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6260944 No.6260944 [Reply] [Original]

What does japan think of starcraft 2? I noticed that it wasn't even published there

>> No.6260951

Go ask them.

Go away.

>> No.6260949

/jp/ != Japan.

>> No.6260981

very few people play it
as far as i know, they dont even have a localized version

>> No.6260987

That's for the best

koreans call marauders firebears

>> No.6260994

and they hacked the client to not use shitty battlenet

gotta get me some of that shit

>> No.6261001

Them lips...

>> No.6261003
File: 147 KB, 820x700, moe moe kyun~.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prove it

>> No.6261015

if you dont know this you know nothing about starcraft

the koreans play all their games on essentially a lan
the vast majority arent even ranked on battle net

>> No.6261017

>What does japan think of starcraft 2?

>> No.6261026
File: 97 KB, 500x1700, moe queen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/jp/ != Japan.
>if you dont know this you know nothing about starcraft

so /jp/ = starcraft?

I am okay with this

>> No.6261050

>>publish a Corean game in Japan

Brolo you just went full retard.jpg

>> No.6261060
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>> No.6261077

Aren't hydralisks just as slow off creep as queens?

>> No.6261090

Wow, Hyrdalisk's are jerks.

>> No.6261092

Hydras are as fast as a marine off-creep and as fast a stimmed marine on-creep.

>> No.6261093
File: 235 KB, 900x707, queen2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought queens were slower, but I'm not sure anymore. I haven't played since the beta.

>> No.6261094

This wouldn't happen if it was fruitdealer's queen

>> No.6261099

starcraft 2? I have never heard name.
Why do you wants to know?

>> No.6261114

Damn it, why is this thread still here?

>> No.6261118


Maybe you guys want to see the japanese dub for SC1

>> No.6261119

Hydras are slow, but not as slow as queens.

Hydra speed upgrade where

>> No.6261129

What happened to that upgrade? Did the Zerg unevolve it or something?

>> No.6261128
File: 509 KB, 787x649, reimumarine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want a piece of me, boy?

>> No.6261125


>> No.6261127
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>> No.6261133

Opaya-san plays it on his stream sometimes, he also said it's the best game to release in his 25 years of life


>> No.6261136

Yeah, just like they unevolved lurkers and defilers

>> No.6261141
File: 1.04 MB, 3200x2200, queen3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6261142


>> No.6261145

Gonna probably end up paying for them when the next 2 parts of the game come out.

The next 2 games better not be required for multiplayer, jesus fuck.

>> No.6261153



>> No.6261148 [DELETED] 

See, with those I can sorta almost understand. Like...they're new stuff is better (plot-wise) so they don't need to breed those anymore. They're obsolete.
How can your main attack unit moving faster become obsolete?

>> No.6261158

See, with those I can sorta almost understand. Like...their new stuff is better (plot-wise) so they don't need to breed them anymore. They're obsolete.
How can your main attack unit moving faster become obsolete?

>> No.6261170

Fuck them both, just give me my Guardians back.
I miss my flying, barking crabs ;_;

>> No.6261172

Your average Japanese ustreamer

>> No.6261180

broodlords are a superior version of guardians

>> No.6261191

But are they adorable flying barking crabs?

>> No.6261192

They shoot crabs? Basically anyways

>> No.6261195

Starcraft 2 is overrated western trash. The campaign is boring as fuck, then they want you to pay for each separate race's campaign. And then the multiplayer itself is crazy unbalanced and not even worth the time. Back to Civ 5 I guess.

>> No.6261196

where'd you get that delicious picture?

>> No.6261198

You had me until Civilization 5.

>> No.6261199


Civ 5 is buggy as fuck jesus christ why won't they patch it already?

>> No.6261202

Is it? I haven't had any problems so far.

>> No.6261205

It's just not the same ;_;

>> No.6261206

Civ5 just crashes when I try and start a game.


>> No.6261218


They sort of shoot them in a way.

