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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6195242 No.6195242 [Reply] [Original]

New thread, old one is on autosage


>> No.6195269

I fucking suck at this game.

>> No.6195322

Is there a larger version of that image, or at least one without their head ornamentation cut off? It looks like it would make an excellent CB wallpaper.

>> No.6195351

It's impossible to suck at this game.

>> No.6195397

Tell that to my bots in jCB. If I make it in the top 10 I'm happy.

>> No.6195602

Why does WIZ think they're good? Most of them are terrible except two clans.

>> No.6195618

Most points = lol eyem good. I haven't cared about the factions thing since 2nd week in OB1.

>> No.6195645

WIZ is just a bunch of shuffling faggots.

>> No.6195654

stop spamming this shit. go to /v/.

>> No.6195676

Most people > Most shuffle players > Most points > Best faction > Most people

It's a bad game design cycle

>> No.6195692

I guess I'll wait for the weekend to play this again. No way I'm grinding cash to tunning up my stuff.

>> No.6195764


You could play to.. have fun.

>> No.6195777

To be fair though all the arenas are full. It's not exactly fun for me, last night I couldn't get a single match, every game was full.

>> No.6195794

Even on DOS the arenas were full last night unless I wanted to sit around as the first person in a new shuffle arena. Apparently all the new players are joining DOS this time around or something, I couldn't believe how many people were packed in the DOS lobby

>> No.6195798

If every arena is full, start a new one/join an empty one. Not that hard really. I haven't played a 30vs30 in a while actually.

>> No.6196054
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> May i ask what it is exactly that you've changed??

Instead of two Hand Bazooka Mods, I have 1 HBM and 1 Assault Rifle. The rifle now allows me to shoot at dangerous LND bots from a safe range. I wish I could fit the more powerful 4-burst rifle (Raid Rifle), but it takes too much cost.

>> No.6196203
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The English CB wiki still has no one working on it. Anyone have some time to fill in the pages? It would be nice to know some info about these weapons before buying them.

>> No.6196277


Just use the japanese wiki

>> No.6196288
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So I'm using two of the same ranged weapon. Would it be more beneficial to put +force and +2tec on each one, or just +3tec on both?

I'm leaning towards +3tec on both, since the bonus applies to both weapons and is 5 cost cheaper than the force tune.

>> No.6196323

What is your current TEC?

>> No.6196342
File: 27 KB, 500x500, 7353165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put the +2tec tunes in each of the three slots, so they're at 6tec each. 20 total.

I still have 5 open body slots to tune though, so I can get more.

>> No.6196404

Loving their "tactic" of clustering under the power spot and wasting ammo shooting eachother when an air unit passes over.

>> No.6196453

Is playing a support character completely pointless now? I haven't played since early OB1 and it looks like all the problems supporting came with back then have multiplied tenfold. Disregarding the effort it takes to charge your bit gauge in an environment where you can't stand up to any of the specialized characters, attempts to use it either end in nobody getting healed because they are running around everywhere or people trying to get healed only for an Ivis to run in the group, destroy your bit, and kill you and everyone else in the process. The only games where I have been able to do my supposed job, my team was good enough that they could completely secure an area for repairing. Problem is, if your team can acheive that, you are already winning and going to all the trouble to repair is worth less than being an Ivis and speeding the process of wrecking the other team along. Arguably, I'm not a good player at all, but it doesn't seem like any amount of being good can solve the problem that a bunch of people with low health sitting in a tight group is an open invitation for small melee (Ivis especially, what with being unstoppable unless killed dead and all) or those air units with virtual infinite flight circling around at ridiculous heights to rack up a nice 20x kill combo.

>> No.6196454

> implying this isn't what every faction does

>> No.6196502

So you suggest sitting in a room with 4 wiz and 0 brd a good idea? Cause other than those rooms there was nothing to join and I mean NOTHING. As soon as a room opened it was full. Between the time it took to click on it and it brought up the matching, it was full. That's quite common on wiz in the matches vs dos and brd so it's either sit around with your thumb up your ass or shuffle.

The problem is there's 2 times as many players on Wiz because the gay ass new players wanted to be on the winning team ... damn them all to hell.

>> No.6196539
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No. I guess it depends on the bot you're using, but a competent healer can change the fight.

Ask Florette, he almost always plays support and gets in the top 10.

>only for an Ivis to run in the group, destroy your bit, and kill you and everyone else in the process

Running into a group with an Ivis is stupid unless you're planning on dieing. If the team isn't stupid, the Ivis should die before it can kill 2 people. Especially on the PS.

After every match at least 3 people are kicked. Just watch for a match to end and join then. It's not hard.

>> No.6196926
File: 609 KB, 1280x960, ScreenShot_20100927_1950_25_526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Planning to die in an Ivis is the best strategy around, suicide run against 10 guys around a power station is like garunteed 1k dmg

Ivis spamming fags, need to l2p. I'm looking at you fags, Kaali, Gundame. pic related.

>> No.6197261


And you're using Ouka which is almost as bad as Ivis. You're both suck.

>> No.6197375

Does ouka have no stun? No. Didn't think so. What can you do with no stun? Rghtclick spam into 10 people, and expect to win. Charge arts with no fear.Make any land run away.

What does ouka have? a melee combo that can be easily gotten out of with side dash if people weren't so stupid. l2p.

>> No.6197407


Ouka has tough runner and stun regain. She's also way harder to kill than Ivis.

>> No.6197433

Florette's a hopper and damage dealer in a servbuster. Just because he also heals is hardly meaningful if you're interested in being strictly healer.

Hmmm, I guess Florette's strategy is better? Unless you somehow get fat stacks of wonder drugs because he's keeping his wonder bit full with all that hopping and shooting. Kinda dangerous though. I'd much prefer shooting cactuses snowmen and whatever to charge my wonderbit but it means a lower score in the end.

>> No.6197586

How much WLK and FLY and TGH does Servbuster have?

>> No.6197607

If you consider beeing a healer =
killing trees all day and hoping for wonder drugs

then you are doing it wrong imho.

>> No.6197807

There's no such thing as a "dedicated" healer in this game. Even if you're support, you still have to go out and kick ass just like everybody else. The only difference is that you just happen to have a heal bit.

>> No.6197842

Hey, is there a list with the name and description of the effects (like being burned, etc)?

>> No.6197887

Slow, burning, shell drain, snare. That's the main four you need to pay attention to. Other than that, radar jam. Pretty straightforward stuff.

>> No.6197904

this is also being astroturfed on /a/

confirmed multi-board (thus offtopic either here or there if not both) commercial spam

>> No.6197942

saw lots of new players around last night spamming and asking for bots and stuff. WIZ lost pretty bad last night seeing as there are people who like to see their teammates die instead of helping them. Shuffle was so crowded so I hung out a couple of games in team fight which was just as bad, it was so bad that I can manage to kill oukas and crims using an ouka kamui.

