battler notes that as a child he believed in magical bunnies living on the other side of the moon. He notes that "so long as we don't see the other side, I'll choose to believe in that."

This sudden open-mindedness is the exact opposite of his refusal to accept magic. We know that his switch from 4 to 5 is in part due to his love for Beatrice and his disdain for the witches and Erika taking over their game, however, do you believe that this is reason enough to warrant his contradictory thinking? Why or why not? Write your answer in 4-5 paragraphs including a thesis. No bibliography is necessary.

>> No.6268884


Each letter counts as a paragraph,so it counts. Why you ask? It's Magic.

>> No.6268908

I think it's mostly because Battler realises there are no outsider culprits. The accusation of Natsuhi makes him realise how horrible the idea that the murderer would be one of his relatives feels. He understands insisting that magic does not exist would mean having to do what Erika did, essentially, so "magic" - this weird power that causes the murders, without anyone being to blame - suddenly becomes a lot more attractive.

>> No.6268909

It's a different Battler. The one from EP1-4 has disappeared for the time being I guess.

>> No.6268910
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>> No.6268911

Without love it cannot be seen

>> No.6268912
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I think I've got it..

Since Battler's thoughts had a huge contradiction, that must mean he was being mind controlled by the witches. Which can only lead to one possibility.. Battler is the culprit!

>> No.6268939


Exactly. That's not Battler.

It's the Endless Sorcerer BATTLER

>> No.6268948

This was already taking meta-Battler/BATTLER into account--but do you believe that the title of Endless Sorceror really changed his character? The idea of BATTLER is still always BATTLER.

>> No.6268978


lolwut its the opposite. Natsuhi being cuprit'd is what forced Battler to accept that the murderer has to be one of them. He didn't really switch sides in ep5, he just figured the purpose of the game. He was never really meant to deny magic in the first place, that's not the point of the game nor what it was that Beatrice was trying to tell him. Once he figured out the truth, he was not restricted to the "anti-fantasy" route anymore, he could basically hack the game and say "fuck you, I know the truth so I can do whatever the hell I please". Battler slowly realizes this himself over the course of the question arcs, but Ange's death and her blaming it on Beatrice really screwed things up as far as him figuring out the truth would go. Battler was incompetent because he didn't understand the true nature of the game. His realization was "I've been going at this the wrong way"

still the metaboard scenes are just for the readers convenience to help them figure out what's really going on, they don't really happen nor are they really part of the plot. Its just that umineko is 20% what really went on on Rokkenjima and 80% symbolic fantasy that alludes to what happened....via crazy foil characters and whatnot

>> No.6268999

Made complete sense to me. It was explained that Battler's problem with Beatrice wasn't really the issue of believing magic, but he rejected Beatrice because of her cruelty. That's what he's always objected to, whether it's stemming from magic or from "truth".

Ange and Maria sequences in EP4 also went on at length about the theme of grasping your own personal truth and others not having the right to trample upon that without good reason. Will also goes on about it at length in EP7.

Battler's arc isn't about denying magic, it's about growing to understand magic. The denial phase was just the first step in one of his many stages of incompetence about the fact.

>> No.6269000

Good answer but 10 points subtracted for straying from the topic at hand!

B+ please see me after class

>> No.6269007


>> No.6269034

He understood love, and the reason for the murders. He knows that everyone will die anyway, so he would rather believe in magic killing everyone, than blaming one of the humans on the island. This way, everyone will remain innocent. It doesn't matter who killed who, since everyone is dead

>> No.6269059


That way the sins are not blamed on anyone, there's no sacrifice and everyone can remain happy.

Except that they're already dead.

>> No.6269070

On the other hand, you have Ange. She was probably better off not knowing what happened.

>> No.6269088

What is defined as the "real Rokkenjima?" With all the different possibilities we're presented with and each having a separate outcome, is there any actual "one" reality where the incident occured? Does the real one actually matter?

