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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6204452 No.6204452 [Reply] [Original]

This game is single-handedly going to make Japan go extinct.... Also more then likely ensure /jp/ never breeds again.


>> No.6204456
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>> No.6204462

>Also more then likely ensure /jp/ never breeds again.

I'm sure that's already covered.

>> No.6204464

This game looks good. I-it's not like I'm gonna fall in love or anything...

>> No.6204465

So it is just a dating simulater with a cute underage Japanese schoolgirl whom has been your childhood friend ever since you can remember and is awkwardly in love with you?

I don't get it how is this big ne-

Oh fuck.

>> No.6204466

3D pig delicious

>> No.6204467

More like old news, /v/. But hey, I'm getting a 3DS for this.

>> No.6204474

We don't need to breed. We only need to infect the offsprings of those who have bred to assure /jp/ will live forever.

>> No.6204496

pls tell me how to get loveplus for iphone with no jap phone

>> No.6204501

Nah, she's just the tennis club star at your new school. You're supposed to teach her about fast food and poor people and stuff.

>> No.6204510

Love Plus is pretty big amongst dating simulator because it lets you actually date your girlfriend, instead of cutting off the game at the confession scene.

>> No.6204525
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>> No.6204527

So what's the incentive to keep playing it? Doesn't it run out of things to do or end up repeating the same lines over and over?

>> No.6204541

new season new events, her birthday, your birthday, her new clothes etc etc

>> No.6204562

you don't need "incentive" to finish it, it's supposed to be played like ten-twenty minutes each day to relax and soothe you.
Of course if you rush it you're going to see everything the game has in two weeks.
It's just a different playstyle. Sometimes you study with her, you do exercise with her, you sleep together, etc.
Plus+ even had an emergency button to dissuade you out of suiciding.

>> No.6204563

The same could be asked of real women too.

>> No.6204571

Ah yeah that button thing, what did it do in the end?
And what happens if you press it all the time?

>> No.6204584

Dunno, didn't try it. But you can't do that, it has some sort of system where you can only use it very rarely.
The producers said that once you use it, you have to grind a lot of events before being able to use it again or something, because they wanted to let it keep that "only for emergencies" feeling.

>> No.6204599

>Plus+ even had an emergency button to dissuade you out of suiciding.

Wait what?

Like real suicide?

How would that work anyways? Does it call up an emergency suicide hotline for you or something?

>> No.6204615

I think it's something like a really comforting speech from the girl. Like I said, I didn't try it.
And they really just described it as "emergency button", but really, considering the type of people this game panders to, it's not that farfetched to think about suicide.

>> No.6204623

If you are using a flashcart, you know you can actually copy your save file onto your computer and after using the button you could copy back your save and replaced the used one or you could just reset the game after the used the button. not too sure about the latter as I would really want to get over with my anniversary before moving onto love+.

>> No.6204626

Get the fuck out of my turf, /v/.

>> No.6204633

>considering the type of people this game panders to, it's not that farfetched to think about suicide.

Indeed. I was less surprised than i should have been when i heard about it.

>> No.6204648

Was the DS version ever translated? I thought I saw a /jp/ translation group when it came out.

>> No.6204652

Nope, stuck at 1/4 with something like 12 or so translators working on it, shit's hilarious.

>> No.6204668

Pretty awesome stuff bro.

Imagine how advanced the girlfriend simulators will be 20 years from now. The things will have a USB port for your penis.

>> No.6204669
File: 407 KB, 700x1000, 6782106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My girlfriend is everything 3D promised but couldn't deliver in my youth. We've spent a full year together and I'm a happier, more together person for it. There's no way I'll ever return to pigs. A simple relationship based on love is completely beyond their abilities.

>> No.6204695

As long as the models are not as pixelated as the original ones, I'll be happy.
I'm not updated on the 3DS specs, is that actual gameplay quality or just advertising? I find it hard to believe they can come out of the screen like in OP.

>> No.6204696

So we're falling more and more on artificials girl while real women are only interested about how to fight us and acquire more power in society..?

I fucking love this world, this is getting more and more interesting.

