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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 709 KB, 640x480, 1251116498533.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6171635 No.6171635 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6171645

Reported you god damn Finnish piece of shit.

>> No.6171650
File: 421 KB, 1280x720, 1285140273878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't talk shit about Mugi

>> No.6171659


I was talking about you.

>> No.6171685
File: 651 KB, 984x671, 1284021356038.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6171697

I know you're all fucking retarded on /jp/ or something, but you can stop posting these fucking retarded threads about licking armpits of Toohoo and random anime pictures with no text. Holy fuck.

>> No.6171712


I wish the shitposter would be kind enough to use a Tripcode,then at least I could filter him.

>> No.6171713

If you can do something about it I won't stop you.

>> No.6171718

Welcome to /jp/, getting shittier by the day.

Goddamn though, I recently came back from a month break (playin' VNs), only to find more shitposting than ever.

>> No.6171719

I do post with a tripcode on other boards, but I don't do it here, because pretty much ALL tripfags are fucking circlejerking idiots. I really wish /jp/ wasn't the most retarded board on 4chan. Sometimes I feel like even /a/ is better than you fucking idiots. At least they don't circlejerk in Sion threads and generally just CONSTANTLY shitpost.

I sure wish /a/ could have VNs and Touhou again, so then I don't have to put up with the shitty threads that are produced 80% of the time in /jp/.

>> No.6171724

Fuck, I apologize for lack of sage.

>> No.6171735

Sad, isn't it? I really think it is getting worse as well. I only come here for the occasional decent thread of some niché crap that I won't find anywhere else. I mean, let's just look at the front page:

Minecraft thread, meh.
Some random picture from a VN with the post consisting of '/jp/
This crappy thread.
You will never have a beautiful loli sister.
Saten thread with no text

Wow, that wasn't as shitty as usual, I'm impressed, /jp/...

>> No.6171749

Yeah, I know what you mean.
You stop coming for a couple weeks or something because a new game grabbed your interest or something, and each time you check back up, you find more reasons not to come back...

>> No.6171750
File: 59 KB, 414x550, JamesVan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, what's going on?

>> No.6171770

VN threads are /a/'s best threads.

>> No.6171774

Yesterday I could have sworn I was in /a/. So much shitty anime and text pictures like "YOU WILL DIE BY THE THING ON YOUR RIGHT" threads. These same threads were getting 70-100+ replies in only an hour in the middle of the night, which is when the board slows down. Is this seriously what /jp/ has become? It's fucking sad. I miss 2008.

>> No.6171775

Times like this make me wish we had more meidos. It gets worse and worse, but fuck, I love /jp/ too much to give up on it. ;_;

>> No.6171780

Easily hideable threads make me so mad

>> No.6171785

A board should hardly need a janitor. Sure, they need to clean up the ocassional shit thread, but the frequency that these threads get posted makes it such a fucking task for any janitor, considering this crap gets posted all day long.

>> No.6171791
File: 65 KB, 800x600, 1258385234880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I were a janitor I'd police /jp/ with an iron fist.

>> No.6171794

You shouldn't need to hide threads. These threads are posted so fucking often that sometimes I get like 4 hidden threads on the front page anyways, it's fucking STUPID. I shouldn't need to ignore it, /jp/ needs to be less fucking retarded. I mean I'm as much as a social retard as everyone else, but holy fuck, is there something wrong with the brains of these shitposting retards?

>> No.6171797

Tripcode usage on /jp/ is Lunatic mode.

You're just afraid of /jp/ Anon's trial by fire.

>> No.6171802

I honestly hope your whole family is tortured and killed in front of you and you are left alive only be be tortured daily.
And you deserve it.

>> No.6171808

Oh look, here comes king shitposter. Thank God for my filter.
Thanks for not being as retarded as ZUN. One of the few tripfags that aren't filtered.

>> No.6171822
File: 85 KB, 500x683, 1261939292816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you too, Anonymous!
No problem.

>> No.6171823

So you knew he was a shit poster but are just filtering him now and you decided to announce it to the rest of /jp/?
You're not going to filter him anyway.
>Thanks for not being as retarded as ZUN
Sudo does nothing but avatarafg and post in shitty anime threads. Also he watched K-ON which automatically makes him retarded.