>> No.6269099


The "real Rokkenjima" is, presumably, presented in EP7's tea party. The point of showing it to us by that point was that no, it wasn't necessary and it doesn't really "matter". It was shoved in Ange and Lion's face for pure cruelty, as opposed to Beatrice's love which covered it with tales of heroism and everyone being basically innocent.

>> No.6269101


I think the 3rd world would be the one considered real.
That's the only one where Eva survives after all.

>> No.6269107


No, third is fiction as well. It was just written (from an anti-fantasy standpoint) with more outside knowledge than the first two - of Eva being the sole survivor.

>> No.6269109


wrong, for Battler to have reached the truth and become a sorcerer he had have figured out what happened, ergo he had have figured the identity of the culprit/muderer. In ep4 the Stakes point out that they cannot kill the students unless Ange is willing to do it herself. In ep6, Beatrice more blatantly says that fantasy scenes can only be implemented if it were possible for a human to do themselves in the first place. Battler is a sorcerer because he knows the truth of Rokkenjima, not because he wanted to escape from it.

This brings me to another point on fantasy in general. Most people assume that the game began in Episode 1, but this is false. Its simply the first game where the player Battler consciously denied the witch, unlike where he had accepted her existence in all other previous games. We can assume that Beatrice has been playing this scenario many times before just to get the Player Battler to awaken and tell him her story after. Of course she doesn't outright tell him, more like teases him to figure it out. She wants him to convey her story to the audience because it has no meaning if she tells it herself.

>> No.6269112

Do you think that Beato's version and the real version have equal credibility? Is one any more important than the other?

I see what you mean but I think you missed a small point of what I was asking.

>> No.6269119

Very well said and I agree with you

>> No.6269125


That's why I'm inclined to believe in at least the basics of what happened in the Tea Party, by the way. Not because I trust Bern or anything, but because the fact of the "reality" being so cruel, brutal, and empty fits completely perfectly with everything that has built up about what Beatrice is trying to do, the nature of magic, and the themes of the story. Those would all pretty much fall apart if what she did so much to cover up was fluff and bunnies instead.

Though I think there are ways to look at even that harsh reality with love, which hopefully EP8 will cover?

>> No.6269133
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Everyone that believes magic is real in Umineko is just suffering from the Hinamizawa syndrome.

>> No.6269137

The whole "it's not necessary to know the truth" is pure bullshit.
Many people died that day, nothing change that and I sure bet that the people who were unjustly manipulated and killed don't want to be put in the same bag as the crazy fuckers who did it.
Ignorance is bliss is just some retarded escapism, the message that R07 is trying to pass is bullshit.

>> No.6269154

The whole "Beatrice is being the scapegoat and covering the harsh truth from the real world, what a good girl" spiel kind of fall apart when you know that Yasu still engineered this whole fucking shit, playing with the life of 15 people just because she was an indecisive whore.

>> No.6269157

In some ways, yes, and in some ways, no? I don't think you can exactly get away from reality being reality - the fact of it being reality is what killed Ange and Lion, after all. And I think that the fiction is still really important in a lot of ways, especially since we had that reassurance about pieces not being OOC - I think the fiction allows us to see and understand aspects of the Ushiromiyas that would be muted or lost if all we had to go on was the bare "reality"? For example, Rosa's relationship with Maria, Rosa's self-hatred about her, the fact that there is a core of love and protectiveness for Maria underneath all the ugliness - she wouldn't have been able to convey that to us in reality since in reality all she did was get shot by Kyrie. But the fiction can bring out that aspect, lets us see that, and understand her. Another thing EP7 and Will go on about is that "people are saved when they are understood."

