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6171273 No.6171273 [Reply] [Original]


Umineko is one of the best games ever!

>> No.6171286
File: 89 KB, 1031x464, OP is a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6171294

It's obviously a joke/troll list. Just look at #1.

>> No.6171302


>> No.6171309 [DELETED] 

Considering it's gamefaqs, I doubt it's a joke or a troll.

>> No.6171310

at least is not a commerciall whore like fater stay night...

>> No.6171329

>The music is the best in any game that has ever been created, with over 200 tracks total and an extremely high general quality.
>The music is the best in any game that has ever been created
Okay, I love the soundtrack, but this is just silly.

>> No.6171339

>The music is the best in any game that has ever been created
I laughed.

>> No.6171356
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>The music is the best in any game that has ever been created

>> No.6171362

Gamefaqs is still a horrible place it seems.

>> No.6171364

>reviews: Resistance is futile. After reading this book, you will crawl on the floor, kiss its shoes and become its furniture.
Resistance is futile? Small words from a small man trying to attack what he doesn't understand.

>> No.6171394

>The music is the best in any greater created has been

>> No.6171439

It is one of my favorites ever, even though I dont really think of it as a game.

>> No.6171445

>Final Fantasy Tactics
>Chrono Trigger
Has he actually played ANY of these games?

>> No.6171472 [DELETED] 

>Umineko no Naku Koro ni (which translates to When the Seagulls Cry) is a Visual Novel, which is a fancy term for a book with pictures and music.

And then he puts it in his TOP 10 list.

>> No.6171475

>op's first game ever.

>> No.6171476

>Umineko no Naku Koro ni (which translates to When the Seagulls Cry) is a Visual Novel, which is a fancy term for a book with pictures and music.

And then he puts it in his TOP 10 GAME list.

>> No.6171478

TOP 10 GAMES-list. I seriously think you shouldnt compare a completely gameplay-less picture book to a bunch of games.

>> No.6171489

You do realize that it was voted as such and not the actual favorite game of the person who made the list, right?

>> No.6171501

Yes, and it doesn't make this "review" any less retarded. He thought Visual Novel was a "fancy term" and tried to explain it so badly it's funny? Seriously?

>> No.6171516
File: 383 KB, 1250x1425, 1272390017316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to my calculations, that list is shit.

>> No.6171535
File: 1.58 MB, 5000x1940, skottiweeaboon huone uus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is what makes it so "bad". The review is ridiculous anyway.
But, it shouldnt be anything new that people love Umineko and many people probably think of it as their favorite game/VN/whatever. Just look at what some Umineko fans do to their rooms!

>> No.6171541

>#1: Final Fantasy VII (PS)
Oh boy, I did not expect that at all.

>> No.6171867

So is this a troll post or the on on gameFAQS?

>> No.6172107

>The music is the best in any game that has ever been created
I'm not even an Umineko fanboy or anything, but this is completely true.

>> No.6172119

You just have shit taste, like a lot of fags in gamefaqs it seems.
Shitty repetitive techno doesn't fucking make the best music ever, faggots.

>> No.6172120

I will never understand the appeal of Umineko in the west.
What do people see in it?

>> No.6172135

It's fairly ordinary music. And some of it is just bad.

>> No.6172142

You can say Umineko's music is shit all you want, but it's far from ordinary.

>> No.6172160

It is. Techno and slightly-ok piano pieces.

>> No.6172187

>Final Fantasy VII
All those fanboys.
Really, the only reason FF7 is so big compared to the others is because it was the first FF game on the playstation, and the first to be 3D, and the first game to be released in Europe as well as the US.

>> No.6172196

No, all those fangirls. FF7's fanbase is mostly female.

>> No.6172245

Same as Umineko then.

>> No.6172252
File: 102 KB, 288x499, 1284995914926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>#1: Final Fantasy VII (PS)
It's not even the best game in the series.

>> No.6172263 [DELETED] 

>Thinks any final Fantasy games are good.

>> No.6172287

3, 4, 5, and 6 were fun.

>> No.6172289

No, FF7 is so big because it was the first pushing JRPGs into nearly being a movie. In my opinion it's the reason why the mass majority of JRPGs suck today, as it was the start for them removing what little choices and actions had on the game. Look at a lot of the previous JRPGs and you will see that the evolution up until FF7 was to try and make your choices have greater effect on the story, then that all got thrown out for cinematical gameplay after FF7's influence took hold.

>> No.6172313

Hmm Ocarina of time is there...

>best dungeon of any Zelda game
>water temple

What BS.