>> No.6204697


i heard there's this rad new Girlfriend Simulator out

>> No.6204703
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>> No.6204707


even more rad

it's called Outside

>> No.6204711

>This game is single-handedly going to make Japan go extinct.

What the fuck, why?

The girl isn't even good-looking. There are games with much cuter girls out there.

>> No.6204714

but it's not a simulation

>> No.6204731

>I find it hard to believe they can come out of the screen like in OP.

3DS has a new hologram feature.

>> No.6204733

> extinct
So ? Even if it was true, there are whores everywhere all over the world (and stupids normalfags to make them pregnant)
Don't worry about impossibilities like extinction.

>> No.6204736

ZUN could become a billionaire if he sold the rights to a Touhou version(s).

>> No.6204737

>3DS has two screens; the top screen is a 3.53-inch 5:3 3D screen with a resolution of 800×240 pixels that is able to produce a stereoscopic three-dimensional effect without 3D glasses

Holy shit.

>> No.6204742

Does 3DS support Nintendo DS games?

>> No.6204747
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>> No.6204753

Yes but no 3D features included. Only newer 3DS games get 3D

>> No.6204761

Yay, more reasons to spen dmoney to get another useless handheld game console!

>> No.6204765

>what the fuck
>freaking gooks

>> No.6204770

yes! which makes me really want to sell off my current NDSL ASAP before it's price plummets even more

>> No.6204782

> able to produce a stereoscopic three-dimensional effect without 3D glasses

It still don't understand how this works

>> No.6204787

So I'm not a huge Love Plus fan, but 3DS is going to kill my wallet. So much awe- wait what?



>> No.6204789

the screen has two sets of pixels aimed at your two eyes seperately

>> No.6204790

You've never seen 3D photos or postcards?

>> No.6204795

You obviously insert a plug into your brain and directly connect to the 3DS Anon.

>> No.6204798

Oh god, the world of Ressentiment is becoming more and more true, soon i will be able to have sex with my imaginary waifu.

>> No.6204803

In b4 Laughing Man

>> No.6204805

as long as they don't come out with a version for women to enjoy, I'm ALLLLLL for this.

>> No.6204807

Don't underestimate Glorious Nippon, they'll with definitely make it someday.

>> No.6204815

Pretty sure some women can still enjoy this, if you know what I mean.
Better go kill yourself now anon.

>> No.6204818

It's impossible from a business standpoint. No company would pay women to play their games.

>> No.6204819

> a version for women
I wouldn't put it past women, after all they want to steal all of ours stuff.

>> No.6204823

Tange Sakura plays it. She's dating MomoRinko.

>> No.6204824

> they want to steal...
They're already stealing anon.

>> No.6204834
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They have already made one for the DS didn't they? and that one pretty much got translated in speed of light than the love plus for guys.

>> No.6204835

Women play games because they find the characters cute. Very few play for the challenge.

>> No.6204839

>got translated in speed of light
I don't know if i should be happy or mad about this.

>> No.6204841

>/jp/ never breeds
Wait, what?

>> No.6204849

>version for ronery girls
GAHHH. I retract my previous statement.
As if japanese/korean women these days weren't blinded enough by their fantasies of the "perfect man" they see so much in their dramas. They would never "settle" for anything less, as a man would!


>> No.6204852 [DELETED] 

Wow, look at this expert.
Tokimeki was enjoyable not so much because of the challenge though it did make those challenging characters somewhat more desirable. No, it's for the experience of meeting the character. The first impression, the personality and the secrets underneath.

I'm guessing that Loveplus is popular because it offers that and girls have a real kinda depth to them. If and when Loveplus finally finished its translation, I guarantee it's gonna cause a frenzy.

>> No.6204863

Wow, look at this expert.
Tokimeki was enjoyable not so much because of the challenge though it did make those challenging characters somewhat more desirable. No, it's for the experience of meeting the character. The first impression, the personality and the secrets underneath.

I'm guessing that Loveplus is popular because it offers that and the girls have a real kinda depth to them. If and when Loveplus finally finishes its translation, I guarantee it's gonna cause a frenzy.