On the other hand, from the perspective of someone like Ange, it didn't need to be revealed. It's an interesting way to approach/deconstruct mystery - "why exactly do you want to reveal this? What purpose does it serve?" A mystery without purpose, that doesn't lead to saving someone, just becomes cruelty.

blah blah blah tl;dr

>> No.6269164

Hence Battler saying that he will tell them the real story. The Ep7 tea party is just a bare bones reality. The most important aspect of Umineko is the "why", it didn't cover motives or what really pushed everyone to spur that tragedy. Battler's take will no doubt cover the same events but paint them in a more understandable and sympathetic way.

>> No.6269183

Yeah, I agree. It's part of why Will and Lion were so important thematically - not just because Will was, after 7 fucking episodes, a competent detective with love, but because even though Beatrice trying to cover up tragic "reality" with loving fantasy is sympathetic and noble, it still kind of reflects that she doesn't believe reality can be anything but tragic. Will and Lion rejected that and gave their lives fighting for it.

So you better do your thing properly, Battler.

>> No.6269205

This is the most tame and intelligent Umineko discussion I've seen on /jp/ yet.

>> No.6269215
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There's not enough LOVE

>> No.6269267


there's something I don't understand myself, why was Ange chained there and forced to see that reality with Lion? Was it simply Bern being cruel? And why did Will and Lion get killed by Bern when they accepted that reality?

>> No.6269305

>there's something I don't understand myself, why was Ange chained there and forced to see that reality with Lion? Was it simply Bern being cruel?


>And why did Will and Lion get killed by Bern when they accepted that reality?

Bern showed them that the same basic thing - Kyrie slaughtering everyone - happened even in Lion's reality, and Lion was killed (as the Witch of Miracles, Bern denies a miracle for Beatrice even in the form of Lion). Will got caught up in it because he came back and refused to let Lion die - Bern notes that she would have let him go if he hadn't thrown himself on the line of his own volition to protect Beatrice's last hope.

>> No.6269316

Why does everyone in the game pity Beatrice like she is some sort of victim?
I honestly can't understand that, even Takano was more pitiable.

>> No.6269348

>I honestly can't understand that, even Takano was more pitiable.

it's ebcause you know about takano.. do you know about beatrice? how do you can pity beatrice without having a reason like takano? .. you just know there is something, but you dont know what. your dumbspeeching should stop

>> No.6269367

Episode 7 was all about Beatrice/Yasu.
So yes I know

>> No.6269375

Battler will still end the game between him and Beatrice. He will still ultimately prove anti-fantasy to be true. He just has to get the game back from those who have butted in (Bern for example) and prove he understands the game perfectly.

During most of Episode 5, Battler wasn't Battler. His piece on the gameboard was being controlled by Bern. His pro-magic arguments in Episode 6 are him arguing on the side of magic to beat Bern and Erika, so he can prove he fully understands the world Beato has made.

Once he gets everyone to stop fucking up the gameboards and makes the game between him and Beato again, he'll deny her, reveal the full truth, and everyone will go to the Golden Land (death) and rest peacefully. Remember what Battler said when he figured out the truth in EP5. It wasn't Beatrice putting them through an endless torture, it was him putting her through it.

>> No.6269387

I'm a Beato fan and I can't say for sure why she's PITIED exactly, but I don't think she's a bad person. I personally like >>6269109 's idea. She helped to convey the meaning (see: love) in Rokkenjima's story which I think is a noble thing.

As for people who refute that with "Except that's a Yasu who tried to fuck up the whole thing which completely makes that point moot," I think it's more about the CONCEPT of Beatrice and what she does, not who she is exactly. I think there's much more to Umineko than just the island--the meta-game and meta-characters are written into it for a reason. People seem to be flying off of the handle because of EP7.

>> No.6269395

Thank you, I like this answer

>> No.6269396

Battler's proof that he understands the gameboard was Episode 6.

>> No.6269399

It would be interesting if the EP8 would be something like the last Kai arc. Meaning that there would be Batora AND Lion on Rokkenjima..

>> No.6269402


Yeah, and as of Episode 6, Umineko would have been over if it wasn't for Bern and Featherine.

