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6216760 No.6216760 [Reply] [Original]

I hear a lot of people drinking beer here, how about wine? Anyone else enjoing a bottle of wine like I am? Elegantly, of course, charsima and all that jazzy shit

>> No.6216770

i like the pink and white wine, i think the red wine is too acid in taste for me

>> No.6216778

Pink wine is nice. I don't mind white either if it's carbonated, but I don't want to put forth the effort to find a good red one.

>> No.6216784

Beer is pretty shitty, I'd much rather have wine myself.

>> No.6216782

I hate the taste of alcohol in general, I just drink whatever to get drunk

>> No.6216785

I find many red wines quite unpalatable, which is strange because I can drink cheap beer and/or whiskey quite easily.

Girly blush wines are way easier to drink, in my opinion, but then again I'm fucking weird.

>> No.6216788

I love pink and white wine too, especially the bubbly, sweeter kinds.

>> No.6216792

True man drink a simple, humble, honest whisky on the rocks while listening to Liszt and browsing /jp/.

>> No.6216793

I am so damn spoiled I can only drink sweet, fruit flavored wines and some sweetened spirits, like eggnoll or rompope.

No, I have no plans to change my tastes, damn you.

>> No.6216794

A nice scotch. It has a really relaxing taste. I'm taking it easy.

>> No.6216841


especially on an empty stomach, scotch is great.

That warm feeling and then getting the
feeling, flopping in a chair and taking it easy.

>> No.6216850
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Of course, I like dry red wine. It kinda looks like blood, wonder if it also tastes like blood...

>> No.6216852

I find hard liquor negatively effects my ability to take it easy. I wish you scotch easy people the best though, it sounds nice.

>> No.6216851

>pink wine

It's called a rosé.

And I only drink spirits, mainly Bourbon, though I enjoy some Kirsch from time to time.

>> No.6216849

I've seen Cirno drinking beer, so... why bother anything else?

>> No.6216846

The only whiskey I can drink is whiskey cream!
But then again I have the stomach of a little girl and even a beer makes me feel dizzy!

>> No.6216862

no, it does not taste like blood, get a wound and lick it, that's the taste of blood. copper coins

>> No.6216897
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In general, I prefer wine to beer. White, Red, Rosé are all fine. I think the beer I liked the most was a local beer flavored with buckwheat.

>> No.6216901

Yes, I've always thought about tasting blood, but I am too much of a pussy to wound myself or someone else for that matter just to taste it. Copper coins doesn't sound too tasty anyway.

>> No.6216914

I mostly drink brown ale and other dark beer. Too bad it's so fucking expensive here (all beer is).

Whiskey is nice too, although I can't legally buy it yet.

>> No.6216919

Not right now but when I do drink it's wine or champagne.

Stay classy OP. Plebs will shout "gay!" or whatever but I think nobles like us know well that beer is beneath is.

>> No.6216923

Haven't you ever accidentally bitten your tongue?

>> No.6216933

I had once

feels good man

>> No.6216946
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I like my drinks bitter, like life itself.

>> No.6216967

Not until it bleeds I guess and since I rarely go out I tend not to harm myself.

>> No.6216996

I prefer rose to reds, but I don't dislike reds at all. I try to keep things interesting by not drinking the same all the time. I usually switch between reds, rose, gin&tonic and beer.

>> No.6217068

Drinking beer and whiskey right now.

>> No.6217100

crack open a cheap beer and boot up the /jp/ music stream.

You are now taking it easy.

>> No.6217141

I drink Rum and coke here usually, cause I'm common like that, but I'm partial to Rosé out of wines in general...

>> No.6217150

I drink to get drunk, let's not beat around the bush. I drink the cheapest handles of vodka I can find with orange juice concentrate/water mix.

>> No.6217187

Why even mix it with something? You'd get drunk a lot faster if you drank it pure.

>> No.6217198

Weird, mine tastes rather sweet. Nothing like copper coins.

I like mostly red wines myself. Sweet white ones are pretty nice too. Hydromel is also nice to have after a meal. If I wish to get drunk, I usually go with strong beer (9% grolsch navigator is one of my favorite) or brown rhum.

>> No.6217204

With rotgut that cheap, you pretty much have to. It's not bad in smaller amounts, but drinking a big glass of straight vodka is really fucking gross. Brutal sore throat the next day, too, with it being an organic solvent and all.

>> No.6217229

Is there a wine thats really sweet?

I dont like most alcoholic drinks, and just drink pop instead.

But if there is a wine that's like pop, I could dig it.

I dont give a shit if its fruity.

>> No.6217235

Boone's Farm. It's not really a wine, though. It's a malt beverage with a bunch of sugar and alcohol in it.

>> No.6217239


It boggles my mind that anyone other than literal bums drinks liquor that cheap.

Try Russian Standard next time you go liquor shopping. It's like $30 a handle and it's the best Vodka I've ever had.
Aside from not tasting like acetone, you're a hell of a lot better off the next morning.

>> No.6217247

If you buy the cheapest available, you better mix it up because the taste is disgusting.

