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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 2.72 MB, 850x963, second.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6213597 No.6213597 [Reply] [Original]

[ Ar Tonelico ]

New Ar Tonelico thread. The previous thread (>>6080828) has reached the bump limit.

Download the 4Chan Sounds greasemonkey script to hear the embedded music!
This time, it's Daini No Tou (The Second Tower) from the ATII overworld map. Enjoy!

>> No.6213602
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Ar Tonelico For Lazy People Pack™:

Contains torrents for the games along with the emulator installer and bios. Now updated with the latest PCsx2 SVN beta client, plugins are automatically included. Thanks to Anonymous for this.

And before someone asks again for the lossless albums:

AT - All: http://www.hongfire.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=116396&d=1240137696
AT2 - All: http://www.hongfire.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=108204&d=1232984269
AT3 - OST: http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=112183
AT3 - Hymmnos albums: http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=111040

Thanks to Yuyucow and Anonymous in previous threads for digging up the links. Foobar can play the .tta files but if you feel like converting them to .FLAC or whatever for your MP3 player/Media player of choice then Foobar also provides an easy convert tool. Takes about a minute to convert the albums over to FLAC.

AT3 Artbook - http://www.mediafire.com/?jrm2mg22mkx

AT2 Raki bug patch - http://www.mediafire.com/?bp8ydy03ml7r5xa
You shouldn't need this if you're using the newest version (0.9.7) of PCSX2. Thanks to anonymous for uploading this!

Latest Technical Data Compilation Room Issue:

Latest Toukousphere Translation:

Toukousphere 100 is up, but it contains flash segments. Help would be appreciated if you can edit those!

Much love and thanks to the Anonymous translating these. ♥

>> No.6213608

Is AT really that good?

A bro of mine is playing AT and he told me it was great.

>> No.6213609

In befpre: That guy yelling, "COCONAAAAAA", sion being butthurt, someone tossing a derogatory remark about EP=NOVA/CUTYMUMP, 500x500.jpg, Halloween.ass, Luca is a whore and a slut, leotards, and all the usual.

>> No.6213617


The new CD is out, as well as Atelier Rorona! Discuss.

>> No.6213689

Gameplay in the 1st game is pretty generic, but the main focus is the VN segments and the music (this is true throughout the series).

Gameplay in AT2, though, is genuinely fun, which just adds to the entire experience.

Never played AT3 though, so I can't tell you about the gameplay there.

>> No.6213737

Will the Janitor be less bias in this thread and not lavish it with moderation while ignoring the rest of the forum?

>> No.6213754

The gameplay and story is nothing impressive but the girls and routes are fun.

>> No.6213795

I thought it was impressive ;_;

Anyway, reposting the link to the new Utau Oka ~Ar=Ciel Ar=Dor~ album which came out 2 days ago in case anyone missed it:


>> No.6213817


>> No.6213873

story is impressive because it's a well done world ..if anything the world itself is one of the forte of this saga

>> No.6213979

Just because the setting is nice doesn't make the story itself great. I'm not saying the story is bad or anything.

>> No.6213981

Orgasmic album.

>> No.6213984

Goddamn, this album is good. The songs are long, too.

>> No.6214007
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Also, to add on, some other guy posted a picture of the CD, which I think is amazing (pic related)

On top of that some images from the book, which comes from the limited edition release, have been put on site: http://ar-tonelico.jp/arciel_ardor/

Still waiting for my copy to arrive.

>> No.6214021

Combat in AT3 is very very basic, but everything else pretty much makes up for it

>> No.6214034

Hope so, I've heard some people say the combat system sucked pretty bad. Then again I won't know until I actually get my hands on a copy.

>> No.6214092

Never finished AT2 yet, so is it true that

Infel is the real big bad?

>> No.6214213

I wish there was an Ar Tonelico remake. I just want to see EXEC_PAJA in all its animated glory.

>> No.6214401

Damn that looks beautiful, the artwork is great too.

>> No.6214593

There was an interview posted up in July with the AT3 head localizer, some good stuff there.


He decided to familiarize himself with hymnos to understand the translation better, pretty nice.

>> No.6214655

Me, too, but I know someone in an IRC channel I frequent that's already got their copy ... so jealous. I really want the lyrics sheets, too, because I hear there's all sorts of new hymmnos ...

>> No.6214691

>so jealous
Same here

Here though: http://artonelico.isisview.org/viewforum.php?f=14

The first 4 song lyrics have already been posted.