>> No.6269403

And he DID kinda mess that up, but I think EP8 will be him redeeming that as well as justifying the events of the island for Ange. (Not the person you quoted, for reference)

>> No.6269406

Jesus, you people really make me want to read Episode 7. Hurry up, Witch Hunt!

>> No.6269423
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One problem.

He already understands the game, he can use Golden Truth, after all.

Try again.

And, since he and Beato are married, if Bern/Delta were gone.

Why deny her?

Why die?

He hardly seems that concerned over his family.

>> No.6269433

I want you to read EP7, too. Personally, I absolutely loved it. Not everyone is going to connect with it and what it has to say - see that fellow who is constantly popping up in these threads going on and on about how Yasu is a dumb whore - but thematically and emotionally it really made all of Umineko just click into place for me in a way I thought was excellent. It feels really different from all the past episodes.

>> No.6269435

For Ange's sake as well as what >>6269375
brought up--it's Battler putting her through torture, not the other way around

>> No.6269450


I've come to terms with Shakanontrice as of Episode 6, so I expect I'll like Episode 7. Although I still kinda want to see Episode 8 give us a few last minute surprises and turn everything on it's head while making everything fit even better into place.

But, if Higurashi is any indication, that isn't going to happen.

>> No.6269459
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Are you really stupid enough to think that everyone won't get saved like in the last Higurashi arc?


>> No.6269461

Does anyone think that Ryukishi decided to take Umineko in the most trollerific direction since his friend BT's passing so we'd all flip a shit when he reveals stuff like Yasu?

>> No.6269464
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homework? I didn't realize we were playing Dungeons and Dragons! can I join you anon? pleeeeease?

>> No.6269467
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He cares why about Ange?

The Ange who died was merely a piece and wouldn't exist anyway.

Why not enjoy his position as Endless Sorceror?

Did he not say shortly before Beato blew Erika's brains out that he would love Beatrice for all eternity?

It makes ZERO sense for him to delete everything.

By episode 5 Ange had might as well not exist, he was too busy thinking about sleeping beauty.

And now, he's a Baron of Hell, why give that all up?

He's Kinzo's grandson in many ways.

>> No.6269470

With has has been provided?
There is no good set-up or exposition concerning his relationship, thought process etc. You only allude most shit from the end result.

>> No.6269471


Yeah. I came into EP7 still despising both Shkanontrice and fiction, and came out being totally fine with the former and loving the latter. I'm hoping EP8 still has some unexpected things to offer, too, but we'll see.

>> No.6269474

His promise at the end of 7--did you forget it?

>> No.6269480

I hope R07 draws a Yasu sprite. But it won't happen since he's a lazy fuck,

>> No.6269482


People guessed the existence of someone like Yasu since very early on.

>> No.6269485


Everyone is dead. The end. Welcome to Rokkenjima.

>> No.6269492
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Of course not.

He can restore them to a nice fragment.

But, that doesn't mean he as ''Endless Sorceror'' has to go anywhere.

''He'' may come home but, it doesn't mean that ''him'' in particular.

>> No.6269493

The fact that people made up wacky theories since teh start does not mean R07 planned at this exact direction since the start. Many theories would fit till EP 6, one direction is true. Heck, technically Shkannotrice is not wrong, it extends to Yasu.

>> No.6269502

Not really considering everything was foreshadowed from the beginning.
If I can say one good thing about the way R07 wrote Umineko, it's that it's at least consistent.
Though consistency doesn't mean that some things aren't completely stupid, limit telenovela level.

I can understand that some people connect with episode 7 on an "emotional level" though I didn't feel the same, but honestly the simple mechanical "howdidit" side of ShKanontrice is just so fucking stupid it bring Umineko to some very low level mystery-wise for me.

>> No.6269503

I hope he'll copypasta various characters' parts into her.

