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File: 540 KB, 845x1200, Lunar Legend Tsukihime v06 c45 - 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
617905 No.617905 [Reply] [Original]

Continues from >>616417


>> No.617909

Damn, the editor needs to learn to use stroke.

>> No.617912
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>> No.617920
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>> No.617926

"'Cause I... Because I'm the eldest Tohno son..."

Clarified so eyes don't strain.

>> No.617929
File: 478 KB, 845x1200, 1210732291424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SHIKI is so unlucky, he's the Sacchin of Tsukihime. WAIT A MINUTE....

>> No.617933


Good Shiki and SHIKI, you look kinda Ramza and Delita.

>> No.617936

This is just making me realize how much SHIKI really got fucked over.

>> No.617939
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>> No.617940

Yeah, he didn't get to fuck his sister.

>> No.617952

Well, when you get THAT close to The Gland, you're just looking to get shafted...literally.

>> No.617954
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>> No.617966
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>> No.617975
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>> No.617978

Ive been buying this manga as it is released here stateside but it hasn't gotten this far yet. (Currently up to volume 5.) Its being published by DrMaster. Does anyone with previous knowledge of this publisher know if they are gonna edit these scenes out? I don't like buying manga that is altered from the original other than translations.

>> No.617984
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>> No.617996
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>> No.618000
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>> No.618014
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jump to chapter 49

>> No.618027
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Who wants to see some Kouma vs Kiri ?

>> No.618031

Fuck... they lived happy lives them bam, SHIKI got fucked over.

>> No.618035

Fuck yes, I've been waiting for this.

>> No.618034

Needs more rape.

>> No.618039

Be grateful that it even has rape.

>> No.618042

Shit yes.


>> No.618047

Except it doesn't happen.


>> No.618050
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>> No.618063
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this chapter needs some re-editing and typos fixing...

>> No.618069
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>> No.618077
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>> No.618078

Finally, I've been looking all over for a translated chapter 49.

>> No.618080
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>> No.618085
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>> No.618091
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>> No.618095
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>> No.618097
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>> No.618110


>> No.618112
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>> No.618113

I always thought it was strange that Kouma let Shiki live when they met in the forest.

>> No.618121

He killed his father and lost the desire for more. He just let Shiki go.

>> No.618123

Same way Kiri left Kouma to live, though with less than an eye.

>> No.618127

So Kouma's with Crimson Moon, Crimson Moon destroyed the entire Nanaya lineage (bar Shiki), and Kouma let Shiki go so Crimson Moon could be the one to kill him?

>> No.618128
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>> No.618137

Kouma has nothing to do with Crimson Moon. Kouma's a demon hybrid (un)lucky enough to have demon blood so strong he's almost pure demon, hence the title Red Demon God.

Crimson Moon's the first True Ancestor and a being that came from the moon.

>> No.618138

I thought Crimson Moon was the one that killed the Nanayas?

>> No.618142

No, the one with the blade on his arm is Makihisa. Crimsoon was nowhere in Japan or wherever that place is where Shiki is.

>> No.618145

Nope. Tohno Makihisa, Kishima Kouma, and a bunch of hired thugs.

>> No.618149

Never played Kagetsu Touya so I don't know if it's answered there, but is the guy in >>618091 who stabs Shiki the same guy as in >>618027 who is talking to Kouma?

>> No.618153

Yeah, that's Makihisa Tohno. The one who ordered for the death of the Nanaya clan.

>> No.618156

We've never got to see Tohno Makihisa in action before, but yes, that's him.

>> No.618160


Crimson Moon is COMPLETELY unrelated to any of these events as of now.

>> No.618180

>We've never got to see Tohno Makihisa before


>> No.618212
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>> No.618211

Yeah, Crimson Moon is a DA that Arcueid killed sometime before Tsukihime...

>> No.618215

Well, yeah

>> No.618219

Are you trolling?

>> No.618225

Do you even have to ask?

>> No.618227
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dere dere

>> No.618228

Crimsoon Moon was killed by Zeltreich or however you spell his name, right?

>> No.618230

Thought it was Arcueid but it could have been him too I suppose. Also, I am not trolling.

>> No.618235

Yes, all the true ancestors are cheap copies of Crimson moon. except Arc.

>> No.618240

Just in case anyone wants it, http://stoptazmo.com/manga-series/lunar_legend_tsukihime/ , I guess you need to register or something.

>> No.618241
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>> No.618255
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>> No.618260
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>> No.618261

tsun tsun

>> No.618269
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no page 17 translation?

thanks for posting these. I couldn't find translated ch49 anywhere.

>> No.618296
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my mistake

>> No.618302
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>> No.618309
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>> No.618322

i really wish ciel hadn't cut her hair so short; if she hadn't i might actually like her.

>> No.618327

whoops, didn't mean to sage

>> No.618330

It's alright, you were talking about Ciel anyway.

>> No.618334

The length of a character's hair determines if you like them?

