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6237699 No.6237699 [Reply] [Original]

You have two choices

A) You get to go to Gensokyo for ONE HOUR but in return all the DR Pepper in the world dissapears and will never be made again.

b) Unlimited, free supply of ice-cold Dr Pepper for LIFE

Choose wisely and justify your reasoning

>> No.6237705

I fucking hate Dr. Pepper so I have to go with choice "b" because I also hate myself.

>> No.6237704

The Dr Pepper
Because Dr Pepper > Reimu

>> No.6237711
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Never drank Dr. Pepper so A all the way.

>> No.6237710

Is Dr Pepper any good? Never tasted it.

>> No.6237709

Dr Pepper is absolutely horrible, it simply escapes my understanding how anyone can drink such a sickeningly sweet (seriously, EWW) soda.

>> No.6237707

I only had Dr Pepper once in my entire life, few months ago.
It was entirely unimpressive.

>> No.6237708

c) Report shit thread

>> No.6237706

A) Dr Pepper is shit.

>> No.6237712

iii) Raep teh mades cuz i jumped in lake

>> No.6237713

Is there any way I can convert the infinite Dr. Pepper into an unlimited energy source and make triillions off of it?

>> No.6237714

i don't really like Dr pepper.

So i guess I will visit Reimus shrine and make a HUGE donation.

>> No.6237715

B). So I can sell Dr. Pepper. No matter what price, I still make profit.

>> No.6237720
File: 550 KB, 787x1165, ブログ用ドクターペッパー ポストカード4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea what Dr Pepper tastes like. Toworu seems to like it though.

>> No.6237722

I'd attempt to fuck shit up and get myself killed in the first hour

>b) Unlimited, free supply of ice-cold Dr Pepper for LIFE
Diabetes within the first few weeks.

I die either way.
I'll have to think about it.

>> No.6237723

(x) get out Dr Pepper devs

>> No.6237725
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What's the worst that could happen?

>> No.6237731

A, because I don't even like soda. Dunno what I'd do there, though, I guess kidnap a fairy and bring her back with me.

>> No.6237733
File: 69 KB, 568x574, drpepper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looks at the empty dr pepper cans around my desk, glace at the 36 pack cases of dr pepper laying around

I'd pick dr pepper, maybe if i could live in gensokyo or get to pick a touhou wife and she couldn't break up or ntr me it'd be more difficult. Unless i can go to gensokyo meet Yukari and get her to open a portal to gensokyo for me, you know kinda like how you get 3 wishes and you ask the for an infinite amount.

I'd pick dr pepper probably anyway. No reason to live a life without dr pepper.

>> No.6237730

I bet this guy did killer on the critical thinking portion of the SAT.

Seriously though this is my answer too now.

>> No.6237738

A) I don't even know what does Dr. Pepper taste like

>> No.6237744

A) Tea is superior. I'll just be getting my gloved handjob right now if you'll excuse me.

>> No.6237748
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I'd have to go with A since my favorite pop is Mt. Dew.

>> No.6237750

If I get a camera, get to actually meet someone, and don't have to worry about being eaten by a youkai, then A.

Otherwise, B, and I become a Dr. Pepper distributor.

>> No.6237756

I would remove all brands of soda for a day in Gensokyo.

So an hour would be fine.

>> No.6237757

B because if I'd get the choice to go to Gensokyo for once hour that is a proof it exist and with my choice B it isnt mentioned that Gensokyo would dissappear so I would take B and with the money I get from distributing Dr Pepper I would build and portal to Gensokyo.

>> No.6237766

Fucking brilliant.

>> No.6237777
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I choose option C)

>> No.6237783

we dont have Dr Pepper down here so the choice is obvious

b. because I want to taste that shit

>> No.6237785

B. Capitalism, ho!

>> No.6237789

A) Because I only drink tea and water anyway.

>> No.6237795

A, only if I get a chance to fuck Touhou. B otherwise, since Pepper is godly.

>> No.6237797

I'd sooner drink water for the rest of my life than shitty Dr. Pepper.