I'm extremely satisfied with them, and I'm really liking Infelious Rhaplanca

>> No.6215097

Yeah. I've been in a lexicon-generating mood lately, though, so I'm really waiting to see the Japanese and Hymmnos for the same text side by side.

>> No.6215104

i wish there was more AT doujin

rape doujin specifically

>> No.6215241


Rape I can't help you with unfortunately since I haven't seen all that many although I did find one with Shurelia getting fucked by faceless men and deleted it out of rage. Speaking of which I really should finish uploading the C78 doujins I grabbed off pant.su, there's some delicious Totori and AT goodness though I wish there was more.


That would be correct, yes. Not to spoil the story itself but you start to notice signs about half way through the game and it slowly all slots into place.


Damn, Lazy is fast. I really wish they wouldn't post like it was Gaia though. *glomps* >_< EEEEEEEEE!!!! *dies* XD etc.

>> No.6215898
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>new rapemyface album.


>> No.6216089

>Do you know whether or not we're going to be getting both English and Japanese voice tracks for Ar tonelico III?

>You are getting the full Japanese voiceover

hurray, the BD is large enough this time !

>> No.6216151
File: 86 KB, 1280x720, 1273012221242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Listening to Ar=Ciel Ar=Dor
Mother of God, it's beautiful

>> No.6216167

How can I buy this CD?

>> No.6216168

Every AT thread is a GUST thread.

>> No.6216221



Long as fuck link I know, but I ordered my limited copy from here. Of course you can always get them from other places like cdjapan

>> No.6216287


Haha, I thought the same thing. Usually bagpipes disgust me but I was strangely attracted to them this time.

>> No.6217279
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I'm surprised at the lack of threesome doujins with Totori released at Comiket. Maybe winter will deliver.

>> No.6217733

>hurray, the BD is large enough this time !

Not according to this:

>>Is there going to be an English one?
>Yes, but I'm pretty sure we're going to have to cut down some of the lines because of memory issues and other reasons.
>>If you do have to cut portions out of the English track, how will you decide what stays and what goes?
>We are currently working on that process. I have a draft, but it looks like it's still too big, so I'm going to further cut down some of the lines. We haven't quite decided, but I'm sure that we're going to carefully decide which lines to voice. Especially important scenes to the story and smarky, goofy, or bonus scenes and stuff like that - those [are more likely to be] voiced.

So wait. I thought the blu-ray is supposed to be big enough to fit even multiple languages. So either the japanese version of Ar Tonelico 3 has a looooooooooooooooooooooooot of voiced dialouge or my lazy senses are tingling.

>> No.6218106

>because of memory issues and other reasons
*bullshit detectors are going wild*
Japanese audio does not require higher bitrates than english audio. If you're loading two mutually exclusive sets of sound data into memory at the same time you're doing it wrong.

>> No.6218114

It doesn't have a ton of voiced lines. But I downloaded the game and it was like, 22GB. And single layer BDs are only 25GB right?

>> No.6218270


3GB is more than enough to fit a single voice track onto. Hell, the 360 manages to pull it off perfectly fine and they're limited to 5GB per disc. It just sounds to me like they're being extremely lazy and/or cutting back on the work due to budget reasons. After the horrible job with AT2 I'm not even surprised to hear this news.

>> No.6218293

Hell, if the game is taking up that much space, a competent encoder could probably shave off significant space without significantly effecting the game. Or better still, since it's on PS3, add the Japanese voice tracks as DLC, storage problem solved

>> No.6218980

AFAIK CDJapan lists the limited edition as "Out of Stock," whereas Amazon probably managed to secure some B stock somewhere else since my order got delayed to today. Others already have their grubby hands on it.

You can download it now? Where from?

>> No.6219066

I downloaded it off bitgamer. Your PS3 would need to be able to play downloaded games though.

>> No.6219081

On a related note, never realised that answering those enquete questionnaires gave you freebies such as these unreleased AT2 tracks. Saving you fags the effort and uploading it.


Supposedly the overland BGM (Daini No Tou/Chiisana Tabiji) would change to either of the two depending on whose route you took.

INB4 WHY 128KBPS. That's the best (and only) quality available.

>> No.6219352

>add the Japanese voice tracks as DLC

Uh, what? Do you actually prefer the English voice tracks? SERIOUSLY? I'd rather they just saved themselves the money and not hired that troupe of clowns that passes off as VAs that shit up most localized anime and games, thanks.