>> No.6197953

your wonder bit grows from killing trees you know. There's not even a need for wonder drug, it just takes time.

Dying is a terrible idea, a healer support shouldn't get close to the enemy, if you die you lose not only the points for your team but also the time your wonder bit will take to regenerate.

I see no point to going out to 'kick ass' and putting yourself in danger. Heal until your bit is done, find trees to kill to get your wonderbit back up, return to heal again. Far better idea than putting yourself at risk.

Most of the time I'm the only healer our team has, I'd rather do my job and support my team than get a high score.

>> No.6198014
File: 113 KB, 805x625, crimrose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ran out of materials for now but how should I finish tuning this? I forgot to show what slots are left in the screenshot but basically it's 4 arms and 3 weapon.

>> No.6198026

I got this ivis robot in the ball thing

what is it?

>> No.6198038

How do you see the ranking for clans??

>> No.6198043

More TEC. You should've maxed TEC before you max FLY.

One of the most rigged melee bot.

>> No.6198058

It's a land bot that can kill nearly anything in a 1on1 situation even untuned.
Imagine it to be the Vanilla WoW Rogues of Cosmic Break.
The thing that gives you red flurries makes you stun immune. Abuse it.

>> No.6198067

Hard to say. You have both a melee weapon and a range weapon so maybe 5 assault upgrades?

Also you have no hats. Get some hats.

>> No.6198069

Does your wlk stat increase speed of boost run?? Or is boost run always the fastest possible or something?

>> No.6198092

What is seraph tackle good for?

How do you do a2a melee for medium/small, say, a Crim?

>> No.6198104


Kill an ART once with tackle spam. I was out of bullet.

>> No.6198115

I don't use the sword I just keep it equipped because it looks cool.

should I forget about getting fly all the way to 40 then? I was thinking about getting one acrobat upgrade but the cost seems kind of high for the effect.

>> No.6198128

Sometimes its useful to escape when its inconvenient to jump

>> No.6198133

What's so good about tesladonna's thunder laser? I've been killed by it a couple of times.

>> No.6198144


because you suck. Never stay immobile EVER. Keep moving.

>> No.6198154

Cosmic Ouka/Ivis?


You can't do anything because of their ridiculous stun locking and melee range.

>> No.6198179

Who cares, I shoot them with my stardust cannon in my shaden. Not like they can do anything against me in the air.

>> No.6198217

I pwn n00bs with my Crim-chan too

>> No.6198219

Haha. Shot of a couple of airs down since I have a blast bazooka equipped on my ivis, pretty nifty if you want to knock somebody down to your level

>> No.6198249
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Powerful melee mechs can be made, customized, and tuned. Ouka has low, low hp and is weak to other land mechs. Ivis is low HP as well and has trouble defending herself against air mechs. SMITEFACES have trouble if you make like a tree and get the fuck out of there.

Land mechs are not the strongest mechs in the game regardless of how you put it. It's even worse since you cannot customize Ouka or Ivis much at all. Well-built mechs will rape them if played well. Noob cannon characters will never defeat proper and powerful mecha.

>> No.6198259

What is a shaden and how do I get it?

>> No.6198274

rock paper scissors

haha good luck

>> No.6198310

>suicide rush
>kaali has 0 cost

>> No.6198320

You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. It takes no skill to play this game.

>> No.6198332
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>mfw /m/

>> No.6198340

I just started this game 2 days ago. i'm using Ivis and others.. and now lvl 8. But as i go on the Uc and exp i recieve in training, union wars. i get like eg. 200~100 Uc / exp . T.T anyone noe why????

>> No.6198347

Not skill, construction. You can MAKE a mech better than an Ivis, while an Ivis is always an Ivis.

>> No.6198356

no, you can't. A stock Ivis is still better than a double shaden booster or a 40 str jet hammer byne.

>> No.6198371

Ivis is a one trick pony. all you can do is spam right click until you win.

>> No.6198383

You must be one of those heavy art players with 3 walk and bad experiences with ivis.

>> No.6198386

I play a daedalian with 700 HP and 40 str. I can TWO-SHOT a god-damn ivis. Their stunlock is not perfect, so I escape it once or get the drop on them and I can often take off their arm in one blow.

>> No.6198400

Actually I play 3 stock Ivis and I know that every other bot sucks. I ignore shadens and kill 3 other people who aren't using gay boosters. Jet hammer idiots can't combo for shit and just laugh when I stuck lock their overtuned ass with my level 1 bots, what noobs

>> No.6198402

>see ivis stun locking an art feeling good about it
>hit e with ouka dayu and right click
>do the dash attack and stunlock ivis
>the rest of the team unloads on her while she's frozen

>> No.6198405
File: 521 KB, 1280x874, ScreenShot_20100927_2254_08_676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have never, ever, ever seen Kaali use an Ivis. He's a winberry fag, and he plays a damn mean support. If you had said Sash/a/ or Boxxy from Loyalty, I would have believed you. Thus I can only assume you're talking out of your angry asshole.


This is my baby. My main Seraph. I have a second one I use occasionally but Syl-Vx is always in my party. I gave up melee as an AIR. Leave that to the LND units. The only real issue I have is running out of ammo. I've been considering dropping the viper shield for a basic rapier and tuning it with the same stats.

You don't need anymore fly, get some tec. Rule the skies.

>> No.6198430

so you go after idiots who can't get away because they have horrible pure tec no walk/fly builds?
You may rack up points in arena but that doesn't mean she can put up a fight against better bots who'll just fly over her.

rock paper scissors.

>> No.6198435

all that fly and only 8 TGH? what a garbage bot

>> No.6198444

That's more than enough, you're not going to be full on front lining with a fast moving air anyway.

>> No.6198447
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Eh, I do alright.

>> No.6198448

The only bots that are better than Ivis are fucking ugly. They also don't win games because for every 1 Ivis they kill, they get killed 4 times. Try again, kid.

>> No.6198452
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>> No.6198456
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>Ivis fag detected!

Those Jet hammers must really hurt, huh?

>> No.6198461

/jp/ vs. /m/, showdown of the century going on right now in a team fight if anyone wants to see

>> No.6198466


the point is to not get hit..n

>> No.6198467

you sound like a buttmad turtlebot. it's okay, you can sit there while you get pwned 10 times and get ranked 25th

>> No.6198468

you must be mistaken because /jp/ doesn't play this game anymore

>> No.6198473
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3% left on the Spot when we won. oh my

>> No.6198480

>implying ivis or any other land bot can hit me with shaden boosters and stardust cannons and 40 fly.

It's depressing to see so many Ivis' bieng played since she has so much melee potential and should be a bit rarer because of it. However, as a pure airfag, shaden, gwain and crimrose eat them up so I really shouldn't be complaining that so many people play her. Three commando Ivis with base walk speed? Great!