>> No.6171826

ZUN filtered I can somewhat understand but you don't have Sudo filtered? Holy fuck, if I actually filtered trips (other than Arc but that's just because I blindly hate the guy), he's the first guy I would filter. Fucking roleplaying shitposter who only posts in anime related threads and shit tier waifu threads.

>> No.6171827

Filtering the shit out of everyone in this thread

>> No.6171830

>So you knew he was a shit poster but are just filtering him now and you decided to announce it to the rest of /jp/?
I hope that my announcement that he is a retard might make him go through some reform. I guess it's too late for that.
>Sudo does nothing but avatarafg and post in shitty anime threads. Also he watched K-ON which automatically makes him retarded.
At least he doesn't post in Sion threads. I couldn't care less if he uses an avatar or posts in anime threads. He isn't a circlejerking retard either. What more could you ask for in a tripfriend?

>> No.6171834

No kidding. Anon's asspain is palpable.

The people being buttmad ITT probably post in /a/ too (which is where all these spammers come from).

>> No.6171839

>ZUN filtered I can somewhat understand but you don't have Sudo filtered?
Nope. I'm not about to filter someone because of what kind of threads he posts in. As long as he doesn't shitpost. But I can understand filtering because of the obnoxious avatar. But I guess no one can be perfect.

>> No.6171842

>At least he doesn't post in Sion threads.
Yes he does.
>I couldn't care less if he uses an avatar or posts in anime threads.
You are a moron and a horrible poster.
>He isn't a circlejerking retard either
Continuing to prove you are a moron.

>> No.6171858

Looks like ZUN is angry that >>6171808
called him a shitposter and now he's decided to make an angry sage.

>> No.6171864

The problem is that this thread is gonna get 300+ replies.
Everyone loves bitching.

>> No.6171872

How can you see my posts?!

Though one of the reasons why I use a tripcode is so people can have that choice to filter if they really feel it's necessary. Can't get that with Anon trolls though, so enjoy you're asspain caused by bros like the OP.

If only I could filter Anon's asspain.

>> No.6171874

I post in lots of threads, not just anime-related ones. Lots of people watch K-ON! also, I'm far from the only one. I bet you just hate it because it's popular like so many others.

I do not roleplay, ever. I don't pretend I'm Rin or act like her. Please learn what words mean before you use them.
What Sion threads do I post in? I generally disagree with his taste in women.

>> No.6171878

>bros like the OP.
Why are you so goddamn autistic?

>> No.6171883

Most of you people seem to forget that it is not /jp/s fault that it is so shit here. It is the shitposters and othere faggots that keep producing shitpost and shit threads.

>> No.6171887

>Though one of the reasons why I use a tripcode is so people can have that choice to filter if they really feel it's necessary
More like to circlejerk at every opportunity in Sion threads.

>> No.6171889

Do you want me to go to the archive and compile your last 100 posts for you?

Anime threads, shit tier waifu threads and metathreads only. No exceptions. You are a TERRIBLE poster.

>> No.6171890

You are literally the worst poster on /jp/.
I would rather have CurryButt back and have Sion post twice as much.

>> No.6171894

You can just filter them by words they tend to use.

>> No.6171895

What's the problem here? Should I have said "broskies" instead?

Note that I'm not endorsing Sion's ADHD anime posting if that's what you're buttmad about.

>> No.6171896


>> No.6171903

I don't think any Anonymous use really particular vocabulary. You'll probably just end up filtering half the board.

>> No.6171904

I wonder if getting another name change would improve things at all? At least if we were "Touhou and VNs", we wouldn't get as many Japan and anime threads.

I like doll/figure threads, and Idolfags at least condense their threads, but I'm sick of "anime is otaku culture!"

Just was on my mind.

>> No.6171909
File: 114 KB, 304x503, 1282622764673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why am I the worst poster? Elaborate before making such outlandish claims. I don't spam blank threads, I don't shitpost, I don't derail threads.

>> No.6171910

I'm buttmad about you calling a shitposter like the OP a "bro", ironically or not. How can you endorse a shitty thread like this and turn around and say Sion's threads are shit?

>> No.6171921

You are a fucking idiot. The 'bro' was a joke.

>> No.6171928

He said
>ironically or not.
You fucking idiot. Sure is hypocrisy.

>> No.6171932

great thread

>> No.6171935

You're a shitposter.

>> No.6171936

Genuinely bad posters are a much bigger problem than harmless threads like this.

