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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 275 KB, 1024x769, コズミックブレイク.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6237983 No.6237983 [Reply] [Original]

New Cozumiku Bureiku thread.

Old thread:

>> No.6238010

If I want a large artillery with guns akimbo all weapons hot maximum forward firepower danmaku everywhere bullets shooting bullets what do I get?

>> No.6238014
File: 68 KB, 640x480, (W_B)_[2xX]_Mobile_Suit_Zeta_Gundam_-_35_[9A5FD8BA].mkv_snapshot_08.53_[2010.10.03_21.41.31].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've learned not to bother firing at a Shaden bot. It's a waste of ammo for my Sturbanger with a respectable amount of tec (mid thirties I think it was), at least until the booster runs.

What a horrible concept.

>> No.6238018


>> No.6238091
File: 124 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20101003_2346_15_388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because dual iron spike are 0 cost, while dual slayer are 10. Also, they wreck Ivis because Ivis doesn't get knocked back by it. Sense, this has none.

Pretty low, maybe 11 or so. I don't think TGH affect how often your parts get destroyed though.

>> No.6238133

>they wreck Ivis because Ivis doesn't get knocked back by it.
Ivis will kill the bits in seconds. They're more useful against other melee like Ouka or Jikun who can be stunned out of their combo to give you time to escape.

>> No.6238145

More or less, then again I'm just burning up my extra bits, and I already used up all those dual spikes.

>> No.6238200

The store bought one or the Sturbanger Standard in Garapon?

>> No.6238436

if you want forward firing, standard. if you want arcing missile boom, go store

>> No.6238486

I prefer the garapon one, for concentraded forward fire output. Though playing art now it's asking for 'sitting duck' title.

I managed to keep running from an ivis for more than one minute while running around my team members and nobody bothered to help me. Obviously, I died. Fucking bunch of morons.

>> No.6239070

Are you WIZ? If so, I don't blame you.

>> No.6239089

yes, though I was playing shuffle

>> No.6239093

WIZ has the worst randoms. Did an epoch with them against BRD, we broke the power spot, got a 60k point lead, leaving BRD at like 10k points in the first few minutes of the game.

We lost anyway.

>> No.6239519

I'm totally broke now. Wasted about 500k to garapon a 2nd clown arm and a 2nd lancerlot arm only to realize that they're both sold in the shop once you own one of them. I just hope I can make bank off the event tomorrow.

>> No.6239529

The sad fact is that having the most people also means having the most idiots.

I swear to go I wish they'd have locked new people from coming into Wiz... (I really, REALLY hope they institute some kind of limit on how many people can join a single ark in the Live version, because this is terrible.)

>> No.6239571

>Be star rank
>Only rooms available are shuffle.

Never any union rooms. FUCKING WIZ.

>> No.6239596

I looked at this pic and then wished that the countdown would start from 10.

>> No.6239619

What do you want us to do seriously? It's either sit in a room with 4 wiz and 0 brd or dos and hope someone shows up, or if we're lucky sit in a room with 15 wiz and 7 dos or brd, or do shuffle.

Which would you prefer? It's not my fault faggots joined Wiz. I was here from first hour day 1. Since Wiz started winning that first week shithead retards began flooding Wiz.

Convince people to join Brd and Dos or shut up.

>> No.6239697
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Since there's little to no way to communicate with the other Arks, something I'd love to see instituted in the Live version would be the ability to issue challenges for Union Wars. There's already a "reinforcements" thing, but what I mean is if you get a full enough room (like, say, 10 people in a 15 v 15), but there's nobody in the other side, you could vote to issue a challange, which would pop up on the screens of players from the challanged Ark.

If the challange is accepted (by enough people from the challenged arc joining the room in a certain amount of time) then there's a Cosmos point bonus for the next 3 or so matches(not much, maybe 10%) to give incentive to stop painting your Zero Saber Girl into a swimsuit and get your butts into the union wars room.

>> No.6239704

Why can't they be that cute in the game?

>> No.6239716

Why don't you whiners make new accounts in BRD then? If you're so good, you can bring BRD up and have people join it and then have plenty of people in WIZ and BRD.

>> No.6239782

Is there really not enough brd/dos to fill up 1 room against wiz? In the epoch battles 20 dos or brd will show up and a lot of them don't even bother to do it anymore.

>> No.6239825

>400 people online
>300 are on WIZ

>> No.6239925

>Oh god I will say anything to get anybody to join BRD with me ;_;

>> No.6240076
File: 308 KB, 1027x770, uguu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could be worse.

And no you don't want to join the unranked room. They've been playing for 2-3 years now.

>> No.6240090

LOYALTY was here.

Hotglue is a faggot.

>> No.6240130

All right guys, what's the best melee weapon available for a small Art like Lily?

Yes, melee weapon. On Lily. I'm really taking it easy here.

>> No.6240143

Cosmic Break is for autistic fucks like Ethan Waber. Fuck off and die.

>> No.6240168

Why do you hate Ethan Waber so much?

>> No.6240208

Maybe a protean knife, if it really knocks things off balance like it says.

>> No.6240317

what is the difference between winberrl and winberrl ellen?

is ellen the one that shoots the vine thingy forwards as opposed to in a circle?

>> No.6240414

no, that would be vesca. Ellen makes a vine shield in front of her which, if the melees charge right into it, will trap them out of melee range. Of course if they go around it you're fucked until the vine duration ends.

>> No.6240427

ooo ic

so all in all, what would be the best berrl to use?

so its basically like this?

Berrl: Circle
Vesca: Front
Ellen: Front

>> No.6240431

Vesca and Ellen vines are different.

Ellen makes a huge wall in front of her while Vesca makes like a "tunnel". Also, Vesca draw guns are a bit more powerfull but they are slower.

In my opinion Ellen is the best, for overall situations.

>> No.6240438

ah ic

thanks man

brb garapong

hopefully i can get it with the 50k i have ><

>> No.6240450


The only thing I don't like about cosmic break is the number of absolute tards it attracts to /jp/.

>> No.6240451
File: 203 KB, 850x850, 1286257661846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the reason you scramble the name that you think the staff can't see it if you do or something?

We've seen this astroturf mmo ad shit on here enough times that folks know what they're looking at. Hottengluue offboard-chat cancer aside, nobody's going to buy this, either, so why don't you skip right to posting in their irc channels about it? No captcha on irc, and I assume you still have the old proxies.

