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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6185822 No.6185822 [Reply] [Original]

I have a little problem, /jp/. Recently my 13 year old sister learned about the internet. She joined a bunch of anime forums and became friends with lots of other young anime/touhou fans. She is really excited about it and spends most of her time chatting online. She now writes emoticons like "^_^" everywhere, even in her homework, and she uses terms like "lol" and "brb" in real life, and it's really starting to bother me.

How can I tell her to stop acting like that without hurting her feelings?

>> No.6185826

Learn to ignore faggotry.

>> No.6185825

Think "What would Rosa do" and do that.

>> No.6185830

Have sex with her.

>> No.6185833

Initiate forceful reproductive intercourse with her.

>> No.6185827


>> No.6185835

Maybe you should just let it be. I can understand your worries, but there is really nothing you can do about it. That's how it is. Girls get hurt from every single thing.

>> No.6185836

Most 13 year-olds electronically communicate like that. They are stupid kids. If she still does it at 18 it's gonna be your responsibility to explain internet etiquette to her although she'll probably figure it out by herself.

>> No.6185837

Take it easy.

>> No.6185845
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>> No.6185846

Make her call you onii-chan.

>> No.6185848

Sometimes hurting someone's feeling is the best way to make one's stop doing things. Think about it, OP.

>> No.6185855

She's thirteen. Let her have her fun. At thirteen its still acceptable to run around pretending to be Naruto or whatever else the fuck have you. Worry about it if it sticks around or if it becomes ridiculous in magnitude.

>> No.6185854

>She now writes emoticons like "^_^" everywhere, even in her homework, and she uses terms like "lol" and "brb" in real life

I'm not up on 13 year-old slang at the moment (if I were I'd be on some kind of list I assume) but that might just be normal. If she's putting ^_^'s in her homework though, her teacher should be telling her to cut that shit out.

>> No.6185851


>> No.6185849

Is your sister really that cute?

>> No.6185864

Part of growing up is being stupid.
If she gets to 17 and shows no sign of changing you can start worrying

>> No.6185871

i still love emotes, even if i like ascii ones better!!!
let her be happy about it but tell her that homework is supposed to be written properly.
and if anyone bullies her be there for her ;__;

>> No.6185873

oh god!, I have a 14 year old sister and she is doing the same!. I can't stop her though... the most I could do is to block the porn/shit pages on her computer.

but fucking facebook with all that fucking /b/ shit is ruining her little mind ;_;

And she has begun to suspect I like the Scarlet Sisters... maybe I should offer her blood to the blood god.

>> No.6185877

Alright, I guess I will just let her have her fun for now.

>Make her call you onii-chan.

She actually started doing that after watching some anime. It's cute, though kind of embarrassing when she does it in public.

>> No.6185893

as previously stated, rape.

>> No.6185898

Before she's too corrupted, trick her into thinking that your penis dispenses ice cream.

>> No.6185914


>even in her homework

Get her to stop this immedeately. Whether you hurt her feelings or not. She'll thank you later.

Currently in university where I've had to proofread group reports after proofreading, because some people think emoticons, SMS abbrevations and leetspeak are okay in academic reports.

Pull it out by the roots.

>> No.6185958
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>> No.6185975


Bring her to this thread.

We'll fix her right up.

>> No.6185982

Every teen loves shit like MSN, facebook and emoticons. Most females actually keep this shit up even after their twenties. You can't do anything, other than witness with horror how the mass medias manage to transform children into cock-hungry whores while making the whole world accept this as being "normal".

>> No.6185985

She is just imitating you. What are you doing on /jp/ anyways? Probably she saw you here, and she though it was ok to do that.

But, whatever you do, don't allow her to enter this site.

>> No.6185988


>> No.6185987

I'll go get my trumpet.

>> No.6185995

This. It's good that she started early, it'll wear down eventually. To make it more tolerable make her call you onii-chan.

>> No.6185998

Talking about sisters, what happened to this anon anyways?



>> No.6186014
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Eh,it's pretty obvious

>> No.6186026

>She calls you onii-chan in public
>She wants to fuck

On a serious note, I would agree that you should let it run its course. When I was younger, I used to pretend I could kamehameha. Of course, it was full of faggotry, but I got over it. If it lasts for more than a year, you could start to tell her to stop.

On an unrelated note, I just had an epiphany. Despite all the talk of loli love and rape, I think that /jp/ as a whole is extremely conservative. It's surprising I get along with you guys.

>> No.6186031


>> No.6186054

holy shit
what? Is it the happy end? Because I would like to see happy end.

>> No.6186085

I'll have to agree with other anons. It's unpleasant, but it should only be a phase and will eventually pass. All you can really do is try to set an example for her and hope she learns quickly.

>> No.6186090

Teach her to write complex SJIS art as a means of conveying her emotions instead.

>> No.6186103

Awwww, I think thats adorable!!! Let her keep doing it! I would go "Hnnnnnnnnnnnnnngghhh" every time I saw her do it!

>> No.6186108

How about teaching her a few complex kanji, and telling her whenever she uses an emoticon, she has to write out one of them.
It would double as improving her written Japanese skill along with probably driving her sick of using 'em.

>> No.6186124

>I have a 10 year old little sister

Yeah, not 3.

>> No.6186131

Yeah, that's because you are fucking retarded.

>> No.6186130

A more obvious flaw:
>Nov. 19, 2009

>> No.6186137

I clear my filter and this is the first fucking thing I see. You're going back on my filter you fucking piece of shit. The fact that you enjoy this kind of behavior online just goes to show what you like online. You'd be better off in /a/. Reported.

>> No.6186138

Sometimes the ghost of dead people haunt 4chan and tell their life stories. It's more reasonable.

>> No.6186141
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Break her,she'll hate you for the rest of her life but you will have done what you needed to

>> No.6186144

You only just realized that? All that "women should stay in the kitchen and never even set eyes on men" never tipped you off?

>> No.6186166


You sir, are awesome.

>> No.6186175

It's only a phase, (and I'm male, mind you.) I was no different in the eleventh grade. I butchered Japanese phrases on anime forums, wore wigs for no reason in public, and it was far worse than what your sister does. Needless to say, I grew out of it at the end of my senior year but retain an acceptable interest in anime.

>> No.6186195

give her something else to be interested in.

Try music, I hear mtmg is popular with the kinder these days.

>> No.6186201
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lol i posted in that. I wonder if people still think my story was a copy pasta

>> No.6186212


>> No.6186215

Your sister was cute.

>> No.6186248
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I don't know what she looks like now. i remember she was a bit decent looking, BUT not cute.

>> No.6186349


Lucky, bastard.

>> No.6186354
File: 81 KB, 640x400, poly12c.php.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she had a bitch of an attitude too...
I dont know what to post as a pic so I will just show a test result