>> No.6198482
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>> No.6198490

lmao 40 fly and shadens won't save you from losing xD

>> No.6198492

what is that booster in your subweapon slot?

>> No.6198507
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I play for fun.

>> No.6198514

you play with 14-year-olds too, it seems.

>> No.6198520
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I'm also detecting some butthurt in this sector.

>> No.6198528

Tengu BS

Lets you get up to max height and land on the ground very quickly.

>> No.6198530

you'd be surprised

>> No.6198537

u mad you lost to some level 1 bots? you got owned 4 lyfe bro, u should uninstall cb cuz you suck

>> No.6198547
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>he resorts to troll tier trolling

>> No.6198560
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>> No.6198566

where does it come from? does it work like the izuna core?

also what is this weapon I saw that shoots a big blue ball that explodes when it hits? I saw an aquila using it if that helps narrow it down. it wasn't a mega beam cannon.

>> No.6198572

/a/utistic loyalty fags detected

>> No.6198668
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The first time /m/ and hotglue have fought?

Was really fun, hope it goes as well in tournament. I believe it was 10 vs 10?

>> No.6198684
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Posting in a CB thread.

>> No.6198685

Sibladeko carried you guys

>> No.6198686
File: 77 KB, 804x625, whatgun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can sort of see what I'm talking about here. the flying robot at the top left is using it

>> No.6198689


So how bout that second rematch after that? I believe a nice picture got posted in /m/.


>> No.6198697

I only got 9th ;_;

>> No.6198715
File: 92 KB, 806x624, whatgun2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also wondering what gun this guy is using to spam all these blue bullets

>> No.6198718

You mean what 4 guns? Looks like he's got 2 asura arms which gives him 4 arms and 4 guns.

>> No.6198721

what is it though?

>> No.6198738


Looks like some form of beam gun to me. Normal\Double\Mod or something

>> No.6198751

what about the big one in
it looks like a mega beam gun that you don't have to charge up

>> No.6198797

>a mega beam gun that you don't have to charge up

Those are stardust cannons.

>> No.6198821

is aquila a large robot? I was thinking it was medium for some reason. does the gun cost more than 110? my thorala can't afford more than that if I want to use one along with a blitz blaster and shaden booster.

>> No.6198832

Aquila is large but it's like the worst large air bot.. get something else

>> No.6198843

like I said I'm using a thorala because it's the only large moebot. the core ability seems useless and there's not much spare cost left for weapons though. I might have to remove my blitz blaster for something else if I ever get a stardust.

>> No.6198848 [DELETED] 


That'd be a gattling bazooka.

>> No.6198904

Why would you use blitz on a large bot anyway. Theres like an omega blaster or something thats better

>> No.6198920
File: 232 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20100927_2331_11_892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was pretty disappointing to get yelled at by Kampfer for "hiding in the corner and not doing anything" when I'm fighting two feet away from your PS. Clan was taking it way too seriously, and for whatever backward mentality, they didn't bother trying because they think their good players ain't here.

>> No.6198931

Kampfer isn't that good, he didn't switch to the new OP bots so everyone can see he's just average.

>> No.6198954

Also it's funny to see kampfer think he's so great with his cost over his damage, whereas all the damage you did cost your team nothing. Maybe he should learn some tactics and stop suiciding constantly. 2.3k damage for 3.4k cost is baaad.

>> No.6198967

While I agree with part of your statement, I did not frag any opponent while he fragged two. In the match, hotglue had plenty of medic, while MoD had none. He did more "damage" to hotglue than I did, but on the other hand, cost us more points. On his defense, he said he wasn't trying, and I know he doesn't usually play as bad as this.

>> No.6198977
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>Finally get a loli
>Can't customize it at all

Oh cybergod, is this fucking cute, though

>> No.6198983
File: 50 KB, 288x288, laz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm waiting for this, because I'm a Lazflamme fan.

>> No.6198997


He did like 5 bots worth of damage while losing 3. That's not bad.

>> No.6199004
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>my face when epoch

>> No.6199011

I just assumed it was the best blaster since it came from the stupid machine

>> No.6199015
File: 311 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20100927_1850_40_701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Razzle dazzle!

>> No.6199034

It is compared to hotglue players doing the same damage while not dying.

>> No.6199039

Hotglue had plenty of medics, MoD had none. Wulfgar was in the frontline getting wrecked.

>> No.6199058

Exactly why MoD needs to get more tactics than "Suiciding in to power supply and then dying"

>> No.6199081

Don't just assume the cost shown is the cost that was actually paid when he died.

He consistently ranks high doesn't he? That means each of his deaths cost more than normal.

If you assume each of his deaths cost 1.5 his cost then the BP paid has already ballooned incredibly high.

Damage isn't that great of an indicator in how well you helped if the enemies damaged don't die and pay BP for it.

Ultimately all that damage done is worthless if the enemy doesn't die. Looking at the screenshot here >>6198920.
It looks like only one of the highscoring ones did.

>> No.6199083

For the last time, like I said, MoD was having some backward mentality because they think their good players ain't here and they were definitely going to lose, so they stopped trying. When someone is purposely charge his medic bot into the frontline like an idiot, you can tell they're not trying very hard.

>> No.6199087

>Hotglue had plenty of medics, MoD had none.

Hotglue had one medic. Me.

MoD had Wulfgar in his winberrl and if I'm not mistaken, Metal had one aswell. By all accounts, MoD had MORE medics.

>> No.6199094

The fact they can get discouraged into not trying very hard is actually a pretty bad trait. If MoD clanmates need their big names there to win then that's kind of disappointing. Giving up before the battle is a horrible thing to do.

>> No.6199100

>Damage isn't that great of an indicator in how well you helped if the enemies damaged don't die and pay BP for it.
While true, unless the other side has medics the low-health mechs are easy prey for people to hunt down and murder or at the very least are off the frontlines and having to farm trees for healing items. It doesn't excuse MASSIVE COST but it does overall help.

>> No.6199103

oh boy so much shitstorm for a "just for fun" game

>> No.6199105

Man, it's like a merry-go-around. I don't have a medic. I run x2 Lazflamme and a blonde Jikun that's not combat-ready. Wulfgar was in the frontline getting wreck in his winberrl like a suicidal Ivis.

>> No.6199131


He didn't get very many kills, so his bp cost was mostly normal.

>> No.6199137


Someone else had a winberrl out there because I saw one with a different name than the one Wulfgar uses. Unless he's now using two.

Regardless, oh the excuses.
"Oh we didn't have medics."
"Oh, these aren't our best players and those your top players right?"
"Oh we weren't REALLY trying."