>> No.6240456

jakes on you brah, i got it in 2 rolls

>> No.6240459

>finish bee run
>1xp gained even when using EXPx2 ticket

Someday I'll level up!

>> No.6240461
File: 123 KB, 600x450, konnichiwa jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>nobody's going to buy this, either

I hate when I'm talked into buying a free game

>> No.6240468
File: 131 KB, 806x628, Level0CS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boof, you're supposed to open those treasure chests along the way to make sure the Bee is actually a boss. If you don't get at least one memory then it's just a joke boss that doesn't give anything. It's entertaining doing that against C.S. though.

>> No.6240489

I do open them ;_;

>> No.6240497


The 2x exp tickets only affect robot exp, not player rank points. You should be getting like 300 points per bot or something from 1 star bees. More from more stars.

>> No.6240505

That's what I'm saying, one EXP for the bots.

>> No.6240513
File: 2 KB, 300x57, fürry_woodelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or click on ads there, or download malware and run it without thinking, or buy it when it comes out of "beta," or whatever the fuck

>> No.6240516


Did you actually kill him or did you run out of time? You don't get shit if you run out of time. There's no reason you'd get 1 exp on your bots unless you didn't pick up any treasures or if you died.

>> No.6240633
File: 336 KB, 1025x768, night highway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Night Highway when?

>> No.6240639

Level up in arenas. They say bee runs give great exp, but its more fun to get exp by blasting people.

>> No.6240668
File: 96 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20101005_2224_35_560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moeka, so moe.

>> No.6240752

If only there were a push gun instead of a draw gun, that map would be fun.

>> No.6240766

Hmmm, I guess. You don't die if you fall off though you just take damage until you can get to the teleporter.

>> No.6240796

Unless they changed it since I last played, you fall off Night Highway, you die.

>> No.6240805

if you're out of hitpoints yes, if you have full hp or even just enough hp you can make it to the teleporter pad that warps you back to the highway. There's no other reason for the teleporter to be down there if it's instant death.

>> No.6240951

There's a fan in the garapon that knocks bots backwards.

>> No.6240998

Hurricane Blow. You can already do this at the Temple Site to troll people into oblivion.

>> No.6241032

I join unranked rooms sometimes. Flying around like a pest and throwing around Izuna wisps still works.

But get ready for a thousand Ivis, Domiclown arms that stun you even better than Ivis, hopping faggots, bazookas, 100 damage per ART hit, 150 damage per Ripper Scythe hit, Jet Hammers and so on.

So the usual, really.

>> No.6241917

You should at least lurk some months before posting stupid shit, newfriend.

>> No.6241937
File: 230 KB, 1024x767, the what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm frightened

>> No.6242171
File: 212 KB, 1024x769, crim chan ivis doll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had a Crim-chan with an Ivis doll.

There's new Seraph Promotions in the shop for brown hair, silver hair, and red hair. Wish I still had the 100 Rt that I used for pink so I could pick up silver hair. Although I'm just as happy with pink. Actually, I want both.

>> No.6242173
File: 37 KB, 800x600, ivis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which Ivis do you guys think is better, blonde or regular?

>> No.6242176

the one that's not ivis

>> No.6242203

Blonde, only because I am a sucker for blondes.

>> No.6242382

clearly, the best ivis is the one with broken arms

>> No.6242402


Can the left arm even break? I've had my right arm taken off several times, but never the left.

>> No.6242410

Same, I was unaware that her sword arm could be broken. I've lost her right arm and head plenty.

>> No.6243678

Just started up again. So do the tree events work the same as always? I haven't played since the first beta.

>> No.6243779
File: 121 KB, 253x800, 9443013_p0 (Trans).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean massive, server crippling lag, assholes firepillaring groups of newbies waiting at the gate for a key and blasterwhores taking home millions while everyone else cries?

Yeah, pretty much.

On a slightly different note, I know that in the .jp version you have to use one of the Bastagant Entry tickets to open a room for the bossruns, but does every character in the group have to use one, or just the player who opens the room?

>> No.6243794

Ok, and I forgot Radio Spam.

**Koko doko**..... **Koko doko** EVERYWHERE....

>> No.6243814

Paint edit?

>> No.6243868

Regarding the tickets, it's one for every player.

>> No.6243918

Hair color can't be painted. Do you even play this game BOOF? I thought you'd know by now

>> No.6243935


>> No.6243943

sup Nack

>> No.6244171


>> No.6244196


>> No.6244323

Wiz are faggits. You guys all suck.

>> No.6244382


HUE HUE HUE HUE, thanks for allowing us to kill you so many times.

>> No.6244429

Then how is it blond?

>> No.6244455

magic condoms

>> No.6244484
File: 14 KB, 250x262, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Two shaden boosters, 40FLY each
>Each has 3x Great fly tunes

I don't think my body can take it.

>> No.6244492

you don't need more than 40 fly.

How can a shaden booster have more than 40 fly or even 40 fly anyways? You can't tune it up to that.

>> No.6244493

can he use one after the other is depleted?

>> No.6244509

I don't think so but I never tried that.

>> No.6244513


Though for Shaden 40TEC is better than 40FLY (you should get both anyhow)

>> No.6244515

It doesn't matter how much FLY you have when using Shaden BS.

You're still just a bonus round for some air with a mini bazooka.

>> No.6244519

You can't have 40 tec and 40 fly in a shaden I guess. Not enough cost for that.

40 fly and 30~ tec should be possible though.

>> No.6244557

why do you need 40 fly on a shaden? I thought the booster made you fly that fast no matter what the actual stat is

>> No.6244565

Yeah, but I made it faster!

>> No.6244567

it does. You don't need 40 fly on shaden at all.

>> No.6244571

Once you've used both boosters hopefully you're still alive.

>> No.6244621

>hopefully you're still alive.
Good luck with that.

If you are it means I've had bad luck with my seraph.

>> No.6244627

You should be out of ammo already after using both boosters while killing people and destroying the PS.

>> No.6245439

wow the gms sure were being faggots during the event. I lost over 100k and a bunch of shining feathers because one of them thought it would be funny to spawn mobs that kill you in one hit.

>> No.6245476

>wow the gms sure were being faggots
How is this anything new?

>> No.6245477

Aww... I overslept the event...
What's about rainbow chips? Have you got any?

>> No.6245524
File: 436 KB, 1200x860, 13236330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you lose three bots to them, though? Seriously...