>> No.6171939

That's not endorsing it though, fucktard.

>> No.6171947

You shit post all the fucking time. I simple search for your name on easymodo will verify it.
Not only that you are such a shitty poster that you derail threads simply by posting in them.
See: This thread.
Not that it was any good to begin with.

>> No.6171955

Post some examples of my shitposting if they're so blatant. I also did not derail this thread, you're the only one complaining about me. I'm generally well-behaved and helpful.

>> No.6171958

And you say I have the A-word. Bro just means random guy or something. The obnoxious loud bros in tight vests at the gym are not actual bros.

Stop posting in /v/.

>> No.6171959

Genuinely bad posters make threads like these.

>> No.6171976

Releasing the emergency mittens in this thread

>> No.6171980
File: 562 KB, 1349x4242, sudo is a shitposter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retarded waifu arguments and an anime screencap, why are you such a great poster?

>> No.6171984

Offset of just over 500 since I don't want to see the garbage from the last Rin thread.
That page represents your posting.
Nothing but anime, greentexting, and general faggotry.

>> No.6171990
File: 216 KB, 397x700, os406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Words I'd filter if I actually had a filter:

- animu
- vidya
- tripfag
- mfw
- shitpost

>> No.6172003

Hey bros, I have an idea. Once you have calmed down go to the archive and reread this shitstorm. You'll see how fucking ridiculously stupid you are.

>> No.6172013
File: 58 KB, 204x208, ( ゚∩゚).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone in this thread except Sudo and Suigin is fucking buttmad. I'm buttmad because of all of you faggots. Thanks.

>> No.6172014
File: 144 KB, 801x602, 1280891176291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The waifu shit is discussed daily on here, not just by me. The anime screencap was on-topic, don't even try to say it wasn't.
I didn't make any of those threads with the anime screencaps in them.

>> No.6172022

>The waifu shit is discussed daily on here, not just by me
You're right, we have anime screencaps daily too. I guess I should just participate and embrace them then. That wouldn't make me a bad poster at all.

>> No.6172025

Doesn't matter. The posts were still shit, fag.

>> No.6172032
File: 131 KB, 306x557, 1277400873570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't make blank anime screencap threads, either. Posting anime images as replies isn't shitposting, especially if it's related to the thread in question.

>> No.6172044

>posting anime images as replies isn't shitpoasting
You heard it fom sudo himself. Once again, you are the worst poster here.

>> No.6172065

That's... not the point though. The point is that you are a terrible fucking poster because you participate in terrible fucking threads with the logic that "it's okay because I didn't make them".

>> No.6172075
File: 83 KB, 270x456, 1269617763052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You act like most of the people here don't like anime. Making anime threads is shitposting, but using anime images as replies to relevant threads certainly isn't. If you can't see that, then I don't know what else to say.

>> No.6172076

Before this we had dawson and japanese bird. Before those we had nuclear bomb, Unit 731 and Nanking threads. We had (have) Jones, Cirno, Russia, and others. Tripfags and memes are transient, /jp/ shitposting is eternal.

>> No.6172086
File: 254 KB, 644x591, 1276008348079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YOU are posting in a terrible fucking thread right now. Don't you realize that? By your logic, that makes you a terrible poster by default.

>> No.6172091

Posting Anime in /jp/ is bullshit.
I don't go to /a/ because I don't want it and the fucking spoilers that come with it. I don't want to be forced to watch Anime on your schedule so it won't get spoiled for me.

Fucking morons.

>> No.6172092

If making anime threads is shitposting then contributing to them is shitposting which you do all the time.

>> No.6172098

Jones was likely the OP.

>> No.6172102
File: 120 KB, 822x1144, 1254979379835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't ever post anime images that contain spoilers. Go ahead and try to find one, if you want.

>> No.6172112

I'm not contributing to the actual thread unlike the shitposting you do all the time.

Thread would be on the fifth page if you actually used sage.

>> No.6172123
File: 87 KB, 640x640, 1284525331309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're contributing just by posting and replying to me. If you weren't, then this thread would be over already. You're just as bad as I am.

>> No.6172125

Even the old Corea racism threads were better than this shit though.
Back to DQN. And take your mittens with you.

>> No.6172138

The difference between me and you is that this is an exception for me while 80% of your posts are in shitty waifu threads, 10% of your posts are in anime (railgun/k-on/various other shit) threads, >9% in metathreads and <1% in actually related threads.