>> No.6219400

>INB4 WHY 128KBPS. That's the best (and only) quality available.
Well fuck. Thanks though,more to my collection.

>> No.6219483
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All the audio is basically stored in 4-bit ADPCM. ALL THE AUDIO. They'd have to tweak with all the calls to audio to replace the Sofdec calls with something else, which would probably be a pain with the RAH stuff. Doable, but enough work to be pretty unlikely.

But yeah. I don't care how straight you are, you would play this, admit it.

>> No.6220312


I've never understood why more games haven't taken advantage of this. I'd gladly pay to get Japanese audio as dubbing usually makes me sad.


I thought Sony/SCEA had some anal rule about games that are released require English audio otherwise they can't release the game. This is why Agarest was limited to DLC only for the PS3, I believe. I completely agree with you that the dubbing is fucking horrible but they're just trying to get their game into stores.

>> No.6220513
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It doesn't have Gengai, it sucks.

>> No.6220875
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Calling dibs on Tatsumi.

>> No.6220922

I was proposing alternatives, not saying I prefer one track over the other. If they are in fact having issues fitting it all onto the disk, then they could put the tracks in as DLC. You're reading way too much into it.

>I'd gladly pay
Hell, they should have it as free DLC as it should be in the game in the first place.

>> No.6221869
File: 363 KB, 587x827, poor rorona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No love for Europe, NISA? Guess there's no Rorona artbook for me then.

>> No.6222947


I agree they should but the fact that I'm willing to pay just shows how much I want it.


I thought the NIS store delivered to Europe?

>> No.6224030
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>>poor rorona.jpg

Not if you get the bling ending.

Livin' the dream.

>> No.6224205


Delicious see-through.

>> No.6224241

So, wait. In Rorona, you can't just submit one of each item for the first assignment? You have to submit a shitload?

Fuck. I've been doing random quests non-stop, ignoring the assignment. Might have to start over.

>> No.6224394

>I thought Sony/SCEA had some anal rule about games that are released require English audio otherwise they can't release the game. This is why Agarest was limited to DLC only for the PS3, I believe. I completely agree with you that the dubbing is fucking horrible but they're just trying to get their game into stores.

Seriously? That's absolutely retarded of them.

>> No.6224405

Pretty sure if you just submit one of each, you'll end up with 3/10-stars on your evaluation, but don't take my word as law here. I just remember all the assignments except 10 being piss-easy. And 10 was only a bother because I hadn't raised my adventure level much.

>> No.6224521 [DELETED] 


What makes it even worse is that because the 360 version is retail and it eventually drop in price (and has -- I think I saw a new for $29.99). But the PSN version will never drop in price -- it's still around $45. Not to mention it's like 10 GB.

>> No.6224524


What makes it even worse is that because the 360 version is retail it eventually will drop in price (and has -- I think I saw a new for $29.99). But the PSN version will never drop in price -- it's still around $45. Not to mention it's like 10 GB.

>> No.6225646


You can also add in the fact that you can rent and buy it elsewhere (second hand, bargain bins etc.) or even sell it on after you're done. I can see why PS3 owners were annoyed when they announced the Limited Edition for PS3 would just contain a download code.

>> No.6225662

Yeah, but they're sold out and there won't be Premium Edition when it's released here.

>> No.6226627
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Loli Misha is the best.

>> No.6228039

TransAnon are you planning on doing TKS 99/100? I noticed the recent updates to 101 and was wondering if the previous two would get done.


What other freebies are there? Just curious.

>> No.6229178
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Yeah, I just figured it would be nice to get back into the swing of things with the latest issue. (I want to get everything done, but obviously that's a long-term goal.) The only catch is with 100; it would be really nice to have edited Flash movies to stick up for the Toukou Matters, but I'm probably too impatient to get into Flash decompilation myself. If someone shows up who does know Flash, though, it would be nice to also do Flash Cosmosphere 2 at the least ...

Sorry I've been lazy lately; I don't have any really good reasons like having been in the hospital, I'm just really disorganized and have too much going at once.

>> No.6229255


Oh no, you aren't slow at all and I appreciate the work that you do. I just noticed that we'd skipped two of them and was just wondering if they'd get done.

>> No.6230332
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ARM has a whole list of enquete passwords for Gust games/materials at http://artonelico.isisview.org/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=20&hilit=enquete

Mostly wallpaper and sketch stuff, with occasional music, giveaways (Japan only) and Harvestasha Screen Crashers. Was hoping they'd have something more awesome for Ar Ciel Ar Dor, but we only get a crummy calendar.

