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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 89 KB, 1440x810, 1286142447230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6228534 No.6228534 [Reply] [Original]

So /jp/, let's play a little game.

How many of those VNs can you name?

>> No.6228559

cross days, flyable heart, summer days, school days.

>> No.6228557


>> No.6228564

Cross Days
Ryode Heat
School Days
Summer Days

>> No.6228565

9, the others i either don't recognize or its too blurry to read. I've only actually played 5 of them and i only own 1 (flyable heart)

>> No.6228567

Is this from OreImo?

>> No.6228568


>> No.6228569
File: 296 KB, 1250x1425, ransmirk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ryode Heat

>> No.6228575 [DELETED] 

If it is, I'm reporting this thread.

>> No.6228580
File: 240 KB, 1920x1080, 1286144031150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Anonymous

>> No.6228585

Oh man, this is worst than the day I went to make the revision of my eyes.

Ryode Heart... no wait, Plyode heart

>> No.6228588

Why do we hate oreimo? Is it because this is from the anime adaptation?

>> No.6228616

Easy modo:
-Cross Days
-School Days
-Summer Days
-Flyable Heart
Hiragana modo:
-Sakura Sakura
Hard modo:
-Akane Iro (at the very bottom)

The only ones I recognize.

>> No.6228623

Because it's an anime adaptation of what, a manga? Neither are /jp/ related.

>> No.6228627

A light novel. Do your research.

>> No.6228628

faggot tier board confirmed

>> No.6228632

why does everyone in /jp/ respond with a sage? is this some new custom for this board?

>> No.6228635

too busy fapping to Aki Sora to care about this weaksauce anime

>> No.6228636

New? No.

>> No.6228639

I never once saw a thread about this light novel when it was a light novel. Now that it's an anime, people are coming here and posting about it, except the anime version. It's clear that nobody here read or cared about the light novel version. Therefore, reported for /a/ shit because all that can come from a thread started with anime screencaps is anime discussion and /a/-level shitposting. Reported.

>> No.6228641

Is the anime out? I can't seem to find it

>> No.6228647

Its because people in /jp/ actually understand how sage works. Now get back to that shithole /a/.

>> No.6228648

Are light novels /jp/ or /a/?

>> No.6228653

While we're on the subject of OreImo, are the original light novels as bad as the manga?

>> No.6228659

You must be pretty new here then - I've seen plenty of light novel threads that had discussions of OreImo

>> No.6228658
File: 100 KB, 961x540, datass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they can't handle dat ass

look at this faggot, he mad.

>> No.6228655


>> No.6228656



>> No.6228666

Can you link me a few? It'd be fine if people actually discussed the light novel, but as it is now, people are just going to discuss the anime and it's going to attract trolls and shitposters from /a/.

>> No.6228667

The manga is terrible, the light novels are great

I'm up to volume 4 and it's pretty entertaining

>> No.6228676

The archive exists for a reason

>> No.6228679
File: 59 KB, 505x596, 2900210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Flyable Heart
That little sister has some nice taste.

>> No.6228684

I'm all open to being shown how I'm wrong, but if you're not willing to do it for me, I'm going to keep believing that there have been no light novel threads about this series, since I haven't seen any. You see, I'm a bit stubborn.

>> No.6228685

to /a/ users: we sage because we're responding to something not specifically answering the OP's question/topic. In a board that doesn't move very fast, this keeps the board-relevant stuff on the first page

>> No.6228686

But I thought FH didn't have incest, just selfcest
I could be misinformed.

>> No.6228692


>> No.6228689


Do you happen to know if the anime will be based on the light novel rather than the manga then?

>> No.6228699

Yeah, the anime is based on the light novel.

>> No.6228710

I see. Two threads huh. Like I said before, discussion of light novels is always fine here, but don't discuss the anime adaptions or post anime screencaps. Thanks.

>> No.6228725

What's the point of this discussion? moot agreed, light novels are /a/ territory and not /jp/.


>> No.6228735

would you rather we talk about touhou?

>> No.6228744

I would rather you not talk.

>> No.6228748

He admitted right there that he has no idea what they are.

>> No.6228749 [DELETED] 

And VNs and touhou are /jp/ exclusive and /a/ still has threads about it. One thread isn't the end of the world.
<inb4 it is
no, that's called being paranoid, just a thread isn't gonna make every /a/ user come here.
Usualy you post the first google image you find, which is most times an anime one and you will inevitably end up discussing how does the adaptation compare.
At least is not a blatant thread like the UBW movie one.

>> No.6228760

VN's are shit.

>> No.6228759

And VNs and touhou are /jp/ exclusive and /a/ still has threads about it. One thread isn't the end of the world.
>inb4 it is
no, that's called being paranoid, just a thread isn't gonna make every /a/ user come here.
Usualy you post the first google image you find, which is most times an anime one and you will inevitably end up discussing how does the adaptation compare.
At least is not a blatant thread like the UBW movie one.

>> No.6228753

/jp/ = touhou, umineko, and ronrey people buying figurines

>> No.6228754

Different anon here, there are a couple more so don't be such a bitch:

There are also a few light novel threads from 2009 that involve brief discussion or mention of oreimo.

>> No.6228762

I personally think it peaked at 4, but I couldn't really offer a reason as to why I think that. What do you think of the anime compared to the LNs so far?

