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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6174232 No.6174232 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/ umineko fans. Theres this thread on NIS made by fans who wants the PS3 port localized: http://nisamerica.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=2293

I think we should show our support so it can get translated considering witch hunt isn't going to do so. Who's with me?

>> No.6174236

I would support this, but I don't expect most of /jp/ to do the same, as they likely don't have ps3 and localizing this lessens the chances of a PC patch with the graphics and sounds being released, not that it was very likely in the first place.

>> No.6174238


Why would it lessen the chance for a PC patch? It's not like /jp/ or anyone in the internet cares about Piracy.

>> No.6174249

For the same reason that nobody has tried to do a nicer job of Ever17's translation.

>> No.6174253

Yes, what we really need is normalfags reading Umineko. Fucking brilliant.

>> No.6174264


Normalfags already know about Umineko from the anime. Your SECRETSACREDVN attitude is unjustified.

>> No.6174265

I'll support this. If I can read Umineko in English, with the glorious HD graffix, and earn trophies at the same time, I will be very happy.

>> No.6174271

Meanwhile, at Witch Hunt

>Episode 7: Requiem of the Golden Witch
>Translation: 0% Editing: 0%

>> No.6174302

Their percentages mean nothing. Try reading the forum they post on if you want real updates.

>> No.6174328

If by chance this gets localised. Would they keep the japanese voices or would at least get the option of keeping the japanese voices?

If yes then I'm going to support this all the way through. even if the chances of it being localised are very low.

>> No.6174341


Johnny Yong Bosch as Battler.

>> No.6174345


Oh fuck no

>> No.6174349


Don't forget the animation. That animated Virgilia vs Beato fight was delicious!

>> No.6174358

I'm sick of hearing the standard 6 voice actors for any localisation of an anime related game.
I realise that there is practically only one dubbing company, but jesus fuck they need to get some new talent

>> No.6174360
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Depends if Sakura Wars 5 bombed or not.

I doubt NIS America would risk translating another console VN if it did.

>> No.6174362

It did bomb.
Also considering it's on PS3, which mean an userbase that isn't that big in America, and that you are all clearly overestimating the popularity and potential buyer base of Umineko, you should forget about a ptential localization.
It will never happen.

>> No.6174368


Well on a side note who's going to make an english patch for the PS3 port?

>> No.6174371

guess you haven't paid much attention to what sony has done in response to ps3 being cracked
shits not going to happen

>> No.6174375


...Well shit. No hope at all?

>> No.6174382


What this guy said.

But didn't Witch Hunt say that they aren't going to work on the PS3 version? Would they consider selling their translation?

I mean, the PS3 ver is only 1-4, which has been translated already.

>> No.6174388

well, since SCEA has draconian policies about requiring english dubs for retail games released in north america, i'd say the odds of this getting localized are about the same as PS3 ending up in 1st place when it's all said and done.

*the yakuza series is the exception, because SEGA has some pull.

**they can also get around these retardo policies by releasing the game via PSN, ala battle fantasia and agarest war, but that still ain't gonna happen.

>> No.6174391

>Would they consider selling their translation?

I feel its a 50/50 thing. Maybe it depends what 07expansion feels about it or not...

>> No.6174404
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Same shit with different graphics. I really don't care at all whether this gets done or not; I'm not reading it either way.

Plus they can't get Beato's trollface right.

>> No.6174413
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>> No.6174418
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>> No.6174433


Good for you.

Anyways whether this gets translated or not i'm still buying this.

>> No.6174435
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>> No.6174439


The actual difference between that troll face and this is that >>6174413 actually looks creepy as in "Holy shit whats wrong with her fucking face" while >>6174418 looks awesome but not creepy. You almost want to laugh/troll with her.

Though Seriously why do people even focus on Beato's expressions only? how do you feel about the other character's artwork?

>> No.6174442
File: 225 KB, 384x482, crybaby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What ever happened to you studio Deen? The Read or Die OVAs were great...oh look how far you've fallen.

