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File: 345 KB, 800x600, c4cc9910bc93e80db9be1d419df5ab59..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6176172 No.6176172 [Reply] [Original]


Since I didn't see one.

>> No.6176179
File: 358 KB, 500x500, 1284670537943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the flavor of the month crew dumped it, kona.

And so should you.

>> No.6176181

When is the 10x10 clan event?

>> No.6176184
File: 87 KB, 640x480, 1277776326828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't think anybody cared anymore...

>> No.6176188

stop posting this image

>> No.6176189

Please stop posting this image

>> No.6176193

Hotglue has been officially registered for the tournament. The dates for us haven't been announced yet. Either 10/1 or 10/8.

>> No.6176197

What's wrong with the image?

>> No.6176385
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>> No.6176441

SOS Brigade here (BRD)

We will get you guys.
But first we have to beat DOS...

>> No.6176477

DOS and BRD need to be merged to actually have the whole union wars be competetive enough. Too bad the game isn't designed for such a thing though.

>> No.6176484
File: 401 KB, 200x86, 1256470728694.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4: ShadowSinner
>You can all go home now kids... LOYALTY will take care of this one.

>> No.6176588

Does anyone know how many people will be participating in the tournament?

>> No.6177214

jesus christ DOS sucks so fucking much. I'm THROWING myself at their guns, not firing back, and they still can't win

>> No.6177282

I'm so mad that all new bots are either land or air. Give me some art fuckers.

>> No.6177438

I think the only people that will give Hotglue a run for it's money is the guys from /m/. Some of them are good together.

>> No.6177501

i ended up starting the game with BRD.....god we suck

>> No.6177569

BRD is anemic onee-chama who wants someday to give her virginity to onii-sama DOS.
Btw, I play for DOS.

>> No.6177574

Star rank in a union war?
Since when?

>> No.6177578

The problem is there's too much WIZ, and for some reason there is no cap for how many people can be on the same faction. So the number of new WIZ increases, but the other 2 sides don't get any members.

>> No.6177712

Does anyone know if leveling your Ouka to level 10 before upgrading her gives any benefits? It takes another 75000 exp to get her from 9 to 10 and I don't feel like grinding all day to do it if there's no benefit.

>> No.6177734

Unlike Seraph, Ouka gets no bonus for being over 10. Also, don't promote her, she's stronger in her normal form than dayu form.

>> No.6177738

>>everyone is a card hopper


>> No.6177739

Cheers much appreciated.

>> No.6177860

Well, that's debatable. She has a superior ranged attack in Dayu form that makes her better as a hybrid and anti-air (as opposed to regualr Ouka's pure melee approach).

Also, she can pull off the Raisen move much more easily.

It's definitely a tradeoff. (I have one of each, though).

>> No.6177880
File: 502 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20100923_1822_34_582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yesterday I actually saw a number of Hotglue players in DOS vs WIZ and we were winning most of the time, I guess they must have been hotglue's worst players or they weren't trying.

Today was going well with a bunch of randoms on my team (only saw 1 MoD guy this afternoon), had 3 straight 1st place finishes for like the first time ever. Then Zombie showed up and raped me, then loyaltyfags joined en masse as the room was getting empty, making it a 15v5 slaughter. Blech, the disparity in numbers is getting ridiculous, DOS and BRD never even fight each other anymore because we barely have enough to fight WIZ.

>> No.6177919

I have dat ass on my sturbanger too.

>> No.6177923


Woah an ss of DOS winning and it's not even on Tundra Wall. Rare sight.

>> No.6177940
File: 392 KB, 1280x1024, shot_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a suggestion for a new flavor of the month.

World Of Tanks is now in closed beta and has very few users, so it would pretty much just be /jp/.

It's a third person MMO with tanks. The game play is based on teamwork and strategy.

Different classes of tanks from WWII are put in huge maps and fight, pretty basic. All tanks have realistic damage (treads can be shot off, fuel tanks ruptured) and react differently when hit with different ammunition types.

It's not /jp/ related in the least. I'm just throwing out a suggestion.

Here's panzer-moe~

>> No.6177967


No thanks, I'll stick to using my Crim-chan in Cosmic Break.

>> No.6177996

It's like NavyField, all about being the biggest baddest machine you can drive. But it's a lot worse in here, a light tank has no chance against a medium tank, let alone a heavy tank. Your shells literally bounces; they do 0 damage, even with AP shells, while heavy/medium tanks take out your track or all your HP in one hit. Playing against high level artillery/SPG is even worse; they can one shot you across the map.

You pretty much just leech your way up, like in NF. That's not how a good game should be like. I'm better off playing Heroes in the Sky and Cosmic Breakuuuuuuuuu

>> No.6177998
File: 88 KB, 300x356, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your application has been submitted. It will soon be reviewed by one of our #hotglue representatives. You will be contacted upon acceptance.

Closing window in 10 seconds.

>> No.6178001

They started sorting like tanks into rounds, all the tanks in each round are balanced and fair.

besides, light tanks are made for scouting out the map

>> No.6178009

Meh, my t2 light tank can't outrun or outscout a Tiger, that says something. How balance is that round thing? Last time I played, I was thrown into a game full of medium tanks and heavy tanks, and a few newbie light tank like myself. Although splitted evenly, as a light tank, you do close to nothing except being a decoy, run into the open and reveal the enemy's locations while you get shot to death.

>> No.6178012

You just need to practice more~

I usually load up the light tanks with HE and cripple mediums or heavies. Disable the tracks/turrent and then get behind them with a sabot round.

>> No.6178052

Just got a chibi robot


>> No.6178071
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Alright, what should I expect?

>> No.6178088

It's fun for a few days, but it quickly loses its appeal.

>> No.6178094

The fun part is building. Fighting isnt that fun.

>> No.6178097

It's fun if you play an hour or so every day and don't take things too seriously.

>> No.6178117

does anyone that quit want to give me all their money? I want to roll for crim-chan but I'm broke as fuck. I didn't start playing until the interim beta so I didn't get loads of money like everyone else.

>> No.6178120
File: 161 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20100920_1153_05_603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ivis and Ouka everywhere in the arena. If you are up for a challenge, play for looks and low-tier mechs like Lazflamme. I personally spend more time trying to make my Lazflamme work and chatting with people than anything else

>> No.6178376
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Just got this from a magic box. 95% chance of junking.

>> No.6178413

This beta LOADS of new players who seem totally lost.
Loads of "Gift me a bot" requests, including ones asking for Ivis, or other gacha only models.
Seeing way too many "HEAL PLZ" as well. Heal bits don't work that way, silly.

>> No.6178419

Oh right Jikun is a dude. Yeah junk him.

>> No.6178421
File: 657 KB, 1280x960, ScreenShot_20100923_0312_00_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear god, why are they so cute.

>> No.6178427
File: 458 KB, 1280x1024, ScreenShot_20100924_0113_55_859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the servers just died.
I was having fun with 40 walk...

Eggbot related

>> No.6178443

I'm mostly in top 5 or 6 but even I have games where I suck ass and die. Earlier today I sucked eggs and ended up sitting duck at 30th place, then went on to get 2nd and 3rd my next two matches. Everyone has their bad days.

