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6266682 No.6266682 [Reply] [Original]

How long do you usually wait to take a piss after fapping? I usually end up basking in the afterglow for a half hour or so.

>> No.6266686

5 seconds, and then right into the same bag I fapped into.

>> No.6266689

bag? wat

>> No.6266691
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>> No.6266699

I've never fapped successfully before.

I might be sterile.

>> No.6266700

Do you reuse the bags

>> No.6266703

Maybe you're not doing it right.

>> No.6266711
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>> No.6266716
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I'm conducting valuable research here.

>> No.6266727

Depends. I usually try and piss before I start fapping anyways, but I guess it depends on how much I drink while fapping.

>> No.6266730

When my boner is gone.

>> No.6266748

Ah, a realist.

>> No.6266754

There's no correlation between my pisses and faps

>> No.6266757

That's no good anon you've gotta flush your system.

>> No.6266768

Yes, yes. It's clean and convenient.

>> No.6266774

I think my urinary muscles shut down after fapping, so trying to go right after coming feels really uncomfortable. It's like the flood gates are open but the water's not going anywhere.

>> No.6266783

If I pee right after I fap, sometimes I get this burning sensation in my dick like more pee needs to come out but it never does and it just fucking hurts for hours.

So now when I know I need to pee and fap, I just pee beforehand.

>> No.6266825

i can piss right after fapping
is this bad?

>> No.6266828

>I get this burning sensation in my dick like more pee needs to come out but it never does

Fuck, I get that sometimes too. I always thought it's just after pain for restricting whatever that muscle that ejaculates my cum by bending too far to the front.

>> No.6266833

Like right after, or right before.
I can't cum if I have to pee.

>> No.6266837

You guys still fap? Shit I wish I could still enjoy it but.......I dunno after a while it gets old. Started at 12 (late?) and at 18 I had lost a great deal of interest in it.

Any tips for getting into it again?

>> No.6266839

Seems like it has to do with urethra irritation

>> No.6266843


>> No.6266845

Buy toys, crossdress, get a new fetish, or experiment with your cock.

For example, fill a bottle with warm/hot water and stick your dick in it. Make sure your dick can fill up the opening well enough to keep the water in, or just stay bent over or something. I haven't gotten much farther than that yet, but I'm sure step two to this is just one boring afternoon away.

>> No.6266848

I recently started losing interest too. I hadn't fapped in like a month and then I actually forced myself to about 2 weeks ago.

Haven't fapped since then. I can't believe I managed to get bored of masturbating.

>> No.6266854

I wait for a few minutes, because this: >>6266783

>> No.6266859

Damn, same for me too. I haven't gotten it lately, and I never really got any correlation between fapping and peeing inmmediately after.

>> No.6266866
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Usually I'm being chased off the bus, so sometimes I have to run up to 20 blocks before I can pull up my pants and start searching for a bag to piss in.

>> No.6266875

Same thing happened to me, I completely lost all interest in masturbation to the point that I went to see a psychiatrist.

Much to my relief, it turned out that there was nothing wrong with my libido--I just had advanced testicular cancer.

>> No.6266874

>Buy toys, crossdress, get a new fetish, or experiment with your cock.
Uh, thanks but no thanks.

>> No.6266878

Well that's a downer

>> No.6266881

I try to piss beforehand because it's uncomfortable too pee afterward. Yet the pressure in my bladder if I don't pee makes fapping more enjoyable..

>> No.6266884


>> No.6266886

Oh jesus....

In both of them? Shit man that's horrible. When are you getting it removed?

>> No.6266895

Well you weren't planning on having kids anyway, were you?

>> No.6266910

you can fit your dick in a bottle?

>> No.6266917

half an hour is too long, by then I'll be fapping again

>> No.6266919

I usually take my piss after I finish eating my cum.

>> No.6266924

If i have to pee right after i can usually do it in a few minutes, its doesn't hurt or anything i just can't physically pee.

I've been fapping at least once a day since i was 12 and i'm now 22. That includes 14 dating a 12 year old and was having sex almost every day (we broke up after like 14 months because we never did anything but fuck) but still fapping at least once a day.

>> No.6266928
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>> No.6266937

Fuck, I want to do nothing but fuck a 12 year old.

>> No.6266939

I had them removed 4 months ago. Honestly, you don't really miss them, but what pisses me off is that the fucking surgeon decided to circumcise me.

>> No.6266942

I know, makes me sad too.

>> No.6266945

I piss right after fapping. Sometimes it feels better than fapping.

>> No.6266949

Talk about insult to injury...

>> No.6266952

meant to say
>That includes when i was 14 dating...

She was ugly, mentally retarded somewhat, and had huge boobs (I'm more of a dfc man). she wasn't all that fun to be around her either.

>> No.6266961

Maybe a 10 year old would be safer.

>> No.6266965

How retarded are we talking here

>> No.6266995

I'm not sure had bad it really was but i think she was classified as handicapped. It was noticeable if you talked to her long enough or looked at the homework she was given, But It wasn't like " omg look at that retard" bad, its just she was slow. It defiantly had its advantages though, you could talk her into some really kinky sex very easily.

>> No.6267004

I find pissing right after cumming feels fucking good, man. Though I always hear of others saying it burns instead.

>> No.6267040

FYI, /jp/, urinating is a good idea after fapping as it clears out all the bacteria that got into your urinary track from the fapping motion (e.g. skin cultures from hand). The burning sensation is from urinary track infection, and peeing can wash the bacteria out before UTIs occur.

>> No.6267051

Who else faps into a bag here?

>> No.6267055

That sounds unsatisfying, let it out everywhere.

>> No.6267070

But don't you feel like you have no energy or anything?

>> No.6267079

I angle my garbage bin and fap directly into it. Barely any cleanup required.

>> No.6267083

I get close to ejaculating and run to the bathroom with my cock out. Its great to live alone
forever alone

>> No.6267114


........brb going to the bathroom

>> No.6267127

Not sure if I want to fap anymore.