>> No.6174444
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Problem Baaaaatttlerrr chhhwaaaaan???

>> No.6174445

there are other characters beside beato? holy shit

>> No.6174446

Because 500+ sprites

>> No.6174453
File: 64 KB, 640x360, OK1x77wzbQ3n55bNwXLC9OGh3KnT251X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know crazy right? Let's look at Krauss I like his new design. He looks much more of a badass while still looking like a douchbag.


When they said 500 sprites they also included her hand movements (she either has it holding her pipe in a certain way, both hands spreading or folding them below her breasts) as well as her other outfit.

>> No.6174454
File: 27 KB, 480x360, everyone trollface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proble- wait who're you?
*cackle* *cackle*

>> No.6174472

proper artwork in umineko

did they fix the plot, as well? it might be worth a read then.

>> No.6174478

Siestas look awesome. Everyone else I really don't care about. Prefer the original because its unique

>> No.6174480


>> No.6174484

Only thing I didn't understand is what happened with Ange in EP 6.

>> No.6174486

She was a fiction, everything that happened in 1998 was fiction written by Hachijou.
True Ange is probably still a loli.

Also the plot really needs some fixing, I hope whatever new stuff that R07 will make won't use a retarded plot device like Umineko.

>> No.6174489

>Hey /jp/ umineko fans.
>/jp/ umineko fans.
>umineko fans.
Get out.

>> No.6174491

61 votes yes? woo way to go retards im sure its in the works right now
normalfags can stay away from VNs forever as far as im concerned

>> No.6174495

New layout is pure shit that kills the mood

>> No.6174503

There isn't that much of a mood to begin with so it's no big loss.

>> No.6174504

The announcement for the port was made a matter of days ago and the game won't even be out until December. Just wait and see the number of votes by the release date.

Next time, why don't you think ahead a little.

>> No.6174506


better than having the entire page filled with text.

>> No.6174509


He just doesn't want Umineko to go mainstream. I can understand why it would attract (more) annoying faggot fans you see in other fandoms

>> No.6174510

Why don't you spend your time browsing through a thread about something you like? I know, novel concept, I'm surprised I came up with it myself.

>> No.6174511

The Umineko fandom is already full of these, it wouldn't change much.

>> No.6174513

Did I ever said I disliked it?
I just see it for what it is, excuse me for not being a blind fanboy like you.
Umineko doesn't much of a creepy mood after episode 1.

>> No.6174515

Are you fucking serious?
Text boxes like generic VN #2457239853 are fucking awful, I can already tell who's talking you don't have to tell me all the time.

>> No.6174516

Thus the 'more' in their reply...

>> No.6174518

Sorry, troll invasion had already begun and I thought you were one of them.
I agree with you for the most part, except for the closed room bits in EP6. Best creepy atmosphere in the series.

>> No.6174524

I prefer that over having the text obscructing your view of... Just about everything all the time, though.

>> No.6174525

Well that's what made it feel like a book

>> No.6174527

Heres to hoping that the text layout might be configureable.
Classic modo vs sreamlined

>> No.6174534

touhou, for example.

>> No.6174538

>Everyone who disagrees with me is a troll
Fuck off. There is no reason to localize this game. Nobody will buy it and NIS will would just go in another step towards bankruptcy anyway. If you want the sprites there will be a sprite patch made before it would hypothetically come out in English. Just because a few vocal fanboys want want you think everyone should rally up and get it localized. Tell me one good reason why we should make an effort on this butchered adaptation. Do what is good for everyone and don't bother trying to get a game that would flop massively anyway localized. Not your personal army. And yes normalfags need to stay the fuck away too. Reported.

>> No.6174540 [DELETED] 

u buttmad

>> No.6174544

>Tell me one good reason why we should make an effort on this butchered adaptation.