Anyway, congrats on 3 1st place finishes in a row, I don't get 1st that often.

>> No.6178574

Hotglue is bukkoware central of WIZ, MoD doesn't really stand much chance.

>> No.6178582

I'd agree with this, some people take games waaay too seriously

>> No.6178594


I want a Crim-chan figure.

>> No.6178952
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No, this is her sister.

>> No.6179503
File: 450 KB, 1024x769, lily.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just have a simply lily rain....nothing fancy about her. i don't play often enough to really develop her

>> No.6179690

So there's room in hotglue since the clan level just increased if any of you who are just joining us want to join and give us free level-up shit. It's even somewhat active again. I guess everyone finally realize vindictus is shit.

>> No.6179722 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6179745
File: 103 KB, 800x600, cosmic 2010-08-10 15-21-32-92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My cuteness is still unmatched.

>> No.6179754


Who should we bug for invites?

>> No.6179779

Lily Rain is a great bot, she's used in Japan quite often by pros. I like her skirt weapon, it's got holy shit range.

>> No.6179790


Florette or Tablecat are your best bets.

>> No.6179801

"I guess everyone finally realize vindictus is shit."

It's no "Mabi II", thats for sure. Enjoy those classes!

>> No.6179908

If hotglue doesn't win the upcoming clan tournament, I'll cry.

>> No.6179936

The wont.
CUZUBAD is much better

>> No.6180020


The tournament's going to be all short boosters and shadens.

>> No.6180128

Is there any significant benefit to getting 40FLY over 39FLY, or capping any other stat for that matter?

>> No.6180133

It's not that Vindictus is shit, it's that we've all beat the game already.

>> No.6180196

Str or Tec for damage, as high as you can I imagine.
The speed stats I guess are up to you depending on how comfortable you want to be outrunning people.

>> No.6180549


>> No.6180576

BRD (bravery), DOS (strenght), and WIZ (strategy)

What do I choose~

What's the advantages of each?

What one did most on /jp/ choose?

>> No.6180590

The faction with the girl voice.

>> No.6180605

Hotglue is on Wiz

>> No.6180611

Hotglue is dead and won't even have the 10 people required to play in the tournament.

>> No.6180617

There's several of us on at any given time. It'll be easy enough to get the 10

>> No.6180619
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yeah, I pretty much play only an hour or so, log off when my UCx2 ticket wears off. Problem is I have zero interest in quests and missions, and arena gets tiresome too fast. I got several bots leveled up high the final week of OB1 and now it's so slow in comparison to make money or xp that I don't feel at all like grinding, so I just keep using the same old bots and nothing new. Would be a lot easier if I had two maxed xp bots to give all the xp to the 3rd, but it'll be ages before my Maril and Seraph reach full xp.

I usually never can get 1st, usually if I do well it's because I have teammates doing even better. Maril pretty much requires good team support, so my success varies with my team's quality. Usually I get a decent rank simply by not dying, but not often do I rack up enough damage/kills for 1st place or any title.

Baltheon legs are fuckawesome with their stats/cost, unfortunately can't use them on most moebots since they're L

>> No.6180628


>> No.6180715

What other bots do you use?

>> No.6180854
File: 122 KB, 450x560, maril_suggestive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maril and Seraph are mostly all I use, I have a Winberrl in my main commando in case I need her (but usually by the time I get killed the first time it's too late to bother). Maps without a powerspot Maril gets benched and I go Seraph with an Aquila and something I want to level. I have a Hatigarm and Ivis at lvl 7 but I never use them anymore since I suck with Lnd and they aren't tuned up at all. A zillion other bots in my garage untouched, plus all the stuff I junked.

>> No.6180940


You seem to imply it takes more than 3 hotglue to kick MOD/Loyalty/Anyone's ass.

Union wars matches seems to disagree with this.

>> No.6180971
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>> No.6181471
File: 250 KB, 850x1224, sample-94c36d8af8aaffa89d10daa7161a3b26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else think that the new melee mechs are a little OP? Those swords can stunlock forever.

>> No.6181491


>> No.6181508 [DELETED] 

Cross Raptor with two garulabird arms is awesome, try it. And fire rods are severely underrated.

>> No.6181510

Yes, Ivis and Ouka are pretty retarded. Jet hammer too but at least they're big and fat.

>> No.6181514
File: 113 KB, 397x533, 1231061783869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did find that they have little air capability usually, because they're too busy derping around on the ground. Getting the jump on them with an air attack can be handy.

>> No.6181591

How do you use Lily Rain to hit top 10? How do you setup her cartridges?

>> No.6181593

join DOS.

You have better chances of going into union wars that way.

>> No.6181629

>>6180940 You seem to imply it takes more than 3 hotglue to kick MOD/Loyalty/Anyone's ass.
Yeah, you guys are really good.

At hunting newbies in pub games.

>> No.6181635
File: 588 KB, 1028x795, hotglue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the worst member of a great guild. Still, glad to be a part of it.

>> No.6181696

I usually place top5 and nearly always get titles with my sturbanger.

>> No.6181744
File: 257 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20100922_2128_18_084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah, Maril.

She can do really good, it's just nobody understands her play style so they think she sucks.

>> No.6181835

>pub games

It's an MMO. If you don't play public games, you are doing it wrong.

>> No.6182157
File: 73 KB, 450x500, maril_bath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really one of the biggest things is just whether people notice me or not; I always hang back from the powerspot so I don't get killed instantly by attacking Lnds. But getting caught alone by a Lnd or a spammy Art is death (unless I escape stunlock and outrun them).

Or I could pretend like I'm on jp server and get short boost + quick land and jump around like a faggot. Even though I don't play there anymore I went and grabbed a Maril and Izuna during the half-off sale with my unspent Rt... Maril, Domiclown, and a few usual Airs were the "HOT!" sellers. I'm guessing if I actually played I would have seen card spamming Lnds and hopping Marils everywhere.

>> No.6182244

No choice because all of them flee from me when I make them lose.

>> No.6182310


>> No.6182331
File: 132 KB, 500x760, 12060141_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whorela Nimbus.

Heh, heh heh.

>> No.6182333


Idk why people are so competitive in this game are constantly at each others throat especially DOS clans just whining 24/7, Its called CASUAL BREAK for a reason enjoy your moe and hilarious suits this game isn't fit to "metagame" just yet.

>> No.6182477
File: 627 KB, 1024x1280, 1276999057534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not that good with her, I know the Japanese guys can use her very effectively but I haven't figured out how to get top 10 with her.

Don't let that scare you off, there's players that use her exclusively, I'm just not one of them.

>> No.6182535

I hit top10 with crim-chan being my commando bot.
Anything is possible

>> No.6182548 [DELETED] 

Is it possible to change my voice? I'm stuck with the Jikun Hu's shota voice since the beginning. But I keep hearing these new voices.

>> No.6182609

You can buy 3 voices in the shop, they're 3 faction commanders

>> No.6182677 [DELETED] 

What about Ouka's voice? How do people get that? Are they all new guys and the whole thing is random?