Are you currently a one-man translation effort?

Am interested in posting photos of the Ar Ciel Ar Dor limited edition book (if no one has done it yet), since there's awesome backstory in those 60-odd pages. I'd do it myself, but lack the time, commitment and general JP ability.

Pic related. Outlines the AT2 Rhaplanca overarching backstory, tying the following songs together:
Utau Oka Salavec Rhaplanca (from the Harmonia album)
and of course Infelious Rhaplanca from A=C A=D

>> No.6230435

Reported for not /jp/ related.

Back to >>/v/ with you

>> No.6230504

All that will accomplish is getting your post deleted, silly man. And mine too!

>> No.6230637

I seem to be the one concentrating on Toukousphere translations at the moment, but of course Aquagon and others have done quite a bit of work there in the past as well.

oh god the map

My copy of ACAD should be getting here in a few hours, if Fedex is as reliable as they have been in the past. If there's that much content, it'll probably get treated like a settei book. In which case I'm kind of interested in doing a cliff's notes versions of the AT3 book and perhaps this since I don't feel like taking the time to transcribe all the Japanese as well (plus lol copyrights) ... maybe. And then Aquagon and Lazy would probably get around to full translations in time, as they always have.

>> No.6231516 [DELETED] 


Two threads in a row? Welcome back gb2/v/ guy, it wasn't the same without you.

>> No.6232458
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>If it wasn't a heaping 180 minute torture bonanza of me cursing out, abusing, and Cleansing idiots, though, I still wouldn't do it.

Oh my, this would be glorious. If only they'd do it. ;_;

>> No.6233614

I may (emphasis on may) be able to help out editing the flash files. However, I don't understand moonrunes so I'll need to be provided the translations and swf files beforehand. I don't know if it'll work since I'm not exactly a master at flash but it's worth a shot.

>> No.6235752

Here's the page with Shun and Frelia basically doing a first "oh, hey, we can do talk matters" type thing.


Unfortunately, I don't know how the text will be encoded - probably Windows CP932, UTF-16, UTF-8. See if you can find this for the first couple of lines, though:

Shun-chan, are you still awake?

It's awfully late, what's the matter?

That's all I'll do for now - I'm trying to learn the Japanese kana keyboard layout, so typing Japanese is going to be a bitch for the next month or so ...

>> No.6235810


You, sir, are awesome.

>> No.6236904
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Best school ever. It's a shame Tilia looks so derp.

>> No.6236906
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>> No.6236926
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Tilia is just a laid back kind of girl.

>> No.6236946
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Tilia underped.

>> No.6236948

By laid back you mean totally baked?
Look at those eyes, man.
Total stoner.

>> No.6236959
File: 99 KB, 885x504, 1272780535457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are quite correct my good Anon who has the typing style of a certain tripfriend.

>> No.6236966
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>> No.6237856
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Laid back is no excuse for looking so derp.

>> No.6238403

Well, good news and bad news. Good news is, I've successfully DL'd the file and converted it to an FLA file (though how successful it was is still uncertain-I still have to reinstall Flash CS5 due to a recent windows reimage).

The bad news is that they've coded in something that will not allow the swf file to play at all if it's not on that specific page (instead, you will be greeted by a rather angry tilia, or simply a never-ending loading screen if you run it offline ). I don't have much actionscript experience, but I've seen examples of the code that does this and will try my best to remove it.

Example of angry Tilia:

>> No.6238411

It sure is going to look horrible.

>> No.6238822 [DELETED] 

More bad news: None of the scripts or graphics are contained within the SWF file-the swf file is simply an 'engine' that assembles the graphics and text together (it's literally 16 frames long).

The really bad news: The default name of the script is pre-defined (they check if the string "fname" is undefined, and then show the error.xml file with tilia if it is) and I don't have access to http://ar-tonelico.jp/toukoumatter/CONTENTS/ where the script file is stored, which means I don't know the name of the script file, which means I can't access it. Its name could range from simply 'first' to a random string of 10,000 characters. I'll try to figure it out, but it seems a bit hopeless. So far the only way to get this done seems to be contacting GUST themselves and asking if we could translate the files.

Link to the default error message:

That's the really bad news. The less bad news is that if this all magically works for some reason, I'll still have to individually download all the backgrounds and character sprites by looking at the error logs, as those are also hosted on their server and not contained within the SWF file.

