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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6236539 No.6236539 [Reply] [Original]

Fact: In Japan, calling yourself an Otaku is the English equivalent to labeling yourself as autistic.

>> No.6236541

No shit, Captain.

>> No.6236540

We're well aware. We didn't ask for this board name.

>> No.6236542

Cool fact, Fuuko.

>> No.6236547

Fuck, Clannad has horrible art.

>> No.6236548

None of us label ourselves as otakus. I certainly hope not, anyway.

>> No.6236553

good thing we're not in japan then

>> No.6236565

Drop dead, Fuuko.

>> No.6236571

the word 'otaku' still means obsessive autistic retard manchild though.

just like the word fuck is always negative, even in other languages where it doesn't exist naturally, like 'otaku' in english.

>> No.6236572

An otaku is someone really interest in a specific subject. It doesn't have to be anime, manga or games, it can be about trains, cars, guns...

But since this is a herpa derp thread, who cares.

>> No.6236575

Thats like saying that no one on /o/ calls themselves car enthusiasts.
Thats like saying no one on /k/ has a hobby for weaponry.
Thats like saying no one on /g/ is a computer geek.
Thats like saying no one on /toy/ likes toys.
Thats like saying no one on /p/ calls themselves photographers.

Just sayin.

>> No.6236579

Also, whats wrong with being autistic?

The smartest two people I know are autistic and got there with little effort on studying or trying.

>> No.6236581

None of those terms have ever come to be associated with the most annoying type of sub-culture ever developed.

>> No.6236585


You dont become autistic, faggot
You're born it

>> No.6236583

Otaku carries a negative connotation, though. You can be an enthusiast without being obsessive and obnoxious.

>> No.6236586

yes, it pretty much means the same thing as "geek". it can be negative or not-so-negative (geek can also be negative yet some people call themselves geeks with pride)

>> No.6236588

Then what the fuck are you doing here ?

>> No.6236592



The two smartest people I know are autistic.
They also floated through college without studying and with low effort and got awesome grades.

>> No.6236595


>Thats like saying that no one on /o/ calls themselves car enthusiasts.

Car otaku

>Thats like saying no one on /k/ has a hobby for weaponry.

Gun otaku

>Thats like saying no one on /g/ is a computer geek.

Tech otaku

>Thats like saying no one on /toy/ likes toys.

Toy otaku

>Thats like saying no one on /p/ calls themselves photographers.

Wait, /p/ has posters?

>> No.6236596

Thats more like it.

>> No.6236602

OP learnt what otaku meant from /a/, i.e. he didn't learn anything.

>> No.6236600

Hey, I'm just pointing it out.
There's good reason to avoid publicly labeling yourself an otaku.

>> No.6236597
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Except I'm literally becoming atutismic from browsing /jp/, so your theory is wrong.

>> No.6236605

Fact: This board should be called Touhou/VNs but moot is an otaku (Otaku means autistic in Japanese).

>> No.6236618

I'm pretty sure he learned from /jp/.

>> No.6236630

I call myself a Hikki with implied negative connotations. Do I win?

>> No.6236644

No, because the same goes for practically all of /jp/

>> No.6236650
File: 397 KB, 300x450, 128609880871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fact: 'Fan' is short for Fanatic.
Calling yourself a fan of anything is the equivalent of labeling yourself as a obsessive retard.

Fact: /jp/ doesn't know what autistic means.

>> No.6236657

>Fact: /jp/ doesn't care about what autistic means and just uses EPIC MEMES LULZ XD.
I took the liberty of editing a bit of your post to make it reflect the truth more accurately.

>> No.6236665

I post on /p/. I own four cameras and love using each of them. A few months ago I carried no less than two of them with me everywhere I went. I was always taking pictures. In a year I took around 15,000. After I felt like I had learned enough about cameras and pictures and and become bored with it, I began looking for something new to learn about. If I don't have something like that in my life, something to learn about, I become very bored.

>> No.6236670

>Fact: 4chan doesn't care about what autistic or weeaboo or whatever word means and just uses EPIC MEMES LULZ XD.

Fix'ed further.

>> No.6236671

I'm surprised moot hasn't made an attempt to troll us by making the board name /jp/ - Autism/General or something like that.
I mean the whole Autism thing started with us didn't it?

>> No.6236673

Moot doesn't come here enough to know about our forced meme shit.

>> No.6236674

Pretty sure it started on /v/. Then some samefags and tripfags forced it on /jp/.

>> No.6236683

and only autistic people or /jp/ care if some random japanese they will meet will think they are really autistic.

Its like Thief is always scared when you call him thief (ancient chinese proverb)

>> No.6236687

I'm pretty sure it would have spread to the entire 4chan already had it started on /v/. And I don't see it on any of the boards I visit. Except /jp/, of course.

>> No.6236689

I saw it on more than 10 boards.

