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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 264 KB, 758x1200, Naisho_no_Tsubomi-v1_017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6247683 No.6247683 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6247689

Naisho no Tsubomi taught me about female discharge

>> No.6247692
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>hug each other while naked

>> No.6247700
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>> No.6247749
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aa cups :3

>> No.6247786

Japanese AA cups. Cups are already like two sizes smaller, so that's be like AAAA cups. (wait, why does it get smaller with more As, when something like DD would be bigger than D?)

>> No.6247789

It's like fractions, 0.1 x 0.1 = 0.01!

>> No.6247792

Think of it as a spectrum. It's symmetrical.

AAA | AA | A | B | C | D | DD | DDD

>> No.6248140

My sister recently came back with a bra that was G.

>> No.6248147

Such cup sizes do not actually exist, those are porno marketing terms.

>> No.6248151
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>> No.6248167
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Seriously, why is japan so stupid when talking about sex?

I don't want to troll but... seriously, manga scenes like in OP's pic seems really stupid, instead of funny. Since when is making sex an indecent thing? Seriously guys, who said that stupid thing? Those faggots from the church? And you believe them?

If that was indecent, probably your parent's wouldn't have given birth to YOU. Also, what's so fucking special on it that every manga/anime mention it? Having sex is something as ordinary as having the breakfast on the morning.

Oh, but WAIT. They said "when a man and a woman hug each other on a bed". Probably doing that with a small child or with your little sister is not considered an indecent thing according to japanese rules. Seriously, guys, seriously... don't make me laugh!

>> No.6248171
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I'm brain-washed.

>> No.6248175

What the fuck?

>> No.6248177

>I read things meant for children
>Why is this so childish damn it!

>> No.6248179

what, a touhou doujin VN translated?

>> No.6248180
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>> No.6248182

They're little girls, man. Little girls.

>> No.6248183

>Having sex is something as ordinary as having the breakfast on the morning.
Let me know when fast food restaurants start serving blowjobs.

>> No.6248191


>> No.6248196

It's a manga pertaining to the development of prepubescent children targeted at younger viewers, what else do you want them to do?

>> No.6248197

Isn't that like saying, "why don't we take shits in public?"

>> No.6248218


When I was a prepubescent child, I knew what fapping was, what semen was, what sex was and how did I enter this world. I remember doing jokes with my school classmates about sex. Also, I knew lots of swear words.

Nowadays, prepubescent children already smoke pot and buy hard drugs.

>> No.6248243

Yeah, everyone in VN, anime and manga all act like they're 5 years old. It is pretty funny.

>> No.6248255


And you want to see that shit in manga? Why would you do that?
Who the fuck would buy that shit?

>> No.6248276

Sex is up there with bowel movements as something that people do, but don't want to talk about or think about. It's sort of a necessary evil.

>> No.6248281

I'd love to see more realism. The whole purity thing is very overrated imo

>> No.6248289

what episode was that?

>> No.6248300
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>And you want to see that shit in manga?

I prefer it to the classic male student entering the high-school and meeting thousands of moe girls on his way to fail all exams because he doesn't study. You know, I am 20 yo, I am not an student anymore, and I don't feel identified with that characters anymore.

>Why would you do that?

It's natural. Realistic. More accurate to real life. Also, it would be an innovation in the field of anime/manga/VNs.

>Who the fuck would buy that shit?

Who the fuck buys anime, manga or VNs anyway? It's not like if they were going to make money with it anyway...

>> No.6248307

It's a good thing Japanese don't care about your opinion then.

>> No.6248312
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>> No.6248330

No need to be aggressive, it's just my opinion like I said. Guess I'm just an evil human being.

Enjoy your Disney-esque fantasy.

>> No.6248339

>Realism in manga.
So what you're saying is, you want the 3DPD in 2D?

>> No.6248367

There is no 3DPD IRL, it's just your way to feel things, it's distorted.

Now I will tell you something and I'm being serious with this. There are no pure things in this world and you must accept it as it is. Don't try to distort your reality because you don't like it. Fight for it.

You will never find moe, pure virgin girls in real life.

>> No.6248368

If you want to see casual sex everywhere, just turn on your TV and watch any American series, movie or talk show. You can also go outside of your house.
People turn to 2D for a reason.

>> No.6248379
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>> No.6248384

You're either trolling or a huge fucking newfag that obviously doesn't belong here.

>> No.6248387
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>> No.6248389

You are seriously giving mixed messages.

-There is nothing pure in real life.
-Real life isn't disgusting.

What are you getting at?

>> No.6248392

I really like reading about the seedy sexual or illegal things people do as kids or young adults. It's fascinating to me. I don't like pretending that stuff doesn't exist when it does.

There's a time and place for the whole

>iyyaaaaaa! A-a-an indirect kissu!? With Onii-chan!? Momo-tan is so embarassed XD

trope. It's fine, just getting a bit stale to me these days. I find myself longing for maybe a character here or there that doesn't act like they were raised in an Amish commune.

