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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 149 KB, 382x308, 1286133940593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6259969 No.6259969 [Reply] [Original]

Why are girls who are into /jp/ related hobbies so slutty?

It seems like every girl I meet at a con who likes Visual Novels is a slut.

>> No.6259975

You know how slutty guys feign interest in feminine hobbies to get into their pants? It's like that in reverse.

>> No.6259971

you went outside


>> No.6259982

I'm a girl, I like visual novels, and I'm not a slut.

Fuck you and your generalizations, OP.

>> No.6259978

Because all girls are sluts

I'm surprised you havent figured out this fundamental fact yet.

>> No.6259988
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Is that you, Elizabeth?

>> No.6259991

Daddy issues

>> No.6259992
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>slutty guys
>implying guys can be sluts

>> No.6260001

Rare thing: non-slutty girls.

UFO sighting levels of rarity: non-slutty girls who are into /jp/ related hobbies.

>> No.6260002

If you've had sex with more than one woman, you are a slut. You should strive to be pure for your future wife, like /jp/ is.

>> No.6260004


>> No.6260005

Yeah, well, I'm a girl, I like visual novels, and I'm a slut.

>> No.6260008


>> No.6260014

Stop depressing me with these shitty threads, I want to believe there are some girls who browse /jp/ who aren't complete sluts.

>> No.6260034

Men can't be sluts. Sorry, but it's true. Look at how hard it is for a guy to get pussy, all a girl has to do is spread her legs. Why do you think girls prefer men who have had sex with a lot of partners? It's preselection. Men are admired for having sex with a lot of women, unless they're obese mongoloids, I mean beautiful women.

>> No.6260037
File: 190 KB, 1000x714, 2622b73877230baeff0d8137ab0f87be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to cons
Normalfriend detected. The type of girl you're looking for doesn't go off and whore themselves out at cons. We sit at the computer while reading VNs and F5ing /jp/ all day long. If you're not doing the same, then you should leave.

>> No.6260038

Congratulations, the shitty thread brought the shitposting master.

Can you delete your thread, OP? Please.

>> No.6260044
File: 29 KB, 333x328, 21b6ed62756ba3a01c22438307bb7620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girls prefer men who have had sex with a lot of partners
Sorry but you are wrong because most people don't want STD's

>> No.6260046

The amount of effort involved in being a slut has nothing to do with how slutty you are.

>> No.6260061

But... if /jp/ never goes outside, how are it's girls sluts?

>> No.6260064

post more nude flan with glasses
i approve

>> No.6260070

Of course it does. You respect dedication to a cause. That's what Casanova esque men do.

Oh you.

>> No.6260077

?The type of girl you're looking for doesn't go off and whore themselves out at cons. We...

Oh dear. Someone thinks very highly of themselves

>> No.6260079

Men are only care about their self-image, is more like it. A young boy laying it onto a teach for example, isn't it just a typical display of machismo for the male reading this with his buddies to go honking their horns like animals because he's such a player and bro and such like.

>> No.6260082

"Slut or slattern is a pejorative term meaning an individual who is sexually promiscuous."

If you are sexually promiscuous, you are a slut, no if's, then's, or but's about it. It's just as simple as that.

>> No.6260080 [DELETED] 

"Slut or slattern is a pejorative term meaning an individual who is sexually promiscuous."

If you are sexually promiscuous, you are a slut, not if's, then's, or but's about it. It's just as simple as that.

>> No.6260090

>"Slut or slattern is a pejorative term meaning an individual who is sexually promiscuous, provided that person is a woman"

>> No.6260097
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>> No.6260102

Don't go making up your own definition, it didn't say that at all.

>> No.6260114

It's a term only used for women, by definition. I find promiscuous men equally unsavoury, but they are not sluts by definition.

>> No.6260119

The females who go to cons know most of the neckbeards there will fuck anything that moves. Women are vapid idiots who'll take compliments and attention from anyone. It is know surprise they are sluts.

>> No.6260120

Then show me this definition of yours. I've looked in a bunch of dictionaries, and none of them limit the term to women.

>> No.6260122


>> No.6260130

Femanons are butthurt, lol.

>> No.6260132

The root of the word is the same as "bitch" - a female dog. It is always female.

>> No.6260137

Why were you talking to 3D girls?