>> No.6182813
File: 82 KB, 690x387, 7975512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's more sensitive to map layouts than other characters. Figuring how to play her in each map is half the fun. Also, Broad Radar is indispensable. It's saved my Maril so many times. It also let's you put your Sound Balls to better use if you know where the enemy is approaching.

>> No.6182825

What determines the number of stars you have over your head? I've come in 1st place several times and only ever had a crown once which didn't last long at all.

>> No.6182830

You change voices in the options menu.

>> No.6182881

It probably means you got first because you got awards at the end(Destroyer,Sword Master,etc)

The crown means your 1st and they scale down

>> No.6183263

>>6182825 >>6182881
Crown is a running tally of how well you are doing versus other players. Not sure exactly what it tracks, but you can easily get 1st without a crown, or have a crown and get like 10th.

The stars/crown affects how much of a modifier % is on your bot's BP rating, crown is like 3x cost or something.

>> No.6183398

So apparently Zero Saber Girl's seiyu is going to be on the radio at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/moai-ch and http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv27681991

>> No.6183520

how are we supposed to use her then?

>> No.6183796

junk him and put on any girl head on. Or you can get his sister who has a similar movset.

>> No.6184628

Did anyone screenshot any of that delicious Ivis cosplay?

>> No.6184837


>> No.6184856

No, silly, I meant the 3D version.

>> No.6184860

There's some sort of event going on, I just got 2500 exp in an arena match.

>> No.6184878

x8 multipliers over the weekend

>> No.6184910

Thanks for your answer, though I meant whether there's any extra bonus (like how minimizing a stat tends to destroy a few functions related to it like FLY and flight, boost running and landing. )

Also, JPCB now has three most ridiculous new robots, including a giant moth, a giant butterfly, and a new male M AIR Herr Victor (unlike Jikun, not androgynous in the slightest) who wears purple and prominently shows off his midriff. King Megatoner or whatever he was called also returns, now sporting a nurse cap.

>> No.6184924

I didn't see any 3D cosplay.

I did see some people saying "Kotori is my wife" at the end of the show though.

>> No.6184937
File: 160 KB, 665x875, 11513972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. No little extra bonus as far as I know.

>> No.6184954

Kotori put on an Ivis cosplay outfit (that she apparently made herself) halfway through the show.

It was pretty baller.

>> No.6185469
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My answer would depend on how you play Maril so I could point out what's no good. I guess I could write up something on how I play her.

>> No.6185660
File: 97 KB, 850x478, 127499457872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a damage limit on single hits? I got a massive sword(51 force) and pumped my mech's STR to 30, but it only does 50 damage, no more than the force 30-40 hammer I have.

>> No.6185683

Not on JP version, at least. I get Ripper Scythe hits for 120+.

Is Ripper Scythe in English CB? If not, prepare to add it to your whining list alongside Shaden BS, Domiclown card arm, Ivis and Seraph core ability.

>> No.6185793

god, DOS is noobtastic lately, I had to quit before I started ranting at my team like CUZUBAD players always did. Yesterday it was all marbles, today it was all retarded triangles; for example, that last round of Tiling Float we had a Hound Dog sitting under the power spot spamming cards nonstop at nothing, then someone else started standing there shooting him back, so that was at least two guys doing nothing to help.

I haven't even seen more than like 1 MoD player for the past 2 days, every room I check is full of random shitty players. But I really hate shuffle, if I can even get into a room to begin with.

>> No.6185821

Well, MoD usually ragequit after losing a match.

>> No.6185938
File: 92 KB, 600x658, 1257208460703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is, but no one has it, since everyone uses Garapon and Misty Hollow isn't on there. We got Ouka, though, and she's been a huge bitch.

Not sure what you mean by Shaden BS, and no one but me has a domiclown for the same reason as Misty.

The weird thing is that Ivis regularly does 60-75 damage, but my MASSIVE weapons do 50-80 depending on type. Is there some other factor applied to melee damage?

>> No.6185945

>It is


>> No.6185955
File: 205 KB, 568x711, 06ea2191e4ab487475bb3a8cd972b6fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It IS in english CB, isn't it? The ripper scythe?

>> No.6185960

Oh, I thought Ripper Scythe was a robot, not Misty's weapon.

Yeah it's there for quite some time already.

>> No.6186006

Ripper Scythe isn't Misty's weapon. It's a seperate one, though it usually comes with Croissants.

>> No.6186008

Shaden booster, surprisingly I haven't been seeing anyone using it lately, which sucks because my Maril is good for shooting down shaden whores. And no one uses domiclown because the bot itself is nothing special, but the clown arm is one of the most overused/broken weapons (going hand in hand with short boost abusing)

>> No.6186024
File: 294 KB, 754x1000, 946657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh. Then it's not here yet.

Christ, though. What is it with these devs and poor balance? Any sensible person would be able to balance this easily.

Huh... maybe I should just attach the clown arm to my 30str.

>> No.6186042


>> No.6186127

What are some good weapons/tactis for Lily Rain. I kind of suck with everything and I want to improve my shit.

>> No.6186265
File: 236 KB, 755x847, 1276469374928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Upgrade her core weapon, use her skirt fire, hop like a motherfucker. I had hand bazooka for some of the slower air and a flamethrower for the pesky LNDs. I took 7th in a match with my Lily earlier today. Not great but it's doable.

>> No.6186274
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>> No.6186304
File: 166 KB, 800x600, 4529156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't used Lily Rain in a long time, but I think using Blast Bazooka and/or one of the three-shot burst rifles is a good idea.

I also think her skirt is cool.

>> No.6186309


>> No.6186314
File: 59 KB, 500x334, frustrated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You frustrated because you got two hitted?

By the way your picture reminds me of something.
You know those transparent tubes of lube?
If they are not completely full there is an airbubble inside the tube (durr hurr hurr obvious).
Turn the tube upside down to see the Airbubble float to the top.
The shape it has is that of Myon.
My lube is the softest.

>> No.6186326
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>> No.6186398
File: 319 KB, 800x600, LOL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So DOS claimed that WIZ is 80% japs...

>> No.6186467

How much should you upgrade her core weapon?

I am considering upgrading Lily's walk over fly.

Destructor Girl's walk is much higher than fly. Should I tune up her wlk? How much should I upgrade her core?

>> No.6186479

I prefer fly over walk. In jCB I have two of the wing arms for her that increase her fly.

>> No.6186570
File: 247 KB, 800x600, shino_panties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does she have one of those cores with 4 upgrades or just 2? If 2 then definitely both of them. I'm not sure about those more expensive 3rd and 4th upgrades that some bots have though. She's one of the best anti-airs in the game, she can actually hit those fly-tuned seraphs.

Now that you mention it, I don't even have a Destructor Girl, though I've gotten so many Zero Saber and Mecha Jetter girls, guess I need to roll that garapon a million more times. Already rolled it so much first beta trying to get more blast bazookas (only have ONE, versus 5 or so of each of the other bronze rewards). Maril has my only one, and it's got a paralyzer upgrade which might not really be worth it (was trying it to shoot down shaden whores); currently near max capacity and stuck using a regular beam rifle as secondary since I can't fit anything over 100 cost.