>> No.6238844 [DELETED] 

The semi-good news is that the anon who TL's the toukouspheres would only need to look at and edit the scipt files, and then send them to me to test if it works with the 'engine'.

>> No.6239415 [DELETED] 
File: 2.99 MB, 44x44, shurelia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tilia: Hey, no fair cheating! I don't know if you're sneaking around, or if it's just a Tiliasoft bug ... But you need to access this through a proper plot route. Well, bye-bye.

Okay, this is not a problem, I think. Does it look like it would be easy to just change the base URL the app goes to? If so, then basically picking the whole thing up and moving it onto a different server that has translated script files ought to be cake. (I figure the least ass-holish thing to do is basically replicate exactly what they've got, except with English text; I don't want to antagonize GUST, I just want people to be able to read Shurelia making Tilia fess up about what kinds of noises bunnies really make.)

>> No.6239427
File: 4 KB, 44x44, shurelia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tilia: Hey, no fair cheating! I don't know if you're sneaking around, or if it's just a Tiliasoft bug ... But you need to access this through a proper plot route. Well, bye-bye.

Okay, this is not a problem, I think. Does it look like it would be easy to just change the base URL the app goes to? If so, then basically picking the whole thing up and moving it onto a different server that has translated script files ought to be cake. (I figure the least ass-holish thing to do is basically replicate exactly what they've got, except with English text; I don't want to antagonize GUST, I just want people to be able to read Shurelia making Tilia fess up about what kinds of noises bunnies really make.)

>> No.6239606 [DELETED] 

So who do you think will be the English VAs for Ar Tonelico 3?

Aoto - Probably Johnny Yong Bosch again. Or Yuri Lowenthal. I would like a different hero VA for once, though.

Saki - Laura Bailey. She seems to like the cute types.

Finnel - ?

Tilia - ?

Cocona - Tara Strong

>> No.6239770

I was about to post something describing the entire situation when I noticed what was wrong.


There was a variable in the actionscript that was named 'fname' and since I couldn't find it in the swf file I thought it was some copy-protection thing you could only get past if you had the variable name from the server itself (since fname set which script file to use). I totally missed the '?fname=yoruhana' in your link. Now I have access to the xml files and the only thing to do is to download all the sprites and backgrounds necessary.

>> No.6240085

Another little problem and a request. I don't have one of the fonts that are used in the swf installed, and the one that it defaults to doesn't work. I'm trying to find it myself, but if someone could, help finding the font: DFP綜藝体W9 would be appreciated.

>> No.6240135
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>>I just want people to be able to read Shurelia making Tilia fess up about what kinds of noises bunnies really make.

Anon you really are a class act.

>> No.6240474


What the fuck, some sites charging up to 4000 yen just for that font.

>> No.6241496
File: 358 KB, 750x1200, 13696153_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delicious Frelia in linkage armour.

>> No.6243139
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>> No.6244199

Hello, I'm completely new to this. I downloaded your lazy people pack™. I think I've managed to get the emulator working, but I only see moon runes. Is it only in Japanese? I can't read it.

>> No.6244671

No one will, anon.
'Tis a thing of dreams and fantasy

>> No.6244953
File: 462 KB, 600x815, large_12856661434ca1b55fa3784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, excellent. I've got the XMLs and chr_table, so I'll just get to work. Let me know when you want them.

At some point could I bother you to have a look at the Flash cosmospheres as well? It looks like it's got more packed into it, since the SWF itself for Infel lvl 1 is almost 7MB. The mp3 and script XML is still external, but it looks like that's about it. Hopefully changing the hard-coded(?) URLs to grab those to use a base URL passed in as a parameter would do the trick. (And maybe there's some internal editing needed to change character names ... ) I haven't looked at FCS1.

>> No.6245887


No, I can make it happen. Until I wake up.. ;_;

>> No.6246659


That's odd. The torrents for the games are English and the emulator is English too so you shouldn't be seeing Japanese at all apart from the untranslated parts of AT2.

>> No.6247750

Well, I can't really do anything to 'check' the stuff right now since none of the dialogue text shows up when I compile, english or japanese.

It's either:
A. Something with the default font I'm using, which means I'll need a copy of the previously stated font
B. For some reason it'll only work if hosted on a server
C. Something else entirely

>> No.6247780


Nothing ever seems to be going right with this. ( ゚д゚)

>> No.6250040
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>> No.6250969
File: 104 KB, 900x506, rorona3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Sharorona.mp3

Really fun and relaxing game; I'm going to replay it soon for the other endings.