>> No.6269504

I haven't read EP7, so forgive me if I am a little uneducated on the fact. It has been confirmed that Shannon=Kanon=Beatrice and their real name is Yasu? Like, it isn't just heavily implied like EP6, it is confirmed? Specifically stated. In red?

>> No.6269510

But we're not talking about just any fragment, we're talking about what is considered the "reality" fragment and not just the truth behind it but the meaning. I'd liken it to having to confess in a way.

Like, Berun forcefully exposed the truth and Battler promised Ange that it's not that cruel. He'll have to admit to that truth but he'll be able to justify it. He can't just write off some happy version to Ange because the reality's been exposed and he has to own up to it--also effectively dispelling Beatrice.

>> No.6269517

Yasu is just a nickname.
Real name given when born is Leon, "her" name in the orphanage was most likely Sayo but everyone just called her Yasu.
And episode 7 only uses the red text in one place, it doesn't need it to confirm thing, yes Shannon = Kanon = Beatrice is confirmed.

>> No.6269521

It's confirmed in the sense that basically the entire episode is about exploring it. Basically nothing is confirmed in red, though, if that's what you want. Which is actually a deliberate point going off of Battler's objections to Bern's use of red against Natsuhi in EP5. (When the detective of this episode basically solves Beatrice's heart and all of her locked room mysteries, he makes the conscious choice to not use any red or blue.)

>> No.6269523

It's definitely confirmed in 7. I'm not sure about it being in red but it was in a version that was stated to be "the reality" of what happened.

I didn't read 7 yet either but I believe that's it. Please, someone add to that if needed.

>> No.6269526

pretty much explained it all, how it happened, etc, but not confirmed in red. Since it's a flashback, it doesn't need red at all to be true, though.

>> No.6269534

Is Sayo/Shannon the original personality or is it Yasu? Or Kanon?

I haven't read EP7.

>> No.6269538
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You're assuming the truth he'll use will have that effect.

We've no idea what he knows.

Episode 8 will be a blast, I'm sure.

But, nothing is stopping him for writing off a happy fragment.

He didn't say ''The fragment we know as reality will be such and such''

>> No.6269540

The original persona is Yasu, who is portrayed as "becoming" Beatrice. Shannon and Kanon were both originally imaginary. It's not as simple at this point as saying "Beatrice is the original", but I would say that Beatrice is probably the closest to Yasu's internal self-image versus Shannon as a face she presents in public.

>> No.6269541

Wasn't it actually confirmed that Yasu = Beatrice = Shannon = Kanon = Gaap = Claire?

or is that some fucking bullshit

>> No.6269557
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If nothing is confirmed in red it can be false.

Everything could fall apart in 8.

Also, Lion's ''reality'' was quite different from the other games' ''reality''.

As far as I'm concerned there is no single mystery, just a series of games.

>> No.6269565
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The thread needs this chart, I see.

>> No.6269567

What would happen if it was all Battler's dream? Or Yasu's.

>> No.6269577

>If nothing is confirmed in red it can be false.
Flashbacks are outside the reunion catbox. They can't show bullshit if it's a flashback.

>> No.6269580

Ryuukishi would get a brick to the head.

>> No.6269581

It's already established that Battler understands the truth. This would mean that he had knowledge of EP7 Tea Party's events already from the start of EP6.

I do agree that it can't just be limited to a single mystery; I asked earlier if someone thought that the "reality" and the different games had equal credibility and I think they do. It fits with the whole catbox thing, so long as you don't see inside the box it can be either alive or dead. And if we CAN have a fluffy happy ending, of course Battler would love to put it as the truth. But Berun has already exposed the "reality" so Battler is left with that as his option. But he promises that it isn't as cruel as Berun depicted.

>> No.6269590
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Was that specifically stated in red that Flashbacks aren't bullshit?

If Flashbacks are operating from bullshit then, if from the angle assuming bullshit is true, they can do it.