I feel I can make an exception just this once to make you realize how shitty your posts are.

>> No.6172143

Personally I don't really care, because I only see you in shit threads started by others, and you keep the avatar/trip shit contained within them.

But posting in shit threads, including empty no-topic anime screencap threads, does make you a shit poster.

But I still wonder who posts all these stupid threads anyway, it's not as if /jp/ gets "Epic 0wned xD", it only bumps stuff off the board and takes up space.
Effectively it resultsin /jp/ being a 10 page board on average instead of 15.

The majority of the posts of /jp/ must be because people here have nothing better to do, that is lack of care, more than agitated feelings and getting trolled.
That is to say, /jp/ must be pointless to troll.

>> No.6172145
File: 412 KB, 1349x3962, sudo is a shitposter2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6172146

Why haven't I seen these costumes in the game?

>> No.6172172

You attract them by posting the Anime to begin with. Anime goes in /a/. Why is that such a hard concept for you fucking tripfags and trolls to understand?

>> No.6172176

/jp/ users really amaze me. I can't believe that there are people here who stalk other people's posts and take screenshots of them. A good deal of you seems to be well informed on all the tripfags' gossip (who's gone, who changed trips, who posted what in whose blog, etc). People here remember minute details about threads that were deleted years ago. /jp/ looks like one of those small towns filled with bored people.

>> No.6172178
File: 100 KB, 800x600, 1280948291017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The difference between me and you is that this is an exception for me
You have no way for proving that, because you're Anonymous. Why should I, or anyone take your word for it? You could be the OP, for all we know.
Almost all of those are from the same, on-topic thread. Once again, you're cherry-picking. I make plenty of good posts.
They're from F/HA.

>> No.6172188
File: 318 KB, 512x582, 1246863651071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You attract them by posting the Anime to begin with.
I NEVER start anime threads. "Posting the anime to begin with" suggests that I do.

>> No.6172192

ITT: Saber fans are asspained because Rin and Sakura get all the attention in /jp/.

>> No.6172198
File: 441 KB, 1349x4135, sudo is a shitposter3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's from the archive, it's not like I'm going around screenshotting every single post every tripfriend makes to keep in my secret folders. But yes, your analogy is pretty apt.

Again, a SHITTY on-topic thread. What the hell are you not getting? Seriously, how the fuck am I cherrypicking, it's literally 24 random posts in a row. Do you want me to go back one page? Here.

>> No.6172208
File: 20 KB, 274x416, ajcsweatdrop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keion thread
>80+ replies, more than half of which are probably not Sion
>Sudo !Tohsaka8ks
>ZUN !barYV1VtIA

What has the world come to?

>> No.6172212

ITP: ZUNbar tries to get some attention because he's feeling left out. Why don't you go lift some weights while thinking gay thoughts about Sion so you can circlejerk some more next time he makes a shitty thread about you?

>> No.6172220
File: 62 KB, 429x600, 1279752853184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again, most of those are from the same thread. If it's on-topic, you have nothing to complain about. Hide these "shitty" on-topic threads if you don't like them, just like I hide Touhou and idol threads.

>> No.6172222


> it's not like I'm going around screenshotting every single post every tripfriend makes to keep in my secret folders.

>implying you don't

>Implying you don't print out the posts and masturbate on them

>implying you don't make detailed plans on Google Maps leading to the homes of tripfags, complete with escape routes in case you are discovered

>> No.6172223

You and the rest of the griefers in #bunbunmaru can fuck off. 90% of the shitpost on /jp/ are members of #bunbunmaru posting as Anonymous and thinking shitting up /jp/ is cute.

>> No.6172226

>/jp/ looks like one of those small towns filled with bored people.
Well, it's only the truth.

>> No.6172238
File: 31 KB, 294x339, azu laugh 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to say that it really makes me happy to see /jp/ in this state. Most of you here are fucking retarded and you deserve all of this.

>> No.6172240

All you shit posters hang in the same IRC channel or are running MSN with each other and are all buddies from way back. Your joy is obtained by fucking up /jp/. I can't understand you at all.

>> No.6172247
File: 946 KB, 1349x3920, sudo is a shitposter4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, no, I'm saying you're posting something related to the topic but the topic has nothing to do with this board and should be deleted on sight. That's why you're a shitposter. Have another screenshot of your posts, going back a few pages this time so we leave this thread that you apparently posted in 48 times.