>> No.6251707


Ahh, I am rooting for you noble anons. Go goooo.

>> No.6252070

Sorry if I'm obtuse, but what exactly happens? Is it just sitting on the LOADING... screen, is it actually getting into the event scenario with no text, or something else entirely? Also, do you have all the files it needs around it in the same directory layout as on their server?

>> No.6252211


Good luck if you decide to go for the 100%.

>> No.6253063
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>> No.6255095
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>> No.6256308
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>> No.6257794
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That's not ZUN!bar-chan, Zun.

>> No.6259072
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>> No.6260798
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>> No.6262097
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>>That's not ZUN!bar-chan, Zun.


>> No.6263304



I have no idea why I remember that thread but I've always seen Akane as ZUN!bar-chan since.

>> No.6263409
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>> No.6263447

Which should I buy: Rorona or Totori?

>> No.6263449

Both. Totorin wouldn't be out till late 2011 or 2012.

>> No.6263467
File: 483 KB, 850x1216, sample_9b4ec84c35466734ec30c6369207e4ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the answer, not so obvious
as for me, totorin is best~

>> No.6263489

I can read moonspeak

Ok, I'll try getting it first then.

>> No.6263523

cdjapan restocked limited edition of Ar=Ciel Ar=Dor

>> No.6263528

its a sequel though, so...

>> No.6263533

Oh, is it? I guess it leaves me no choice!

>> No.6264552


Enjoy your.. alchemy, good sir.

>> No.6264582
File: 339 KB, 600x900, f9c56a240d685b1788e1fd1e40dbd8a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its going to take me like 2 or 3 years but i hope to eventually be able to play these games in japanese

god damnit languages

>> No.6264652

>Is AT really that good?
If gameplay is what you are after then you may or may perhaps not be very dissapointed.

The gameplay was never focused, they are made to be Galge games, all the focus lies on the Heroines, the girls.
The gameplay of Ar Tonelico is more made as some minor element for added flavour, and it is more made to be interesting than anything else.
So it is designed in a way so the gameplay should never get in the way of the girls or the rest of the game.
You can of course indulge in certain gameplay elements and explore them deeper, but it's never something you should have to do.
You can actually without much trouble waltz right through the entire games with little to no trouble at all, unless you do something utterly wrong.
As mentioned, the gameplay is more of a flavour thing, and it's not supposed to hog needless time.

Roughly half the game is in a VN-styled design, entirely text based, where you dive into the mind of your desired heroine of choice, where you indulge in more or less romantic and kinky experiences, more or less developing into some sort of dream/cyber mind sex thing in the deeper levels.

The story is all about the girls, you dive into the girls to find out more about them and in order to sort them out.
Then you find out how they are connected to the fate of the rest of the world in one way or another, and then you continue to support your girl after you have fallen in love, in order to resolve things in a way that works for her in relation to how things are.
And as I said, text based, lots of CGs, everything.
And while it may be "safe for work" (it kind of isn't), it still is as your regular other VN Eroge/Galge titles out there, only, this one has an element of gameplay.

I really don't get what all the fuss was about with others not approving of it being /jp/.
Does none of them know anything about it, and are they all just spewing things out of their asses, or what?

>> No.6265547

So what is it about AT that you guys like so much? I've played AT2 and 3, and the gameplay is pretty bad. But, this is an RPG so I am willing to look past it if the story is good, but even the story looks like a pretty generic JRPG story. The galge elements are nice, but not too deep. It's kind of like babby's first JRPG and galge rolled up into one game. I will say that the music is pretty enjoyable though and some of the girls are rather cute.

But all in all, why do you like this game so much? Is it the average story + average galge rolled up into one that get you? Or the never ending onslaught of sexual innuendos?

>> No.6265594

The gameplay is designed to be bland.
Too bad if the story didn't fly with you.
And what is wrong with you if you don't like the girls or the interractions with them? That is the entire point of the game, what routes did you take?
>average galge
Cause it's not average as one, those bits if anything are what is fine.

>> No.6265611

>The gameplay is designed to be bland.
Why would one do this? Why even bother putting gameplay in if it's not fun?

And I said the galge elements were nice. But there are plenty of other galge out there that focus specifically on that and do a much better job.

>> No.6265643

Ok, that was outright incorrect.
The gameplay is made to be "interesting" as pointed out >>6264652

But thing is that it's not quite made to be a game like that, therefore this "bland JRPG" as you sort of put it, is the natural consequences of it being made in order to never really be necessary, so that you can walk right through the game without ever getting stuck because of gamplay.
The challenge ratio so to speak is designed to barely even exist.