If you don't think it's worth it then whatever, but tell me exactly how this is a 'butchered adaptation'.
Also, nobody was ever saying 'anyone who disagrees with me is a troll,' it was more like, 'this is an Umineko thread so people who only have negative comments are probably trolls'.
Hate to say it but I can see why there would be a misconception.

>> No.6174554


Why don't you fuck off yourself if you think that this getting localised is a disaster.

Also Umineko is already invaded with normalfags thanks to the release of the anime.

>> No.6174562

We wont even be needing a localisation If it was actually possible to put an english patch for this PS3 port but apparently you can't so what else is there to do to read this english.

>> No.6174570

Learn the language

>> No.6174577


most obvious solution but that'll take years.

>> No.6174595

I never thought of that. Thanks anon. I'll get started right away.

>> No.6174630


How stupid of us not to think of this.

>> No.6175013
File: 93 KB, 343x440, Trollface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I coudn't care less about this new Beato troll faces all I care is to see how they handle bern's lovely troll face!

>> No.6175021
File: 30 KB, 349x189, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't care about the PS3. I'd buy an English port of the PC version.

>> No.6175026

Since when did a company localize a game because people asked them ? They do this only for the money, not to please a minority of people in the gaming industry.
You're better off beginning to learn Japanese right now and you might be able to play the game in 5 years. And yes, it will still be better than wait for a translation that will never happen.

>> No.6175033


>> No.6175034


What do you mean by that? The original PC game or a PC version of the PS3 port.


Apparently they did localise Sakura wars by the requests of fans.

>> No.6175038

Why couldn't this be for 360? Fuck you Alchemist, I bought the system specifically for shmups and vns then you have to go around putting this on the one system they've been proven to not sell on.

I hope they try putting it on PSP at least. Maybe 3DS?

>> No.6175044


Thats the best thing about this PS3 port!

>> No.6175045


>> No.6175046

>Sakura wars

Yeah, five years later.

>> No.6175052

Just buy a PS3 and stop whining. It has more interesting games anyway

>> No.6175056

>you might be able to play the game in 5 years
You don't need near native fluency in a language to be able to read it well enough.

>> No.6175060

>What do you mean by that? The original PC game or a PC version of the PS3 port.

The former, since there is no PC version of the PS3 port yet.

>> No.6175068

Like what? I'm only interested in otaku games, not any of the AAA-budget western targeted shit. All the games that appeal to my inner-weeaboo go to 360. Except this. Fucking Alchemist.

>> No.6175141


Why? You already have the english patch from witch hunt woudn't it be a waste of money?

>> No.6175150


Considering this is Umineko. Yes you do.

>> No.6175183

which episodes is this going to cover?

>> No.6175195

>Umineko comes out
>Umineko is translated

never change /jp/

>> No.6175197


>> No.6175222

expectations rise when word is spread about something, it's undeniable. Playing it at launch means you don't have to deal with people saying it's the best thing ever only to find yourself disappointed, but can focus just on what you think about it.
It's perfectl normal because for better or worse human beings do value group opinions.

>> No.6175234

>Why? You already have the english patch from witch hunt woudn't it be a waste of money?

But I'd get:

1. Supporting the R1 industry.
2. A new, probably better in some ways if worse in others translation.
3. I love Umineko so much I'd enjoy spending more money on it.
4. Faster translation of new episodes, maybe?
5. Make it more accessible to people. For the average person, it's easy to DL a game from Impulse/Steam, not so easy to import a doujin game.

>> No.6175252

Klash in Animesuki just posted their intent regarding PS3 patch and etc: http://forums.animesuki.com/showpost.php?p=3261164&postcount=4712

And he stated "For the time being (I insist on this emphasis), there is no plan for Witch Hunt to actually work on a PS3 sprite/BG/voice patch for the PC games nor a translation patch for the PS3 adaptation."

>> No.6175330

I don't think anybody expected that anyway, theres no reason for witchhunt to have to do that they are just a translation group.
Working with onscripter is super easy, anybody can do it. We should get a community project going to import the voice files since there are likely tens of thousands of them. Sprites are easy modo.