I came out with about 750K and 10 rainbow chips (plus assorted bits and pieces) all told.

>> No.6245640

I had lost the first 2 from random shit going through the quest area. since I was on the last one before the outpost I decided I would kill one more row of trees before going back, but then while I was sitting there shooting this puny looking thing came up and killed me.

>> No.6245676

Now, see, that was your own fault.

>> No.6245686

I wasn't expecting some tiny shit to do 400 damage in one hit

>> No.6245758
File: 234 KB, 700x1179, 030603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You haven't played enough Ragnarok Online.

>> No.6245766

Oh, and it's still your fault.

>> No.6245777
File: 277 KB, 800x600, cosmic 2010-10-07 02-33-52-87.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6245820
File: 489 KB, 1280x1024, ScreenShot_20101007_0252_12_640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Server's down but I feel like this will be a pretty cool guy when I get a chance to finish him.

>> No.6246396

How exactly do stats affect wonderbits?

>> No.6246580

Phallic-arms Anonymous here.

My body is ready for brickgale.

>> No.6246581
File: 75 KB, 795x566, Wings of light.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh hell yeah brickgale has wings of light

>> No.6246588

Make them last longer.

>> No.6246629

Where do people get those dolls?

>> No.6246648


Brb, changing the boosters on all my air bots

>> No.6246766


They're S size though, so not everyone's going to be able to pimp the glowing red/blue jet wings.

They're like an improved Izuna Core or a Tengu BS. It combines float dash along with reaching maximum altitude. Things are sweet.

>> No.6246786

>They're S size though
well shit, nothing I have that size has a changable booster slot. I better keep trying to find a mecha jetter core. where's the best place to get one?

>> No.6246838
File: 279 KB, 1025x769, mega garapon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ivis is back in Garapon. Just $5 a spin ($20 for 5). So if you want an Ivis in Japan, now's the time.

Looks like the new Garapon, MegaGarapon has her alongside more robots than I've ever seen in Garapon so good luck with those rolls.

>> No.6246852
File: 281 KB, 1025x769, mega garapon 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But check out what some of the silver prizes are, Blaze Baron Red (land), Jiween Silver (Air), Shotru Banger Blue (Artillery). Once again sorry for the romanization, I'm not sure how they expect me to romanize them but you know you want one, just look how awesome they are!

>> No.6246867
File: 527 KB, 1600x1200, 1285910943338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you guys play the english beta?

>> No.6246872

Oh of course, Sturbanger Blue. Righto, had to think of that one a second.

>> No.6246881

They're too cool for that.

>> No.6246889

I do play enCB but there's no reason to play except weekends and tree events. During the week it's pointless if the weekend gives you 8x exp and money. The question is, why don't YOU play jCB during the weekdays?

>> No.6246891


It's fun to grind for hours just for 10k UC. It's even more fun when everyone's a hopper.

>> No.6246909

bad shit always happens during tree events. My treecutting group is just one toybox, then two crimroses to get fuck out of there and restart if I lose the toybox.

>> No.6246926

because I'm not japanese?

>> No.6246933

Oh fuck this, I just wasted 50Rt on Garapon 4 and got a blue ball.

Screw you, Cyberstep.

>> No.6246947

I scored a Mecha Jetter myself, but unfortunately I got it from a box so I don't know what to tell ya.


Yeah, it's a bummer. I'd like to pimp my Gwyain with one so much, but at least my Pacifar gets some of that goodness.

>> No.6246952
File: 273 KB, 1024x768, jCB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plus you get to see all sorts of cool stuff on jCB. I mean, check out that gun! What is it? I have no idea, but DAMN. And by playing jCB I get to see what's likely to happen in enCB in the future.

>> No.6246959

is the only way to get boxes from clan shit? I checked the crimrose trade but those were all from hats

>> No.6246982

I think so.

There was a screenshot a while back of someone who had it on jp though, and I don't know how they got a box there.

>> No.6246993

You can apparently get 50 Rt for FREE on the Japanese server if you login sometime in between now and midnight Japan time. Their scheduled maintenance ran into overtime, and they're offering 50 Rt as apology juice to anyone who logs in before the date changes Japan time. There's only like 15 or so minutes left til midnight in Japan, so hurry up and login faggots!

>> No.6247000

thye think they are japanese

>> No.6247010

Wait, what? I don't have 50 Rt extra.

>> No.6247030
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Logged in, no RT. Sucks.

>> No.6247061
File: 60 KB, 485x347, cosmic tweets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there some kind of event on jpcb? I just logged in for the first time in forever and got 2k UC from one arena match.

Also, Twitter. What

>> No.6247095

It says you get a prize if you log into twitter

>> No.6247118

Oh wow, there's more than 800 people on in JP.

>> No.6247145

Need 48 more Rt for 200.

>> No.6247252

Anyone else lagging to high heaven in JP version?

>> No.6248702

that's not you lagging per se, that's just japan's standard internet speed being faster than ours and your connection struggling to catch up

>> No.6248721

Odd. I did not have that problem before, and I've been playing JPCB for 3 months.

And still no RT. I guess I missed my chance. Pity.

>> No.6248776
File: 378 KB, 1280x1024, 1276469001691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason I'm playing jCB for those who want to know is because things won't be erased in a couple months. With weekend rates being as high as 8x there's really no point to playing enCB on the weekdays when 2 hours on the weekend will net you 16 hours worth of play during the week. I'd rather play at normal rates in Japan than normal rates in the US where my bots will all be deleted.

>> No.6248836

JPCB is also nice because almost everyone knows how to play. In the English version you can hover over almost any ART as AIR and hit them without reprise or right click everyone into oblivion with Ivis/Ouka. In JPCB even going near results in a burst of 10-20 homing missiles and Ivises get ganged on immediately before they can reach anyone. Only successful LND units besides the hopping faggots are those who flank well.

English version will also get better when people settle down with working setups, but it's experimenting time now.

>> No.6248869

But I play to have fun, not to level or farm items. When things get wiped, I'll still play to have fun, only I'll have to work with a different set of bots. I have to do that wether I play JPCB or wait for the wipe anyway, I don't see what the difference is. Except JPCB is likely to lag more which detracts from the having fun part.

>> No.6248893

I've seen that bot in enCB, where do you get them?

>> No.6248897

Promotion gift, I believe.

Whomever has it probably got it from a Lucky Cube.