The point is that the game doesn't lie in the gameplay, because it's not a gameplay type of game. It's about the girls.

>> No.6265661

But then why do they have the boring RPG stuff at all? Why not just make the entire game a VN or something?

>> No.6265694

Because it still contributes something.
It's like asking why Galaxy Angel have gameplay at all when it's shit (yes it's shit even compared to the gameplay alone of this).

It's an element with the task of adding flavour while not really getting in the way.
And there is still voices and lots of text even in the gameplay mode.
All in all combined with the VN mode these games really are rather text heavy.

If anything they should be making Eroge, but that might damage their career and I bet they make more money in the open market as they already are known and have a strong brand so to speak.
But this particular team is more suited for that sort of work or anything.
Not that it matters that much, it's sort of borderline that thing already anyway.

>> No.6265929

>Because it still contributes something.
Er, what does it contribute exactly? An interruption to the fun parts of the game? I just want to spend my whole time diving and getting to know the characters and shit, and frankly the gameplay and overarching plot gets in the way, especially when they aren't even good.

>> No.6266490
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>frankly the gameplay and overarching plot gets in the way, especially when they aren't even good.

>> No.6267687
File: 2.15 MB, 1212x1747, 1283841467294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to the guy scanning the new artbook?

>> No.6267722
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>> No.6267740

he died, no one is scanning this book. ever.

>> No.6267802

i'm alive !
blame the wit on my boss making me work, work work and ..work i arrive at home tired.. i'm making some progress..but that's it .. i can't scan if i don't have some free time

>> No.6268068

all hail teh scanning guy

>> No.6268361


That's cool, take it easy and scan it when you can. I just thought you'd disappeared after teasing us with a few pages. ;_;

>> No.6268365

I will never have a PS3 for AT3 because I'm poor ;_;
Anyone planning on recording a playthrough like the one I watched for MGS4?

>> No.6269501


I'm pretty sure there's already a run through on YouTube although it's obviously in Japanese.

>> No.6270653

Sucks that I can't DVR Adventure Time, program guide is fucked and claiming that Regular Show is coming on at 8:15 instead; Adventure Time doesn't show up at all in the 8:00 slot, it just says 8:45.

>> No.6271522

funny thing about these "runs on youtube" those people never play like me so i'd rather play the game itself ... thankfully since i know that AT3 is being localisez and that th ehead translastor learned a bit of hymnos i'm waiting for the release with huges anticipations.

Today i materlire rorona finaly arrived ( nis forgot to put the legal papers so it delayed my delivery )

BUT i don't have free time to play it !! Dammit ..i should scan this artbook .. but it's time to go to sleep ...
hum ? what am i doing on /jp/ instead of scaning the damn artbook ?
well at least i can browse internet while listening to the Audio disc with the rorona release ,right ?

Question : Is the rorona audio disc complete ?or do i miss some tracks ?

good night everyone

>> No.6271551

you bought the one from NISA?
it's a sampler soundtrack
also known as useless

>> No.6271912

care to direct me toward one appropriate ?

>> No.6272249


Pretty sure you can get the OST from the usual places like CDJapan, Play-Asia etc. You could probably find a download for it via Google if you don't feel like spending more money.

>> No.6273524


Did you manage to fix this problem?

>> No.6273530

>funny thing about these "runs on youtube" those people never play like me so i'd rather play the game itself
I know that, but it's either watching someone else, or not play it at all. My OCD demands it.

>> No.6274859

this problem is something entirely else ...

>> No.6274915

just finsihed listening the soundtrack , it's not great but it's not bad either for a game like rorona this is quite okay .. it's even remotely as important as the musical aspects of ar tonelico.
i put it on the same quality level as the soundtrack i bought with my mana khémia 1 back in the days

>> No.6275896

Rorona OST is pretty good IMO.

"Nose Dive" is probably my favorite song.

>> No.6276177


>Nose Dive

Fuck, it's stuck in my head again now. Fuck you, ZUN.

>> No.6276501

i meant to say that it's "NOt" as as in ar tonelico ..
forgive me for the typo

>> No.6277953 [DELETED] 


Just our of curiosity.. what is your native language?

>> No.6278987


Just out of curiosity, what is your native language?

>> No.6279471
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>> No.6281380
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>> No.6281390


I've been tricked, fucking leaf not showing up in the thumbnail.