>> No.6236697

I thought it meant friendless loser with no hope of really anything. Wait that is the same thing. Feels bad as I am one said douche bag doctors. Fuck 'em, I really don't like their kind. Too bad they seem to be correct.

Also Fuuko is cute as can be.

>> No.6236710

Being a friendless loser is a choice. Being autistic is a disease.
Everyone on /jp/ is the former.

>> No.6236718

Won't matter, the worlds ending in a year and two months so whatevs yo.
That means you can binge on alcohol and go on a rape spree all night!

>> No.6236722

Aren't we all diseased in some way?

>> No.6236723

I always though otaku meant somewhere along the lines of obsessed with something..

>> No.6236727

I don't think so, no. I have a cold but that's it.

Unless you want to get metaphorical. Then, yes, we're all diseased. And god. And dead.

>> No.6236735

That sounded so deep but it's probably because I'm stoned I think.

>> No.6236736 [DELETED] 


>> No.6236743


>> No.6236752

a choice huh? Really? Who would do that? Maybe some I suppose but that would be a very, very small minority.

>> No.6236757

If the shoe fits...

>> No.6236768

It's not so much a choice of "I'm going to be a friendless loser!" but it is a result of your choices.

Of course it's easy to just throw the blame on some disorder you read about on the internet.

>> No.6236770

Took my words right out of my mouth.
Give them back nigger.

>> No.6236788

I'm a friendless loser simply because I don't open up to people at all. I can joke around with normals on normal topics well enough and get invites to parties. However, I never actually let them know anything about me or what I like to do. Also, I never attend said parties.

>> No.6236804

Your choice bro.

>> No.6236813

I fail to see how having no friends makes someone a loser. Especially if we consider how most people have really few "real" friends. In my eyes, someone getting drunk at parties and claiming he has 100 friends even though none of them really give a shit about him is much more of a loser than anyone else.

>> No.6236812

im an autoku
deal with it

>> No.6236808

>I never actually let them know anything about me

That's probably a good thing if the things you want to let them know are any of the following:

- watching anime
- reading manga
- playing vns
- collecting figurines and other merchandise
- browsing /jp/ all day
- masturbating to (loli) hentai

>> No.6236822

>I fail to see how having no friends makes someone a loser.
It doesn't. Having less friends that you'd want to makes yourself a loser. Deluding yourself into thinking that you choose a life of loneliness makes you a loser. Being too weak to admit that you screwed up makes you a loser.
>Especially if we consider how most people have really few "real" friends.
That is true but it has no relation whatsoever with the first sentence.

>> No.6236823

I know a tall black dude. A full blown narutard. He reads the manga and watch the anime in front of her white, preggo girlfriend and openly talk about it to anyone and still get loads of white pussy. How do you explain that ?

>> No.6236825


I blame no one but myself for being a total loser. Like I said I don't believe a damn thing doctors say. They have no idea what the fuck they are doing.

Looking at it that way makes it much worse you know. Happy?

>> No.6236834

The whole autism on /jp/ this is an excuse for people to act like retards and nothing more. Like most shitty memes it wasn't originated here,

>> No.6236846

i'm an autistic otaku

>> No.6236854

Is that a fact?

>> No.6236857

my welfare check says yes

>> No.6236860

I'm going to go run in a race that benefits atutism. That way I can contribute to /jp/ IRL as well as online!

>> No.6236862
File: 124 KB, 900x1200, 1282492735033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no friends and i am fine with it. Sure, there were enough choices to make some, people kept calling me and wanted to go out and something like that. But i always blocked that.

Not sure how i can explain it that other people understand, which they probably won't, but i feel best when i am all alone. Talking to many other people at once drains me, makes me tired and i lose focus when i have to listen to all their shit and what else.

Been a Hikki for 8 years now and i never came to regret my choice. Society as a whole is just not mine. I just can't agree with their values.

>> No.6236867

>Been a Hikki for 8 years now and i never came to regret my choice
Really? Are you sure?
If you're are, then it's fine by me. It's just that... I dunno, I like being alone but it sounds boring to do that all the time.

>> No.6236870

I don't call myself an otaku.

>> No.6236880
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Same here, but I can't really deny reality.

>> No.6236891

Every human being is different. I like to be alone most of the time, other people just plain annoy me.
It probably started early when i was in school and had to share a classroom with 30 other people. It was pretty much hell for me the whole time. Back then i did not notice the whole thing but now i know what i have to do to finally be at peace and not stress out or just die from the whole thing.

You do not choose to be a Hikki, you are one.

>> No.6236892

People in japan call me an otaku when anime comes up and we still get along just fine. It's not some death sentence. People are more than just labels, you know.

lol autism

>> No.6236931

Could be thousands of reasons, there are always exceptions I'm sure. Maybe he's very charismatic, maybe naruto is mainstream enough there. Maybe he made friends that are like him.