Also have Shino in that garapon... I wish she wasn't so damn useless (L Lnd with low TGH and no core ability? ugh), I really like dat loli ass

>> No.6186579
File: 159 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20100926_0117_18_741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6186467 How much should you upgrade her core weapon?
You shouldn't. The upgrade is way too expensive for what it gives.

>> No.6186604

As much as you can, doubly so if you're in JPCB, where ARTs are a valuable commodity.

You should stay back in all cases and preferably be on high ground (almost every level has such places, I've seen an ART get an easy three stars by camping the ledge over the tunnel entrances in Glacier Night and shooting everyone who passed. ) Any melee will kill you in seconds, especially with the eventual advent of the Ripper Scythe (I hope you enjoy 150 damage per hit) so you don't want to be seen. Flight is very good for this, while it won't enable you to escape an actively chasing melee (that's why ART should always stick to groups or high ground) it will make the LND chase an easier target (lots of dumb people around, you won't run out of meatshields. ) Keep in mind that your slicer subweapons also share an extremely good range with the psygun, and they also home. If you see groups of enemies (such are often found in Relic Towers, Tiling Float, Green Field, the sandstorm level of which name I can't recall etc. ) you can use the slicers to a much greater effect than the psygun.

If on the English version, just experiment around with weapons and see which one suits you best, since you have a lot more usable items available.

If you're playing JPCB, since tuning up to your heart's content isn't a feasible option, you should use +2FLY-tuned Wing Plus AMJs (slotted version is from the UC Garapon) for +8FLY. Accel Saber arms come from the same place for a nice +6TEC and three slots, and you'll get a lot of them (I had like 17 Bigmantes legs from the past UC Garapon) so you can afford breaking them in tuneups. That, combined with some other minor part changes, will grant you a nice ~30TEC and ~24FLY.

Also, reminding that JPCB has two events that, when combined, mean that you can buy any shop robot (including RT ones) save Hatigarm within a few hours of play. It'll end soon, so if you want to join, this is the time.

>> No.6186616

oops, I didn't notice that you asked about both Lily and Destructor Girl's cores, my answer was entirely about Destructor Girl.

With Lily I really think you should go ahead and upgrade it, if you're using it it's worth upgrading it, if you aren't using it then Lily is an utter waste of BP

>> No.6186665

BRD sucks so bad at bosses.

6 minutes to go and still they're stuck on Haku trap form.

>> No.6186674

Dgirl has 2 low level upgrade carts, 1 level 6 and 1 level 9.

>> No.6186685

more like 80% ivis with the other 20% being shaden bs and clown arms

>> No.6186714

the BRD fail brought a default hound dog with a buster gatling and a default lazflamme to level 3 haku.

>> No.6186735

i use a lily rain, and i find her skirt to be pretty useless...i tend to quest and mission more than arena, and the tight quarters and stuff just cause half the beams to hit the walls....

>> No.6186744

How do you get to the ledge? It's so hard to reach them.

>> No.6186770

Easier from the back of the area, with the trees. Climb on to a tree for an even easier time, if you find one intact.

>> No.6186781

do uc tickets stack with the 8x event rates?

>> No.6186859
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Yes. Go nuts.

>> No.6186936

Tundra Wall, right?

>> No.6186938

should I buy thorala from the store or try my luck at getting the one with the witch hat? can I get a stardust randomly from the arena?

>> No.6187040
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Needs more hotglue

>> No.6187101

which gun shoots a spray of blue lasers that explode when they hit stuff?

>> No.6187110

Gawain internal weapon.

>> No.6187133
File: 100 KB, 740x550, maril_beach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you can get a stardust from one of the shuffle arenas, but I don't remember which one. I got like 3 stardusts on jp server but I don't have a single one on US server in far more time played, just because I almost never do shuffle here (while it's about the only thing you can find players in on jp most of the time)

Garapon is almost always more worthwhile unless you absolutely MUST have a specific bot and don't care about anything else (or if you specifically want the store model in cases where they have different core abilities). And bleh, speaking of that, I still need more blast bazookas and destructor girl, but I also want to do the new garapon to try to get some of the first 4 silver reward bots that have the +2 stat accessories.

>> No.6187217

So any more advice on destructor girl core?

>> No.6187441

I can tell the left hand is a blast bazooka, but what's the right hand weapon?

>> No.6187509
File: 403 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20100923_1759_41_847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

standard beam rifle, for reason explained in >>6186570 (not that I would have expected anyone to link my various posts together). I'd rather have an ABR but the regular one works reasonably well against incoming Lnds, and it might be slow enough to avoid triggering TGH damage reduction (but I really have no idea what the actual time interval for that is).

Experimented with all sorts of stuff, but that was about the most useful thing I could find that didn't put me over cost. I wanted something to supplement my anti-air, but nothing worked out well and I found it more useful to stay mobile and fire only the blast bazooka. Maybe dual blast bazookas and no paralyzer upgrade would have been better, but that requires owning a 2nd one in the first place.

>> No.6187647

how do I get the bunny ears hat?

>> No.6187654

playing for a few hours

where is everyone ;_;

>> No.6187687

Tell me nick. I'll stalk you a little.
Also are you in DOS? You are in DOS, yes?

>> No.6187689

I like how as soon as wiz starts losing they all switch to card spamming

>> No.6187701
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>> No.6187726

There is like 5 of us in the 15vs15room pubstomping DOS for like the past 2hours.

>> No.6187741

I don't know what that means~

Nick is BOOF

>> No.6187746

how can I get more tune-up itens?

>> No.6187756

grind more.

>> No.6187768
File: 162 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20100925_2120_17_406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tips please.

>> No.6187771

I can't message you for some reason. Let's met up st the DOS portal at the Central area.

>> No.6187772

my crimrose is almost level 10 which seraph color should I get?

>> No.6187775

pinku always

>> No.6187785

As opposed to DOS (MoD), who leaves the room as soon as they lose a single match?

>> No.6187793

We're all in Wiz Boof

>> No.6187804

is the picture that showed what they all looked like still on the website somewhere?

>> No.6187841

I can't find Boof... what should I do, what should I do...

>> No.6187856


>> No.6187916

I don't even see any Hotglue in the arenas now, like 1 person in a shuffle room and that's it

>> No.6187939

what do air loop and acel roll do? which one is better?

>> No.6187943

we are taking it easy with our crim-chans, don't bother us.

>> No.6187959


Air loop makes you do a loop in the air. It's good for dodging and it also helps you get up to certain ledges that you couldn't normally reach. I've never used accel roll, but I've seen people post here saying that's mostly useful for escaping. Air loop adds 30 cost and I'm assuming accel roll is the same, so they aren't that good for a bot that you're tuning.

>> No.6187962

I'm not playing now.

Give me 5 minuets.

>> No.6187970
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ALL 3!

>> No.6187991

alright, in the lobby

>> No.6187995

when it says if your crimrose has it the promotion will get it too does it mean it becomes permanent or does the remaining time just transfer over?

>> No.6188001
File: 292 KB, 1029x793, mommy crim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mommy crim and her babies

>> No.6188005

why does the pink one have a different body?