>> No.6199139
File: 411 KB, 1280x960, ScreenShot_20100928_0526_52_515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LezFlamme are cute, and by god I want to use them because they're freaking Mecha Centaurs...

But their stats are horrible, even for a small land. There's just no reason to use one as anything but a "playing around" bot... (I got a Blackhaired LezFlamme RUSH in one of my Lucky Cubes, too.... )

>> No.6199145

His endgame rank was 4 and top of your team so I assumed his BP cost was still higher than normal.

>> No.6199146

Back in the day Lazflamme lag/shortdash was the ace of kicking people in the face.

Ah, power creep~

>> No.6199162

It depends.

Blitz Blaster is a Large Weapon, so Large or Medium bots can use it. The Omega Blaster is LL, which means it can only be equipped by Large size units.

Also, while the Omega blaster has high damage, it's shot spread is ridiculously huge. You'll rarely catch a normal bot with more than one of those unless you're standing right beside them. The Blitz, on the other hand, has a much more compact spread of shots which makes it easier to rack up multiple hits in a single burst.

Also, a Blitz Blaster has three tuneup slots to an Omega Blaster's one. There's a tradeoff there to be sure.

>> No.6199164

which one costs less? I only have 110 free and I haven't even tuned anything yet

>> No.6199168

blitz costs as much as a double blaster

>> No.6199180


Omegas should really only be used for one of two reasons. One, deforestation. They penetrate so if you have +40 tec and dual omegas, have fun with all that money.

Second, if you're a dual shaden mech. It used to be back in OBT1 that these guys quite quickly wrecked power spots, but after their job is done I've never seen them do anything else that others could do way better.

But Tempura during the radio event announced that they've strengthened power spots or so it seems, so, reason 2 isn't really that good of an excuse.

>> No.6199188

Does lily rain charge her boost gauge faster than a normal bot?

>> No.6199197

>But Tempura during the radio event announced that they've strengthened power spots or so it seems, so, reason 2 isn't really that good of an excuse.
Taking down undefended powerspots is now a sturbanger job. If it can get nearby undetected it wastes the powerspot in less than 30 seconds, by my count. Of course it rarely goes undefended, but a couple of Ivis rushes tend to disrupt proceedings enough to allow a heavy artybot to wreck the power point.

>> No.6199219

what weapons should I go for then for thorala with shaden booster? I'm level 9 with all capacity up, quick charge, quick jump, and moving burst. should I reset my cartridges to something else?

>> No.6199244

How do you want to play her? What do you plan on using her for? It looks like a standard movement build, nothing special, so it doesn't look like it needs tweaking.

>> No.6199274

I don't know I just want to fly around with my shaden bs and shoot stardust cannon. I need to think of a secondary weapon to use with it. I guess I'll probably use this robot for tree farming too.

>> No.6199278

Cosmic Break is very much like Touhou. Both sides spout death threats at each other and shoot a lot of bullets around, only a few of which hit at best. This thread is the after-battle tea party, and yet you're spending it on whining and excuses instead of the Touhou staples of abusing the Stage 5 boss and taking it easy (in addition to thinly-veiled lesbianism. ) I thought /jp/ knew better.

Anyway, Hotglue appears to be more active, so guess I'll be switching clans, if you can even do that. IGN is Croases.

>> No.6199279

>capacity up, quick charge, quick jump, and moving burst
>only stardust cannon
If you're only using the cannon don't have moving burst, since you won't really be firing all guns. Apart from that plinking at things is fine. There's nothing terrible there.

>> No.6199297

obviously I got moving burst so I could shoot two at once while flying around. the problem is I don't know what other gun to use that won't put me over capacity. how much does stardust even cost? I haven't been able to get one yet.

>> No.6199328

Does moving burst work effectively in air? I always thought it was more of a ground-type weapon.

>> No.6199330

You can do it, but you need to be careful not to plummet and fly back up in time. A good range on your weapons is suggested.

>> No.6199333

I tried it out and if you do it right you can shoot both at once without stopping at all

>> No.6199351

But can you even HIT anyth-
>stardust "giant hitbox" cannon
Well, eh. If that's how you play it, then that setup is fine.

>> No.6199395

I was testing it with blasters and it seemed to do ok. I don't know if I'll be able to equip a good one though so I might be better off dropping the plan entirely and doing something else. how much does stardust cost? what's a good alternate weapon if I forgo the moving burst idea?

>> No.6199400

>good players ain't here
Are you insinuating that hotglue got all their top players there? Nice excuse there man.
I dont even see Redux or Minamitsu on the list.
They probably arent even there.

>> No.6199407

If you ask me thoarla is the worst large air bot, but you can still play her if you must have a moe bot.

One stardust is enough and you should stick a viper shield in the other hand and use thoarla boosters. Get your fly to 40 with tune ups and your tec as high as you can (mine is 37) without your wlk reaching 0. Get the ''accele roll'' item from the shop and use the chip. Vs land bots just bombard them, vs art they hardly ever move so only flank them, vs air keep moving and hitting them while you dodge. When you start taking damage acceleroll away.

>> No.6199409

Hotglue doesnt take /a/utistfag.

>> No.6199485

so shaden bs is no good? I rolled like 30 times for one because I heard it was good.

>> No.6199526

It's good to see /jp/ can still clean up even though a lot of them haven't been playing this game for a long time.

>> No.6199534

If you ask me shaden core body is better than the booster, your cost will be too huge with both thoarla core and shaden boosters. If you're playing shaden boosters using a shaden body and a blitz blaster (tuned for capacity I think, the guy I saw use this never runs out of ammo for some reason, the build is too boring for me to try) is pretty much a must. Again as much fly/tec as possible. Since with the boosters you'll be flying over everyone you can hit multiple people and blasters are really good vs power spots. But as someone mentioned power spots are stronger now so I wouldn't recommend it at all.

Good luck getting a stardust cannon though, I got my only one shortly after they were introduced and can do 1500-2000 damage before I run out of ammo. Ask someone else where they drop a lot, I almost never do missions/quests.

>> No.6199544

It used to be good for powerpoint whoring (flying around enemy powerpoint to shoot at it with impunity) but as stated earlier its less good for that now due to powerpoints being reinforced.

>> No.6199548

For stardust I'd recommend air loop instead of accel. Being able to get on those higher ledges is very useful.

>> No.6199586

so there's no way I can make thorala with shaden bs and stardust good? I was hoping I could have something different to go with all my small air robots.

what do loop and roll do? are they like seraph and mecha jetter girl core abilities?

>> No.6199590

Seconding Airloop. I've only really started using it in OB2, but I couldn't imagine playing without it anymore, it's really useful.

Something else to think about are Propeller Bits (You can buy them with Star Coins in the shop). While the Bits are up your Boost Guage depletes at like a quarter of nomral speed or less. My Stardust user is a Shaden core, currently has 38 Tec, 40 Fly, and 1 or 2 points of strength left, but even with that disparity my Propeller bits last for between 20 and 30 seconds.