>> No.6282190

I can't decide which side is best.

>> No.6282215
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>level 9
>need 50,000 DP
Wow, I actually need to grind DP a bit.

>> No.6283295


I think the answer is obvious. They're both perfect.

>> No.6283335

Someone really should upload the At3 Drama CDs and Voice de Toukousphere and link it here >>6213602. They've been out for awhile already...

>> No.6284553
File: 332 KB, 500x500, Finnel-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Best one.


>> No.6284561
File: 329 KB, 500x500, saki_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the Saki one. Don't know a convenient link for either with everything zipped up though.


>> No.6285542


I know an Anonymous here has at least Voice de Toukousphere so he might be willing to upload it, assuming it's not uploaded elsewhere.

>> No.6287068
File: 69 KB, 500x500, Voice de Toukousphere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Voice de Toukousphere

>> No.6287980


Excellent, now if only I understood moon language I'd be set.

>> No.6288571

Just loop it anyways, like I am. Zero moonspeak ability here, but I can pick up phrases and usual sentences from years of anime.

Finnel drama cd sounds like it's the best indeed

>> No.6289742

my native language is french , i also speak kreyol used in the Caribbean islands , english , some of spanish , enough japanese to finish rpgs on my own and understand most of the story.
(commercial games finished in japanese : grandia 3, tenerezza , tales of rebirth , tales of destiny 2 , tales of the world 1)
yes i'm also i big tales of fan
ps: but i don't have much free time so i wait for translations of my games .

>> No.6291087


Huh. I'm not sure what's going on but I can still pick out words to know what they're talking about at least. And it's kind of relaxing hearing them talk.

>> No.6292762

I kind of wish AT2/AT3 had songs similar to EXEC_PHANTASMAGORIA/., I know it'd be the same singers but just hearing them all together like that would be nice for more than a couple of tracks.

>> No.6294340
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Suddenly Sakia looks even more delicious.

>> No.6294787

After stories ?
Goddamnit GUST instead of releasing drama CDs just make some scenarioes and add them as DLC, that different personality bs can't be all that you had planned.

>> No.6295414

they too busy adding DLC to atelier totorin

>> No.6295529
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Oops, wrong image.

>> No.6295662

>my face when i realized sakia rumei has twintail and not ponytail

>> No.6295690
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>> No.6296950


Silly Bangkok, that's one of her selling points.

>> No.6297460

So... you have no face?

>> No.6297819
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>> No.6298690
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>aspect ratio

>> No.6299649 [SPOILER] 
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My thoughts exactly.

>> No.6300949
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>> No.6302665
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Totori is so lucky.

>> No.6305621
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>> No.6305908
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I concur.

>> No.6307199
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>> No.6307304

so, how is the english version of atelier rorona so far?

>> No.6309260

Finally on Phase 4, hopefully should finish tonight.

>> No.6309405


I'd like to know how the translation is too. Not really concerned about the dub but I'm hoping that they at least did a good job with the translation itself..

>> No.6309442

>good translation

>> No.6309666


This isn't Ignition Entertainment. Nor Ar Tonelico 2.

>> No.6310041

What's your point? If you consider extreme liberty with translation, as NISA does, to be good, then you'll like Rorona's TL I guess.

>> No.6311007


So it's a decent translation then? I'm not expecting perfection but I certainly don't want AT2 all over again.

>> No.6311035

They changed around a few nick names in the english translation but that's about it so far, but I'm not too far into the game. There also seems to be very minimal dub lines, I was kind of surprised about how much is not actually english voiced.

>> No.6311285


>They changed around a few nick names in the english translation

Ah yes, I actually kind of raged when they added 'Dee' to a certain characters name.

>> No.6312585
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Obligatory translation request.

>> No.6312585,1 [INTERNAL] 

So what happened to /jp/? I fall asleep for a few hours and this thread is dead..

>> No.6312585,2 [INTERNAL] 

who the fuck cares about your shitty jrpg

>> No.6312585,3 [INTERNAL] 


You obviously care enough to be checking this thread despite it not even being on the main page.

>> No.6312585,4 [INTERNAL] 

Crappy janitor deleted the thread based on the time of >>6312585 versus the current stuff on /jp/'s last page.

>> No.6312585,5 [INTERNAL] 

Welp, another thread time.


>> No.6312585,6 [INTERNAL] 

Why the hell would you bump this just to post that continuous-thread garbage?

>> No.6312585,7 [INTERNAL] 

I forgot to sage.

You mad.