>> No.6269595

But wasn't Beatrice made specifically for Battler? How could it be the original or close to the original if she was made to love Battler and try to be loved by Battler?

Everything about Beatrice, from her appearance to her personality is word for word what Battler said he liked in a girl right before Beatrice was made in the mind of this "Yasu".

>> No.6269600

Episode 7

>> No.6269606

If flashbacks were able to be manipulated then can you imagine how long Umineko would be? We have a bunch of different games based on two days alone. It is necessary for flashbacks to be a constant truth.

But then, I wonder about something technical. The whole Natsuhi's baby-drop thing. It would technically have to be in the past for the baby to live in one fragment and have smashed genitalia in another. So I wonder if I'm wrong, then?

>> No.6269607
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Not as cruel, eh?

So, he has room to maneuver around Berknatroll's ''reality''.

We can't be sure how much room, however.

>> No.6269621
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Once again, nobody can be sure what's what until it's over.

A lot more can be called into question than most people assume.

>> No.6269623

It was stated that "Beatrice" is something of a title. Specifically, refer to >>6269565 and you'll see that there's Battler's Beatrice and many others.

>> No.6269638

This is the cutest thing I've ever seen ever

>> No.6269648
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It's rather precious.

But, it may prove false just yet.

>> No.6269653

I have to say I hated you just a few posts ago and now I think you're pretty funny. Good show

>> No.6269656


its not Bern's reality, it is reality. Of course since it didn't cover anything like internal thoughts or motives or soliloquies, it'll look bleak as fuck. See what Bern did is she presented a canvas to Lion and Will: what gets painted onto it is entirely up to the reader, or in this case Battler

>> No.6269657
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I hear that a lot, liebchen.

I dodge in here since daytime /v/ is so bad.

>> No.6269663
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That is still room to maneuver.

Let's hope Battler is a good artist.

>> No.6269672

If we accept the existance of Higurashi-styled kakeras in Umineko, I'd say Lion's world is an actual kakera Bern found. It has no relation with Beatrice's game since there's no Yasu, no Beatrice there. It's not a part of the catbox.

>> No.6269680

Makes sense, good clarification

>> No.6269717
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>this thread

wtf is going on here guys?

>> No.6269862

>If we accept the existance of Higurashi-styled kakeras in Umineko
Umineko doesn't work that way though

>> No.6269917

People like to say this in order to make the plot look stupider than it actually is. Do people go around saying Maria is actually a vegetarian lion and a bunch of instrument-playing rabbits just because she created them? No.

The deal with all the people we see is that you can divide them into separate existences. Gaap was initially created for Yasu to blame for a phenomenon--losing her stuff--as opposed to her own carelessness. She was, like, seven years old at this time. The concept of Shannon was created for Yasu to aspire to in the real world.

Eventually, when Yasu started playing tricks on others, she took over the role of "Beatrice" and when she got better at her job, she took over the role of "Shannon". Beatrice is closer to how Yasu really feels, while Shannon is the face Yasu presents to the world.

But the Shannon part was stronger until the transfer of love for Battler. As soon as the love for Battler reached Yasu's innermost self (Beatrice), Shannon began to fade from importance. Eventually the two led pretty much separate existences.

>> No.6269993

All of the Ushiromiya's are a facet of Battler's delusion in the same way Yasu has Beato/Shannon/etc. Battler is actually a NEET loser who faps to pictures of his little sister and the Rokkenjima we see is a delusion played in his head symbolically killing each personality. Rudolph and Kyrie actually exist but have already passed away--he hated them and thus blamed the murder of Rokkenjima on them in his head. Beatrice was a dream woman he created and fell in love with in his mystical magic NEET-head world but his consciousness realized how negative this would be and thus created Yasu.

Battler will die old and alone the end

>> No.6270126

Am I the only one who wants to see an Asumu sprite in EP8?
Also, what happened to Asumu's Battler?