If your strength is 0, though, they won't last more than 10, so if you've tuned that far out, don't bother with them.

>> No.6199620

I tried both and I seem to be able to move faster with accele roll, you can fly halfway across the map with the 3 or 4 of them you can use during one booster charge. I might be wrong but I think you can use less air loops than that, and they are definitely shorter in range. I am already good at platforming and have quick jump so I can climb anywhere anyway and this thing just seems better in combat as its longer and harder to predict.

Damn, how did you get those so high with str left, did you use the 10 cost tune ups? What is your total cost on that robot? Never liked propeller bits much in the first place since rolling/looping makes them pretty useless as you have to land anyway and I spam those every few seconds.

>> No.6199656

Accele Roll is like a midair dash. It uses around 1/5th of boost gauge (for airs), the distance covered depends on your fly stat.

Air loop is actually sort of a somersault. Unlike roll it always covers the same distance. It also gives you some extra height letting you reach places that you normally can't.

>> No.6199684
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Sorry, it's 36 Tec, 40 Fly, and 1 Str leftover.

Also, I haven't ever looked at my carts, I've got fucking Sword Guard on him and I don't even remember why... I need to reset him.

But yeah, Shaden BD, Cross Raptor HD, Shaden AMx2, Aquilla Booster, Baltheon Booster, and Aquillia LG are the parts (plus a Viper and a Stardust). Just careful juggling of points from there to get it into a playable format. Keep in mind I've had this built and tuned since about halfway through OBT1, so if I was rebuilding it NOW you could probably teak it a little more with some different parts.

>> No.6199746

I see what you did there and I like it.

>> No.6199747

are either of them worth getting on seraph? she already has a loop thing but I don't know if it's similar.

>> No.6199772

Playing air without either of them is just silly, I use accele roll on shaden and air loop on seraph because I'm too lazy to tune the seraph.

>> No.6199800
File: 191 KB, 791x595, clan rewards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>New Hero (6) >> New Hero (7) - Wing Plus AMJ (3 slots), EXP+30% Ticket x2

I'm mad

>> No.6199835

I play AIR without them all the time, ART on current English CB is so hopelessly inexperienced that you can fly hoops around them with utter impunity.

It's good practice, and I'd prefer the extra TEC over both loops.

>> No.6199839

I never use the damn rolls because it makes seraph overcost. I suppose I could always pull the wing joints off but they make my seraph look cool.

>> No.6199862

They do look good, but compared to tune-ups they are complete and utter shit in terms of cost efficiency. One of the most useless parts in the beta, only would be worth it in the jap version where tune ups aren't as easily accessible.

>> No.6199877

>fail 6 times in a row

>> No.6199888

15 cost for +2 FLY -1 WLK

Could get

5 cost for +2 FLY -1 WLK
5 cost for +2 FLY -1 WLK
5 cost for +2 FLY -1 WLK

or so. So, 4 FLY vs looking damn cool?

Not even giving a second thought to it.

Besides, I had run out of WLK and tune up spots to use.

>> No.6199903

It's 30COST.

I still have two in JPCB, especially since they come with slots there. +8FLY is nothing to scoff at, even for a very inefficient 70COST.

>> No.6199904

Actually a wing joint is 30 cost. 2 of them being 60 cost for 4 fly which you can get for 10 cost via tune-up. So yeah, not worth it for me even if the damn thing shat rainbows in trail.

>> No.6199942

Where can you get a buckler from and what's the max number of slots they can have? I'm hoping to replace my 2 slot viper shield with one.

>> No.6200032

What's so good about tesladonna's thunder laser?

>> No.6200069

Finally getting back into this game after the first beta because I learned there wasn't a wipe (i know, slowpoke). What the hell are you supposed to use to take out the 10 seraphs/shadens on each team?

>> No.6200077

they drop from Beez and arena

>> No.6200090
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My face when people bring Ivis and Ouka for 3 star Berz

>> No.6200094

that's nothing. I've seen stock lazflames running around the levels leading up to it. Why must 95% of WIZ be stupid beyond belief?

>> No.6200099

Do sturbangers work on level 3 Berz?

>>Finally getting back into this game after the first beta because I learned there wasn't a wipe (i know, slowpoke). What the hell are you supposed to use to take out the 10 seraphs/shadens on each team?

Stark Jegans, that's what.

>> No.6200113

stark whatnow?

>> No.6200125

I would use my Maril or Destructor Girl to shoot them down, but I'm too busy getting swarmed by 10 ivis/oukas to have a chance to shoot down the airs

>> No.6200132

what the fuck is up with having so many lazflames around?

>> No.6200150

cause there's tons of new players and everyone gets one for free.

I used my Lazflamme for a damn long time desperately trying to make her useful, until I finally gave up. I suck even with the overpowered Lnds, let alone one without any special abilities going for her.

>> No.6200155

I thought Crimroses, Hound Dogs and Lazflammes stopped being free rank-up/starter mechs.

>> No.6200165

crim is and always will be a free mech because lolmascot. if you get friend invited in frog lander replaces hound though, I think

>> No.6200168

I haven't started a new account to check it; I know on .jp server they fairly recently (i.e. after our OB1 ended) dropped Crim from the rankups and added a Winberrl, but they still had the free lazflamme.

And what do newbs get instead then? We don't have the jp UC bots like the bee here. Back in OB1 it was a Hound Dog and Aquila during the tutorial, then crim and lazflamme from rankup

>> No.6200175

Boilerdecks or destructor girls work a treat, or other seraphs/small air armed with anti-air weaponry.

As a seraph user myself those are the only arty/units that give me a serious problem one on one. The rest of the time I'm only really taken out by overwhelming numbers of enemy shooting at me before I remember to retreat, or I get caught by an Ivis or Ouka when I land though that's just me derping.

>> No.6200186

Yeah, but you need someone with support bots with burst fire bits.

Also quad sweeper shotguns but they only work in some areas.

>> No.6200230

Best team is 4 heavy bots with lots of shotguns and a support bot with burst-fire bits. Level 1 berz drops dead with 21-24 minutes remaining, total run time a bit over 10 minutes, easily getting 5 runs in on a single ticket. Level 2/3 takes longer due to more area switches and trollcurtains, but still gets destroyed very quickly.

Given the abundance of UC, EXP was the only thing that needed farming, and we had bee runs down to a science in OB1

>> No.6200264

In the immortal words of Engineer... use more gun.

Specifically, any scatter weapons work well. Blasters and shotguns particularly because the damage is calculated separately for each "bullet" depending on how many hit (it's how the Shadenfags take down the power spot solo so quickly).