>> No.618335
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>> No.618348


Poor Curry-ass

>> No.618362
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>> No.618369
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>> No.618375
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>> No.618394
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>> No.618396

Man, the manga has some nice drawings of Akiha and Ciel.

>> No.618424
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>> No.618435

Yeah. The Tsukihime manga really is excellent. It combines routes, gives extras, has awesome fight scenes, and has good overall art quality.

>> No.618439
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>> No.618457


Which makes me wonder why the mango can be so hard to find and has such quick editing. You'd think with Type-Moon's big fanbase it would be more popular. I'm glad it's in English at all but geez.

>> No.618467
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>> No.618478

Where's my incest scene?

>> No.618488

no, i like plenty of short-haired characters, but ciel just looks bad with that haircut.

>> No.618491
File: 528 KB, 828x1200, 1210738932920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the released 50 chapters are translated, that seems fine to me.

>> No.618494

But the last release was like 3 months ago...

>> No.618495


Butch, or just a poor style job?

>> No.618499

Speaking of incest scene, does anyone have screen caps of the Akiha h-scene in Tsukihime? It was one of my favorites and I wish to re-read it, but it would take me hours of replay to get there. I've seen screencaps of the Kohaku rape scene on /a/, so I'm hoping...

>> No.618512

well, blame the mangaka... 50 chapters were released, all of them were translated.

>> No.618518

hit control to speed skip text.

>> No.618520

Actually, that was one of my favorites in the whole game. The whole "my shaft is pressed against her belly button" line really did it.

>> No.618527

Off to fap and sleep, maybe tomorrow i will post chap 50 and some other chapters

>> No.618567

This is hot.

>> No.618640


There was this one guy who raged so hard the other day about that scenes. I can barely remember about what, but he certainly didn't like them. You should've seen it. It blew me away in more ways then one. Like, off the planet away.

>> No.618677

Some people just don't appreciate incest.

>> No.618690

SPOILERS: there is no incest in tsukihime.

>> No.618699

SHIKI and Akiha?

>> No.618718

never happens

>> No.618740

It does in the Tsukihime anime.

>> No.618755

Not blood related.

>> No.618765
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Poor SHIKI. He is insane and can't get any loving. Except from doll-mode Kohaku.

wait wut? I don't remember that at all.

>> No.618771

Hahaha, reread the post and if you don't realize your mistake go become an hero.

>> No.618776

Anyone got a torrent of all the chapters so far?

>> No.618780


>> No.618826

Adopted family is considered incest, though not as weird as blood-related.

>> No.618870
File: 102 KB, 480x480, 1210742815508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who here WOULDN'T have sex with a beautiful tsundere step sister in dere mode if given the chance?

>> No.618879

Gay people?

>> No.618896

People who aren't blinded by their incest fetish and prefer actual beauty.

>> No.618902
File: 74 KB, 600x611, 1210743044162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmmm. touche. but what if they were both girls!

>> No.618914

2/10. People like that don't exist.

>> No.618921


Only if she had breasts. If I was into 12 year old boy bodies... well, you know the rest.

>> No.618968

She can make gays straight and straights into lesbians.

>> No.620299

'Kay, so basically this is what happens in the Nasuverse.

The humans were being assholes and were fucking with the world by like, pissing in streams and shit. So the World (Gaia) asked this guy on the moon, who is called Type-MOON or the Crimson Moon or who the fuck knows what other names for help. And because the Crimson Moon is a cool dude he agreed and let the World clone him, but really he just wanted to take over. So all his clones, the True Ancestors, were vampires and ate people.

So now the World and humanity, they were pissed at the Crimson Moon, and the Crimson Moon was liek "Oh shit, this might be bad" and set to work on an heir. But things didn't work out very well and this human mage named Zelretch showed up. Now, Zelretch is an even bigger pimp than thge Crimson Moon and Shiki combined, he jumps between realities banging women and saving the universe, right? But that comes later. Anyway, the Crimson Moon know's he's fucked and is like "Fuck you guys" and makes the moon start to fall towards the earth. But Zelretch was liek "You're nothing but vampires and vaguely described powerful beings, LOLOLOLOL" and used his True Magic, the True Magic of HAX, and pushed the moon back int orbit and kicked the Crimson Moon's ass. But he became a vampire himself during the battle, so now he does the interdimensional pimping described earlier.

But then after the Crimson Moon died Arcueid, the perfect heir for the Crimson Moon was created. So she and her older sister not related by blood Altrouge, being the most ideal heirs, are able to summon the Crimson Moon as a Reality Marble.

>> No.620308

Fucking Type Moon newfags.

>> No.620311

To continue as to why only Arc and Altrouge can summon the Crimson Moon (and have Type-Moon reincarbated through them), is because no more True Ancestors exist.

When Roa through his TRICKERY (Aghast!_ made Arcueid drink his blood, she went berserk.

True Ancestors tire to put her down, and they perished.