>> No.6248904

I made a couple hopping frogbots and DAMN they're hard to play too. As soon as you're spotted as a hopper it's LASERS, LASERS EVERYWHERE!

When enCB is out of beta after the wipe those of us who've played jCB will (hopefully) dominate. A lot of players won't know what hit em when a bot costing less than 200 points is kicking their asses hopping around like a faggot.

>> No.6248911

that sounds like a matter of different bots than it does player skill. art can't kill air as effectively because they're too busy being killed by ivis, and you can't gang up on ivis because they outnumber everything else 3 to 1.

>> No.6248917

Oh yes, I have one of these in enCB, from those cubes indeed, it comes with a special Rapier.

>> No.6248920
File: 253 KB, 800x600, vlgame025894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6248836 In the English version you can hover over almost any ART as AIR and hit them without reprise
Keep in mind you have the advantage of a camera angle that shows more than just your bots ass.

>> No.6248927

You do have a point there, though it still stands that even ART lines unoccupied by Ivis swarms are unresponsive towards AIR units.

I suppose after trying to hit Shaden booster units and Seraph Crimroses in vain for a while, most ART players just gave up on chasing AIR.

>> No.6248952

AIR is what is hunting AIR down now instead of ART.

>> No.6249116

I've noticed that... I've been knocked out of the air more than once by a damn pissy crimrose with a paralyser and a micro-bazooka.

>> No.6249138
File: 185 KB, 798x596, best description ever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best. Ribbon. EVER.

>> No.6249151

How do you get accessories? Everyone seems to have tons, but I only ever get them from garapon variants.

>> No.6249306

Bosses in quest mode.

>> No.6249333

Talk to the Crimrose in Ground Area (the one you can exchange parts for points to get tuneup items). She has these new things called "Challange Cubes" that you can trade points for. When you activate them you have a time limit (it's like 30 days) to complete a challange (fight union wars a certain number of times, earn a certain number of rank points in Missions, or clear Bastagant a certain number of times). Once you complete the challange you can activate the item again to earn a completely random accessory, including those little hovering dolls and other goodies.

>> No.6249755

how do I use winberl properly? I have all 3 kinds but I decided to use the store one because I like her pink hair better.

>> No.6249786

Equip handy bazookas, get PS/hypershot buff, burst fire stuff, pull them in, vine them, and hope the rest of your team is smart enough to shoot someone right in the middle of them.

>> No.6249795

how do the vines work? it looks like they only hit a tiny area around me

>> No.6249925
File: 388 KB, 720x900, Winbell3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Store Winbell has vines the emerge in a circle around her. The Vesca creates a long forward tunnel of vines (best horizontal reach, and great for pegging lands through obstacles) and the Ellen creates a large wall in front of her (widest area and best vertical reach, good for harassing fliers if you can find a useful perch).

For all three if you rapidly click the button you'll use up some of your ammo charge to increase the area of the vines effect, at the cost of standing still throughout the extended animation duration, though.

>> No.6249969

I have never caught anything EVER in my winbell's vines. I've tried, it's just too slow to start and people move around too much.

>> No.6249991

It takes alot of practice.... but even I'm still pretty crap with her. I'm trying now with my Vesca to get the hang of it. Broad Radar actually helps ALOT because you can set traps at choke points and see flanking enemies (unless they're stealthed).

My biggest hurdle is that i reflexively slap the vines button as soon as I see an enemy instead of taking a few extra seconds to line up myself up to get the vines out so the enemy runs INTO them, rather than trying to HIT an enemy with them directly.

>> No.6250000

I love my Winbell (I have both Ellen and the store bought) but her vines are shit. I got both to level 10 and use them for rapid fire bits but vines suck. I admit, I have actually caught someone once with the circle around vines the store bought gets but it was an ivis and she just killed me regardless. After that I realized how pointless those vines are.

>> No.6250024

It's only useful to SUPPORT people fighting.

You are supposed to garantee the victory of your allies, not just trap people randomly and expect that everyone around will kill them for you. You have to wait for a good oportunity.

Trying to trap moving targets is useless, it will fail most of the time and they will rape you while you are there standing still. Especially fast bots like Ivis and Ouka.

I used Winberrl the most during the early first beta and I had no problems trapping people with the store bought one I still have. It can't be that different today.

>> No.6250260

uh, yeah, I understand that. It's just I've never caught anything. I haven't the slightest idea how people accomplish it. And teammates helping? Really? Are we playing the same game?

>> No.6250468
File: 217 KB, 1200x470, winberrl_collection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, hotglue has a lot of promising 'berrl players... I'd love to train you guys. The problem is that if I'll do that you'll rape all of DOS' LND users.

>> No.6250563
File: 479 KB, 432x243, me on cosmic break.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6250729

don't worry wulf. DOS lnd doesn't need help to get raped ;_;

>> No.6251170

I chuckled.

>> No.6251354

If you can't stand to fly, get out of the sky.

>> No.6251393
File: 523 KB, 1025x769, ouka kamuro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one's one for the picture books. 3rd place in an Ouka Kamuro

>> No.6251465

DOS Seraph Paralyser here.
Fucking DOS.
That is all.

>> No.6251598

The baton cheerleader has a dual elecgun on its head. Makes me wonder if I could get 4 arms and 4 elecguns on a pacifer. 6x paralysis and 4x beamguns.

>> No.6251767
File: 233 KB, 800x639, 915cc2744ba6eb4cef7b34e4317783e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, I know I sounded whiny about it, but it's just another wrinkle to the game. I'll adapt.

There's nothing wrong with the Chibi's, they're excellent offensive support units if the team actually works WITH them since they can have a heal bit up and still give hypershot. They lack the defensive survivability of a Winbell or Greinault, though.

>> No.6252016
File: 101 KB, 801x599, Bugsycait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips on how to play bugsycait? i can never shake the feeling that i suck at it even if i get top 15 quite often with it.

>> No.6252217

Never had much success with him. It's even harder to hit a fast moving land with his Shock Shield than it is Winbell thorns (for me at least), and the effect doesn't feel that useful since hoppers and fast running lands can escape or dodge till the shock effects wear off.

>> No.6252240

>short boost
>quick landing

>> No.6252266
File: 210 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20101007_0222_52_437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a very impressive score obviously, but still an inspiring thought. Chibis can still make a difference by repairing loads (and stealing some killing blows here and there).