>> No.6260139
File: 162 KB, 506x506, 5c7d53de31c0a25a236f609fbcf0ce893298ce2c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How can I be a slut if I've never even left my room?

>> No.6260145

That's still question for some debate, if you refer to it's germanic origins, that is the earliest known ones.

>> No.6260141 [DELETED] 

3D Girls can be cute. See:

>> No.6260148

3D girls can be cute. See:

>> No.6260150

I still don't see what's wrong with sluts, 2D or 3D

they want your dick, so welcome it

and if/when they leave you, well, at least you knew what you were in for

>> No.6260153

Sorry, I'm not a linguist, I just went on what the dictionary said.

>> No.6260160

you invite men into your room via instant messenger, phone, 4chan etc

>> No.6260169

You don't look like Kiri. Stop using her image.

>> No.6260166
File: 11 KB, 250x325, 1286311074844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any more than four?

She's a whore.

>> No.6260165

Not her (him?) but liking VNs and not being a slut is not exactly an accomplishment.

>> No.6260172



>> No.6260178

Sorry, it was actually middle english (slutte). But yeah, neither am I, and the true origins of "slut" is still unknown.

>> No.6260173

You still lust for dick and wear revealing and shameful clothing. Disgusting

>> No.6260176

But I want to have children and a housewife who will cook for them and sing to them and put pretty dresses on the girls. Sluts ruin everything, with the exception of sluts who themselves are children, since that way I don't have to worry about getting children.

>> No.6260180

He never stated his standards for women. The poster assumed that they were what he was looking for.

>> No.6260189

How would YOU know?

>> No.6260192

Because she is 2D and you aren't.

>> No.6260195

how can YOU prove? You can't

>> No.6260200
File: 43 KB, 232x244, 1284534785373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when all the trolls started believing their own copypasta and now everyone else takes misognyny/racism threads seriously.

You kids are gullible, jesus christ.

>> No.6260204

Can you prove it?

>> No.6260213

Go back to your own board, then.

>> No.6260227
File: 187 KB, 614x1000, e781311131146b91e15df09b5d7f9913c861f3b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't know. There's no mirror in here.

I won't use her images though. If you like.

>> No.6260236

Does anyone else remember when femanons used to think they were lonely?

>> No.6260248

No, please continue. I changed my mind since I love Kiri.

>> No.6260250

Because she goes to cons to meet up with people to fuck. Sometimes they only really get into /jp/ related stuff because they know it's the easiest way to score major dickings (nerds can be desperate).

Find a nice girl with /jp/ related interests that doesn't socialize and stays home all day. Oh wait, you won't find her because she'll be home not caring about receiving dick.

Besides, she'd most likely just be into 2D girls.

>> No.6260270

Heh, I put a stop to that.

>> No.6260274

You think they actually let the guys cum inside of them raw? They're sluts, but they're usually smart enough to force the faggot to wear a condom, even if he promises to "pull out"

>> No.6260279


I welcome you into the fold.

Enjoy your stay, keep your head down, try to be subtle, ignore the trolls, and ARM YOURSELF.

>> No.6260287

The only way to find a non-slutty girl with /jp/-related hobbies is to find her in her natural habitat. Places where she's forced to go. Something like school.

If you go to a convention, you're just going to find the huge sluts for obvious reason. It's like wondering why all the women in bars are sluts.

>> No.6260283

Sexual education teached us how shameful a penis or vagina is. Our society is sick to let us think ourselves to be unnatural.

>> No.6260286

Condoms aren't 100% effective.

>> No.6260292

Because I don't want to have sex to cum. I can use my hand for that.

>> No.6260303

You can use your hand to masturbate to a 2D slut, how about that?

>> No.6260305
File: 167 KB, 650x1050, 1286636224195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go to the public library
find some book reading moe girl with glasses

probably intelligent
probably not interested in partyfags

this is my strategy
dont steal it

>> No.6260307

Reasonable, a convention is a social thing, like a bar, so of course sociable specimens will gather there, it's so obvious.

>> No.6260310

That's to satisfy my primal desires. I have enough self control to not have loveless sex just for the hell of cumming into a meathole.

Masturbating and having a visual stimulus isn't the same as whoring yourself out just for a quick orgasm.

>> No.6260312

I've noticed an increase in girls going to libraries, mostly to read Twilight.

