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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6247585 No.6247585 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6247597

Fuck off, SHAFTard

>> No.6247601

worst fanbase ever

>> No.6247606

You're thinking of the Touhou fanbase.

>> No.6247603 [DELETED] 

Is that you Janitard? You're a fucking idiot you that.

>> No.6247608

Nah, it's the Sonicfags.

>> No.6247614

sage for shaft shit

>> No.6247615
File: 102 KB, 1440x810, 1286472088011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the meido so jelly of other meidos

>> No.6247617

SHAFT makes the best OPs.

>> No.6247622

Raw fucking where?

>> No.6247627
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>> No.6247642
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You know, Sudo, you can still enjoy K-on even if you admit it's the worst fanbase.

>> No.6247648
File: 87 KB, 1280x720, [CoalGuys] K-ON!! S2 - 26 [8DCC38A5].mkv_snapshot_10.51_[2010.10.02_00.08.37].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Touhou fanbase is much worse, if only because of sheer numbers.

>> No.6247651

>The Touhou fanbase is much worse

>> No.6247653

Keion is much more popular than Touhou. Touhou is only well known among otaku.

>> No.6247656
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The worst fanbase is the fanbase of god.

Be it chistian muslim or something else.

>> No.6247658

Touhou has been around much longer than K-ON! and has more fanart and doujins made of it than anything else lately. K-ON! is mostly popular among otaku as well, they're the ones buying all the BDs and figures.

>> No.6247659

I propose that all fanbases are equally retarded. The only difference is quantity.

>> No.6247661

Can't you guys enjoy things without worrying about what other types of people like it?

>> No.6247665
File: 32 KB, 560x400, 1280866345642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For once I agree with you, however k-on is still much more awful than touhou.

>> No.6247667
File: 141 KB, 387x417, 4chan-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On 4chan? Not possible.

>> No.6247668

That's not true actually, ZUN has been on enough TV shows to make it pretty well known in Japan.

>> No.6247670

Known != Popular

And Shaft hasn't made anything terrible yet as far as I know.

>> No.6247685

Vampire Bund is pretty terrible

>> No.6247695

bakemonogatari and hidamari sketch would like a word with you.

>> No.6247701


Went into the OP

>> No.6247702
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How dare you! Both of those anime were average.

>> No.6247705
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>> No.6247706

No. Fuck you both.

>> No.6247707

Tsukuyomi was pretty bad(though if you consider how bad the source material is, it's actually almost a masterpiece)

>> No.6247727

What's the matter, not moe enough for you?

>> No.6247741
File: 75 KB, 1024x576, [Nutbladder]_Arakawa_Under_the_Bridge_×2_-_01_[5ef65288].mkv_snapshot_20.04_[2010.10.04_23.42.42].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both of them are masterpieces, shame on you.

>> No.6247744

Vampire Bund was a disappointment for me.
The first episode got my hopes up for something completely different than the manga, but it ended up pretty close.
And since the manga is so... mundane? the presentation of the anime didn't really work well with the story.
And actually, the moe factor was pretty big - Mina was adorable.
Oh, and by the way - is there a specific name for the formal/archaic/hell if I know Japanese she was using? Because apparently I have fetish for that.

>> No.6247755

>The first episode
...was the only bad thing about the anime. And you can call the manga bad (lol opinions) but it's certainly not mundane. Nice try.

And Mina speaks archaic/imperial Japanese.

>> No.6247779

Are you one of the morons who think that the adaptation must be always faithful to be good?
And no, I don't think the manga is bad - it's just about as deep as a puddle, though.

>> No.6247797

>Are you one of the morons who think that the adaptation must be always faithful to be good?
Now where did you get that one from? The fact that it deviated was irrelevant to the fact that it could have been better.

>it's just about as deep as a puddle, though.
Are you one of the morons who think that a story must have a DEEP underlying message to be good? It's not that kind of story, it doesn't presume to teach you anything, it's a fictional political intrigue. It's assumed that the viewers are above the age that needs simple moral lessons.

>> No.6247815

ITT : SHAFTard circle jerk

>> No.6247817

>And no, I don't think the manga is bad

It's simple, predictable and devoid of any substance(which does NOT equate moral lessons, I have no clue where the fuck did you get that from), but it's pretty enjoyable, in an action movie sorta way.
It doesn't fit the presentation it was given. While sometimes unique presentation might add another layer to a simple story, here it detracted from my enjoyment of it.

>> No.6247830

>It's simple, predictable and devoid of any substance
You're losing credibility here. It's not NGE DEEP, but it's not shallow either.

>here it detracted from my enjoyment of it.