>> No.6270132

>Also, what happened to Asumu's Battler?
One of the babies was stillborn. This isn't hard to figure out, people.

>> No.6270830

I have to admit I'm impressed, you guys. More threads on /jp/ need to be as civil as this.

>> No.6270967

>If nothing is confirmed in red it can be false.

Yeah, this is why I noted that Will made the deliberate decision to not use red when he went about solving Beatrice's heart/uncovering Shkanontrice. This is one of those things where you can hear "no red, so it's not confirmed" from spoilers, but narratively, it's really not viable.

>> No.6271427

Again, Yasu was portrayed as "becoming" Beatrice. Yasu's Beatrice existed long before Battler came into the picture, but after encountering Battler, Yasu modified her appearance and such to suit Battler's taste. (Yasu's original conception of "Beatrice" was Gaap, but then when she became Beatrice herself, she re-imagined it to look like Clair.)

Yasu's formulation of the Beato-personality pre-Battler wasn't really portrayed as being that different from the personality after-Battler. She always loved pranks and mysteries and such.

>> No.6271685

By the way, people are posting reports of what Ryukishi said about EP8 at the Higurashi/Umineko live conference.

Apparently it will have choices, which includes a bad end possibility.

>> No.6271745



>> No.6271759

Er, live concert, not conference, sorry.

>> No.6271761

A bad end?


>> No.6271797


Can we get a source on this? Because that could be awesome.

>> No.6271817

Umineko with choices, what?

>> No.6271824


Blog report of the event.

EP8 stuff:


 こんなに語っちゃって大丈夫なの? と心配されるかもですが。
 話になるの?www という別の意味合いでしたw


I don't trust myself enough to try to do an exact translation, but the gist of it is that there will be choices, a bad end is "also" possible, and we probably won't really get it with a single playthrough.

>> No.6271924

Here's a quick rough translation.
I don't intend for this to be the end of the story.
Episode six was the end of Battler and Beato's tale.
Episode seven was the end of the mystery's tale.
Episode eight is...

It might not be that it's over when the writing is done.
Is it okay to say this? I might worry you.
Before, BT-san used to say things like this. If it were him, would he really say it? It might have a different meaning in that case. (TL note: Bit unsure here)

Episode eight has (a) choice(s)
You become a character and make choices from his point of view.
There's also (a) bad end(s)
The choice(s) are pretty tough.
Seeing the murder for the first time, you might not be able to understand at first.

(Japanese lacks singular/plural, so how many choices is kind of vague here)

>> No.6271946

Thanks a lot!

>> No.6271951
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Now I'm sad because I'm sure I'll get spoiled who the culprit is before I even read it.

>> No.6272015

Um..sorry to break it to you, but we already know the culprit. Whats left is the "heart" behind things, and meta stuff I'm sure.

>> No.6272033

So, when is english patch for EP7 coming out? 31st of february?

>> No.6272054


WH always aims to have it done before the next Episode in Japanese.

>> No.6272063
File: 825 KB, 4999x3947, 6 Percent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Translation: 0% Editing: 0%

>> No.6272075


They said on the forums it's a good bit farther along than 0%, they just haven't updated the site.

(Because they're retarded)

>> No.6272077

one of the translators posted on the animesuki forums, said the rough translation is almost 100%.

>> No.6272091

No, they're aiming to complete the rough translation by the end of the month. Partial patch (first four chapters) should arrive soon though.

>> No.6272765

wow @ choices

this is insane, well I guess Umineko was building up to this. Can't wait till the game asks us whether shkanon is true, how several locked rooms work, etc

I hope the choices are tough

>> No.6272936
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>> No.6272937


They also said that after the rough translation it should take roughly 2 weeks of editing. Therefore we may get the full patch at late november/early december if nothing delays them.

>> No.6272950


So you mean we get to have multiple endings depending on what choice we make?! Holy shit! If this is true then i'm freaking excuted for EP8.