>> No.6252269

does that knife that stops the use of subweapons work on ivis and ouka? Or is it somehow less effective than it sounds?

>> No.6252302
File: 464 KB, 1025x728, FUCKING USELESS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it does, but it has a small hitbox, little ammo and doesn't work on shields (unlike bind, which ignores both shields and invincframes). You have to attack the ivis/ouka from behind. Garapon Bugsy's shockpha works on the same principle, and it has infinite ammo, large sweep and works pretty well with FLY supports (like Medi-aide and her float dash).

>> No.6252314

So, I got my 50Rt and immediately went Mega Garapon. Another Blue ball. I hate this game.

>> No.6252326

Is Destructor Girl any good on the jp version? I need an art, but don't know which one to get.

>> No.6252356

Equip the shield thrower arm and the elec tonfa arm from the gara version, get a different booster. Hit trees until you can use healing, if you see any Ivis or Ouka wait for them to run into your shield and then beat them to death with the tonfa. Half of them don't realize they're shocked and keep trying to sword you.

>> No.6252376
File: 104 KB, 600x800, 1277417511885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rarely see any DGirls the JP arenas if that's what you're asking.

>> No.6252427

Bronze, got a paralyzer gun and an assassin's edge. I'll take it but I wanted a bot .... oh well.

>> No.6252453

Wow, after trying Blitz Blaster on a Pacifar I'm tempted to try it on a Shadenbot.

But then I realize it would make me a massive faggot. Ah well.

>> No.6252508

No, no! Don't stop, do it!

(Me and the crim with the mini bazooka will be waiting)

>> No.6252523

Does this guy have a pixiv account?

That shit is adorable.

>> No.6252542

I'm 90% certain that's official art.

>> No.6252599
File: 216 KB, 800x640, 13365461_p4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's official art from the .jp site, yeah...


>> No.6252615


>> No.6252623

Doesn't mean he can't have a pixiv account

No CB on it though.

>> No.6252637
File: 180 KB, 453x667, 651525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6252696
File: 231 KB, 497x600, デストラクトガール.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6252809
File: 269 KB, 1280x960, up3840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosmic Break at his computer

>> No.6252827

Question about TEC. Do the TEC increases to damage round off?

For example, let's assume I currently have 20TEC and a 11 force weapon. Since I have 10 TEC over 10, I have a 16% boost. This turns the 11 force weapon into an 12.76 force one. Does this round up to 13? Down to 12? To the nearest integer 13? Or does it just stay as is?

>> No.6252987

According to the wiki, it is indeed rounded (to the nearest integer, presumably).

>The damage done by ranged weapons is: (Weapon's Force) * (1 + 0.016 * (TEC-10))" rounded

>> No.6254743
File: 344 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20101008_2317_26_402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to post this every day until Christmas.

>> No.6254801
File: 353 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20101009_0516_13_984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>losing against BRD in epoch

>> No.6254816

I got a Railgun and a Fishing Whip.

>> No.6254893
File: 95 KB, 1044x844, ClanTournamentDay2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 2 tourney results....

>> No.6254947

Everything looks as to be expected. It seems the organizers were smart enough to put the more notable clans in seperate blocks.

Hotglue, Loyalty, SDGO_Trolls, and Men of Destiny, who will win and who will lose that is the question.

I put my bet as Hotglue winning and SDGO_Trolls taking second place in that lotto thing. Not sure who will take third.

Thinking about it, fourth place would kind of be the worst place to get in this competition. If you lost during the prelims big whoop, but being the worst when it finally gets real would be pretty damn shaming. Fourth place doesn't even get a consolation prize.

I'm not going to ask who's going to get first place since I'm fairly confident that you bunch of hikkis will get it, but I will ask who do you think is going to get fourth?

>> No.6254960

Does melee follow the same formula? Does it use STR, TEC or both?

Also, I have 2 Paralysers with 3 tune slots each. How should I tune them? Should I dual-wield them or just use one and a MiniZooka?

>> No.6254965

>If you lost during the prelims big whoop, but being the worst when it finally gets real would be pretty damn shaming.
Unless you're Snowflake. That was just embarrassing.

>> No.6254998

SDGO is probably the most dangerous opponent in this tourney. Don't look down on Snowflake like that.

>> No.6255004
File: 758 KB, 900x768, 93a3528f8e344fa0f042bc41cb71b33b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we won?


>> No.6255015

Protip: Hotglue stuff SDGO's roster with their own members. It was pretty much half Hotglue / half SDGO for their bracket. I was reading about it in #hotglues IRC and laughing about it all evening.

>> No.6255023

So the final could be Hotglue vs Hotglue?

>> No.6255033

Aside from Redux, all the members of the matches were trolls. He is doing them a favor and filling in for their leader while he is missing. If the matches were recorded and uploaded, you can view them yourself and verify.

>> No.6255038

protip: only 1 HG member was in SDGO

>> No.6255042


>> No.6255051

Sup SDGO damage control.

>> No.6255057

Controls suck why can't I nuke everything

>> No.6255059

you sound like an asspained faggot truth denier. upset that hotglue had to carry your stupid ass to victory?

>> No.6255063
File: 229 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20101007_2351_05_216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wish I could play against you guys in the CW, but apparently I'm not good enough with my Laz

>> No.6255065


No, sdgo only had one hotglue member.

>> No.6255068

Are you from Snowflake or something? Peanut and Silferx have fought with a lot of SDGO players, and they knew who they were fighting beforehand. I'm pretty sure they can tell you most of those were not hotglue players.

>> No.6255077

Sounding pretty denial there HotDGO.

>> No.6255079

so buttmad, you can't even think straight

>> No.6255082

the trollage in here is obvious. are you trying to make people hate each other?

>> No.6255091

1) Hotglue doesnt play this game anymore
2) only that chink punk faggot Redux is from Botglue

>> No.6255092

Sure is /jp/ in here today.

>> No.6255096

>Hotglue doesnt play this game anymore
Uh what.

>> No.6255105

Hotglue is playing Kingdom Heroes. Only Botglue memberts play CosmicShit

>> No.6255112

Did anyone record the matches. Would really appreciate it if someone could post links.

>> No.6255116

>>6255091 >>6255105
But Tablecat is still playing CB, silly nerds. That's where the heart is.

>> No.6255118

Fuck off Florette, Tablecat rarely even gets on anymore

>> No.6255119
File: 401 KB, 1280x1024, shot_006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still vouching for that world of tanks game.

