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File: 11 KB, 430x97, youwillnever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6260587 No.6260587 [Reply] [Original]

I will never wake up to the humming of Miku.


>> No.6260591

I will never wake up to be pinched, beaten, and abused by Miku.

>> No.6260590

Just get a Miku alarm clock? Or a programmable one

>> No.6260592

Just make her sound something like she is humming in one of those programs and save it in your cellphone. Done.

>> No.6260605

Nobody here has a cellphone.

>> No.6260621

That's actually a good idea. Thanks, Anon!

>> No.6260622

You could just use fb2k alarm plugin and set a Miku playlist to wake you up.

>> No.6260626

Come to think of it, I've never heard of someone making a Vocaloid song where the Vocaloid just hummed.

It's really disturbing, to me, that no one has made a song with Miku humming a lullaby.

Does the Vocaloid software have such capabilities?

>> No.6260627

I've already been using Miku's voice to help me fall asleep.

>> No.6260632

Getting a hummer from Miku is a great way to wake up, I say.

>> No.6260639
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>> No.6260640
File: 80 KB, 562x453, 1277864209118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why you keep saging all the fucking threads?

>> No.6260650
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>> No.6260651

Because he'd rather not bump the thread, much like how I, the OP, would not.

>> No.6260659

sup /a/v/b/m/tg/g/whateverboardyoucamefrom. Please learn how things work.

>> No.6260670

Trolled hard or samefag?

You decide.

>> No.6260674

Hi, I'm >>6260651 and I don't think you understand the meaning of trolled as I calmly gave him the reason as to why he was saging.

>> No.6260678


Go back to /v/.

>> No.6260679


It's not just one person who sages in a thread. We ALL sage in threads.

Sage doesn't mean anything in particular. It's just a way to not bump a thread, and on a slow board like this, it's important to sage appropriately. Not every comment is bump-worthy.

>> No.6260682
File: 98 KB, 968x710, fascinating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6260685

Stop being trolled.

That was my first post in this thread.

>> No.6260697

And I suppose your not-saging is an attempt in some weird ironic trolling method?

>> No.6260703

Miku probably farts a lot in her sleep. You would most likely be woken up several times a night if you slept next to her.

>> No.6260705

I'm not him so it's not ironic at all damn it.

>> No.6260708

>Stop being trolled.

What this following guy said.
Not trolled.

>That was my first post in this thread.
Sure it was.

>> No.6260710
File: 36 KB, 394x453, 1282535660600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone gave me a reasonable answer
or maybe I get trolled to anyway thnx bro

>> No.6260711

"Shit, I just got owned in here. Gonna use my trump card: I WAS JUST TROLLING HUEHUEHUEHUE"

>> No.6260724

Ask this anon if he trolled you or not he looks like the /v/ face guy >>6260679

>> No.6260731

>Miku probably farts a lot in her sleep. You would most likely be woken up several times a night if you slept next to her.

What's your basis for this claim? Anyway, I sleep like a brick. As in, you'd probably have to throw me out a window to wake me up. I doubt a few farts are enough to stir me from slumber.

On the other hand, that means I'll never wake up to the humming of Miku. Simply sleeping and cuddling with her would be good enough for me, though.

>> No.6260732

Fuck you, Miku is the perfect embodiment of a lady.

>> No.6260751


Good point. Perhaps they would not be loud enough.


Are you saying that you would not want Miku to be comfortable enough with you to fart around you? Would you rather have her hold them in to the point where her stomach aches, just because you don't think her farting is "lady-like"?

>> No.6260754

I'd be comfortable with MIku shiting on my floor if she wanted

>> No.6260756
File: 450 KB, 796x750, 6585173_p5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6260755

you havent mastered the art of farting silently?
that was a blast in highschool

a blast

>> No.6260760

I... fuck, you're right.

>> No.6260763

>Would you rather have her hold them in to the point where her stomach aches, just because you don't think her farting is "lady-like"?

I'm almost ashamed for even thinking this, but I get the feeling that there HAS to be some rule 34 of this out there.

>> No.6260786

You know what's really awesome, when you go throughout work/school not farting or shitting and you come home, and you'll go to the bathroom and when you just let it rip you'll fart really loud and this mushy shit will fly all over the bowl, feels so saticfying man.

>> No.6260792

I guess ones butt would be hurting a bit from it, too.

>> No.6260804

Guess you could say one attempting said feat would be "butthurt".

>> No.6263987


>> No.6263991

Fuck, I did NOT mean to bump with that. My sincerest apologies.
