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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6183583 No.6183583 [Reply] [Original]

I have a plan, /jp/.

I'm going to be an engineer. I'm going to retire when I am 30.

I will spend the rest of my life living in the cheapest residence possible, no car, no phone, fastest internet connection I can find, eating 1500 calorie MRE's for 70 cents a meal. I will install solar panels on the top of my dwelling to lower the cost of electricity.

Glorious. Will it work, /jp/?

>> No.6183586

It would if life is fair and predictable.

>> No.6183591

Solar panels take years to return to you in savings the start up cost of buying them, don't they?. Plus, you'll be using electricity all day, likely more than enough to use all the energy the solar panels can hold.

>> No.6183595
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Dream on kid.

>> No.6183596

Legendary NEET

>> No.6183593

>mfw K-ON fags said Mugi would beat Saten.

>> No.6183598

Cool dude.
When I was 18, I just knew I was going to be a senior systems engineer at NASA driving a Mercedes by age 30.

>> No.6183607
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ganba, op.

live the /jp/ dream

>> No.6183612

No early retirement for me most likely. My parents are on my back to get married and have children, especially since I'm their only one. Not my fault, was it?

>> No.6183614
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>going to be an engineer
>I'm 26 and supposedly an electrical engineer
>currently $140,000 in debt thanks to my university education and living expenses
>my monthly loan repayment fees of $490 are $490 more than I make per month

As long as you can afford figures and internet though, everything is A-OK! Thank god for unemployment benefits.

>> No.6183615

It will work maybe to an extent if you actually don't fuck up like the vast, vast majority of people who come up with mastermind plans like this and fail because of one slip-up or another.

I genuinely hope you somehow manage to enjoy your pitiful NEET life when you hit 35.

>> No.6183629

It won't work because MREs cost $50 for a case of 12, not $0.70 each

>> No.6183632

>$140,000 in debt
Holy fucking mother shit.
I'm worried about my $20,000! I can't even imagine.

Just declare bankruptcy.

>> No.6183634

>solar panels
I lol'd, good luck.
You're better off saving on heating by stealing wood from the forests.

>> No.6183636

If you want cheap food, id suggest using rice as one of your dietary staples. Though they serve their intended purpose, MREs are mostly junk and are definitely not cheap.

>> No.6183641

>going to school for electrical engineering
>read this post
I have a feeling I'm going to be in this guys position in 2 years except only $40,000 in debt

>> No.6183643

Unqualified, failed multiple courses. Haven't had a job since I was about 16, now 23. Retired for all intents and purposes.

>> No.6183659

Was the same as you up until this year, then i got 'lucky' and had a government sponsored 'apprenticeship' for 9 months

I finish in december, i'm literally counting down the days until i finish, this job has just simply.. broken me, Before this shit i was well, a happy nice person, abet unemployed. Now i'm just a depressed, dependent asshole.

I'm thinking fuck getting another job when this is over, while being horribly aware i can't just be a hikki forever.. Sort of feels like my only alternative is work online, so i'm looking into alternates at the moment, heres hoping i find something i'm able to, and worth doing.

>TL;DR don't get a job, its not worth it if your asspie, find something else to do, from trading on ebay to blogging, seriously, anything else.

>> No.6183663

Wind turbines are more useful than solar panels, and they work all year round 24/7 unlike solar panels which don't work when there are clouds or at night or when birds shit on them

>> No.6183678
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>> No.6183679

What can you even do anything with Japanese?

>> No.6183689

That's truly the saddest sadfrog of them all.

>> No.6183693

This is what has me worried.

Does anyone know much about working at home stuff? Jobs on the net or whatever from home, that would suit a /jp/er?

>> No.6183695

You can retire young and live a better life than that with smart investing.

>> No.6183704

trading forex with a little research or abusing adsense seem like the best options

>> No.6183708

I will look into this Forex stuff.

>> No.6183724

Forex is a good way to become millionaire if you were billionaire before

I'm trying to save funds for earlier retirement and it's work like shit. After 2 years of work I'll managed to save only about 1.5 of month salary. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

>> No.6183730

theres a thread about it around here
I don't remember how to crosslink posts so I hope this works

>> No.6183736

I've had no problems trading forex
I earn enough profit to scrape by on
atleast I don't have to go outside

>> No.6183764

What are some good beginners websites to read about forex trading.

>> No.6183773

You should work more. You're gonna want better stuff eventually, and you WON'T be able to get a permanent house unless you have a good income stream going. I mean, that's how it is around here. Granted, the method I'm going to list it basically how you should plan your residences in California.. for me Northern California/Bay Area, which has THE most expensive real estate in the entire US on on average (and by proxy basically some of the most expensive damned houses in the world.. 500-700 might buy you a shitty ass 2 bed 2 bath in a town like an hour from San Francisco these days, and a tiny house literally in SF is literally over a million).

Typically, the process goes
-> live in apartment or studio for a while, save money with your first good job (a career you got after college)
-> get a condo.. cheaper than a house, but it's like an apartment that you own and can paint/customize
-> live in there for a few years
-> due to land value always increasing, your condo is now worth enough so that when you sell it you will have made a lot of extra money (like maybe 100 or 200 grand)
-> the above money is used as a down payment on a real house.

If you structure your loans properly, keep a good job going, and aren't an idiot then eventually, you'll be living in a real house and paying basically about as much as you'd pay to rent out an apartment. You can't expect to eventually own a house if you're making like 20 grand a year as a Wal Mart manager or whatever, it is very good you're on track to a real career OP. It's people getting houses with insufficient jobs to support them (and loan sharks convincing them they can do it anyway) that basically wrecked the housing industry here in the US and was the main engine that stalled when we hit a fat recession.

inb4 /jp/ - Financial Planning Advice. Some people here are older than the /jp/ norm and because we have a tight-knit camaraderie a lot of the time, we watch out for each other.

>> No.6183784

>>currently $140,000 in debt thanks to my university education and living expenses

I fell sorry for you living in a shithole, that doesn't really care about its people's education.

>> No.6183789

Having a false belief is not a plan.

>> No.6183791

This post: You don't.

It's almost as bad as betting on horses. Forex is the place to make the most money, but it is also the place to lose it just as fast.

>> No.6183798
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Wow, my plans exactly, anon.

>> No.6183811
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>> No.6184776

>retire at 30
Normally companies only give pension when you work there for at least 10 years, not to mention the current instability in the market right now (good luck finding a place that will hire you fore that long).

>> No.6184784

its okay
he'll learn his lesson and return to /jp/ to take it easy

>> No.6184793
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Of course it will.

>> No.6184798

Just be warned, the Condo market is in really bad shape right now. Banks have tightened the rules on getting a loan for one quite a bit in the wake of the real estate meltdown. Plan on putting down around 25 percent down and having larger interest rates than normal mortgage. One other hand, if you have the money saved up, condo's are really really cheap right now. If you plan on living there for a while, might be a good way to go. Just don't plan on selling it for a few years.

>> No.6184840

Just work at a normal job and save your money normally. Investing your money early is the true key to having a "comfortable" retirement.