Tanks can be moe~ right?

>> No.6255123

noone gives a shit about table since he's a faggot that's full of himself tough

>> No.6255126
File: 47 KB, 640x480, are you upset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SDGO here

You guys are frustrated

also play SDGO with us it's much better than the other grindan shit

>> No.6255135

Gtfo useless rabbit, no one plays SDGO anymore. Give us our patch and updates.

>> No.6255137
File: 501 KB, 1600x900, shot_020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I play world of tanks.

>> No.6255138

This thread sure took a quick turn to HUTR FEELING AND BUTTRANGE.

Why so worked up, guys?

>> No.6255141

some 14 year olds from /a/ lost an internet tournament and feel the need to express their anal destruction

>> No.6255144

someone is clearly trolling in here.

>> No.6255145

Snowflakes got pwnd so damn hard.
Seriously I like how they all panicked when SDGO camped and rushed in completely planless.

>> No.6255149

>920 cost

That was actually crim-chan. Servbuster costs about 1240.


I'm not Kampfer, Please stop using my name in an attempt to turn these threads into piles of shit.

>> No.6255150
File: 65 KB, 363x588, reisen has panic attack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So mean.

that's not bad

>> No.6255151

eh, some people still didn't get over the botglue - hotglue crap?

>> No.6255156

I lol at your KV.

>> No.6255159

It isn't about SDGO being dangerous or not. It's about Snowflake, a clan with quite a few braggarts who fancied themselves the best on WIZ, flailing around helplessly for ten minutes when confronted with a simple turtle.

Hell, SDGO didn't even do all that well against ArkDefenders. /m/'s blitz against Exclusive was much more impressive.

Snowflake is the EN CB forums clan, not /a/. Though you're kind of correct, because several of its players are LOYALTY rejects, one of whom is in fact 15 years old.

>> No.6255167

fuck off canaan

>> No.6255170
File: 498 KB, 1024x768, scores.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what's really funny is if people think Hotglue actually carried SDGO to victory doesn't that mean they're admitting Hotglue is the best clan? Why would they want to admit that?

>> No.6255174

trying too hard, son. Please stop

>> No.6255187


Come back with the "best clan" once the game goes live. Pimping out your loli bot in beta doesn't make you the best.

>> No.6255189
File: 491 KB, 800x1131, 1283368561239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying too hard to what? Find fault in an argument? Please enlighten me.

>> No.6255191


>> No.6255193
File: 146 KB, 1253x1282, 1283364159592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't other clans do that too? I fail to see the relevance.

>> No.6255194

Redux, Florette, and Trollington are the worst things to ever happen to hotglue. They should just quit now because they're not coming back when the wipe happens anyway

>> No.6255198

I thought you were the troll trying to simulate different opinions and amplify the shitstorm.

>> No.6255199

So I heard someone is mad because I, the obviously best player on WIZ, have not participated in the tournament yet because I am just too awesome?

>> No.6255211

Didn't you played as judgmentglue in the first round?

>> No.6255217

more like feed the shitstorm when Florette and Redux start telling people how to play their bots and use shitty gaia smileys. What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.6255222
File: 44 KB, 356x438, 1285735504477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try fag but I played against Loyalty.
Its also common knowledge for everyone on WIZ that I suck cocks. Especially delicious Reddux cock for his builds and dilicious Florette cock so I dont get kicked from the clan because I am so damn annoying.
Every damn WIZ pubbie out there is better than me, even fucking marbles.
Shit sucks but I enjoy this game. Keep fagging.

>> No.6255229

Melee uses Strength, but it uses a slightly different formula:

(Weapons's Force)* (1 + 0.025 *(STR-10))" rounded

Note that (with one or two minor exceptions) all melee uses strength (even throwing weapons like the boomerang axe or combination daggers) and all shooting attacks use Tec (including locking subweapons). I read somewhere that one of the the Crimrose.N's beamspear arms(I think the Garapon one) counts as a "shooting" weapon and uses Tec, but I haven't had the time to verify that.

>> No.6255281


Look, I don't know who you are or how I've wronged you, but can you cut this passive-aggressive bullshit out?

Everyone I've talked to about building fagbots has said that while I am a jackass when discussing it, they don't have a problem with it. This leads me to believe that you're just some faggot on the sidelines who's looking to stir up drama.

If you're just doing this to troll me, then congratulations. You win.

>> No.6255303


I personally can't wait. Untuned crims are the best. And beebots. Lots and lots of beebots. But no lasers. They are not fun at all. There needs to be more guns like the cross shooter. Maybe a fast long range weak beam gun. ABR doesn't have enough ammo and takes too long in-between bursts.

>> No.6255325

Back to the good old days. When women could cook and afford to be housewives and were virgins until marriage, the economy was stable, where we had a clear enemy in the USSR. Now there's this new fangled feminism and terrorism with Al Quesadilla while China threatens to take over the world.

>> No.6255346

Game of SDGO_Trolls vs Snowflake is up. It sure is one of the longer matches.

>> No.6255358

are you going to cry?

>> No.6255480

Florette is pretty emo so yes he probably will

>> No.6255497

Are there any recordings of Hotglue from last week?

>> No.6255510

hahaha, I just love it when hotglue fucks themselves over.

>> No.6255514
File: 275 KB, 600x839, 1278523743398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with all the vagina flexing going on in here?

>> No.6255522

I still have the highest grind quest highscore ever on ICB

you all small time.

>> No.6256349

Why do you guys all flip your shit when one buttmad person who doesn't play the game, or used to and was too stupid for it, comes to troll?

The only clan I and most people hated was snowflake and they lost and here you're all bitching instead of celebrating.

>> No.6256462
File: 254 KB, 387x800, 396cd46f69fd991d4ba33ec33d364327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nerds playing cosmic break all trying one up over one another so they can get in your pants.

>> No.6256472

b b bunny girl vagina?

>> No.6256505
File: 149 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20101009_1412_19_406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if I can get an under-the-table sponsorship, or a free fliphole at the very least.

>> No.6256506

Can't believe snowflake lost to trolls..

Wish i was ere to watch the match.

What happened?

>> No.6256577
File: 446 KB, 893x1228, 3496764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sad that snowflake lost to trolls like that. They have players with way more individual skill. They just happened to be the ones who who broke the campfest stalemate on a faggy map, and on top of that did it in an unorganised manner and gave away free BP. Watching that made me cringe.

