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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 57 KB, 1280x720, [Frostii]_K-On!!_B-Side_Theater_-_Uraon!!_-_2_[680139CA].mkv_snapshot_01.08_[2010.09.18_17.30.35].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6180592 No.6180592 [Reply] [Original]

>ZUN !barYV1VtIA
>I'm a virgin both in the online and offline world. I turn 27 in a few months.

>> No.6180598

Why didn't he just say virgin?
Is he implying you can lose your virginity to the internet?

>> No.6180601

Some people have cybersex.

Yeah, I'm a virgin and around the same age, what's your point?

>> No.6180604

He's posting on /jp/, of course he is. No need to make a thread about it.

>> No.6180610

kiss my womp

>> No.6180634

3 years until he gets his magic powers

>> No.6180645
File: 26 KB, 704x400, [Ayako]_Seitokai_Yakuindomo_-_04_[400p][XVID][8BC2091B].avi_snapshot_11.50_[2010.07.25_15.39.29].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>17 year old tripfag who started trolling /jp/ after he was rejected by a girl

>> No.6180654



>> No.6180657

Isn't that kinda cool in /jp/?

>> No.6180658

That's not how you quality control

>> No.6180670

A quality thread would be something like "Which twohoe's toes would you lovingly suck on" or something that is on topic but leaves little or no room for discussion.

A meta thread, which is this, is something related to the board's users.

>> No.6180682

Post the Mio movie explosion pic later.

>> No.6180683

Sion are you insinuating that someone actually had sex with your atutismic self?

>> No.6180686

Considering the posting style, I would just assume teenager.

>> No.6180688
File: 270 KB, 1173x1389, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>27 in a few months

>> No.6180708
File: 54 KB, 512x554, [CoalGuys] K-ON!! S2 - 25 (Extra) [0861F488].mkv_snapshot_04.33_[2010.09.24_12.23.10].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it feel when someone you look down on is better than you?

It was in highschool right after she got out of the pool

>> No.6180713

Sion is a lesbian?

>> No.6180719

>A meta thread, which is this, is something related to the board's users.
No, a metathread is a thread about threads or a thread about the board.

This? This is teenagers.

>> No.6180735
File: 23 KB, 259x343, mio 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>babby college dropout with part-time walmart job

Bro I'd happy keep my virginity forever if it means staying out of your current status.

Anyways are you sure it was a real girl? And wasn't high school like a decade ago for you?

>> No.6180731
File: 241 KB, 733x533, azunyaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6180727

I was never rejected by anyone thought
and im 18

>> No.6180742 [DELETED] 

My mistake, I should have said "about the board or it's users".

>> No.6180744

>It was in highschool right after she got out of the pool
in what eroge

>> No.6180748
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, [CoalGuys] K-ON!! S2 - 24 [5E14AAF3].mkv_snapshot_12.52_[2010.09.15_22.41.05].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes we all know you have your musical career: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5bQ3YlxrUo

>> No.6180762


>> No.6180763

Why do you always quote incorrectly

>> No.6180764

>im 18

Explains a lot and is hardly surprising.

>> No.6180786
File: 123 KB, 1280x720, [Ryuumaru] Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou - Special 2 [Blu-ray, 720p, AAC][EA6412DA].mkv_snapshot_00.56_[2010.08.31_09.03.02].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The irony is he recently bragged about having a birthday so that means he only just turned 18

>> No.6180806

When did you start doing Aikido?

>> No.6180811
File: 270 KB, 730x461, 1283535601233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6180816

I'm still older than you so respect your elders
when I was like 15
time sure flies

>> No.6180825
File: 23 KB, 334x467, 1249552313983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6180834

And you people claim you're any better than /a/, or /b/ for that matter. Pathetic.

>> No.6180839

deal with it nerd

>> No.6180840

If I were to start doing Aikido now, would I be an Aikido master like you in 3 years time? I want to be able to reflect bullets and reverse direction of the spinners on the ricers dragracing down the street so that they explode. Without leaving my house.

>> No.6180852

My current jobs have nothing to do with music.

So Sion I didn't know you were such a devil with the ladies. How do you do it? Do you like reel them in with your vast knowledge about k-on?

>> No.6180853

I wish I could have sex with Zun, Suigin and Sion at the same time.

>> No.6180851

you can usually get a black belt in most martial arts after 3 or 4 years
/a/ also has these threads don't play dumb

>> No.6180858


>/a/ also has these threads don't play dumb
uhh sorry i thought this was the tripfriend thread
im a fucking retard

>> No.6180861


I'm Anonymous and i'm turning 28 in 3 months

so what.

>> No.6180865
File: 499 KB, 1632x1264, 1284539203633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sion-chan buttmad at Suigin and ZUN!bar again

>> No.6180866

Silly you get only Suigin. ZUN and Sion are obviously tsundere for each other

>> No.6180869

Yeah, I know. It's like being a virgin when you are nearing 30 is supposed to be pathetic or something. I am going to be virgin at age 90.

>> No.6180878

We need to set up a thing between some /jp/ tripfags and a few anons involving a seedy motel room and a few liters of schnapps.

>> No.6180881
File: 171 KB, 544x404, 1284687901215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Babby faggot tripfaggots, quit being faggots. Faggots. Faggots. Faggots.

And get out of /jp/.

>> No.6180884

Let us know what it is like when you become a wizard in two years.

>> No.6180895

Can I learn martial arts without taking classes?

>> No.6180897

Of course !bar isn't a slut. He's the best tripfriend on 4chan. Don't be silly, OP.

>> No.6180901

Does Sion have formspring?

>> No.6180907

in theory yeah but practice is very important

>> No.6180939
File: 57 KB, 848x480, [gg]_HIGHSCHOOL_OF_THE_DEAD_-_08_[49F5974B].mkv_snapshot_05.07_[2010.09.19_01.37.43].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this gay site

>> No.6180937

Why do I find Suigin so hnnnngh worthy in this thread?
He's not my /jp/ husbando, please make it stop.

>> No.6180948

Know any decent websites that will teach me? I have more free time than I know what to do with.

>> No.6180950

I don't really see what the big deal is about being a virgin. I'm not interested in the people who would sleep with me, and the ones I'm interested in won't sleep with me. Most people are too boring in general. I used to feel really lonely but I don't anymore.

>> No.6180957

Register an account and then faggots from /jp/ will ask you questions.

>> No.6180960

not really
try youtube I guess

>> No.6180964
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, [CoalGuys] K-ON!! S2 - 18 [63552577].mkv_snapshot_12.10_[2010.08.05_18.39.36].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.6180965

Didn't know Suigin was an underage virgin tripfag...

>> No.6180967

IRC - the thread.

>> No.6180976

youtube more like yourbutte

>> No.6180978
File: 64 KB, 351x500, 786936792720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like I'm really watching TV!

>> No.6180981

Except none of this shit is actually discussed on IRC.

>> No.6180992

Sudo should be paired up with Suigin so it would be even

Suigin is the Seme and Sudo is the Uke

>> No.6180993

In IRC it'd be more like
<@Suigin> youtube.com/feaigfjeaoig
<sion'> lmao
<ZUNbar> im 26 and what is this

>> No.6180998

And you go back to /y/, faggot.

>> No.6181004

>Suigin is the Seme and Sudo is the Uke

can you explain this without using your retarded weebo terminology?

>> No.6181006

If only IRC had reaction images then it would be the same.
