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620980 No.620980 [Reply] [Original]

Who's the most GAR character of type-moon universe?

My vote goes for Lancer.

>> No.620985


>> No.620990

gee it sure is gamefaqs around here.

>> No.620991


>> No.621002

In before luck of the Irish my ass.

>> No.621010
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>> No.621022


>> No.621159
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Yes, before people whine that he's EMO . . .here me out.

In Fate he kills Berseker six times probably without unleashing Unlimited Blade Works. He could have run away when Rin and Friends were safe, but he kept fighting.

In UBW, BARELY hanging onto reality, he takes a rain of swords from Gil, gives Shirou some advice, shows up again, pulls up Rio Agelis, STABS Gil in the fucking head and sticks around to say good bye to Rin.

In HF, well, he takes a blow meant to kill Rin and then proceeds to give Shirou his arm, letting Shirou become all sorts of bad ass.

However, Lancer's damned GAR and so is Kuzuki.

Gil, however much I love him, is not.

>> No.621167

We really have no fucking idea what he did or did not to kill Berserker 6 times actually.

And Gil isn't supposed to be ...'GAR', rather a magnificent evil bastard.

And Archer is anything but Emo, don't take trolls or idiots seriously.

>> No.621237
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Archer doesn't strike me as EMO but more as really, really angry.

>> No.621259

The word you are searching is 'bitter'.

>> No.621292

Extremely fuckin' bitter. And I guess he does get 'angry' when he's faced with Shirou. But that's only Shirou.

>> No.621313


Fuck Berserker
His master is the true badass

>> No.621321

This is an extremely pointless discussion, as the character who spawned the term is Archer himself.

>> No.621380

The version of Archer that spawned the term is the anime version. He accepted a suicide mission with stoic gusto, killed a demigod three times with his own flesh and steel, then after realizing he had no chance of victory and being given every opportunity to retreat, he fought on, enduring berserker's onslaught until he could pull his trump card, which killed him four more times.

None of this is shown in Fate, and at the end it's Archer who's filled with swords, no berserker (how the hell did that happen anyway?), but assuming the script writers for the anime weren't completely BSing, the scene is probably somewhat close to canon.

>> No.621397
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I am not amused with your lack of me. Mongrels.

>> No.621402
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Not to mention, Rin and Archer had a hell of a lot more chemistry in the anime than Shirou and Saber ever did.

(Even though in the Fate Game, Rin showed a lot more remorse and grief at Archer's death than in the show.)

>> No.621427

>>621380 He accepted a suicide mission with stoic gusto, killed a demigod three times with his own flesh and steel, then after realizing he had no chance of victory and being given every opportunity to retreat, he fought on, enduring berserker's onslaught until he could pull his trump card, which killed him four more times.

You should learn how to count. According to the anime, he only killed him five times. In Fate, he killed him six times, and didn't even need to use Unlimited Blade Works to do so, hence why Berserker wasn't filled with blades at the end. Also, Archer isn't full of blades in Fate. He's full of 'em in the UBW path, after shoving Shirou aside and getting skewered by Gil's sneak attack.

>> No.621448

Archer has his reasons for being fucked up. Lancer is a tool in every route, he is weak and his character changes dramatically at different times.

To be gar I think a character has to carry a large burden and overcome odds based on principle despite difficulty.

>> No.621478
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No contest.

>> No.621564
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Lancer's your traditional Celtic Hero: He drinks, he fights, he parties and likes the women.

Archer's a byronic hero. No matter what he does, he'll never change anything and he'll always be miserable, yet he keeps fighting.

I'd fuck em both.

>> No.621572

I think it's amusing that Archer could beat Lancer if he decided to use his Geas against him. Lancer made a Geas when he was alive that he'd lose at least one battle to Caladbolg.

Not sure if, in his history, he ever lived up to it. But if he didn't, then that's an auto-win for Archer.

>> No.621591

wielder has to be from ulster.

>> No.622470
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I think Archer purposely learned about that weapon so he could use it when he returned to fight Lancer. I mean, who wouldn't wanna beat up the guy who stabbed him in the heart as a kid?

>> No.622687
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>> No.622695
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>> No.622710
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>> No.622718
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>> No.622726

I'd say Shiki or Lancer from what I know about it.

Half the damn time that Lancer is fighting he's just doing it for shits and giggles and he's able to do fairly well against both Saber and Archer.

His past is pretty GAR as well. He accomplishes what he needs to do whenever he needs to do it and his death in UBW is GAR as fuck.

>> No.622728

that kinda turns me on, though.

>> No.622735
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Both Tohno and Nanaya(modo, nightmare, and Tatari).

>> No.622774
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Berserker in UBW. Jesus Christ, he fought and died like a man. Goddamn Heaven's Chain.