So Asura Joint and Azuna Limbs (the cheapest Large +2 Tec arms in the game, unless I'm mistaken, otherwise use Crimrose arms for medium or small, though honestly you'll want Large for the higher max capacity) and then cram on the guns.

With a hypershot up you can tear into him pretty heavily, but you do NEED to be able to read his movements precisely since you'll be doing alot of standing around and playing turret you have to be able to dodge the charges and whatnots that he does to keep from sucking up all your time with death penalties.

>> No.6200432
File: 160 KB, 500x500, getoutofjp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reported. Hotglue circlejerking and flavor of the month MMOs aren't /jp/ related.

>> No.6200441

>japanese moe mecha bots
>not /jp/ related
sure, sure.

>> No.6200450


>> No.6200637

Get back to /v/, please.

>> No.6200730

>195 posts and 32 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
woah, what the hell happened here? I saw this thread yesterday with no replies

>> No.6200830

My comando is only made of two bots: sturbanger and lily. Any suggestions for a good art?

>> No.6200934
File: 49 KB, 290x290, laz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lazflamme is indeed underpowered compare to other mechs. I think we should make a petition to Cyberstep and tell them to give her a promotion like Seraph (but the legs better be still swappable, so I can un-centuar her).

>> No.6200990

Cyberstep should just add a female robot utilizing drills. For shame, the only drill-armed robot is horrible.

She should have giant drill locks that count as a HD-mounted melee weapon. Either that or her hair should spiral around one of her arms (which should probably be bolted), creating an arm-mounted hair drill.

>> No.6201019

I wish they added a running animation to all of the old legs. Particularly the humanoids look ridiculous.

>> No.6201029
File: 282 KB, 585x1000, mishabot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some concept art

>> No.6201057

Teto fan?

>> No.6201160
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How about another Lily? There are many good builds for her.

>> No.6201178

Janitor - this thread has nothing to do with the content of the board. Do your job and delete it please.

>> No.6201220

You think the janitor hasn't noticed the thread? It's only been here a day.

>> No.6201240

>lily majialis crotch
funny, never noticed that until now.

also WHY MUST YOUR STUPID BLADE ATTACK SUCK SO BAD? WHYYYYY? seriously, i would pay irl moneys to get a lily with just the beam gun skirt without the stupid expensive can't hit shit flowers

>> No.6201248

That's Force Barrier LGJ

>> No.6201251

not to mention the previous thread reached auto-sage limit over the course of a week or so. The backseat moderator seems to have stepped it up a notch in this thread though.

>> No.6201344
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The Majalis' blades are marginally better (certainly they don't make you a sitting duck like the standard Lily).

Still, a "Skirtless" lily would be awesome...

There is a hand drill weapon that you can put on any bot, but yeah... more drills.

Although I'd rather have a chainsaw I think.....

>> No.6201365
File: 245 KB, 320x336, Turaga_Matau.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but they still take up far more of lily's cost than they're worth, even with full upgrade.

also the old cutter is technically a buzzsaw staff thing if that counts. not very useful, but it's orange and looks like a cross between the translucent orange chainsaw and the weapon in my pic, so it therefore is worth mentioning

>> No.6201382

>This form of anthropomorphism is very common in otaku subcultures
>/jp/ - Otaku Culture


>> No.6201386

Fuck yeah, Bionicle

>> No.6201395

Moe does not exist in the third dimension.

>> No.6201400

that's not an excuse to viral market your shitty game.

>> No.6201402
File: 50 KB, 504x368, Cosmic K-on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought someone was going to bring that up... Sadly, Buzzsaw < Chainsaw, but it's getting closer.

>> No.6201426

Cosmic Break is in the subject field so you can hide it. These threads have been here for weeks.

>> No.6201452
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Why are you so hung up on that? Do you honestly believe that we're working for CyberStep, or can you not comprehend that there are enough of us that enjoy the game as players to sustain a thread about it?

Why don't you go piss in a Touhou thread about how they're "viral marketing" Zun's shitty shoot-em-ups instead.

>> No.6201499
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>> No.6201519

Guys, stop arguing with the troll. This dudes just as bad as the jerk that trolls Strike Witches threads on /a/. Just ignore it.

>> No.6201564

does sway really help? I tried using it and i didn't feel the short dashes made any real difference

>> No.6201619

The distance of sway depends on WLK.

>> No.6201624


http://www42.atwiki.jp/cosmicbreak/pages/200.html Here's all the current subweapons in game in the jp version. As you can see, there IS actually a Chainsaw. Sweet, no?

I want that Bradyne Sword.

http://www42.atwiki.jp/cosmicbreak/pages/198.html All current main weapons.

Looks like we have most main weapons. I notice a second gatling gun, but no beam gatling gun. And no improvement from the Auto Beam Rifle. Bullshit.

>> No.6201650

Is gifting in the game yet? I want one of those tiny Crimroses but I have no money. If someone has money to spare, can you gift it to Scrub?

>> No.6201659

oh. so if it was on say, a +20 wlk mech it'd be as long/longer than a normal dash?

>> No.6201771


Gifting from the shop is still possible.

But they've made it impossible to sell cosmic harmonics off anymore. So you can't gift UC now.

>> No.6201820

well, you could send other things for them to sell, but with a massive loss of value in the process

>> No.6201842

where do I get this.

>> No.6201854

Play the japanese version and (likely) spend money

>> No.6201860


I see them in the Japanese server from time to time.

>> No.6201929

so /jp/, after a painful few days of lust after seeing some MoD with one during the radio event, I pulled a squidol from a lucky cube.

the problem is it kinda sucks right out of the box. no-hands whip arms have shit range for being on an L-size unit and while the core weapons sounds good on paper (ink weapon that causes the lower-accuracy debuff), it has about the same range as a ceramic burner, meaning you have to get close enough for the debuff to not matter. Is there any way to salvage this thing, or should I guro the legs off and junk the rest?

>> No.6201956


How do you get on the Japanese server?

>> No.6201979

You don't need to actually, if you join until 6th of the next month. It's like 5-6 hours of work to get the prerequisite mech (Crim-chan I think) and then you need to satisfy a number of requirements too.

>> No.6201983


And you can install both side by s
ide without conflict.

>> No.6201985

I spend enough time playing the english beta. Playing the japanese game as well would kill me.

>> No.6202117


>Guro the legs
>slap them on a medi aide

>> No.6202118

but... medi aide SUCKS.

>> No.6202137

>>Force Barrier LGJ looks like a giant vagina on her.

>> No.6202139

>obviously does not know what a vagina looks like

>> No.6202148

No bot sucks. If anything, it's the player who sucks.

>> No.6202150

Can I get an invite to Hotglue? IGN is Izen, I've been without a guild since Botglue disbanded.

>> No.6202230

I'd like an invite as well if there's room. IGN is Derpsuke

>> No.6202242

That's simply not true. For example toybox is always going to be a massive point-drain, always. It is really impossible NOT to die with the damn thing.