>> No.6204875

We should just go and beg those women that translated the girl version. I'm pretty sure those women would probably finish it before the bunch of fakers that were pretending to translate them.

>> No.6204889

Clearly pre-rendered. Very smooth and shiny mode. Go look at actual 3DS screenshots. You get PS2/PSP-level graphics. No anti-aliasing. Nothing will appear to stick out beyond the boundary of the 3DS screen borders. It uses two sets of pixels, not holograms.

That photographing and point-the-machine-to-look-around element should be technically possible, given the machine's motion sensing capabilities.

>> No.6204907
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>> No.6204911

that shit might fly on /v/, but it's lost on /jp/, sorry.

>> No.6204912

Can you save-load game progress?

>> No.6204917

Outside is hardcore mode, you dont respawn. Fuck that. Also you get banned for life with no ban evasion for raping lolies. Its highly overrated.

>> No.6204922


>> No.6205107

Hey! I know that game!... I'm a pretty successful merchant selling printer inks... Lol!...

>> No.6205115

Almost as funny as it was five years ago.

>> No.6205582


>> No.6205605

It's only pseudo-3D, it's fine. As long as it brings your waifu closer to reality, third dimension is allowed.

>> No.6205609

Hm, how do I download a DS?

>> No.6205653

I wouldn't mind there being a version for girls, gay guys could play it too.

>> No.6205659


>> No.6205664

Me: Well at least handhelds are still 2D.

Nintendo: We are proud to announce 3DS

Me; Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you!

>> No.6205669

Kidnapping children and dressing them up as Touhou characters is okay, then?

>> No.6205671

Don't worry, they won't be able to make all their games 3D. It just won't work.

>> No.6205679

If it's the same content as in the original, I don't really see the point of buying this. Weak 3D effects aren't worth it.

I'd rather wait for more info before saying OMG WANT THIS NAOW

>> No.6205683

Wait.. are you telling me it isnt?

>> No.6205685

I dunno I currently have nothing else to look forward.
Now boarding the bandwagon. When's this 3DDS supposed to hit the market?

>> No.6205686

When you have 3D in the title of the bloody system, it sort of encourages people to use it.

>> No.6205694

February in Japan, March in the US

>> No.6205698

you're being a prude. Dressing an already existing child isn't the same as a fictional character created with pseudo-3D effects.
Plenty of people have videogame waifus, so that's 3D pig disgusting as well?
I get that you think saying "lol 3DPD XD" in this case is extremely funny, but really, give it a break.

>> No.6205706
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Do you think video games are exclusively 3D CG? Most of the video game waifus mentioned on this board are from 2D games.

>> No.6205710



>> No.6205719

I know, still, Miku for example has 3D cg games. Persona has 3D models. Tokimeki Memorial has cellshading games.
Saying 3DPD just because it's not a drawing but rendered polygons is juvenile at best.

>> No.6205740

>I know, still, Miku for example has 3D cg games.
Vocaloid is a voice synthesizer program, it's not a game series. They aren't any graphics.

>Persona has 3D models
You know the first two, the good ones? They are 2D.

>Tokimeki Memorial has cellshading games.
It did? I don't remember any.

>Saying 3DPD just because it's not a drawing but rendered polygons is juvenile at best.

Uncanny valley. It's been proved that 3D CG is creepy looking to people, while 2D isn't.

>> No.6205768


some people get used to it. kigurumis used to seem creepy to me but after a few dozen threads here they don't seem that odd at all.

>> No.6205779

Too bad region locking is going to fuck me over from getting this. I'll wait for the 3DS to get hacked to buy one.

>> No.6205785

Well, that's nice for you I guess, but I never get used to those creepy masks no matter how many times I see them.

>> No.6205787

There are two Miku games for the PSP. The graphics are pretty good, actually.

>> No.6205793

You faggots don't even know what 3DPG means.

Hint: it's not the dimensions that we find disgusting.

Go back to /a/.

>> No.6205798

Oh, come on, stop trying to act like a /jp/ regular.

>> No.6205804

Do you remember when somebody posted a screencap from a 3D Final Fantasy game and the first three replies were "3D;PD?" Good times.