>> No.6188010
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>> No.6188014

My black and blond crims have Azura arms

>> No.6188030
File: 356 KB, 800x623, 12683322751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any way to set the order of weapons or sub-weapons? I'd like to have my Ouka so the sword slash is primary and a LGJ shield is right there when I hit E, but the stupid sheath and body move get in the way.

>> No.6188032

WTF Haku and Bees 3 suddenly became harder?

>> No.6188041

I hope you're in the DOS lobby.

>> No.6188055

I remember a bee run a few days ago where the bee did that curtain thing like 5 times.

>> No.6188063

the what now?

seriously, no idea what i'm doing.

>> No.6188066
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>> No.6188071
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>> No.6188080
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>> No.6188088

alright, went to the central area and found it

can't get in it, rightclick does nothing.


>> No.6188091

Ok, can you join #Cosmicbreak or #friendcircle on Rizon?

>> No.6188096

You joined a different nation when you started the game then. Which nation are you able to go into? That'll tell you which nation you belong to.

>> No.6188098



>> No.6188102

where do I get the rabbit ears?

>> No.6188120

I'm in WIZ

everyone told me to join the one with the little pink robot

everyone told me /jp/ was with the pink robot


>> No.6188126


Are you in channel 3 and in the central area? If so I'll come help find your lost ass.

If you're in channel one, there's no way I'm sifting through that many people since there's a radio event happening right now.

>> No.6188129

Then you're in the right one, you can't get into Wiz? Odd. What server are you on?

>> No.6188134

You need to join DOS all true bros are there.
Also I don't see you on Central Area.

>> No.6188151

Take a screenshot of where you are, post it here, i'll come find you.

>> No.6188159

going to central area in channel 3

>> No.6188165

how do I get the voice that says ~nano

>> No.6188215

Got the invite to hotglue, if this game will run on a netbook i'll be on it all day.    
(^( ゚∀゚)^)  Horray!
 ) ,, /"

>> No.6188218

C.S. chan

Change radio messages in options somewhere.

>> No.6188389
File: 66 KB, 432x432, 4480375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello Tempura~

>> No.6188500

lol "bros"

>> No.6188503
File: 205 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20100925_0234_27_484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn it BOOF, you should've been in DOS. Now you are gonna have to fight my Azurite.

>> No.6188519

How the fuck did you guys get that much UC?!

>> No.6188529

ask the DOS BRs to give you the links

>> No.6188532

Be careful of /a/ faggotary.

>> No.6188539

1. Buy x3 UC tickets
2. Go to tree events
3. Shoot trees that drops 5k UC
4. ???
5. Profit!!!

>> No.6188540

I'm a WIZ, does it still matter?

>> No.6188542

Which one is the tree event?

>> No.6188548

Money events. Essentally they made hard to kill trees that dropped UC or materials in the quest area. There were intrinsic UC multipliers depending on the day and buyable ones that stacked with the day multiplier. Meaning that up to a 15X multiplier was possible depending on the day. The highest amount that could come from a single tree was 5k. They spawned hundreds of trees during the tree events. If you made a decent treekilling setup a million UC would've been easy.

I'm not sure if they're doing tree events this beta though since I haven't been playing it. They fucking lagged up the servers bad at times though.

>> No.6188566

Damnit! There was a UC event in the jp version?!

I was busy with music composing, FUCK!

>> No.6188642

was it a mistake to level my robots all the way to 10? I haven't started tuning yet but so far it doesn't seem worth it.

what's the best place to get a stardust gun?

what's a good setup for destructor girl and zero saber girl?

>> No.6188669

Some cartridge are unnecessary imo, so you can stop at level 7 or 8 if you want, but it's really up to you. Tuning helps a lot, unless your base equipments are already making you close to max capacity. Don't underestimate the power of a 40 str mech.

Stardust cannon comes mainly from the bee quest. 2 star or 3 star got a pretty decent chance to drop it.

Give them a viper shield. Don't make Zero Saber girl melee.

>> No.6188823

>Don't make Zero Saber girl melee.
what am I supposed to do with her? I gave her this lightsaber thing, but trying to play like I see people do with ivis just gets me killed.

>> No.6188842


Play hybrid. Melee takes some time for you to get good at. Play range and go melee when it's a good time too. Go melee more often when you get more comfortable with it.

>> No.6188855

what ranged weapon should I use? I have a crossbow right now because most other things put me over cost. what do I do when I run into ivis? she kills me no matter what I try to do.

>> No.6188859


ivis is the best pure melee in the game. Don't melee with her and fight her at mid range. Hopefully your team is smart enough to focus fire her down anyway. If there are too many ivis on the other team, go air like crimrose.

>> No.6188863


Raid rifle btw.

>> No.6188870
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no, he's talking about the first US beta

fuck, I was thinking that the multipliers only added to each other, yesterday I was only using a +30% ticket or at most x2 for most of the day, when I should have been using x3 (which under normal circumstances isn't worth the cost)

dammit, I actually got a blast bazooka and destructor girl on my second x5 roll yesterday... then realize that the santa version has no core weapon, just 70 less cost with same stats and no booster equipped. So I have to get a shop one anyway, argh

>> No.6188885

fuck do I have to roll for that? I was going to use the rest of my money trying to get a shaden

>> No.6189266




>> No.6189467
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( ´・‿-) ~ ♥

>> No.6189491
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You got ammunition!

>> No.6189497

Fuck those clowns.
Crimrose for life.

>> No.6189507

all you need is any Lnd bot, give it short boost cartridge, put a domiclown arm on it, and voila, you're a jumping faggot. There isn't any particular bot you have to use.

>> No.6189839
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I swear to god if this thing fails...

>> No.6189914

i can get only one tuneup item per game? i need several itens, damn
also, BRD here, nice to meet you guys

>> No.6190442

If you are rich or semi rich or got a lot of spare parts you don't use, you can go south a bit from the tuning machine and find a Crimrose NPC. You can trade your unwanted parts to her for points, then use those points to buy tuning materials. Alternatively, doing 2 star or 3 star quests give you a pretty decent stack of basic materials and occasionally rarer materials not sold by Crimrose, and it's great experience for your mechs anyways.

rc: sudden cuteine

>> No.6190892
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So what's the most cost-effective thing to exchange for points?

>> No.6191015

Last I checked, Crimrose arms.

>> No.6191044
File: 352 KB, 800x600, 3670727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought a few from the shop and they didn't appear in my exchange-for-points menu. Maybe they're just worthless now

>> No.6191065

Really? I haven't really tried buying parts to change for point myself honestly. I got more than enough spare BD and weapons to trade for points.

>> No.6191602

which missions is the bees one? I want my stardust gun

>> No.6191887
File: 35 KB, 500x500, 4542819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ghost Raider arms seem to give 105 points for 500uc. Seems like an okay deal for now.


>> No.6192042

jesus fuck, DOS is horrible, it seems like all the good players quit and left a mob of retards and new players. I checked 4 arenas and all were full of marbles and triangles on DOS versus pentagons and up, finally I found one that looked good, only to get horribly raped as my team just stood around the spawn talking shit in chat. Good god, we were getting owned by loyaltyfags and that retard Kiss_X_Sis, made me rage so hard to give them the satisfaction.

>> No.6192121

It's quite the opposite right now.