The only bad thing I can think of with this is that now I really have to lay off on the spoilers. Since I don't want to know which choice gives what ending soecifically.

>> No.6274438


I'm pretty pumped too. We probably should have seen this coming after Will and Lion ranting about "WE'RE MAKING OUR OWN MIRACLE" and Bern cackling about "THIS WILL NOT BE ~GIVEN~ A HAPPY END" in EP7.

>> No.6274628

We have to take it (by force if necessary) instead?

>> No.6274676

"Don't search for a miracle, but become a miracle", etc etc etc.

>> No.6274711
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That's incredible.

>> No.6274887

Umineko is gonna be exactly like Ace Attorney in EP8

I am fucking shitting myself over this. Choices, god damn

>> No.6274892

>still the metaboard scenes are just for the readers convenience to help them figure out what's really going on, they don't really happen nor are they really part of the plot.

I actually don't think this is true at all. I think the meta stuff does happen and is important.

>> No.6275134

Agreed. As was said, the island is, like, 20% of the story. All these witches and stuff aren't just for show.

I'm curious what someone who thinks that the island is the only important thing thinks of characters like Bernkastel. She's the representation of blah blah blah what? The witches and shit ARE part of Umineko, guys!

>> No.6275168

inb4 umineko ep8 is an mmorpg.
LF 1 tank 2 healer for Bernkastel run. GS4,5k+ link achievement

>> No.6275178


That's stupid. You should feel bad.

>> No.6275179

leave your MMO autism outside /jp/ or in the dedicated MMO autism threads, thanks

>> No.6275632
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I would play the shit out of it.

>> No.6277299

What do you guys will take up the meat of EP8?

If Battler and Beato's story is done, I'd say it got its fair climax in EP6--it was pretty emotional and a lot of the focus was on them.

EP7 being the end of the "mystery" with the facts of what happened with everything being about the island was well done, too.

Since EP8 will be the love, do you think it'll be a huge chunk of, like, backstory? I mean, like in the way they told Maria's story of Sakutarou and such in EP4? I guess I'm wondering how the rest of you think it'll be executed.

>> No.6277327

Yami o kirisaku,

>> No.6277362

Umineko is depressing. The entire family is dead and their spirits are leaving in a delusion of "golden land". Instead of Battler breaking his family out of that twisted fantasy he embraces it because the alternative is just too horrible. Nobody in umineko wins. Not Erika, not Bern or 34, Non of the family or servants, not even Auau.

>> No.6277379


Here's hoping that the bad end is the hobo Battler end

>> No.6277385






>> No.6277391

Fucking sweet.

Watch as we get Rosa end, Yasu End, Jessica end, threesome end.

This shit is going to be ABSOLUTELY FUCKING INSANE

>> No.6277401
File: 509 KB, 256x192, DOHOHO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when I accuse Jessica of the murders in order to let Kyrie get away with everything

>> No.6277419

The end of the love was episode 6.

>> No.6277628

Hey now, EP7 had plenty of love, thanks to Will and Lion.

Of course Bern ruined that and murdered them both in the Tea Party for it, but, uh.

>> No.6277648


I was more taken back on Battler suddenly having no problem accusing the people of Rokkenjima of being murderers. I'm not sure when it changed, but for a while Battler seemed insistent that no one on Rokkenjima did anything wrong.

>> No.6277879

Do you think that his relationship with Beato at that point was enough to justify it? Along with the "just chess pieces" idea.

Though, he did care enough to save Natsuhi from being a murderer in EP5, but I wonder if that'd have been the case of Beato was his opponent and not Erika. But Beato wouldn't have gone so far just to humiliate Natsuhi, either.

>> No.6277893

That changed as far back as EP3, when he accused Eva of being the murderer. After that he didn't seem to have an issue pointing fingers all over the place in the EP4 tea party.