Anyway, SC2 is pretty ok, but I don't think I've ever heard of Japan having an RTS really get that popular. That's Korea.

>> No.6261232

japs only like their dating sims and fighting games

>> No.6261240

Just need to turn every unit into a heroine of some sort, and you are set.

>> No.6261247

Queen route?
Queen route.

>> No.6261251

japan can actually make games that don't suck. thus play their own games.

competative games are ususally vs

>> No.6261289


The queen would be the sweet motherly type that always dotes on you and tries to fulfill your every request even if it's extremely hard for her

The zergling would be the outdoorsy tomboy, always eager for competition due to a bit of a Napoleon complex on account of her short stature

I can't think of a good personality for any of the other units

>> No.6261294


It's impossible to enable LAN play with a hack, since hosting functionality is not included with game client, nor with any publicly released code. To play without battle net, you essentially have to write a game server emulator, which is by no means a simple task even provided documentation of how it all works. Hackers don't even have that, they're blind. No LAN server for sc2 exists and none is expected anytime soon. Koreans are playing on battle net, just as planned by blizzard.

>> No.6261297

There are enough of them playing to have a small tournament.

>> No.6261301

OP, I like that pic. Where did you get it? Are there mroe like it?

>> No.6261302


It's only a problem for competitive players, aka the dudes who spend like 100 hours a week training, because LAN has instant feedback instead of the slight lag over Bnet.

The game isn't anywhere near balanced yet either, so I wouldn't shit my pants over it yet. However, SC1 was also unbalanced for a long time too, only by the last Brood War patch did it hit its sweet stride.

>> No.6261309

Baneling is the hyperactive loli character. Most of her early scenes involve stopping her from doing dangerous things. She dies saving you in the end.

>> No.6261311

Siege Tank will be ojousama. Slow and clumsy but always full of self and ready to direct a barrage at you.

>> No.6261315

It's problem for everyone, and it's not a matter of latency. sc1 was decentralized: anyone could host, anyone could join, blizzard had no say in anything. sc2 is centralized, everything goes through big brother blizzard who is watching you. If you don't see a problem with it you are not worthy to be called a human being.

>> No.6261317

Guys, the reason some units are no longer in the game is because they want to balance the multiplayer aspects. The old units will return in the campaigns.

tl;dr Multiplayer is not canon.

>> No.6261327

They did this because KeSPA was giving out pirated copies of Brood War saying since it's a sport it should be free for everyone.

>> No.6261333


Blizzard wants their money, and they will get it.

>> No.6261338
File: 131 KB, 591x1000, sample-e296fa81ba0996f915bfb338bfadebc8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carrier has arrived.

>> No.6261343

>problem for everyone
You're either retarded or you've never played. I've been playing SC2 for a few weeks and it's fine online. The only problem that occurs with that is when you design custom maps that require special input; IE: Touhou-esque maps, they do not work outside of singleplayer due to the lag.

Honestly, 100ping is hardly anything for an RTS. If you were talking about an FPS that would be another story.

>> No.6261346

Zerg-main here
Any more pics of Queen-tan?
So moe I got infested

>> No.6261352

I see nothing wrong with them making sure people actually buy their product instead of stealing it. It's the fact there's no LAN that's bugging me.

>> No.6261353

Please read my post the very first god damn sentence states that it's not a problem of latency jesus christ.

>> No.6261362


Also want more Queen, zerg main player who uses queen spam tactic! So adorable!

>> No.6261363

I ignored the other part of your post because it was some bullshit conspiracy theory.

>> No.6261364


>> No.6261383

>Hydras are as fast as a marine off-creep and as fast a stimmed marine on-creep.
See, when you say it like that it sounds fine, except it really isn't.
Zerg are meant to have the fastest (and most fragile) units around, so you can run circles around the enemy and strike in unexpected places.
Having Hydralisks that are viable only on creep (which has to be spread and can be completely stopped the moment a single detector is produced) is completely against Zerg philosophy.

