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File: 95 KB, 801x600, bloods2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6214570 No.6214570 [Reply] [Original]

ITT Nukige discussion

Bloods ~淫落の血族2~

Blood related Mother, older sister and younger sister.

The older sister is also voiced by the same VA who did Sachi in SnK

>> No.6214584


>> No.6214582

are you working on the eng patch?

>> No.6214820

I personally like Psy-chs titles.

>> No.6214828

Any good NTR titles lately?

>> No.6214835

hope that shitty fad dies off soon

>> No.6214868
File: 24 KB, 188x400, Mina_Hayase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hear you, brother. If I'm gonna be sibject to the antics of sluts, then at least I want them to be honest.

>> No.6214875

Word. It's even worse than the tsundere craze a few years back.

>> No.6214919
File: 94 KB, 280x210, bangai_hen_Tenshitachi_no_gogo_3-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you guys weren't around during the perfect girl nonsense at the beginning.

<-- Imagine entire games with THIS kind of braindead dream girls everywhere.

>> No.6214928

Yep. Started by Ah! My Goddess. I still say the NTR phase is more annoying, largely because the English community has no idea what the term actually means and takes every opportunity to apply it. A lot like tsundere actually,

>> No.6214940

I liked NTR before it was cool

>> No.6214949

I don't see what is wrong with liking NTR. And I don't know what you mean by tsundere 'phase', it's still pretty popular.

>> No.6214951
File: 67 KB, 550x822, CensoredBell-550x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which also, I suspect, started the whole NTR deal too!

>> No.6214958

Name me a 90's show that did not sport a tsundere.

Few, I know.

>> No.6214974

I was mostly meaning the guy up above who posted
>the tsundere craze a few years back.
the 90's were aeons ago. I'm just saying compared to a few years ago, I don't think there is that different a change in the popularity of tsundere.

>> No.6214979


I wonder what Fujishima-san thinks about Slut Bell, which is so prevalent.

Was he implying that all along?

>> No.6214983

Tsundere cafes. Enough said.

>> No.6214998
File: 167 KB, 840x630, 9037359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>M-mou,it's not like I want to be in this outfit for you or anything.

>Here's your Coffee, i-i-it's nothing special. I give people this stuff on basically every minute! Dont think it's a rare occasion!

>This is your bill. I didnt say all of that embarassing Tsundere stuff either because I really meant it!...Baka

>> No.6214999

the sister is the best

>> No.6215000

>mfw this is what people think tsundere is

>> No.6215001
File: 38 KB, 200x150, kei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name me a reason why anybody would not be pissed off at this spineless faggot since day one. I know he is a microscopic fish in a tank full of tiger shraks, but stop being a goddamn damsel in distress.

>> No.6215003
File: 86 KB, 801x601, bloods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one?

>> No.6215005

that one

>> No.6215010

The thing is though, 90s tsunderes are totally different from recent stuff. And there weren't multitudes of games going "look at all the tsun we packed in! Tsun tsun everywhere!" The label is also massively overapplied. Any character who isn't immediately slobbering over the MC's cock gets the tsundere label tacked onto them.

>> No.6215012

Anyone looking forward to that new title from Tanuki Soft?

>> No.6215023
File: 77 KB, 640x480, nanakoisnoble2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question: Is this nukige with a plot, or just a fuckfest?

Yes, I know what I am asking is stupid to most, but I like a game where the characters are likeable, not just because they have tits in my face.

>> No.6215026


>ame me a reason why anybody would not be pissed off at this spineless faggot since day one. I know he is a microscopic fish in a tank full of tiger shraks, but stop being a goddamn damsel in distress.

Oh, well, yeah, I figured that's where the fulcrum of the story comes in, though.

I knew from the instant he didn't boink Bell when she appeared that he would not be making any moves on her anytime soon. She was ready to rock and roll the moment she fell through that mirror, and instead of manning up...well, you get the idea.

>> No.6215043

reminds me of shiori in tokimeki memorial 1
such a shitty character

>> No.6215052

This thread is oddly civilized and educated. Who are you people and what have you done with /jp/?

>> No.6215058

Are there any other games like VH where you can whore yourself out?

>> No.6215067

Maybe Raidy?

>> No.6215065
File: 66 KB, 803x601, ryokorapeseverybody.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that I know of. Most of the sluts I have seen do it in the name of Love and long, hard cocks.

>> No.6215068 [SPOILER] 
File: 367 KB, 2049x600, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm playing the new Atelier Honky Tonk game right now. God they really went all out in ero now. The two main heroines have 28-27 eroscenes (going by CGs that is, and not including variants), and the vast majority has animated bits. It'd be pretty cool yeah, but there isn't any character I like sadly. At least Anedeath had the sadist sister who was fun, however this doesn't have anyone interesting.
And of course, as usual some eroscenes are ridiculous.
< All aboard the squirt-train!

>> No.6215072

Any good nukige come out since April? I'm not into boring consensual stuff or old ladies.