>> No.6172315

I hope you die a horrible death and I don't even like Final Fantasy.

>> No.6172325

Like I said, I really think it's a joke list. Personally, I thought Zelda 3 was the best Zelda game, anyway.

>> No.6172326
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>> No.6172327

Real best dungeon = Stone Temple prove wrong

>> No.6172328

FF8 was at least more sandbox, and brought back the interactive world maps of the first games.
But yeah, you are probably right in how FF7 set an example that near everyone else later sadly followed.

But I wouldn't say it was the first with a cinematic approach, just mayby the first long one in 3D, on the play station, and in Europe.

The old Lufia game had tons of text, it was really like a book if you only followed the storyline, thing is, with the open world it had you also had tons of other stuff to do.

>> No.6172337

1 was also decent.

>> No.6172343

Because NES/SNES games aren't allowed to be fun, it's just nostalgia. I didn't even play three when it first came out, I played it emulated and translated into English.

>> No.6172389

The problem is the fact that because it was in 3d it did the cinematic approach far too strongly, and that now too many JRPGs forget the importance of player decision. Not that it wasn't decent, just that people are idiots and don't realize that as an RPG it's really shitty. I think Nasu would make really good RPGs since he knows how to make choices and decisions have meaning and trees the story accordingly.

>> No.6172411

7 has tons of stuff to do.
I really don't know how anyone could take it as an example of a game done wrong.

>> No.6172418

He seems to have lost it though, Fate/Stay Night is as linear as you can get.

>> No.6172429

Can someone explain why is there an influx of those "because", "why" and such images lately and their origin? Is this some stupid /v/ meme?

>> No.6172449
File: 68 KB, 172x279, Marlene1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would have been better if it were in 2D and you could have Marlene join the party as a magician or something, but no, only 3D manly men and pretty boys for Final Fantasy 7. Petty reasons, I'll admit, but ones that really ruin an experience.

>> No.6172465

I think that was partially due to him going for more mainstream and removing/combining content. Didn't he have 2 other routes planned, but scrapped them? I think had those been in there that the story would have been less linear.

>> No.6172467

I have to say I think that's personal bias and quite wrong. 7 is one of the 3d games that I think didn't do it too badly. It had good colours and style apart from the character models, which weren't honestly that bad. 2d might honestly take away from the experience, even though I do prefer 2d in general.

Also, only men is obviously wrong.

>> No.6172483

I never understood this complaint. Tsukihime had enough shounen styled parts by itself. I can't really see how f/sn is more mainstream besides the art, which he probably didn't really care about that much. The vn, that is.

>> No.6172492

You have Tifa, dead girl, and Yuffie, and then the rest are men. The graphics were absolutely horrid to look at, they looked like Lego characters or something.

>> No.6172504

And everything else was well detailed. It's not bad, honestly.
I really don't see why those female characters aren't enough.

>> No.6172539

Mainstream shounen are all about being bigger than life and overly important. F/SN is all about being a hero and being powerful. Tsukihime is about a relationships and fighting inner demons. While both have battles with the supernatural that threaten people, Tsukihime is a pretty localized issue that won't have too big of an effect on the world while F/SN is about becoming someone who will have a great effect on the world all the while saving it from the present problem.

>> No.6172541

I tend to spend most time looking at the characters, not everything else, so that bothers me. Which is also why a 67% sausagefest also bothers me. Oh, and the other two living female PCs are pretty masculine.
Seriously, if they just threw Marlene in there, I would have been happier.

>> No.6172549

>F/SN is all about being a hero and being powerful
Surely you jest.

>> No.6172586

Disregarding what the works are about, Shiki killed major monsters that are a clear huge threat to mankind as a whole, and in some cases, proceeding to be a guardian for that of which must be protected/supervised.

Tsukihime is as shounen as any other nasu thing.

>> No.6172591

Nobody can kill me, even though I died twice, hahaha.

>> No.6172604

Indeed you jest.

>> No.6172650

I won't say it doesn't have action elements because that would be stupid.
But I honestly belives that was never the focus nor the point.

And regarding
>F/SN is all about being a hero and being powerful
The whole point of HF was basically that he is not powerful, and that he doesn't influence the world.
He tried to live up to his ideal to the end, but he couldn't because he is a human, and because of it people died.

Anyway, F/SN is about how the "war" was not was it gave itself out to be. And how all the characters correspond to the realization pf the true nature of what they have been thrown into, and how they in various ways develope/mature in the process.

>> No.6172694

Just what makes Umineko enough of a game to place on a game list?
There aren't even choices.