>> No.6192180


It seems a lot of good players left WIZ too. I've been playing on a new account to get clan rewards and I've been placing in the top 10 every time just using waddles.

>> No.6192329

it's just disgusting, I'm constantly finishing 1st on my team in damage, if I don't it's probably because my team just stood around and let me get raped at the very start.

getting owned by loyalty and sdgo again; WIZ has nothing but ivises and shadens and seraphs, my team just ignores the fucking ivises so I can't even shoot down the airs cause I'm trying to stay alive. Half the time I end up having to try to kill an ivis by myself with sound balls and a beam rifle cause our airs and lands are busy suiciding

>> No.6192355 [DELETED] 

oh, and I forgot to mention all the DOS arties that just sit on the power spot and spam missiles and die to ivis/ouka like it was the first couple weeks of OB1

>> No.6192394

Have a commando of 3 chibis, mini ouka gets hunted down by 3 ivis, dies, respawn as mini crim, run into 4 guys, try to run away, ALL 4 CHASE ME DOWN TO KILL ME.

What the fuck? Why are 3 and 4 people chasing after a single bot worth less than 500 points? Are people that desperately retarded?

Frustrates me to hell.

>> No.6192414

oh, and I forgot to mention all the DOS arties that just sit on the power spot and spam missiles like it was the first couple weeks of OB1, resulting in them dying instantly to ivis/ouka. Then we have ivises/oukas running around freely all over our side of the map and I get hunted down since my whole team is respawning

>> No.6192475

Tuning is overrated, don't tune my shit at all and I can finish 1-5 all day everyday even in games with a bunch of players from the best clans.

>> No.6192481


DOS has more oukas than anything else. They always have a bunch of derp retards with oukas trying to bumrush us but unfortunately for them wiz isn't stupid enough to lose to small LND zerg faggotry. Also by thatsame token DOS never figures out that we're used to countering it and keeps doing it over and over.

>> No.6192486

I've been killing ivis and ouka all weekend but it gets kind of hard when there's 4 other air chasing you down + cardspam

>> No.6192514
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So ronely on DOS and MoD players can't aim for shit.

>> No.6192516

You guys all mostly play WIZ right? Could some of you go other unions when the game officially starts? The powerbalance is so unbalanced right now. When I saw the Epoch battle standings I was horrified. BRD had one place, DOS had another, and then WIZ had all the rest. It's pitiful.

>> No.6192517

It's funny how bad DOS is now, joined a room full of wiz randoms and we beat men of destiny until they rage quit and went to another room.

>> No.6192522
File: 206 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20100925_2353_40_397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ivis, Ivis everywhere. I'm losing an arm almost every match against WIZ.

>> No.6192529

Typical DOS overtuning to try and compensate for his lack of skill

>> No.6192541

I'm on wiz and I'd switch factions right now if I could move my character. Don't feel like starting over when I'm almost star rank.

>> No.6192578

You must be frustrated. My Lazflamme got nothing but HP really. I barely do any damage with my 10 TEC and I can't really outrun Ivis and Ouka with such low WLK, but hey, I'm still whooping ass.

>> No.6192583
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Forgot image. Fucking captcha

>> No.6192594

Wow someone literally tuned every slot. His weiner must be really small

>> No.6192612
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>> No.6192615

This bot looks really really useless really. No dash cartridges, low walk.. really useless..

I hope I find this guy in game it'll be like an easy +700 damage to my score.

>> No.6192627
File: 427 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20100926_2138_11_379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is that supposed to mean? How can you "overtune" in the first place?

Not from what I've seen, but then I'm not zerging the opposing power spot so I don't really see those idiots, just the idiots at my own power spot that can't hit anything. I'm about to fucking give up, my Maril and Destructor Girl just got raped 3 times over in a match by endless oukas. Most rounds now my Maril is running out of beam rifle ammo faster than blast bazooka, which is absolutely ridiculous. I've had about 2 good matches all day today, otherwise I'm just dying to 4 Lnds the instant the match starts no matter how inconspicuous I try to make myself.

That clan playing late last night in my ss in >>6188870 was ridiculously good, we were winning every round then. MoD seems to have recruited a bunch of newbs lately who are worse than the typical random. I haven't even seen wulfgar lately, usually I go to the room he's in.

>> No.6192649

Lazflamme? I have nothing but respect for you man.

>> No.6192651

Isn't that the idea? To min max as hard as possible?

>> No.6192653

Sup guys, /m/oron reporting and needing suggestions..

Best loadout for a Sigma Clock/Pulsardio since the gatchapon isn't coughing up a Shine Buster any time soon..

One other thing...explain to me WTF art's simply just don't DIE whenever I melee them. Lag or did they armor the fuck up!?

>> No.6192666
File: 169 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20100925_0145_54_961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need high WLK or dash cartridge to play LND; if you do, you're playing it wrong. I get top 10 with this every game. Hell, I can die and still be within the top 5.


>> No.6192706 [DELETED] 

Post one of the lowest scoring games ever to brag
Nice job bro

That bot is seriously awful. You don't have enough walk to escape the bots that can easily rape a small land type. All that HP is just making you higher cost when someone who can easily raep you does catch up. All you can really do is hide in groups with your allys and play like a shitty artillery. You would be way better off if you tuned for TEC or walk, or if you really wanted to tune HP on lazflamme at least make it a hooper.

But instead you tune HP on it like a total failure then post games where you didnt even get first even though the scores were REALLY LOW to try and justify your failure.

>> No.6192727


That bot is seriously awful. You don't have enough walk to escape the bots that can easily rape a small land type. All that HP is just making you higher cost when someone who can easily raep you does catch up. All you can really do is hide in groups with your allys and play like a shitty artillery. You would be way better off if you tuned for TEC or walk, or if you really wanted to tune HP on lazflamme at least make it a hooper.

With the playstyle youd need to succeed with that type of bot you'd be way better off using an ARTY so you had a decent damage loadout.

>> No.6192742

Agreed. I'll look forward to meeting this bot in-game.

>> No.6192924

>That bot is seriously awful.

That's relative. I was wasting arts and ouka/ivis with a regular unmodified waddle earlier. It depends on the skill of the player and whether they're used to a particular bot.

>> No.6192968
File: 193 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20100926_2053_44_013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey man, I've been trying to use a similar LND bot, but I been frustrated because it just feels so.... inadequate. I find it very hard to get top 10 with my LND bot.

How do you manage to score high? I would like to know.

This is what I've got so far. I've been trying to keep my tune ups balanced. I'm using a Misty Hollow, do you think LazFlamme is better?

>> No.6192974

I don't know man, I don't really have trouble with any bots. I find Ivis and Ouka annoying, but I'm not scared of them. Sidestep > their forward charges. AIR that comes hovering my head will find a tasty treat of dual bazookas in their face. I don't play my Lazflamme like an ART, I'm always in the frontline, drawing fire and returning fire.

It's not the spec that matters, it's how you use it. I rarely die with this, and even if I do, I've contributed more than my worth.

>> No.6193197

I've fought you a lot in the arena, and I always see you rush in alone and die. Dying hurts your score a lot. You can play as frontline, but not as a suicide machine; there's a difference. Misty is actually a better bot than Lazflamme, I only Lazflamme over Misty for looks.