>> No.6260314

Go to a library, volunteer for the child book reading time. Read books to cute nonslutty girls. Don't sleep with them though, they are too pure and innocent.

>> No.6260325

They can be lonely. They can't be ronrey though. You'd think they'd be the same considering one word is just a comical way to say the other, but it's evolved into its own separate meaning over time.

>> No.6260331

I'm a girl and have been a neet for almost 6 years...Rarely leave my parents house unless I must buy something. Whenever I do my irritating accent makes itself clear at the cashier line. Resort to being a hikki for a few weeks to recover, repeat. Rather stay home and do stuff on my pc than go out

>> No.6260343
File: 39 KB, 1392x205, ronery419870428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon and Athen's favorite ronery pic.jpg

>> No.6260346

So nobody has offered a rational argument against sexual liberation yet?

If I, as a girl, want to have sex with a guy, and I take proper precautions (and believe me, whenever I do, I take proper precautions - I'm not stupid). What is wrong with that?

Most of us girls who are into anime are usually pretty open minded so we tend to enjoy sex with different people and don't believe in old, conservative traditions.

>> No.6260350

They're effective enough for sluts to be safe a vast majority of the time. Even if it's 88% safe, that'd mean statistically, 88 out of 100 nights would be clean. Of course, that's not quite how it works in real life, but you get the point.

Being a slut and having condoms to rely on = they're usually safe. If they get pregnant or STDs, then they're unlucky, didn't know their condom ripped, didn't use the condom properly, or did some other stupid crap (it's okay to cum in my mouth, as long as I use pepsi to kill the Herpes after).

>> No.6260352

Ah, dammit.

>> No.6260355


In the future, there won't be sluts... just girls using strapons.

>> No.6260364

Well the thing is your max level troll post has been done thousands of times before.

We've seen everything here.

>> No.6260365
File: 619 KB, 1207x987, 029874a483822b715eba1eae53a48eff0f29be3b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. I've been addicted to 4chan for a long time. So I have a little understanding when it comes to the people here. I never use trips though. I just wanted to put something up there for once. It eliminates some of the confusion when you're actually having a good discussion.

>> No.6260368

Reminds me of old /a/ pasta:
It's pretty easy. You just have to have low standards. Or better yet, no standards. Just follow this simple guide and you will have the /a/non of your dreams.*

1. Go to Borders or Barnes and Noble. Evenings or weekends preferably (i.e. outside of normal business/class hours).

2. Hang around the mango section for a while. Depending on your luck and the population of your city or municipality, this may require more or less of a time investment.

3. See that 300 pound fellow in his mid 20's checking for new releases of Berserk, Yotsuba&, Hidamari Sketch, Aria, and other /a/-approved series? Pay careful attention to see if he grumbles any comments to himself about how much shelf space is wasted on Bleach and Naruto. You've found an /a/non.

4. Approach him casually and say hello. No, he won't approach you first. Yes, he did notice you looking at him. Talk to him, keep the conversation moving, and take initiative to request a future meeting for lunch and whatnot.

5. Hold Down + B to increase your rate of capture.

6. Success! Give a nickname to your new /a/non and enjoy your adventures together.

*The /a/non you meet may or may not match the qualities seen in your dreams. Use only as directed. Side effects may include rash, dry mouth, nausea, fever, and anal leakage. Do not use /a/non if you are pregnant or plan on becoming pregnant, as this may result in certain birth defects. Use only as directed. Do not take /a/non if you consume more than 2 alcoholic beverages per day. Do not take /a/non while operating heavy machinery. Ask your doctor if /a/non is right for you.

>> No.6260372


You must either be new here or trolling, because
1) you are clearly unaware of the total madness of unreasonable arguments some men of /jp/ have shown themselves capable of
2) you are clearly unaware that nobody cares.

>> No.6260376

hidamari sketch mmmm

>> No.6260383

Neat people don't exist within a closed genre, they're inter-habitual. Now, it's understandable since most people hare are habitual therefore are doomed to sort through bad matches until they find fire.

>> No.6260384

I'm not trolling. I just want a reasonable response. I enjoy safe sex with different men, I'm not hurting anyone.

>1) you are clearly unaware of the total madness of unreasonable arguments some men of /jp/ have shown themselves capable of

I know that. It's just virgin bitterness, are you also pro-sexual liberation Helen?