>> No.6256620 [DELETED] 

Are the only matches on Men of destiny vs nofunallowed and snowflakes vs sdgo?

>> No.6256629

Are the only matches on youtube NoFunAllowed vs Men Of Destiny and Trolls vs Snowflakes?

>> No.6256668

The people trolling and the people going SDGO
They didnt realize they actually lost to laserfags and because they charged stupidly into sdgo vines.

>> No.6256747

If I didn't know any better I'd think you were an outsider trying to stir up trouble. That there don't make any sense.

>> No.6256815
File: 169 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20101009_1600_05_390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maximum faggotry engaged

>> No.6256891

So how are you going to tune him up for maximum faggotry if you waste cost on another Lanzerlot arm and an Asuras?

>> No.6256964

Lightly. With 900 cost I don't need all that much damage to go out on plus. And I'll probably run out of cards before the shields break anyway.

>> No.6257194

if by more individual skill you mean individual lag, sure.

>> No.6257376

Snowflake was fucking stupid, its their own fault they were attacking with 3 people from the back while the rest of the team masturbated, either you rush with everyone or not at all. They could have won if the rest of the team attacked from the front and the card hoppers and ivises from the back, not have them deal some damage and die like retards while sdgo heals.

As for individual skill we all saw what happened to koi who can only play a seraph got in a cramped map, he finished bottom 5. Killing him is always fun, I was playing mostly art in the last weeks, he usually has 2+ deaths with me on the other team. Kaikai and taetae who play nothing but cardspammers also almost never get game warrior and if you gave their robots to a newbie they would do about the same. Peanut only plays ivis and isn't that good at her either, the rest of their clan is too unnoticeable or bad to even mention.

So yeah, go back to the gaia-like english cosmic break forum, anyone who actually thinks snowflake have skill must be from snowflake.

>> No.6257529

Individual skill isn't the be-all, end-all in a teamwork oriented game... especially since these "individuals" spent the first 5 minutes of actual combat (not counting the first 5 minutes of farting around waiting for the other team to do something) rushing blindly one at a time into a well defended stronghold through the tiniest of openings guarded by a pair of bind-happy supports.

The only "strategic" thing I saw them do was that one fast bugger who nipped in and dropped a firepillar on top of the huddled healing hump. If he'd actually had other players from his team with him that might have helped them.

They pulled it together there in the last little bit and made an actual showing of it, but that was after a 10K Rambo-induced deficit. And also SDGO_Trolls getting bored of winning and wanting to get out of the huddle to go "play".

>> No.6257799

I had 2-10 fps the whole round because of not restarting my client before the match. Shit sucked

>> No.6257815
File: 481 KB, 1024x769, blockys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10th place? In blockys? This should not have happened. Dear god people, learn to play your bots. Yes there were some triangles in this match but still, this was an unranked room for god's sake.

I've noticed people don't know how to play their bots. For instance I've noticed large artillery has been almost completely abandoned in this game even though there's nothing wrong with the class. Find a high place and SIT THERE. I don't care if you're bored, I don't care if everyone's getting kills but you, it's not your job, don't fucking move! If some melee class is targeting you GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE. Don't hump the power station that's where the melee go to find large artillery.

If you're playing large air your primary responsibility is to protect your arts. Don't move ahead of the main line of your teammates. If you see a melee, kill it! If you see a hopper, leave it the hell alone! Let people with lasers or vines or paralizers or something else handle it unless you're in an aquila with blasters on blasters shooting endless danmaku right in it's damn face IGNORE IT!

If you're in an ivis, don't charge your enemy straight on you'll get a few attacks off and die! Go around the back, I don't care if you spend 4 minutes running around the map, don't charge headlong. Also hit and run dammit. Go in, kill something and get out. If it doesn't die, don't go back to kill it! Be happy to know you hurt it and run away regroup to your healers or if you have enough hp go for another hit and run.

Attacks of opportunity people! If you're in an ivis and you're running around the back of your enemy's base and you run into another ivis LEAVE IT ALONE! Just ignore the damn thing. Who cares if it spotted you, who even cares if it's chasing you, you're not there to kill other Ivises you're there to kill arts and maybe an air that stumbled too low or a big hulking land bot you stumble on that finds itself alone against you.

>> No.6257818
File: 348 KB, 800x600, 1276976810118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And why the hell am I seeing Arts run forward? You're not front lines morons you're supposed to sit in the back and danmaku the hell out of anyone stupid enough to charge through your line. If you don't want to sit in a high place bored to hell fine, just don't lead the damn charge!

All I can say left is if you're in an unmatched fight and you can't run away; you're going to die anyway turn around and do as much damage as you can! You know how many times I've chased people down to their death? What are they thinking? If you're going to die go out doing as much damage to your enemy as you can before you go! Doing 20 damage before you die is a hell of a lot better than doing 0.

>> No.6257823 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 431x405, spam_jp_edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cocksucking spamtard

>> No.6257854

you haven't played art since 'ivis and oukas everywhere', right?
your strategy is completely useless now, playing art now (specially L) is asking for sitting duck

>> No.6257859

The only reason I see to play L art right now is to kill air, especially S air (which numbers have decreased). And nothing else. Even L air is being able to deal with L art without problems.

>> No.6257862
File: 638 KB, 1025x768, 3rd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I play art all the damn time. My Sturbanger is still a regular in my commando

You don't know me too well I take it.

>> No.6257908

blocky is the STRONGEST

>> No.6258606

but L air is the best for killing hoppers because they have powered laser

>> No.6258729

Wait, what's better, Ivis or Ouka?

>> No.6258749


Ivis is the best bot in the game.

>> No.6258777

Thx, I was thinking of saving for ouka, but I noticed that I always rape them with my ivis in game so I didn't know if the pilots sucked or the robots

>> No.6258831

wait isn't ouka dayu better?

>> No.6258879

She is worse than normal Ouka.

>> No.6258894

cool so now I have this useless headpiece

>> No.6258902

many people use it as an accessory for other bots, it also has one slot for tune ups.

>> No.6259152

Other tournament videos


NFA vs SOS Brigade
Snowflake vs Drill to Heaven

>> No.6259208

/jp/ seems to be taking the game a bit seriously.

>> No.6259388
File: 76 KB, 804x624, v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I make this look more like vic viper? wonderbits work for options but is there anything that looks like a ripple gun?