>> No.6217249


Thanks. I'm a real pussy when it comes to drinks.

I tried to drink Vodka and it was awful.
Rum and Coke was a no go either.
Lime beer was kind of good though.

>> No.6217264

Four Loco is REALLY fucking strong, but it's pure sugar. Drink one, two will usually make you throw up. Popular college drink, because it's dirt cheap, strong, and full of sugar and caffeine.

>> No.6217272

I usually just get a bottle of Black Velvet, it's about $20 and tastes great, maybe it's because I'm used to it but I prefer it to the more expensive stuff.

>> No.6217300

20$ is not very cheap, so it better tastes good (I personally don't know about Black Velvet). But I agree that I prefer to buy a bottle of more expensive types to some cheap headache liquor.

>> No.6217324

It's whiskey, a 700ml bottle.

It's cheap for me since I'm Swedish. You can get a 1L bottle on the boats for approximately $18.

>> No.6217356

Wine is pretty much the only alcohol I drink. Don't like the sweet ones though.

>> No.6217358

OP here, just finished the whole litre bottle, feels viking man, I feel like puttin g on a fur vest and slaying some dragons, after I have forged myself a huge sword. May Thor be mercifull, tonight we dine in our kitchens

>> No.6217378

Alchohol is expensive, but when I can afford a bottle it's usually the cheap gallons of wine you can get at the supermarket for like $6.

>> No.6217382
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Just drank a shit tone of stuff.

Damn I'm too drunk.

I love you /jp/.

>> No.6217440
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>> No.6217514

Took this straight out of a translator.

Instance of descending drunkenness

Gotta go to sleep

Still love you ;_;

>> No.6217731

plum wine or white zinfandel are my favorites but as an automotive student get so much shit for drinking it.

>> No.6217761

OP here once again, now I am enjoying some vodka, raw, huge sips from a huge bottle. Still I feel no effect of alcohol or drunkness, only that mild warmth.

and alo a burning desire to stick my dick into anything with a hole while starring at some touhou pictures

>> No.6217820

I typically only have the occasional riesling or shiraz, though I do enjoy those. It's easy for me to consume a container of whatever is in front of me (this is in NO WAY limited to alcohol - it's amazing that I'm only 10 pounds overweight), though, so wine being stronger and coming in 750ml bottles is disincentive to buy it. I'll get sake every once in a while, too, since while it's delicious if it's good enough quality, for some reason it's just easier not to drink large quantities of.

I like Washington Hills' late harvest rieslings. Sweet, but not overly so - very smooth and very delicious. Tonight I'm going to enjoy a nice weizenbock (Victory Moonglow) once the sun goes down and it cools off to celebrate the arrival of my favorite month of the year, though.

> True man drink a simple, humble, honest whisky on the rocks while listening to Liszt and browsing /jp/.
You are suddenly my hero, and I don't even drink whisky normally.

>> No.6217838
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Last week I downed a bottle of red wine and threw it up all over my carpet. It's not very easy to get out. Dem stains.

>> No.6217862
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>downed a bottle of red wine
What made you think that was a good idea?

>> No.6217900

It depends on what I'm eating for dinner(that's when i have wine) Fish i have white wine & for meat dishes i have Red wine, I really don't like pink wine due to the taste.

>> No.6217916
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reporting in

>> No.6217922


Mostly having just spent my first week at university locking myself in my room and pissing in a bottle because I was too scared of facing my flatmates.

>> No.6217966
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>>6217916 forgot my homebrewman trip lol

zoloft 200mg

>> No.6217990

I see. Are they scary people?

>> No.6217995
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>taking it easy

>> No.6218010
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Yea. They come in drunk at 3am most nights. I'm scared to go in the kitchen, it feels like they're all laughing at me behind my back. One of the girls is really nice but probably faking it. fdslkfd. Thankfully my hometown is only an hour or so away so I can retreat every weekend...

>> No.6218013
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mfw 0 replies in the thread that i'm in, probably samefagging. i'm not even mad.

>> No.6218028
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when they come home, hang out with them and talk about your classes or something.

>> No.6218049
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my /jp/ face

>> No.6218062
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>live in France
>drink wine twice a day
>get breast cancer
>mon visage

>> No.6218065
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>> No.6218068

I know the feeling. If you can somehow converse with them occasionally, you will probably feel more comfortable.

>> No.6218080
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>breast cancer

>> No.6218086
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I meant... manboob cancer

>> No.6218122
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>> No.6218211

Beer, sake, wine, champagne, jack daniels, vodka and rum.

>> No.6218224

Sounds like a rough night.

>> No.6218254
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Nah. Right now, I'm enjoying myself some rum and coke while I watch my sister get PWNED in UNL.

Tomorrow will be the throat killer night.

>> No.6218265
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Suki suki sake!!

>> No.6218306

The only two instances I have been drunk was on white wine. Shit's super effective on me but after 4-6 hours sleep I'm completely fine.

Good quality alcohol doesn't give you a hangover.

>> No.6219044

dat Remiria...

ehem, I drink wine regularly, am grateful to live in a wine producing country, too bad our beer fucking sucks.