>> No.6202247





>> No.6202248


/tell Florette when you're on. I should be on for the next 12-14 hours. I thought I got everyone from botglue.

Alternatively, if you see anyone from hotglue on, you can try asking them because there's usually someone with invite rights on now.

>> No.6202589
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>> No.6202604

>4965 cost
>Rank 1
I think this may be the first time I've ever greentexted. Seriously, Jesus Christ. The BP you must've cost the team must've been ginormous.

>> No.6202616
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Which isn't really as much of a problem when you're the *only person costing any BP*.

>> No.6202648

You know I wonder how the fuck scoring works. Every single one of Sam's gamestats are higher then Sieffre's. Sieffre's score is 1.8k points higher though. How does that work?

>> No.6202660
File: 106 KB, 1400x1642, 1285196036469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Low cost mechs cost the team less, and boost your score accordingly.

>> No.6202666

Neither of them died though. Do you receive scoring bonuses from simply using lowercost mechs?

>> No.6202676

one was using a cheaper mech, obviously. Doing 40 dmg in a cheap 500 cost s mech nets more total points than doing 40 dmg in a 1k stardust toting L size

>> No.6202679

yes. with the tradeoff being the cheap mech has lower stats/hp/base damage delt/etc.

>> No.6202688

Low cost mechs tend to die more often. High cost mechs cost more when they die. The key is high effectiveness.

>> No.6202715

Yeah. If their scores are the same, then one did it with less to work with, a smaller and lower cost mech.

>> No.6202879

What is a lumberjack event?

>> No.6202926

You destroy trees in the quest area. They are made by the hundreds by GMs and they all drop stuff. The ones that don't just drop keys to the next area have large amounts of HP and drop materials or UC. This has allowed players to make millions in the previous beta. Make a good luberjack mech.

>> No.6203008
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>> No.6203016

Just to add to what this anon said, a big part of how well you do is your mech.

Sure, you can grab a Sturbanger and unload onto trees and completely demolish them, but you'll lack mobility. Even more important than your DPS is how well you can find a patch of trees before someone else does.

For this reason, I'd recommend carrying a large air bot. Aquila + 2 blasters works decently well as a cheap tree killer.

>> No.6203066
File: 116 KB, 804x626, treecutter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a good setup?

>> No.6203087
File: 435 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20100928_2230_47_187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we have an event match that locks everyone's cameras to a certain area of the map.

>> No.6203099
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>> No.6203107

what the flying fuck.

What part is that?

>> No.6203111

You can edit polygond on non moe headparts and paint them.

>> No.6203176

He can edit moe bot's head too if he wishes, but the hair will still be in the way, unless you work on a bot with short hair like Shino or Winberrl.

I'm still hoping to see you and rape you in the arena, BOOF.

>> No.6203548
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>> No.6203568



>> No.6203639
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>> No.6203672

What the fuck.

>> No.6203700
File: 778 KB, 1280x960, ScreenShot_20100710_0145_45_718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, >>6203639 is the default description of the Shaden mech.

I dunno what the other two are on about, exactly...

>> No.6203859

There's a bunch of sutble/not so subtle references to things on a bunch of the mech descriptions, shaden being one, the starfox NEVER GIVE UP, psycho forumla's >9000, there's one with a HARDEST METAL KNOWN TO MAN

>> No.6204008
File: 117 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20100928_2226_55_472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My body was not ready.

You start shining in gold like a super saiyan when you got too much hp.

>> No.6204292
File: 191 KB, 806x628, lazflammeduel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lazflamme DUEL I got from a cube. Her stats look average and I don't know what to tune up.

>> No.6204300
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>> No.6204354


... does that even WORK? Also, what weapons are you using?

>> No.6204367
File: 187 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20100928_2229_30_867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bazooka mods. It's from garapon. And yes, it works.

>> No.6204376

Just installed, waiting for updates to finish.
What do first?

>> No.6204380

Join DOS, friendcircle.

>> No.6204397

Hotglue is in WIZ, and WIZ is really overpopulated. Join WIZ if you want easy mode and just win with numbers. WIZ's mascot is a giant turtle. Join DOS if you are up for a challenge and/or want to try and kick some hotglue ass. DOS's mascot is a giant red T-Rex. Join BRD if you want to screw around and be prepared to lose every game. BRD's mascot is a green dude with a sword.

>> No.6204414

/jp/ is in WIZ and /m/ is in DOS, is what you meant to say.

>> No.6204441

I wonder how well Hotglue can carry a faction.

Could all of you make alts for the purpose of playing on BRD for a week or on the first week of official service after everything gets wiped and see how far you can take BRD?

The amount of effort it would take to get all of Hotglue to do this would be tremendous, but I wonder if the power of Hotglue can turn the tide in this heavily onesided faction war.

Can it? It would be pretty amazing if BRD went from last to first simply due to one clan.

>> No.6204453

Is it true that Ivis is gay for Crimrose?

>> No.6204455


Hotglue can't carry anything because the majority of it has retired. That the twenty active players that remain in it keep it at the top of the wiz clan charts is more of a testament to the skills of hotglue's players and the lack of skills in the rest of wiz.

>> No.6204460

Yeah, pretty much. Read the official manga.

>> No.6204461
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>>6204376 here
Fucking OpenGL, how does it work?
Actually, I'm using an ATI card so I'm not entirely surprised it crashed. I AM surprised that OpenGL is the default option. Any suggestions on fixing it?

>> No.6204469

What ATI card are you using exactly?

>> No.6204472

I'm also on the same boat, unfortunately.

I don't know what's new and all on the second open beta testing, but I just want to play with my Lily Rain again.

>> No.6204479

Mobility Radeon HD 5650
It's a laptop card.

>> No.6204489

Oddly enough, the Ark of Chaos mostly seems like an okay guy in this, if a bit on the social Darwinist side and prone to recruiting batshit insane robots.

>> No.6204536

Me again.
Apparently my OpenGL is out of date.
It would be nice if Windows Update would catch things like that.

>> No.6204553

what are these cubes that people mention sometimes?

>> No.6204596

Join a clan
Someone ranks up

>> No.6205072
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>> No.6205075

>carry a faction
hahahahaha. You must be deluded. Hotglue is a bunch of autists and casuals and will probably drop the game after OB.

>> No.6205223
File: 99 KB, 800x600, chisamewhat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I just saw Chisame in the forum.
I thought he got sent to the concentration camp? When did he come back?

>> No.6205238
File: 351 KB, 647x547, vita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come on guys

You know you want those vitabitinghat flags

>> No.6205242

How to fast raise the money?

>> No.6205249

How to good speak the English?

