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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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616964 No.616964 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.616970

Where did it go wrong?

>> No.616971


>> No.616975


>> No.616972

The PC-98 Reimu was way better in every aspect. Oh how the mighty have fallen.

>> No.616979

For what?
Shut up.

>> No.616980

to ZUN?

>> No.616982



>> No.616988

Oh, spoiler image thing.
Well, I never played it, so I didn't know what I was looking at...

>> No.616990

Remember when Fred said he would stop drawing MegaTokyo if he ever saw MegaTokyo hentai? Man, imagine if he kept his word!

>> No.616992


>> No.616994

Not spoiler so much as the creator of the game prefers people to beat the games themselves to see the endings.

But we don't care about ZUN's wishes so yeah!

>> No.617001

Saying that only tempts people to make it that much more.

>> No.617005

Some say ZUN will kill you in your dreams if you post the endings.

>> No.617002

Remember when Reimu wasn't called a destroyer and didn't ruin happy families?

>> No.617011

You mean before she was born?

>> No.617009

Yeah, and he also prefer people to pay for his games themselves. But no one here seems to care about that except myself and three others.

>> No.617021

I'm one of the other three, although I did also let a friend of mine install copies so I guess I only own half of each game now.

>> No.617018

I would like to meet you personally and shake your hand

>> No.617027

I must be the third, I guess. I didn't know someone was counting.

>> No.617037

She nucs half of Gensokyo for fucking up the Shrine in TH1.
And then she accidentally overloads a ying yang ball and shit go BOOM.

>> No.617042

She destroys a good portion of the Earth.

That's a BAD END, though.

>> No.617048

She can overload my balls anyday. (98 Reimu only, no zombies.)

>> No.617053

"Hey guys, I bought a Touhou game! I bet none of you bought the game, did you? Of course not, none of you are a presumptuous faggot like me. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to shove my penis into my copy of Perfect Cherry Blossom."

>> No.617056

And I'm the only one thats has played TH1 to 5.

>> No.617058

She did it all in good intention.

>> No.617062

Nothing happened to the shrine until TH02. In TH01, Reimu sets out on a whim.

>> No.617068
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I have the windows games, but I doubt any of us have the PC-98 ones.

>> No.617070


>> No.617081

I prefer Reimu's older outfits

>> No.617105

I have them and the Emulator its all just 18Mb
You want them Anonymous?

>> No.617101


Personally I think they make her look like generic miko #39439

>> No.617129
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I have the same emulator, from that Touhou 1-9.5 torrent was going around.

>> No.617145
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They will come back... someday...

>> No.617154

No one loves the PC-98 touhous

touhou 6 and up only ;_;

>> No.617158
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>> No.617153

That's exactly what she is though, ignoring her power.

>> No.617160


walfas is shit

>> No.617161

Reimu dined on turtle soup one starved winter.

>> No.617168


>> No.617163

So that's why he's not around in newer games anymore...

>> No.617176

My penis isn't quite small enough to fit through the hole in a CD. Close, but not quite. But as far as my attempts to copulate with my IaMP disc go, lets just say that what happens in Vegas might stay in Vegas, but what happens in Gensokyo requires a trip to the emergency room, five stitches, and a very awkward conversation with the doctor.

>> No.617178

Its the same Reimu and Marisa we have now
Marisa started bleaching her hair in TH3 and Reimu got partially killed in 5 thats why she implements the spell card rules by 6.

>> No.617179

I suck at the windows games, they just don't control right. I only play PC98.

>> No.617187

and why she can fly now...

>> No.617198

>Reimu got partially killed in 5 thats why she implements the spell card rules by 6.

Wait what

>> No.617201
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Reimu eats monsters to gain intrinsic abilities.

>> No.617238

>Reimu was murdered by her master for learning to fly before he did, but arose as the living dead to take revenge.

>> No.617267

Well I have them on emulator. Context was having them legitimately.

>> No.617423
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here I had nothing better to do
the emulator is there to

>> No.617468


If it weren't for the fact that I'm using a different computer right now, I'd unload my entire touhou ending folder

>> No.617500


That would be cool. I was annoyed that there was nothing about any endings at all on the wiki.

>> No.617514


You've got a lot to learn.

Also reported. Enjoy your ZUN party van.

>> No.617544

According to the Berne Convention, ZUN is entitled to copyright protection of his works, but I don't think that includes criminal prosecution for things like these. He might be able to charge you for absurd losses RIAA style, though.

>> No.617556

ZUN is to drunk to give a damn

>> No.617571

losses of what? I know at least one site that hosts game endings in image form and they never had any trouble over that. Plus ZUN doesn't care about us gaijins or our Touhou wiki.

>> No.617600

As I said, RIAA style.

>> No.617665
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