>> No.6237799

Mobile Hitler here.

I would give up all the pepsi, dr.pepper, mist, sprite, and mr. Pibb in the world to be in Gensokyo forever.

I must see my waifu and live with her for the rest of my life,

>> No.6237802

>go to Gensokyo for ONE HOUR

It's very likely I'll die there due to youkai etc. So yeah, free doctor pepper > death.

>> No.6237806

Never tasted Doctor Pepper and I don't care about it, so a).

>> No.6237811

One hour is nothing. You probably wouldn't even be killed in an hour. You'd just end up in some wilderness and spend the hour wandering around in circles, not coming anywhere near anything.

>> No.6237812

> Mobile Hitler here.

...I can't stop laughing

>> No.6237820

So, a namechange for Dr. Pepper? I'm okay with this.

>> No.6237824

I'd choose a) if I could spend that hour where I want to. Specifically Moriya Shrine.

I like soda and I like Dr. Pepper but I'm also rather health conscious. At least I can resell it right?

>> No.6237825

B, at least I can drown my depression in Dr. Pepper from passing up Gensokyo rather than actually seeing Gensokyo and then coming back to nothing.

>> No.6237830

If Diet Dr. Pepper isn't an option, put up a stand where people can trade 1 Diet Dr. Pepper can for 2 Dr. Pepper cans

>> No.6237834

Go to Gensokyo AND deny every fag their Dr. Pepper?
Obvious choice is fucking obvious.

>> No.6237838

>Mobile Hitler
fuck you, I chuckled

>> No.6237843

Or just give them the option of taking a perk that converts every 10 Dr Pepper in their inventory into 1 Diet Dr Pepper

>> No.6237848

I've never heard of Dr. Pepper before I saw it in Touhou, so A)

>> No.6237853

Neither of those options is very appealing.

I mine Dr.pepper is okay but I'd rather just drink an ice cold coke.

>> No.6237858

I still have no idea how that was supposed to work in fallout.

>> No.6237866

Dr. Pepper tastes like Reimu's armpits.

>> No.6237871
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>mfw there's no Dr. Pepper where I live

>> No.6237870

'A' because soda is the cancer killing our Calcium.

>> No.6237876


I get to live off selling an unlimited supply of Dr Pepper

>> No.6237882

I hate Dr Pepper, so A, obviously.

>> No.6237887
File: 125 KB, 400x328, New_ID_by_Komachi_Onozuka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dr pepper becauce komachi is my waifu.

>> No.6237888

Choose B, sell unlimited Dr Pepper to stores everywhere, make 100% profit, never work another day in my life.

>> No.6237891

How would I actually go about selling unlimited doctor pepper anyway? Selling it myself would take a lot of effort. I guess I could sell it to the actual company that makes it for cheap so they can close their factories?

>> No.6237911

I'm pretty sure someone would be willing to invest in you if they realized you had an unlimited supply of soda. Especially considering the rate Americans consume it.

>> No.6237913

Get a bunch of crates somewhere and then talk with small stores (ie: ones where the cashier could probably do business) and sell it for half of what they usually buy it for. Keep in contact, give them crates every month or so, move onto the next store. Online also works, I'd pay you for cheap Dr. Pepper.

>> No.6237918
File: 328 KB, 700x686, 8f6f47cba193dd586cd03811f68d145fdeb7344e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the first thing you noticed about this picture was the Dr Pepper...I got 23 delicious pieces of good news for you

>> No.6237920

I'm pretty sure someone would take it away from you at gunpoint. You'd be able to do nothing because everyone would laugh at your claim to have had an infinite supply of Dr. Pepper.

... ... fuck selling it, use that shit as an energy source

>> No.6237926

A), because Dr. Pepper tastes like shit.

>> No.6237929

Couldn't I use the infinite Dr. Pepper to blow a hole into Gensokyo? If nothing else, I could bait traps just outside the border and trap random fairies.

>> No.6237932
File: 255 KB, 600x900, ea9d930dca486279de5ecce0c1b826a3acf21170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is with touhous and Dr Pepper pictures?