>> No.6248396

Don't you pretend to be a girl online? Or am I thinking of someone else?
Either way that would explain why you wouldn't understand 3DPD.
But on the other hand I do respect the troll, I really do.

>> No.6248410

Now is when you realize that you are the one mixing things.

Not being pure is not the same as being disgusting. Nobody is pure because we are all humans. But from white to black, there are a lot of gray tones. Don't make everything black because you want the white only.

>> No.6248413

You must be new... these people are not "searching."

Or trolling. It might be working.

>> No.6248420
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Who the fuck is this tripfag and why is he here?

>> No.6248432

People who say there is no blacks or whites are making a moral confession. "I am not willing to be completely good, but please do not think of me as completely evil!" There really is only black and white, no shades of gray.

>> No.6248433

It's called fantasy. Entertaiment industry, get it?

>> No.6248450

>There is no 3DPD IRL
Okay, now I know you're trolling.
Most women are bitches and whores, why would I want to see even more bitches and whores in my escapist fantasies.

>> No.6248457

So when did reinforcing Christian values become synonymous with entertainment?

>> No.6248458


No don't got there. No one is perfect You can't be catagorising people are pure and evil. People may do things that are not "nice" but with good intentions. Does that make them evil? no.

>> No.6248470

So anyone disliking whores is a christian now ?

>> No.6248471


Don't forget men. violent, stupid sex addicts who only cares about thier dick.

>> No.6248474

You are now realizing Christianity didn't invent such ideals.

>> No.6248475


Look at yourself, and ask yourself "what am I doing wrong and why?"

Then you will realize you're just another human, as they are, and that's why you commit a lot of mistakes.

No, I am not trolling. I am just giving you classes of morality, since you seem to not know any shit about real life. One day, you will have to go out of your caves and you will meet the real life in person. Then, maybe you will thank me for my classes about real life.

>> No.6248480

Sorry for being intolerant.
I guess I should've said "Christian, Mormon or Islamic values"

>> No.6248481

Since that's what japs buy. CAPITALISM MOTHERFUCKER!

>> No.6248482

Yeah, I fucking hate alpha males.

>> No.6248486

Not liking whores makes you religious, how?

>> No.6248487

Do you think people who makes this type of manga, VN, etc, don't know their audience? Many people who turns to anime manga do so to escape reality (or society's norms) like they care about "realism" the fact that they turn to this is because they want to escape reality and indulge in their fantasy of pure, cute little girls.

>> No.6248488

>my classes about real life
Oh god, I lol'd.

Seriously, get out.
I don't think you could encompass every religion in there and still not be wrong.

>> No.6248492

I get it. This is the tripfag's coming out when he goes batshit insane in a desperate search of attention. Many did something similar in the past.

>> No.6248494

Doing evil with good intentions is as evil as you can get. The road to hell being paved with them and all that.

>> No.6248505

>maybe you will thank me for my classes about real life

Thanks for your input on real life. In a thread about escapism. On a board about escapism. Now that your mission here is done, go discuss music on a forum for the deaf or something like that.

>> No.6248511

No one gives a fuck about your opinions here. Try posting on yahooanswers or some shit.

>> No.6248533

Ok, wait I get it. This tripfag is 15 and thinks he's talking to imaginary internet people/bots.
Maybe he thinks /jp/ is the fucking matrix.

>> No.6248534

Hi, I listened to your advice and my girlfriend stole all of my money.

>> No.6248549

There is no good and there is no evil. Just people with different interests and different goals to yours.

>> No.6248552

Not really, take for example when America invaded Iraq and took down Saddam. That was paved in false pretenses and it was still considered good.

>> No.6248554

>So when did reinforcing Christian values
You are serious aren't you?
Most of the morals of Christianity aren't Christian, they borrowed them from other older religions.

>Does that make them evil?
Yes. Both what you do and why you do it are important.

Yes, most men are also 3DPD.

>Look at yourself, and ask yourself "what am I doing wrong and why?"
I don't think I do anything wrong. I try my best at life but wherever I go I see other people acting like animals. If they act like animals why should I treat them any different from animals.

>> No.6248574

Nations are 100% evil 100% of the time. Everyone is just used to it by now, so they don't care anymore.

>> No.6248576

Then I guess you'd be fine with a gang of dudes breaking into your house, stealing all of your possessions, then taking turns maiming and raping you for good measure. After all, they simply have different interests and goals than you.
While there are indeed shades of gray, by ignoring the existence of black and white altogether you are actually worse than the extremists.

>> No.6248582

>While there are indeed shades of gray, by ignoring the existence of black and white altogether you are actually worse than the extremists.

Of course there will always be black and white there will always be people who are complete monsters and innocent humans also exist. But really arguing that there's no grays and only black and white is very extreme.

>> No.6248584

You are just in denial about your own evilness. That's why you try to belittle goodness. Do you honestly think it's okay to do whatever you want just because you have different wants than other people?

>> No.6248588

You don't understand what I am trying to say.

* sigh... *

First of all, I haven't referred to good and evil when I said that thing about "white" and "black". I was talking about women. It's pretty much different.