>> No.6172248

Go suck off Jones in bun faggot

>> No.6172249

Rocky and Justice are the fags you're after, they've been shitting up /a/, too.

>> No.6172251

>you deserve all of this.
Deserve what? Boredom?
I can't really say that's your accomplishment

>> No.6172255

You're the first tripfriend I would kill, Arc. You are somehow even worse than Sudo is.

>> No.6172256

Never even heard of them.

Just a couple more of the griefers 4chan attracts.

>> No.6172260
File: 159 KB, 606x563, 1254250943381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of those are from the previous image.
>the topic has nothing to do with this board and should be deleted on sight. That's why you're a shitposter.
A thread about Rin or another VN character is most certainly on-topic. Why don't you go bitch about the threads people make asking which Touhou would most enjoy getting fucked in the ass while watching House?

>> No.6172265
File: 72 KB, 332x339, 1285140609220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People bitching about tripfags amuse me more than the tripfags themselves.

>> No.6172267

Way to derail this Mio thread you faggots

>> No.6172275

Seriously this thread is the whole "Anon is gay for a trip friend so he tries to get that trip friend's attention by trolling him" plan.

Seen it hundreds of times.

>> No.6172279
File: 87 KB, 1024x768, 71c7728fd2fc698a5c5995de11eac937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, there will be three others tonight.

>> No.6172283

Fuck you and your anime in /jp/ bullshit.

>> No.6172290
File: 250 KB, 483x473, 1283225121926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6172292

You are just a useless #bunbunmaru whore.

>> No.6172294

This was never a k-on thread.
K-on threads aren't /jp/, so they automatically become "shit thread that should be deleted" type threads, which in turn is a form of meta threads.

>> No.6172308

Oh God. Hilarous. Thank you, Anonymous.

>> No.6172312

>Some of those are from the previous image.
Nope, I went back four days in your posting history so that's impossible.

>Why don't you go bitch about the threads people make asking which Touhou would most enjoy getting fucked in the ass while watching House?
What the fuck is up with this shitposter logic that it's okay to shitpost because others do it too? Fucking cut it out and maybe the others will cut it out too.

Jesus Christ.

>> No.6172314

How do you know that I never say anything in #bun?

>> No.6172318

>110 posts and 27 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
haha oh my god

>> No.6172319
File: 197 KB, 223x559, 1253057720672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I don't shitpost.

>> No.6172329

Because you're a fat otaku-wannabe.

Everyone on #bun is a little girl.

>> No.6172331

Being ion that channel signifies you are a whore who enjoys trolling /jp/ and shitting the board up.

Now figure out who the spy is.

>> No.6172341

>Now figure out who the spy is.

It's Losstarot. Like always.

>> No.6172350

I'm not on #bun and I know you say things because you fags keep talking about it on the archive.

If after all these screenshots you still think you're a good poster, I think this is a lost cause. I give up, enjoy your shitposting, forever.

>> No.6172356

Sudo can be shit in shit threads.
But the shit thread starters are still worse right?

>> No.6172361
File: 90 KB, 476x650, 1275829539012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are not the official /jp/ judge of post quality. Sorry to break it to you.

>> No.6172365

The problem is that it's not like it's just me here. Your posts are shit and everyone agrees.

>> No.6172373

Stop trying to speak for everyone you faggot, you don't know me.

>> No.6172376
File: 361 KB, 2986x2042, 1270477676494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is this "everyone?" Just because you think so doesn't mean everyone else does as well.

>> No.6172415

I kind of like the daily Rin threads actually, the derailment that happens every time always gives me a good laugh. Just learn to take it easy and not post in them if you don't like it.

>> No.6172469
File: 60 KB, 471x694, explainthisbullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is right, if you don't like it, just get the fuck out and hide the threads. Report them if you feel the need. The reality is that what happens on 4chan doesn't actually matter and you're just providing entertainment for the tripfags you all hate so much.
Take it easy, guys.

>> No.6172490
File: 441 KB, 251x192, 1285017905222.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6172501

Hottest shitty edit I've ever seen

>> No.6173037

Nice going Jones. You love stirring up shit with these K-ON!! spam threads

>> No.6173053

....That made me feel dirty.......

>> No.6173082

Spit makes everything sexier.