>> No.6215083

I would be more worried with the whole coprophagia going on in that pic you posted.

I... I just want sexy. Not nasty.

>> No.6215113


I thought it was that too before I noticed it wasn't in the ass.

>> No.6215126

the.. fuck..?

>> No.6215136
File: 417 KB, 1921x1295, Tenchi cast official poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But he had nothing to prove himself with.
Even Tenchi had his godhax, and we all know how hen-pecked he was.

>> No.6215138
File: 23 KB, 250x300, c688304chara3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking lol, so far all the ero scenes I've seen have been tame as fuck.

Also, 襟裳岬 ジュン子 (えりもみさき じゅんこ) CV:かわしまりの

>> No.6215147

They look more like dildos to me.

>> No.6215156

Bang kok, any particular games you would recommend? I see some out tastes match sometimes.

Well, that is fine and dandy for you, but my mind translates that as logs of shit.

fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

>> No.6215160

Yeah she's the most interesting heroine, but even she's kinda dull in my opinion. Your runofthemill slutty heroine, who's grabbing your penis the first time meeting her. At least Kawashima Rino's voice is still sexy.
Those are vibrators, not scat. The color is kinda confusing.

>> No.6215170
File: 28 KB, 718x349, tenchi slap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even Tenchi had his godhax, and we all know how hen-pecked he was.

>> No.6215205
File: 243 KB, 408x519, jacket_imouto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently playing this, but haven't been able to motivate myself to play it in a while, since it has this horrible feature of saves just taking you to the beginning of the chapter, and I can't stand the thought of manually finding the line I stopped at when I just want to fap. Seriously, why the hell would they make a so lousy save feature?

It's really promising, though. Just gotten to the second sex scene, but the imouto is really adorable. I'm excited to see how she turns out later in the game, whether she retains her innocent imouto appeal, or she turns into a complete sadist.

>> No.6215219

Is this Maid in Heaven? The artist is definitely the same and the developer don't seem to have much else out, but I thought Maid in Heaven was mostly focused on that one maid heroine.

>> No.6215226
File: 162 KB, 527x746, 1242674139576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6215232

Which genre?
I'm currently playing 暁の護衛~罪深き終末論~ if that helps.

>> No.6215235

Sumeragi Ryoko Bitch na Ichinichi.

All kinds except those that look like they were written by Sade, if you know what I mean. Anything theme but NTR, hopefully with likeable characters.

>> No.6215247

loved the characters

>> No.6215263
File: 331 KB, 367x521, port.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was in umineko

>> No.6215286

She gets to be a complete sadist in the end. I liked that game personally. Not my favorite from Hyokobanchou, but it is one of the better ones.

>> No.6215297

That was 'tsundora'

>> No.6215317

only battler said tsundora, and that's cause he's retarded (figuring out the truth =/= not retarded anymore [as seen in 6])

>> No.6215325

It's my first game by them, but they some like a very good developer, matching my tastes and preferences quite well, so most likely I'll play all their games eventually. It's kinda hard to find a good balance with games that are not too extreme (msize and the femdom ones from Black Cyc comes to mind), but not just normal sex where the woman is a little more aggressive than normal. Hiyokobanchou seems to hit the sweet-spot perfectly. Now that I mention it, any other developers I should look out for who do the same?

>> No.6215352

Actually George said it first.

>> No.6215363

There's a shitload of Honky Tonk stuff out there, mind giving the title?

>> No.6215370

Well, they also got quite some hard M stuff. Granted not as severe like msize (ergo they don't go as far to include dickcutting or scat), but they do have pegging gangbang, cockrings, whipping and the alike. Their last game is quite sucky though in my opinion.

Going by your reply I think you'd like some of the Shining Star games ( しすた~ずヘブン~ふたりはおしかけご主人様~ and Twins Panic / Break Panic games ). They are also pretty cool I have to say, and they don't go all the way to the extremes (though they are mostly lolis, so yeah).
Aside of them, you could try the 2 Maxal games ( http://almax.sakura.ne.jp/maxal/ ). They are along the same veins, and I found their games quite hot.

>> No.6215373


>> No.6215377
File: 18 KB, 531x112, captcha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also, what the flying fuck, captcha?

>> No.6215382

Oh also the Kagura Dou games would probably fit your tastes. http://kagurado.net/top.html

>> No.6215399

>pegging gangbang, cockrings, whipping and the alike
I don't really mind any of that. It was mostly a loli jumping on a guys dick in an msize game, and pretty much all of Kichiku Kanojo that made me realize I need to be careful with how extreme stuff I get myself into.

As for your suggestions, Twins Panic is on my list after I saw some extremely appealing CG from it somewhere, and I downloaded Sado Loli, but it didn't work with AGTH (need it to look up some of those kanji). I'll definitely keep close watch over those two developers. Thanks for the suggestions. Now that I think about it, I should also add the Maxal artist to my favorites on pixiv, since he tends to give CG samples from new games.

>> No.6215403

Man, how do you know I love lolidom so much?