>> No.6175344

notable mention:

>However, please note that we are fine if we could potentially help a western publisher for an English release of Umineko no Naku Koro ni ~Majo to Suiri no Rondo~. In fact, we already sent a mail to Alchemist on the 14th september as soon we saw that announcement, but we received no reply as for now.

Atlus + WH? That would be shit awesome

>> No.6175434

>Atlus + WH? That would be shit awesome

We could only dream for both groups to actuslly work on the project

>> No.6175447

Let me be the first to say "Fuck NIS."

I'd much rather have Aksys handle the game (or any other future console VNs). They've proven to be both willing and capable of translating and localizing niche games.

>> No.6175458


Personally I don't mind who ever localises this as long as they are competent at their job.

>> No.6175472

I'd hope for a PSN only release with translated text to keep the costs down. Getting english VA's to dub every line would be really expensive and the game would likely not sell enough to cover the costs for it, the market for VN's is just too small here in the West.

>> No.6175480

ITT Umineko is a sekrit klub

>> No.6175488


I have too many issues with NIS - namely, Ar Tonelico II and Disgaea II. Aksys at least has proven competent with VN elements in their games (like BlazBlue and Agarest Senki). I'll wait to see how 9 Hours 9 People 9 Doors turns out before giving them my official endorsement.

It is nice to see that AT's re-localization is still going along nicely.

>> No.6175491

All dubs are shit anyways. I wish they would stop wasting money on that stupid shit. Not only is the quality of the voice acting worse in 99% of cases, but it also costs fucking money.

But yeah, a PSN release would be fucking great. I'm not sure what Klash intended in his post on Animesuki, but if they were to simply hand over a script to a publisher (How I interpreted it), a company really isn't going to lost a whole lot. I mean who knows, it could have some fair commercial success, and considering that digital distribution is essentially costless and all... but hey, it'll most likely never happen. I can always dream.

>> No.6175500

Just ignore the elitist retards who are probably the type to post in Sion threads and make awful shitposts 24/7 because they are autistic. They clearly aren't aware of Animesuki having a emoticon faggy fanbase but loving Umineko anyways, they just buttangery.

>> No.6175501

NIS is already in the red, aren't they? If we tell them to do this, we'll only be ensuring their fate. This wouldn't sell in the west.

>> No.6175511

I would actually buy it and all, but it wouldn't sell. Even if people say they want it, they wouldn't risk it.

Oh, and the epitaph is unsolvable in English, I think that's a pretty nice point to make considering how big of a role it has in this story. To just go "AHAHAHA, YOU COULDN'T SOLVE IT NO MATTER HOW HARD YOU TRY BECAUSE IT'S A TRANSLATION!" in the end would be kinda stupid.

>> No.6175514

Why not? Wouldnt it be nice that a good "game" could get popular for once? In the west, too. Its not that underground anymore anyway.

>> No.6175517

Yeah, I have no idea how NIS stays afloat. All I care is that they stay alive long enough for Ar Tonelico 3 to come out. Maybe the newer Atelier games if they get that far.

They'd probably change shit around to make it work in English

>> No.6175524

>Agarest Senki

You'd have gotten a better translation with babelfish.

>> No.6175536

Aksys did a kickass job with what would've otherwise been your run of the mill anime cliche dialogue I think.

>> No.6175543

Witch Hunt really likes R07, they wouldn't try to profit off of it. Who would buy it anyway? NIS? They're not going to use a fan translation for their game, no matter how good it is.

>> No.6175555


Why woudn't they? It would save them the effort.

>> No.6175559

the dishonor of having to use gaijin translation

>> No.6175562
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>he thinks game localizations are made by Japanese and not American companies paying the rights to translate it and distribute it

>> No.6175565

Translation checking and editing, while still being serious work without doubt, are still way cheaper than a whole translation plus translation checking and editing

>> No.6176169
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>> No.6178023


old news