>> No.6259485

The ripple gun shoots circles, right? The only circular attack I can think of are the green cheerleader's arms.

>> No.6259507

The wind shooters? How to color bullets? Not even sure if you can put them on air.

>> No.6259554
File: 104 KB, 805x623, pushzorrtwice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how come it says I have both loop and roll in one place but then only loop in another? did I do something wrong applying them?

>> No.6259575

you can't have both of them (there's no way it could work since there's no way to select one, it just replaces your airdash). Presumably you used both items on your bot but you can only actually activate one. I don't know if it's adding a wasted 30 cost or not.

>> No.6259660
File: 75 KB, 805x624, v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it looks better with two of the big arms, but since the core I'm using can't moving burst it's not very useful. are there any M air cores that have it I can use instead of pacifar?

oh that was a waste then. is air loop better at least?

>> No.6259706

what BS is that?

>> No.6259724

brickgale BS1 and pacifar legs

>> No.6259958

Can't pacifer get moving burst at level 9?

>> No.6260087

This game isn't much fun for me since I moved up to triangle, I was in the top three each time pretty much before, and now it seems I'm always between 20 and 30, and no matter how much I practice, I just get completely raped.

>> No.6260196

Try to find a clan that is willing to help and give tips. You'll be surprised at how fast a person can improve once they grasp more areas in the game.

>> No.6260264
File: 264 KB, 1286x1049, 1286677935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like I'm playing quake!

>> No.6260308

I don't know, maybe I wasn't looking hard enough

what robots are you using? most "skilled" players aren't really good, they just use good builds. even someone who just started playing yesterday can do well with ivis and cardspam. faggots like zombie just don't have the self respect to not abuse op builds.

inb4 u mad

>> No.6260389

I'm using an artillery set right now, I have:
-a level 5 Lily Rain with dual handy bazookas
-A level 3 Gun Arms Mod with.. All sorts of firepower. and
-A level 5 Saggitary Maxis 2 GOLD with a Ramjet launcher

>> No.6260397

This is normal, you'll start jumping places with some practice and tweak of your bots.

>> No.6260403

thread is on auto-sage.

>> No.6260470

No wonder you place last, those aren't heavy damage dealing robots. Get sniper sight for your bots, and for lily, I like to use handy bazooka+blast bazooka and two misside arms. It gives a decent damage output.

>> No.6260577
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Ivis is, arguably, the best Land bot in the game because of her very, very potent core abilities. She had a tendency to overshadow most other non-air units in terms of psychological impact, if not necessarily combat effectiveness.

Ouka is no slouch in combat, and she has (again, depending on the player and style) a good, strong footing as a solid land bot.

The Ouka Dayu plays very differently from the standard Ouka. For one, her petalburst ranged attack is extremely quick and effective, and deceptively potent in skilled hands. She makes for a very efficient hybrid Str/Tec bot. She can also access and use the Raisen maneuver with considerably more ease than the standard Ouka. The tradeoff, though, is that she loses the Ouka's built-in shield and her melee attack is less efficient (though the fadeaway step at the end of her combo is useful in dealing with other non-Ivis melee). It's a tradeoff between the two; the Ouka is not automatically better than the Dayu.

>> No.6260628

how do the AT field looking shields work? I think myghty byne has some too, but they aren't mentioned on any part descriptions.

>> No.6260693


Are they any good?

>> No.6260736
File: 254 KB, 970x700, 06-07-58 Ouka Tryptic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All shields (even the Viper and Buckler) produce that effect when they bock an attack it's just usually obscured by the shield itself. In the case of the Ouka (her arm-guard) or the Byne (that crotchplate) the shielding item is built into the body and covers any attack from the front, rather than being a separate hitbox.

At least, I THINK it's any attack from the front.

>> No.6260752

Ouka is better than Ouka Dayu in most situations. I think Dayu is only better when dealing with AIR bots and really specifc situations involving other kind of bots.

>> No.6260766

Pumpguns are funky... Damage is calcualted by Tec (as with all shooting weapons) but the bullet size is determined by Strength. With 40 tec the bullets are literally taller than some S sized bots. However (and I can't tell if it's optical illusion from the size difference or not) the bullets speed seems to be slower the larger the shot is.

Other than that, I haven't noticed the shot having any special power. It could work well in a hybrid Strength/Tec build though if you felt like mixing melee and shooting.

>> No.6260777

>With 40 tec the bullets are literally taller than some S sized bots.

Sorry meant 40 STRENGTH.

>> No.6260799

Where do I get misside arms? I've tried quest mode several times.

>> No.6260836
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>> No.6261011

Keep going till they drop, really... that's the only advice I can give.

They sometimes also show up is Arena awards... If you can afford it (especially with the x3 rates up) pop a x2 or x3 drop ticket before you try Arcantus and slaughter everything that you come across.

>> No.6261213

Stop saying "weeaboo" on the radio goddamn

GMs = fags

>> No.6261358

They drop easily in the first quest levels. Use a x2 drop ticket.

>> No.6261530

I've found Ouka to be marginally better than Ivis when played correctly. Stun immunity loses its relevance when you consider that a small melee bot with only 5-10 TGH can't afford to be taking hits at all, stunning or not.

>> No.6262062

This man... this man is insane.

>> No.6262247

how does the machine saggitary compare to the store one? which one is better for ps sniping?

>> No.6262333

Shop saggi is superior imho.
You only hit once for around 50 but that one hit is reliable and you don't suffer that hard from thee knockback.
You also have two arm slots.

>> No.6262557

is that 50 on the ps? I tried using the II version and it only did like 12 per hit

>> No.6262843

Armslots are overrated... use the points you saved to tune for Tec, Fly, and Tgh, put on a Howitzer AMJ and use your good hand for a Ceramic burner mod deal with melee and you're set for sniping and fire support... though I will admit I haven't tried the shop Maxis, so I don't know how it would actually compare... i might have to do that during the 3x multipliers.

>> No.6263371

what are good cartridges for an L air?

>> No.6263416
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Except each part less you have means 3 less slots for tuneup.

Also, my face when we still don't have the updates from March.


>> No.6263539

I had to answer the phone and leave my lily afk. In the meanwhile, some S air bastard was trying to kill me. Half of my hp was gone while I was still on the phone, so I decided to take on him with my free hand.
I killed him with 16hp left. I'd have loved to see his face.

>> No.6263540

>implying I can afford tuneups