>> No.6205358
File: 225 KB, 1026x792, material shortage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys afford tune ups? I mean in parts. Everything I want to tune up has material shortage. Yet you guys have these amazing bots with 40 fly and 40 tech and shit. It's not possible.

I've been playing since day one of 1st beta, so you tell me why I have material shortage on everything.

>> No.6205377

Suddenly everyone log off at the same time.

>> No.6205380

Well, you can buy parts and trade them for points and after that trade points for materials. It's done through the Crimrose NPC in ground area opposite to the tune up station.

>> No.6205399

Farm more Boss runs. Do better in arena. Play 12 hours a day.

>> No.6205495


Chisame occasionally logs in, last thing I heard regarding his conscription was that he was awaiting results from the medical exam.

>> No.6205541


Exchanging items for points and points for tuneup materials

>> No.6205639

most of the tune up parts aren't hard to get; the easiest way to amass the common ones is to spam garapon and trade in any weapons/robot parts at the crimrose store for exchange points. The only ones are a pain to get are Ammonites/Feathers, which you're guaranteed to get one or the other from 3 star haku, and rainbow chips, which... well, there's no guaranteed way to get these besides play and pray afaik; just hope the GMs decide spawn these during lumberjacking tonight

>> No.6205735
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hehe... I convinced Tempura to spawn Rainbow Chip trees during the last Lumberjack event in OBT1.... I came away with like 15 or so.

Talk to the GM's tonight during the event and they might oblige.

>> No.6205752

yeah, some of the GMs are cool like that. Like Miso. Miso will literally spawn a line of trees on top of you with your request if she hears it <3

>> No.6206168
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Oh god, I want those joints so much... I dunno that my clan can actually pull out the finish to get any of them, though, but damn....

For those that don't know, the rewards for the Clan Tournament ladder were announced:


3rd place: Dance Fever Leg Joint (I'm guessing makes you dance)
2nd Place DFJ and Heroic Scarf
1st Place DFJ, Scarf, and Pole Flag Boosterjoint (a booster joint with a big, fully skin editable flag).

>> No.6206196

I was raising a shop sturbanger and even though I have all cost upgrades, it has 40 max cost less than my garapon one with some other cartridges. How is that possible? (they aren't the same lvl though, is that the reason?)

>> No.6206233
File: 131 KB, 500x639, Sturbanger test type.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Sturbanger Standard (from the Garapon, it has the two forward firing catapults) has more base capacity than the Sturbanger from the shop because it's missile launcher is scaled back if I'm not mistaken.

I don't have the game open in front of me, though.

>> No.6206518


Your delicious trap waifu Chisame shall now be an overmuscled monstarrrr now.

>> No.6206596

I just checked it:
shop 920/920
garapon 920/980

Fuck, what a waste of time.

>> No.6206747
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Depends. I'm leveling both at the moment (my Standard I have two gathima missile arms on for maximum directed firepower. I don't know what I'm going to do with my other one... I want to maximize Missile Output for an Itano Circus bot, but most of the missile launchers are too expensive.)

>> No.6207503

what they were called... misside arms? are quite cheap, I have two on my lily (by the way, in which mission/quest do they drop? I got them when I still played missions and shit instead of arena all day)

>> No.6207683
File: 41 KB, 800x600, Misside - 20080922_c21_006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Misside arms mostly drop in the Arcantus quest zone... I got like a dozen when the 8x weekend was up. I use them on my Lily as well, plus I've used them on other medium and small mechs... I haven't thought to try them on a Large Art simply because I wanted to keep all the missles the same type (the gold-coloured banger missiles).

Though speaking of, I actually finally got enough parts to build a proper Misside, whom I've affectionately named Aspect Ratio.

>> No.6207689


>> No.6207701

>See above for pictures of these special parts. All of the parts are fully skin editable, so you can decorate them with slogans, clan emblems, pictures of your waifu, etc...
>pictures of your waifu
Oh you, Tempura.

>> No.6207774

I'm so fed up of those fucking ivis always killing me with no way to escape, it's so fustrating. One just killed me while having full hp.

>> No.6207820

Ivis can't kill you from full HP. If she can, your bot can use some serious work, or you need to learn how to play. Ivis, at most, can only do about 150-200 damage in one combo, and you can get out afterward.

>> No.6207828

If she has dual slayer bit you also need a lot of luck.

>> No.6207835

This is why you carry bazookas. Two shots in her face and she loses both her bits. Plus, she's melee. If you let her get that close to you, who can you blame?

>> No.6207855

I'm an L art, can't run.

>> No.6207866

>implying L ART can't run
>implying L ART can't carry flamethrowers
>implying L ART must sit at PS like a sitting duck

>> No.6207918

I'm starting to think missiles suck. The guiding system hurts more than helps.

>> No.6207948

An Art can outrun a Lnd forever, even with Boost Run. Running TO your allies isn't going to be that useful, if you have an Ivis riding your ass, then they all let her run past them to get to you ..

A flamethrower is only useful if you can see the Ivis coming, predict the attack and move to let her run off in a different direction. Rarely do you have time to fucking do that, and if she GETS to you before you can torch her, she can stunlock you making it useless.

I'll give you that sitting at the power point is dumb, but the point of an Art is still the alphastrike, and dumping firepower down range, the moment you stop to try to fire, you're hosed. If you're going to run around like an idiot lobbing one bazooka shell at the time, you'd play a fucking Support or Land. Mind you, Ideally you'd have the backup of 2 or three other people so you're NOT alone, but it rarely works out that way because people have no concept of teamwork.. what little bit USED to be there is being eroded by people finding newer and better ways to run off by themselves and be a hero instead of learning how to co-operate and support one another.

>> No.6208280
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>> No.6208352

what's the best way to do this tree shit? do you have to stay in the same zone as the gm running the event? once you get to the outpost should you keep going or start from the beginning again?

>> No.6208409

There will be GM's moving through the BLUE GATE zones. They will spawn trees which give up UC items, tune up items, and little Devlins which give up blue keys. ONLY the blue gate zones up to the first outpost are part of the event. After you get there, teleport back and start over.

Blaster type weapons are very, very good because they penetrate multiple targets and can damage trees THROUGH herds of other players. Remember to fire from parallel to the line of trees.

Shotguns and other scatter weapons are also excellent choices because they produce a high volume of shot over a wide area allowing you to "claim" multiple trees. However, they're susceptable to being intercepted by other players. Remember to fire perpendicular to the line of trees.

For melee, you want to use the Highest STR bot you have and a weapon with maximum melee comboablility: Slash blade is the default, I believe, but I don't know because there's no reason to melee trees with damn omega blasters in the game.

>> No.6208510

do you have to follow the gms from area to area or will there be ones in each zone? this is the robot I was going to use for the event. should I fly around shooting or land on the ground next to them? I have an omega blaster I could use too but I thought two weapons would be better.

>> No.6208529

oh I already posted it here