>> No.6193261

You really need to get more TEC. Despite only a 1.6 boost per point, the difference in overall damage output is so pronounced you'll be shocked. I did the same and now I can get to top 10 every time and Destroyer sometimes with a defensive build (dual shield 500HP AIR bot with two Izuna boosters as the sole form of attack. )

>> No.6193328

anyone else get d/c just now? Server might have crashed

>> No.6193489

Is this the same as the Reaper's Scythe in the US beta? I just got one from a random weapon cube. What do I do with it?

>> No.6193494

What an odd thing to say! I've only played my Misty like 5 times and I never suicide rush.

>> No.6193583
File: 182 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20100926_2243_40_164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't remember if it was Misty, but I've seen you suicide into me and my allies a few times. Was it a Winberrl? All I remember is that it's a blonde mech with two guns.

Cutting it close. Barely got enough HP to last the whole match.

>> No.6193645

I guess it was Misty then. My other blonde bot is a Maril and I don't use Winberrl.

I will have to start playing her more often and learn how to use her properly. She's really grown on me so I'd like to do good with her.

>> No.6193743
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I changed my set up. I'm starting to do better now. Placed top 5 twice so far. My problem now is that once an Ivis catches me by surprise, they can stunlock me to death. I wish I had Broad Radar...

>> No.6193872

Pay attention to your surroundings. If you see an Ivis or Ouka coming, run and fire at them until they close in on you, then double tap left or right for some awesome dashing action. Turn quickly and give them a nasty punishment while they execute their long combo at nothing. Rinse and repeat. If they do catch you in their combo, dashing left, right, and occasionally forward will get you out. The only time you get stunlocked to death is if you are being wrecked by two or more Ivis/Ouka at the same time, or you're stuck in water/in a hole. One Ivis/Ouka can't stunlock you for long if you dash around.

>> No.6193990

They can just stop pressing right click to end their combo on the last hit...

I feel bad that the majority of ivis/ouka players you've fought are so bad they sit there hitting air for an entire combo..

>> No.6194003
File: 103 KB, 238x352, 1279793603169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does everyone think of ivis/ouka anyway? too cheap? I was thinking of making a small melee land bot that wasn't an ivis/ouka, but something tells me any other small LND melee is just obselete in comparison..

Also I'm really surprised about how much tuning up you guys are able to do. Where do you get all the UC / materials?

>> No.6194009

May i ask what it is exactly that you've changed??

>> No.6194016

Fucking rainbow chips, man. I have more feathers/ammonites than them now.

>> No.6194018 [DELETED] 

I don't have a single fucking rainbow chip.

>> No.6194035

Anyone know what Liln uses on zero saber girl?? Wow that bitch is fucking annoying!!!

>> No.6194068

is the only place to get midora cosmos from the pokeball machine? I used up all of mine trying to tune my fly but I ran out before I even got to 40. I traded all my spare parts for the rest of the materials too so I'm pretty much out. should I just start rolling and trading in whatever I get?

>> No.6194069

Yeah, other small melee just get stunned to death which isn't fun. I just take off all my STR parts for TEC and use them as annoying ground ranged.

>> No.6194089

DOS Small Air here, I find Ivises/Oukas to be irritating on the rare occasions I'm grounded but other than that I just waste their time by flying out of reach while I'm hunting other air units and solo/stupid artillery.

By the way, what IS the proper way to counter Ivis/Ouka spam? It doesn't affect me directly but it's annoying to see my team's arty get raped by them repeatedly.

>> No.6194109

Ivis and Ouka are the best S melee since they can stunlock pretty well and have a good attack range. Jikun, Zero Saber girl and Misty are good alternative if you are up for a challenge or fulfill self satisfaction/ego/etc, but don't bother trying to fight Ivis or Ouka because they will wreck you.

Tree event = tons of money = tons of garapon roll = tons of materials. I've actually farmed haku and bee during the last beta for experience, and in the process, got like 500+ for each material.

>> No.6194117

just fly over them and shoot them until they die. I love seeing ivis because it's like shooting fish in a barrel. too bad there's so many of them they kill the rest of my team faster than I can take them out.

>> No.6194125

I'm making a large land melee, been using the lancerlot hatigarm cheese but not getting the results i've wanted. Anyone with experience want to give ideas what kind of parts I want to use for it?

>> No.6194133

Blasters and it's variants imo. They're by far one of the best weapons in the game, and they're ridiculously easy to use. You shouldn't have trouble hitting Ivis/Oukas, and they'll do large amount of damage to them. Heck, you'll even splash shot tons of other units in the process too.

>> No.6194146

jet hammer and clown arms

>> No.6194150

Right. That's actually excellent news for me, since I hunt large air with my Seraph.. now all I need is to take out the the enemy air before they take out our Ivis/other groundies so they can engage the enemy Ivises. And hope the rest of my team brought enough air to help shoot up the enemy Ivis/other small units, but that leaves not a lot of artillery-

Fuck it, I'm just going to shoot up the other team's shadens, pacifars and seraphs. It's what I was doing beforehand anyway.

>> No.6194257

So I have a large art and it gets melee raped, so I try a melee bot, Ivis, whatever, and I get shot up to shit by air bots that never ever ever ever land, so I play an air and plink things ... and plink ... and plink, and I never get higher than 12th place and I only get that high if I'm extremely lucky. I've equipped plasma gun, laser, cross shooter, beam guns and it's all just plinky shit that does 20-30 damage a shot.

What the hell man? How do people get 4000 damage in a game? I see some guys in the top 3 spots every single game consistently with 4000 damage. That's impossible in an art, you're dead, that's impossible in a land, you're dead, that's impossible in an air, you do too little damage.

What is this bullshit?

>> No.6194277

>that's impossible in an air, you do too little damage
Get the antiradar and sniper scope, and drop directly behind arty on their power point and blast circles/triangles and back to the stone age with all guns firing, then RUN AWAY VERY FAST. Or anyone just standing there and shooting.

>I get shot up to shit by air bots that never ever ever ever land
Go in groups so you don't get targeted as much, use the nonstun core weapon, rush the enemy arty and flank instead of running directly at them.

>So I have a large art and it gets melee raped
Pay fucking attention to your scope and make sure you've got a melee meatshield in front of you. And aim at the damn airbots, they go boom nicely.

>> No.6194386

>How do people get 4000 damage in a game?
it's probably an ivis or some guy with a sturbanger spamming a choke point. air weapons are so weak compared to other types.

it takes at least 10-15 seconds to kill anything with small air. even if you suprise them that's enough for them to turn around and kill you with 3 missiles. plus you'll probably run out of boost and have to land and take off again.

>> No.6194395

However with sniper scope the enemy doesn't know where you're shooting from giving you a couple more seconds, and by that time they're wounded enough so you can take to the skies and finish them like that - after the initial volley you take off and circle-strafe them.

Remember to keep dodging faster than they turn and you'll win vs most setups. The only problem I have is with boilerdecks or that gun which fires giant flak explosions.

Alternately while the enemy is distracted your melee will come up and rape them, but that's less of you getting points and your team winning.