>> No.6172732
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>> No.6172773

you do realize the "top 10" is solely based on opinion , right?

>> No.6172775

>#1: Final Fantasy VII
This is almost as shocking as any given album by The Beatles being number one on every "greatest albums of all time" lists ever created.

>7 RPGs
>3 FFs
>Not even the best Mario game of the 1990s, much less of all time.
Only thing they got right was P4.

>> No.6172784

Opinion still doesn't make Umineko a game.

>> No.6172875

>no fft

>> No.6172938

here's the real top 10 games of all the times:

1. ninja gaiden black
2. ketsui kizuna jigoku tachi
3. mushihime-sama futari 1.5
4. super street fighter 2 turbo
5. virtua fighter 5 final showdown
6. persona 4
7. demon's souls
8. fire pro wrestling returns
9. osu! tatakae! ouendan
10. half-life 2

11. halo reach

if you disagree, you're a nigger.

>> No.6172942 [DELETED] 

>Touhou not up there

I guess everyone exceot for you and your 12 year old friend must be a nigger.

>> No.6172947

You have Half-life and Halo there to troll and just threw some Cave games to make it look legitimate, I think.

>> No.6172950

touhou ain't got shit on real shooting games, bro.

enjoy your nigger status.

>> No.6172956

Like anyone plays touhou. Touhou is all about fanon and music remixes.

>> No.6172958
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Sure brah, sure.

>> No.6172961



>> No.6172963

>1. ninja gaiden black

I don't think a 3D lover has any right to complain about anyone else's tastes. At least not on this board.

>> No.6172966 [DELETED] 

Samefag secondary who can't appreciate Zun's masterpieces.

>> No.6172973


Slow moving, shit patterns, meh music and terrible art is Touhou.

>> No.6172974

ninja gaiden black is flawless.

amazing combat, amazing bosses, amazing scoring system, challenging difficulty. it is the definitive action game.

>> No.6172971 [DELETED] 

>Saying any games are better than Touhou, or Umineko.

back to /v/ guis...

>> No.6172980 [DELETED] 


>> No.6172986

Aww, thats cute, but Ive actually beat 4 touhou games 1CC. Not on easy modo, either.

But oh deary me, I cannot comment on the general status of the touhou fandom or it makes me a secondaryfag. Adorable.

>> No.6172994

Well, it's really supposed to be more about patterns than pure reflex. And the Touhou patterns are more visually stunning than most shooters, if you are talking about graphics.

>> No.6172995 [DELETED] 


>> No.6173000 [DELETED] 

>Well, it's really supposed to be more about patterns than pure reflex


This is really becoming a /v/ thread.

>> No.6173006


>the Touhou patterns are more visually stunning than most shooters

Quite simply, I disagree. It isn't something I'll argue because it is subjective, patterns in MushiFutari 1.5, ESP2 etc are more my cup of tea.

>> No.6173008

Why not just play one of the 2D Ninja Gaidens?

>> No.6173013

Heartwarming rebuttal, bro.

>> No.6173020


>> No.6173042
File: 304 KB, 800x463, danmaku art gallery.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh really? i don't see any touhou patterns in this pic...

>> No.6173059

Those look they they are from Touhou, though. It's certainly not CAVE, they don't go extravagant like that.

>> No.6173069

>It's certainly not CAVE

The one on the far left is Mushihimesama (Futari I think) and the one on the far right is DoDonPachi (DFK I think).

Not sure about the middle, but I wouldn't be suprised if that was also CAVE.

>> No.6173075

I played some Cave games, mostly by credit feeding, but they never grabbed me enough to make want to practice at them. I don't remember anything like that.

>> No.6173107

what the shit

i don't recognize the middle pattern, but the left is from Futari (Larsa) and the right is from Daifukkatsu (Hibachi).

the middle pattern is most definitely using Cave bullet sprites, so if i had to hazard a guess, i'd say it's either Muchi Muchi Pork or Pink Sweets. or maybe even Espgaluda 2.

>> No.6173111
File: 264 KB, 1450x892, hes_mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all of you

>> No.6173142

Fuck you, now golden saucer's theme is playing in my mind.
it's actually quite pleasant

>> No.6173146


This is from the CAVE history book I believe.

>> No.6173155

I don't really care, I gave up on "real" gaming for practically exclusively doujinsoft years ago.

>> No.6173163

>Round Square

Still makes me laugh

>> No.6173168


>> No.6173172


It looks like ESPII pattern. Couldn't name which part though.

>> No.6173190

Leave me alone. I made that screen shot today.

>> No.6173218
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>> No.6174123