Second, let me repeat you there is no good and no evil in this world. I can steal you for my own good and that's good for me, while it's bad for you. And the opposite. You can steal me as a revenge, and you'll think it's good but I will think it's bad.

Yes, it's relative to the point of view as you can see. There's no need to allow the gangs to enter your house and rape you.

>> No.6248599

No, it's bad for society and it's bad for everyone. You can't have people stealing things from each other whenever they want, society would fall into a state of chaos.

>> No.6248600


Is intentionaly killing people for your personal gain completly not evil because it's in their interest? Is it okay to murder your lover for cheating on you because you felt she/he deserved it?

>> No.6248607

Why are you still here?

>> No.6248649


Oh, let me tell you a small story.

When I was 4-5, my grandparents had a little kitten. It was small and white. I was playing in my grandparents' house with that kitten.

There were a moment were I entered to one of the rooms with the cat. She climbed to a bed playing, and then I feel the urge to make something that you can say it's bad. I wanted to strangle it.

Why? I still don't know. I just put my hands on his neck and started strangling it. Well, I don0t want to remember it.

Fortunately, my grandmother entered the room in that moment and I had to stop. The little kitten survived.

Now I know why I did that. I was too small to know what I was doing, or if it was bad or good. I could have killed the cat, and not realize what I did until a few years later.

Now I have a cat and I love it as if she were my own son.

>> No.6248655

That's not a good example, small children don't understand morality yet, so they can't be held to it. That's why young children are innocent.

>> No.6248658

>I said that thing about "white" and "black". I was talking about women. It's pretty much different.
No, not realy. Either a women is a virgin or she's a slut.
I've met plenty of women and they fall into these 2 categories, no exception.

>> No.6248659

Get help man.

>> No.6248665

What about women who married and never had but one man?

>> No.6248666

Obvious underage b&. You understand nothing after all.

>> No.6248674

I count them with the virgins.

>> No.6248677

And now, we get back to where we started.

Having sex doesn't make you good nor evil!

>> No.6248679
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>> No.6248685

>Having sex doesn't make you good nor evil!
Now you've completely lost me.

Are we even on the same planet?

>> No.6248688

Shut up kitten strangler.

>> No.6248689
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>> No.6248693

If I ever get married, I'm going to use a turkey baster. My wife shall be pure and never have a single cock in her.

>> No.6248696

I'm afraid not.

>Oh god! I am a human and I want to reproduct myself because my hormones tell me to do it. Oh but if I do, I will be evil.

That's pretty much how the church works.

>> No.6248699
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>> No.6248700

Is it ok for America to invade other countries under false pretenses?
Is it ok for America to spread democracy like it's the best thing?
Is it ok for corporate America to not give people basic health care?
Is it ok for Americans to keep their greedy money and not help out society even though they wouldn't be rich if it wasn't for said society in the first place?
Is it ok for America to be controlled by the uneducated?

>> No.6248701

There is some serious bullshit going on here guys. Here have some fitting music under it.

>> No.6248706

Just ask yourself, is this planet really the best place to be alive? Wouldn't it be better if a child were born into some distant paradise instead? If you consider it that way, reproduction sure is evil.

>> No.6248707
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>> No.6248712

Our current society sucks dick, why would I want to force another person to succumb to the life I have lived?

>> No.6248715

Well, maybe if I can bring it to a rich country instead of a poor one, that's good. Or maybe not. Maybe I prefer to bring another lifeform to this world to make it suffer.

>> No.6248722

>Maybe I prefer to bring another lifeform to this world to make it suffer.

Right, evil. Though I guess you were being ironic, since nobody would just admit that.

>> No.6248738

Oh god, look at the time! I should be sleeping already.

Well, maybe some other day we could finish this small but entertaining discussion. Good night.

>> No.6248739

>Having sex doesn't make you good nor evil!
No, and no one says it is.
It's why and with who you do it that makes you evil.

>That's pretty much how the church works.
It's the opposite of how the church works, they approve of sex for reproduction. They only think it's evil if it's outside of marriage.

>> No.6248743

There's a very high chance you will be NTR'd.

>> No.6248765

I guess I'll have to find one who is really ugly or has moral fiber.

>> No.6248774


that's...not at all how it works.

I know plenty of women who are sexually active and are not sluts.

time to let the Madonna/Whore dichotomy go, son.

>> No.6248825

>that's...not at all how it works.
It actually does, kind of sad isn't it.

you should learn what that means before you use it.
I'm saying sex should be for "marriage" only and that from all that I've seen and heard I can say that women that don't wait are whores.

>> No.6248889

>Oh god! I am a human and I want to steal my neighbour's car because my jealousy tells me to do it. It's a good thing thing this guy on 4chan told me that having self-control is completely unnecessary and I can act on every one of my impulses

So basically you are saying that people who have casual sex are animals that can not control themselves. Welp, gotta agree with you there.

>> No.6251192

>>6248281 I'd love to see more realism
Go outside.