I LOVE sturbangers. They're big fat easy targets if you can get behind them.

>> No.6194399

Is Hotglue still inviting? I'm tired of playing the game all by myself.

>> No.6194405

I haven't had much luck killing things while circling. the shitty autolock makes my shots miss if I'm not flying directly at them.

>> No.6194413

I'm off the radar and everything in my Ivis, I run around toward the back, come up behind and take it in the fucking face. If I kill 1 art that's all well and good but I ain't getting out alive, 40 air bots will hunt me down until I'm dead. It doesn't work.

In my large art I either have to sit up on some high platform and wait endlessly for 1 guy to fly too close and get a few shots off and oh wait I'm dead because I got ass raped by 4 Ivis/ouka at once. If I'm lucky enough some dipshit is alone flying above me that's all they do, fly above me, I can't target them and even if I do I get 1 shot on them, while I'm desperately swinging my screen around trying to look directly above myself which is impossible meanwhile they've been hitting me repeatedly for 20 hours and I'm almost dead if the hordes of land bots haven't already killed me.

>> No.6194414

Ah, in that case all you need is practice. If you're not hitting, overcorrect and aim further to the right/left until you hear the soundeffect and the big numbers above their heads. Ideally you want to zigzag back and forth after each of their volleys in a semicircle around them so they can't overcorrect to target you either, as they can't move while firing all weapons. And don't try this vs arty with exploding weaponry.

>> No.6194427

>If I kill 1 art that's all well and good but I ain't getting out alive, 40 air bots will hunt me down until I'm dead. It doesn't work.

>not suiciding
Yeaaaah. Her weapon isn't called "sacrifice" for nothing, you're supposed to bumrush and kill 3-4 big heavy arty before succumbing in a group. But hey, I'm an air guy so I dunno.

>If I'm lucky enough some dipshit is alone flying above me that's all they do, fly above me, I can't target them and even if I do I get 1 shot on them, while I'm desperately swinging my screen around trying to look directly above myself which is impossible meanwhile they've been hitting me repeatedly for 20 hours and I'm almost dead if the hordes of land bots haven't already killed me.

Large art needs to work in spread out groups. You don't shoot the air shooting you, you shoot the air shooting your buddy over there while he (is supposed to) shoot the air unit shooting you. And don't hang too far back from the frontlines as you'll be useless AND be a target for marauding arty. You need to stay WITH your pals. AT ALL TIMES.

And pray your own air is shooting up the enemy land and you've got some meatshields nearby, because you will inevitably get raped anyway.

>> No.6194444

I've tried leading the shots but it seems like the lock on takes over and makes you miss

>> No.6194452
File: 577 KB, 816x1280, shootanandgrazing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just keep shooting and grazing.
It is not rocket science, I hunt everything even arties sometimes.

>> No.6194463

Don't forget to lead. And practice. That's all I can say.

Try and find some smaller matches to play in, they're usually less frantic.

>> No.6194466
File: 358 KB, 1026x705, COSTMUCH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something makes me think getting 4k damage isn't worth it when you cost 5.4k. Especially when your score is so high that you're giving up 2k+ cost when you die.. But the real question is how he died so much while doing so much damage so fast. His bots must have respawned with half hp at the end..

>> No.6194490

Yeah. Not dying should really be a priority. But that takes planning.

At least with Small Air you can literally fly right over the front lines and if anyone chases you they'll run right into ivisspam or heavy arty barrage.

>> No.6194508

I try to at least have my cost in damage. Sometimes having 2k cost is justified when you've got 2.5k+ damage, and your first death shouldn't cost too much BP since you won't have more than 1 or 2 stars ussually. But theres almost no excuse for 3k cost, unless you did something amazing like 5k damage (hi zombie). The person in that screenshot is definately dying excessively to the point the loss in BP wasn't evn worth it any more.

>> No.6194523

>at least have my cost in damage. Sometimes having 2k cost is justified when you've got 2.5k+ damage, and your first death shouldn't cost too much BP since you won't have more than 1 or 2 stars ussually.
While yes, high costs are sometimes unavoidable and justified, simply doing lots of damage is not the optimal strategy in the big picture. I count frags as better than damage as that is what actually reduces the enemy BP. Someone that you've reduced to 1HP at the end of the match may have had a lot of damage done to them but it still doesn't help as much.

Still, SOMEONE has to damage the enemy. And it looks like that guy made up enough kills to justify his deaths - say each was averaging 600 he'd have done 500BP better.

Still probably cost them the match though.

>> No.6194550

I can't seem to do enough damage with my Seraph. I tuned it for TEC, but I can't find any weapons that do much. I can fire constantly at enemies the entire match and still be halfway down the list.

At least I'm not dying....

>> No.6194559
File: 249 KB, 816x638, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abuse the auto lock on system.

>> No.6194596

the auto lock doesn't seem to be very helpful. maybe I was doing it wrong but it doesn't seem to be possible to lead your shots when using it so you miss if you or the target is moving sideways.

>> No.6194627


That isn't what I mean. I either run out of ammo or enemies before my damage gets high. I kill so many, but it doesn't matter because a bunch of others kill more. I can top the list with large air bots, but I can't with my Seraph unless everybody is retarded at once.

Also I've seen a few BRs. I hope this isn't the start of something.

>> No.6194631


If you have trouble aiming, use a wide beam gun or something else with large bullets. I've been using the wide beam gun since I play on a touchpad and I consistently get top ranks.

>> No.6194650


I just watched you fight and now I feel like a failure.

I'm so bad at this.

>> No.6194682

Dual Mini-bazookas is what I roll with as the high base damage scales nicely with tuned TEC, but it makes taking on land hard as they usually have -30% damage on explosives. It works ace against arty and air though.

Other setups I've seen are the bowcaster type weapons and beam rifle/auto beam rifle. I used to have a beam rifle/bazooka setup but I always ended up using the bazooka only and running out of ammo.

>> No.6194688

Oh, with mini-bazookas, be warned, you need to really be balls-to-the-wall gutsy and get right in the enemy's face. Their range is shit but that shouldn't matter if you tuned FLY as well, get right up in arty's faces so they can't hit you at point blank, and shove your face between other air units bosoms/buttcheeks. They'll love you for it.

>> No.6194707
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This is my usual damage/cost ratio. In the bottom rank I also got the crosshair title.

>> No.6194713

Well yeah, there is no way a S Air can consistently better melee or the larger bots damage. It is the way S Air is supposed to be. Their survivability is too high and if they can mount L weapons, it is probably more broken than Stardust Shaden booster.
Play a melee or gwain/stardust cannon if damage is what you are after.

>> No.6194717

Why are you posting a screenshot with your name blanked? All it amounts to are random numbers.

>> No.6194733
File: 112 KB, 805x625, wizsux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been going back and forth between top 10 and dead last. I don't know if it's me being inconsistent or the other players.

>> No.6194737
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>WOW LUVIA is pro

Is he mad?

>> No.6194768
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First match with dual bazookas. Thanks for the tip.

>> No.6194772
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>> No.6194863

No problem. Hope to face off against you in a mirror match some day!

>> No.6195246

New thread


>> No.6195265

because this is an anonymous board