Does Japan even have Dr Pepper?

>> No.6237936

A) Dr. papper is nasty shit

>> No.6237943
File: 367 KB, 900x1371, 9f6740e098884911e144bec42c13ca23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the Moriya Shrine drinks Dr. pepper, what does the Hakurei Shrine drink?

>> No.6237942


You could put on a silly hat and frilly dress and become a Dr. Pepper Touhou.

>> No.6237941
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I'm not sure.

>> No.6237938
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Mobile Hitler would look something like that

>> No.6237937

I live in a country with 5 million inhabitants that has Dr. Pepper, and you're asking if Japan has Dr. Pepper?

>> No.6237948
File: 195 KB, 567x800, drpepper11515316_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6237949

A, and I choose to be dispensed into the SDM library for my book-apprehension leisure. With the power of magic, I will return Doctor Pepper to the world.

>> No.6237950

Dr Pepper.

>> No.6237954

Mountain Dew, go figure.

>> No.6237955

I live in a country with 120 million inhabitants with no Dr. Pepper. Yet we have all the other soda.
Worst of all, we had Dr. Pepper back in the 90s. It was so gloriously delicious.

>> No.6237957

I drink only coffee and tea, so A.
also reported

>> No.6237959
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I used to hate Dr. Pepper, but now it's my favorite choice of carbonated beverage.

>> No.6237967

Reimu drinks Dr. Pepper because it's red-white.
Nitori drinks Cucumber Pepsi

What do other Touhous drink?

>> No.6237968

I had a dream last night where my best friend was shot in the chest and my ex-gf pulled up behind the building with her mom, and they would not take us to the hospital because they were only there to get a coca-cola.

So yeah, I'm kinda pissed at soda-pop of all varieties right now. ONWARD! TO GENSOKYO!

>> No.6237971

I had a dream last night where I saw Byakuren. We were on a playground and I didn't go near her for some reason. I think she was sleeping.

Dream me is dumb.

>> No.6237981

I fucking love Dr Pepper
so refreshing

>> No.6237987

How's that Urge tasting?

>> No.6238016

It tastes like shit, and I honestly prefer drinking iced tea rather than soda.

>> No.6238019

>iced tea
holy dumbfuck batman

>> No.6238029

I drink regular tea too, but when I want to drink something sweet I drink iced tea.
And if you even consider putting sugar in regular tea I will come to where you live and kill you myself

>> No.6238032

it's you, you are the dumbfuck


>> No.6238040

how can you own yourself so hard?

>> No.6238047
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>He says Ice Tea

So, how long do you steep your ice cubes for?

>> No.6238057

I agree, soda isn't that good; though I prefere norsk springvann.

>> No.6238059

sweet tea only good tea

>> No.6238065


Bottle unlimited doctor pepper and start selling in a third world country under a new trademarked name "Anon".

No production cost, only bottling and labeling and shipping costs means I keep the majority of the profit.

Make enough money.

Buy Gensokyo.

Give them free Dr.Pepper in exchange for letting me live there.

We all win!

>> No.6238089

A. I don't hate Dr. Pepper, but theres just so much more and better available.

>> No.6238092

I even dont know what is "Dr pepper" T____T!

Tea with citrine and honey is the best lol :D

>> No.6238103

>I even dont know what is "Dr pepper" T____T!
Disgusting underage scum.

>> No.6238111

better hurry up to school or you will be late D:< schoolboy(girl)!

>> No.6238114

b) Because i'm not stupid enough to believe that Gensokyo's residents won't harm, or worst, kill me for nothing.

>> No.6238118

Say you're from an alien universe and imply you have deathbeams, sell your ipod to Kourin for gensokyo money.

>> No.6238131

only basement dwellers drink that shit, may as well make it more obvious and use mountain dew

>> No.6238132

would fake dr peppers like mr pibb and dr thunder get to stay

>> No.6238139
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Extra cool people drink Dr. Pepper, it puts you apart from those ordinarily cool people drinking Coke. Basement dwellers drink Hawaiian Punch.