Sure, they do great DPS compared to the other Zerg units, but they just don't fit in with the other units. If I wanted a slow but powerful army, I'd play Protoss instead.

I don't even build the damn things except as anti-air anymore.

>> No.6261387


Touhou on SC2

>> No.6261401

Spread creep. Look at fruit dealer, you might learn something.

Oh, sure, game belongs to corporation instead of you and it's nothing important. Whoever says otherwise is a crazy conspiracy theorist.

>> No.6261408



>> No.6261413

Tangentially related:
Touhou DotA on WC3 (in Chinese)

I've been fiddling around with it in Single Player, seems fun. There's even an English version (v0.949c) out, but it isn't the latest one (v0.952e).

>> No.6261422

>Spread creep. Look at fruit dealer, you might learn something.
Like I said, even if you spread creep:
1) It's centered on your bases, you can't use it to strike at outlying expansions like you can with Zerglings, Mutas, Ultras etc.
2) Pro players are very good at denying creep, all it takes is a single Observer.

It's funny that you mention Fruitdealer, the only game in the GSL finals that he used Hydras in is also incidentally the only game he lost.

>> No.6261427

Out of the few pro zerg players I've watched, I almost never see hydras. When they do come out, they lose.

Might change in the future, but that's how it is right now.

>> No.6261446

Constantly creep spreading is pretty much necessary for any good zerg player

if you watch some of Dimaga's matches at ESL, he has like half of the map covered in creep towards the end of a game

>> No.6261456

I admit I was just pulling that out of my ass. I play as terran and actively deny creep all the time with scans and ravens. But zergs were never about speed, they were all about economy.

>> No.6261457


>use extra apm just to spread creep
>some asshole with 1 ob or raven destroys them all with a single attack move

>creep should have 255 armor

>> No.6261476
File: 143 KB, 900x619, 1286318633393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6261492

I don't think I ever felt so much daaw and love for images before, I'm in love with these zerg strips. Are there anymore?

>> No.6261497

So are there any western private servers or cracked lan out yet?

>> No.6261508

There's the Ultralisk story, but, well... that one is kind of...

>> No.6261521

"cracked lan"

>> No.6261523

>Constantly creep spreading is pretty much necessary for any good zerg player
Yeah, and constantly removing creep is pretty much easy as fuck for any player, good or not.
You shouldn't be asking us "Why don't you spread creep better?" (because we do), you should be asking "Why don't more non-Zergs actively remove creep?"
Hell, even Boxer is shit at it, he didn't build a single Raven in his game vs IdrA (who didn't build any anti-air) on Xel'Naga Caverns leading to the whole map being covered with creep.

>if you watch some of Dimaga's matches at ESL, he has like half of the map covered in creep towards the end of a game
Yeah, and the enemy's forces will be on the half that isn't covered with creep. Meaning once again Hydras can only be used to defend.

Did you know they have light armor? Hellions can RAPE them, for fuck's sake.

>> No.6261528


They should all be linked in there.

>> No.6261531
File: 632 KB, 800x1135, 12857395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's like I'm really playing planetarian

>> No.6261537

He pulls out hydras and he losses? Load of shit.

He lost that set because he bungled microing the overlords properly and got quite a few of the loaded banelings killed which lowered the effectiveness of his drops.

>> No.6261555

Who cares about hellions ? Hydras are late game armies when everything is about running back and forth between your exps and you need small-hitbox-high-dps units as army size gets bigger and half of your units can not even reach the frontlines

>> No.6261561

I read and saved it all! I nearly cried!

Thanks will get all I can from that too! :D

>> No.6261589
File: 370 KB, 1050x1500, 1183236654230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surprised anyone remembered that

>> No.6261594

Good times, good times.

Sperm song!

>> No.6261598

Japanese suck at starcraft II, so they don't want to play it, preserving the JAPANESE SUPERIORITY