>> No.6228770

Totally agreed.
in b4 samefag

>> No.6228773

ITT: /jp/ flattering themselves that /a/ would stay here longer than one thread to discuss something that is already better (and faster) discussed in /a/ already

>> No.6228774

Who gives a shit reported.

>> No.6228785

God you guys are such faggots, and no, I'm not new here

>> No.6228789

Can't you guys learn to ignore these overly vocal backseat mods? Dragging out a pointless argument with them only increases the odds of the thread getting deleted.

>> No.6228803

u mad?

>> No.6228810

Who gives a shit it's not /jp/ related in the first place.

>> No.6228817

Plenty of people who aren't you.

>> No.6228826


>> No.6228824

>What do you think of the anime compared to the LNs so far?

I think it's pretty good so far. It's a little weird not having the constant flow of Kyousuke's internal dialogue like in the LN (which I highly enjoyed), but I can understand why they had to make that decision for the anime.

How about you?

>> No.6228823

Like people from /a/, right?

>> No.6228831

Not everybody who has ever enjoyed a manga is from /a/.

>> No.6228841


>> No.6228843

I enjoy manga and anime very much, but I don't discuss it, and I would never even think of trying to bend /jp/'s rules to allow me to discuss it.

>> No.6228848
File: 50 KB, 627x620, 1283908299374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this an attempt to accuse me of samefagging or something?

>> No.6228854
File: 123 KB, 642x481, あかね色に染まる坂.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delicious incest eroge

>> No.6228858

Not everything posted is a troll comment. Why are you so paranoid of being trolled? Why do you post with a reaction image?

>> No.6228860

>op makes /jp/ VN related post
>/jp/ gets asspained

average day in /jp/

>> No.6228864

I don't understand how you could come to the conclusion that comments like "OH SNAP! YOU GOT SERVED!" and "OH DAMN SON!!" are not troll comments.

>> No.6228867

I guess I shouldn't have mentioned what it was from.

>> No.6228869

Do you think spectators commenting on something are all trolls in real life, as well? Are news reporters trolls in your eyes?

>> No.6228872

nah, im just infatuated with the sociopathic attitude /jp/ has towards subjects that are obviously on topic.

>> No.6228874

/jp/ is the touhou tumor that broke from gai/a/

both of these boards suck

>> No.6228880

I don't think it would have been impossible to include more of Kyousuke's internal dialogue, but I think they may have risked coming off as too much like other recent LN adaptations.

I'm happy with it so far, in general. There are a couple of nit-picky points where my impression of the novels differed from what the anime showed, but it didn't impair my enjoyment.

I thought that the way in which they chose to introduce us to the state of Kyousuke's relationship with Kirino was interesting, but gave the impression that he paid more attention to her than I remember him doing in the novel. It's been a while though, so my memory could just be foggy.

>> No.6228881

Hahaha, you made me laugh, bro. The gaia tumor hahaha.

>> No.6228882

Political and news commentators do not make remarks along the lines of, "OH SNAP, OBAMA SURE GOT SERVED THERE." The only place I could see something like this legitimately being said is in, I don't know, fan commentary for a video game tournament stream or something like that.

>> No.6228889
File: 282 KB, 500x500, awesomerie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cross Days
Flyoole Heat
School Days
Summer days

>> No.6228895
File: 34 KB, 704x396, vlcsnap-1938753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool anime thread guys.

>> No.6228898

That would make politics interesting though.

"Holy shit, Ahmadjinedjad got trolled hard by Netanyahu. I wonder, is he frustrated?"

>> No.6228914

Delicious Minato.
This will be the first eroge I will read in Japanese once I'm proficient enough to do so. I hope to reach that point by the summer.

>> No.6228915
File: 457 KB, 870x647, supermad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: They all mad

>> No.6229281

So who's ready for the blaring hypocrisy from the /jp/ posters when the Touhou anime comes out?


>> No.6229285

Shut up reported.

>> No.6229289

Copying the negative responses in this thread for use in the the future.

>> No.6229303

This isn't one /a/ thread. This is one MORE /a/ thread. people keep trying to shove /a/ down our throats and we're beyond sick of it. That being said, I see a discussion of what VNs are found in a stack of VNs in an anime to be fairly /jp/ related.

>> No.6229305

Except it's not a double standard you autist. Touhou is /jp/ related so the Anime will be, kind of, in small doses.

NOTHING about OreImo is related to /jp/. Manga? /a/. Anime? /a/. Light Novels? /a/.

>> No.6229308

Which anime? The third one?
I guess things will just go as usual.

>> No.6229317


Irrelevant. If it's /a/ material, it goes on /a/. NO EXCEPTIONS.

>> No.6229328

Except for the fact that Touhou didn't start as an /a/-related material, while OreImo did.

>> No.6229368

NAME? hah, I own like half of those.

>> No.6229491

ITT: /a/ shits up whatever they touch.

As an /a/ goer, I apologize for these people fucking up your board with unrelated material. We aren't all like that, honest.

>> No.6229512


/jp/ sure is shit.

>> No.6229518

hahaha, lawl /jp/

>> No.6229584 [DELETED] 

Surprisingly, I really enjoyed the first episode, as opposed to the little bit from the novels I actually read - none of the things that bothered me there were very annoying here.
Funny how that works.

>> No.6230100

This entire thread proves /jp/ as the shittiest board on 4chan, and that includes /b/.