>> No.6205814


Is that pluralis majestatis? Because you certainly aren't a spokeperson for any group, especially not one that has anything to do with /jp/.

And personally, I do find 3D disgusting in any shape and form. Especially the computer-generated one.

>> No.6205832

I do find the third dimension to be a little offputting.
But I guess this all starting when I took to concepts I wasn't all too familiar with. I'll try giving it a go since 3D technology seems to be in something of a bubble right now, maybe I gain something. If not, I suppose I'll just take an elitist/puritan stance on the whole issue.

>> No.6205947

Miku's got games now, guy. I'm just gonna leave this here. Throw a bemani-like interface on top of that and that's the game, pretty much.

>> No.6206184
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>> No.6206218

Lots of girls play Love Plus.

>> No.6206250

I thought he was going to peek at her panties.

>> No.6206407

Your fault for caring about 3D sluts in the first place

>> No.6206415

Only lesbians.

>> No.6207105
File: 29 KB, 398x359, 943757_97205_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently they are almost done with the Girl's Side 2nd Season translation and already planning ahead for the Girl's Side 3rd Story. I died a little inside.

>> No.6207185

Can't wait to make those Valentine chocolates!

>> No.6207316

Why the fuck is shit like this translated but not Love Plus.

>> No.6207560


>> No.6208817

Yeah, what the fuck is with that?

>> No.6208825

Because fujoshi > You lazy fucks.

>> No.6208829

Tokimeki Memorial > Love Plus

>> No.6208855

How does one with no social skills make 400$ to buy a 3DS and LP?

>> No.6208856

Sell stuff on eBay

>> No.6208868

Mental illness disabilty pension.

>> No.6208871

I'm not really that excited. Love Plus+ was just the same game with minor updates, I doubt this will be any different. I'll still be getting a 3DS at launch though if it's only like 300 bucks, and I'm sure there will be flash carts out soon enough so I don't have to buy games.

>> No.6208878


>> No.6208900

Sure, but most of us are mentally ill in some way. The rest are mad that they work instead of NEET.

>> No.6208912

I'm just saying, I'm honorable about my government aid. I just get food, test vouchers, textbooks and internet access. Oh, yeah, and this computer I'm typing on, but it's 7 years old, anyway.

>> No.6208922

I've been thinking about this, but having to see a psychiatrist or whatever is quite an ordeal.

>> No.6209655


>> No.6209694




Saori Hayami is glorious.


>> No.6209744

> Manaka voiced by Saori Hayami
> Rinko voiced by Sakura Tange
Damn, I've been missing out.

>> No.6209753
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Shut up you dumb fuck, Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side is golden.

>> No.6209755


>> No.6209781

Too bad, she's a bit too old now.

>> No.6209807

I don't even care with Sakura.

>> No.6209855

You guys know the 3DS is experimenting with augmented reality right? So will this game be taking advantage of that? Like, you put the DS camera up to your bed and she sits down and waves at you?

I'm sold if that's the case.

>> No.6210045
File: 15 KB, 275x300, slowpoke.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow 3ds was announced how long ago?!

>> No.6210049

The thread isn't about 3DS, /b/friend. Work on your reading comprehension.

>> No.6210054
File: 70 KB, 750x600, DoubleFacePalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


was referring to the above

>> No.6210059

You're mistakenly thinking all of us care about being updated on the vidya.
I saw the 3DS launch at E3, and never bothered to look up anything after that.

>> No.6210060

Whatever. Take your ancient image macros back to /b/.

>> No.6210121

Is it me or did it get abit faggy up in ere....

>> No.6210136

>augmented reality
was wondering if anyone else knew that too.

>> No.6210162


>> No.6210181

The newfaggotry in this thread smells a lot like the bullshit usually seen on /v/. I think it's time some people go back to their board and stop acting like it's the first time they heard of this game.

>> No.6210182

I think you mean SURI DI ESSU.

>> No.6210207

>> Rinko voiced by Sakura Tange
Wait, she voices Rinko? I heard she plays Love Plus and is dating Rinko, that means she's dating her own voice?

>> No.6210264

Game of the Year!
