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6169203 No.6169203 [Reply] [Original]

Do people stare at you when you're outside in public?

I dress plainly and hardly stand out, yet whenever I leave my house to go buy groceries there are always people glaring and pointing/whispering at me. I don't get it.

>> No.6169208

I sometimes have the feeling that people are looking at me.Then I get nervous and start walking weird.

>> No.6169206

They're in awe of your superior posture.

>> No.6169210

>Do people stare at you when you're outside in public?

Yeah because I'm 2 heads taller than everyone else.

>> No.6169217

No, but people never seem to notice I'm there, even when I'm standing right in front of them. "Oh! I didn't see you!" is something I hear a lot.

Maybe I'm not entirely real.

>> No.6169222 [DELETED] 

Let the haters point and stare at you. You probably don't stand out in a hillbilly crowd.

>> No.6169220 [DELETED] 

Let the haters point and stare at you. You probably don't stand out in a hillbilly crowd.

>> No.6169219
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I don't know how to translate it, but sometimes I meet cute girl's glance on me.

Of course I will never meet her again and obviously we will never talk. ;_;

Well, whatever. Friends and girlfriends are for weak people.

>> No.6169224

Let the haters point and stare at you. You probably don't blend into a hillbilly crowd.

>> No.6169225

Sometimes I get that feeling, probably because I'm so thin and nerdy looking.

>> No.6169227

No, not really, I got a couple of stares when I went out with my MDR-7506s though.

>> No.6169230

Yes. At least, I think so. It could just be paranoia on my part. I don't which possibility disturbs me more.

>> No.6169234

No, I live in a city, nobody ever pays attention to anybody. I could walk outside in my underwear and nobody will stop me.

Feels good man.

>> No.6169236

The strength of that feeling is inversely proportionate to how much time I regularly spend outside the house. As I spend more time out, the feeling becomes muted. If I have gone a few months without leaving the house very much, then it is extremely difficult to go someplace like the mall.

>> No.6169238

ITT: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_anxiety_disorder

>> No.6169245

Nailed it.

Here's the truth: No one even notices you.

>> No.6169250


Oddly enough I've found it to be the opposite for myself. Back when I had a job and spent a lot of time around people I could barely bring myself to go to the supermarket late at night to buy food. Now that I'm NEET scum and spend most of my time alone I have no difficulties going out and about into even the most populated areas.

>> No.6169251

anxiety or not, some people have given me bad looks for no reason at all. I don't exactly CARE, but I just think it's a way for somebody to make themselves feel superior or to make somebody else feel insecure.

>> No.6169252

If you've been in a marching band, have you ever caught yourself unconciously walking in step to music?

>> No.6169258

no shit, I'm in a marching band

>> No.6169259

Why don't you just beat them up?

>> No.6169262

>Here's the truth: No one even notices you.
Then why do I see them facing and looking at me with a disgusted look? It's not like I was caught in their gaze, they are purposely looking at me.

>> No.6169263

Because that means I'd have lost. Their stare would have gotten to me. People who provoke me aren't worth acknowledging.

>> No.6169275

I used to feel like people were whispering or laughing while looking at me, but then I realized that people are only looking at me because I look at them, and that I probably make them feel uneasy.

>> No.6169276


>> No.6169280

i c wat u did thar

>> No.6169310

I have noticed this many times before. I also dress plainly and try not to stand out. Every day is a plain t-shirt and khaki shorts with sandals.

Still, people look at me.

>> No.6169315

Nobody glares at me or whispers, but I do get looked at a lot, by girls and the occasional fag. Then again I'm probably the only person on /jp/ that is a good looking recluse. Which really doesn't help at all, because I would rather go unnoticed.

>> No.6169323


Good looking AND humble, what a catch!

>> No.6169336

Op asked us if we get looked at. I just specified why I get looked at, and it it doesn't stroke my ego, it just makes me feel awkward.

>> No.6169363

How can you tell they're disgusted?

>> No.6169381

Maybe because they're making a disgusted face?

>> No.6169389

I live in NYC.

People don't give a fuck. It's great.

>> No.6169394
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So, you might be this guy.

>> No.6169395

Are you serious? You'd have to be quasimodo tier to actually get disgusted looks from random people in public. I'm pretty sure it's in your head, since most people only mind their own business and don't stare at strangers all that much for no reason.

>> No.6169393


Well, actually I wouldn't know. I tend to not look at people. I say "nah" because I don't notice any looks from my (very sharp) peripheral vision.

>> No.6169400

I'm not the guy you originally asked. I'm only the person you're responding too. I was simply stating the most obvious thing.

>> No.6169402

I have SAD, but I feel that I pretty much go unnoticed, it's great, I just hum my favourite anisongs to myself and feel like the only person in the world.

>> No.6169413


that'll be awesome

>> No.6169416

I'm not that guy you replied to, but just monday I won an eagles jersey and the guy who handed it to me gave me a very strange look(But since I'm used to strange looks, it was very notable that this one caught my attention, and my friends did notice him acting weird) and a couple of years ago, I was ordering Chinese food at a restaurant with my friends and the workers subtly decided to not serve me or something(They pointed at the next person in line who was another friend and said "What would you like?", while my pals remarked that they gave me a "look of death") .

>> No.6169438

I know that feel. It's like you become too aware of your legs, and movement becomes forced and awkward. I can't pass somebody head-on without tripping slightly or limping for a moment. Then it really does make them stare at you. Oh God I wish there was a drug for this.

>> No.6169458

Nope, I don't really stand out in a crowd, I usually wear a jacket and huge headphones no matter where I go though. There are people who were staring at me and my friend when we were hanging out at starbucks and we were watching doremi on my laptop while he was copying files off me.

>> No.6169460

What kind of headphones?

>> No.6169468

My sennheiser headphones.. not exactly for outdoor but I'm too cheap to buy another pair

>> No.6169469

I want to live in a place like that. I hate when they're interested in me.

>> No.6169480

I dunno, I'm too shy to look at people's faces.
Whenever I'm walking around I always have my head face down.

>> No.6169496
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Stare them down, make them feel uncomfortable.
It's the best feeling in the world.

>> No.6169509

That's like shooting yourself in the foot. What's the point if it makes you feel even more uncomfortable than the person you're staring down.

>> No.6169517

I was waiting for some friends at the skytrain station down the stairs. I got a fuck ton of stares and I noticed too. When my friends came to me they laughed and said I looked like a pedo or rapist or something like that.

>> No.6169533

I will never understand people's obsession with headphones. They all sound the same, so why do you care?

>> No.6169537
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Different shoes I suppose.
Shame, it works quite well as a deterrent. This girl kept staring me down at the station, so I just kept looking at her hair and she walked off, probably thinking something was wrong with it after she patted it several times.

>> No.6169550

Different headphones render sounds differently. When you compare headphones to eachother back to back, you will notice a difference in sound each set makes. Some have highs that are painful to listen to, or overly heavy and pounding lows, or muffled mids. This changes even more once you start listening to different headphones through different amps. After that comes comfort. Some aren't very comfortable, kind of like having your head in a vice grip. Others are like having your head in a pillow.

>> No.6169555

Audiophiles make me sick. Those difference ARE NOT THERE. You are just deluding yourself into believing that the $12,000 you spent on super-thick gold cables wasn't a total waste.

>> No.6169566
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Well, that's a given.
Lack of personal hygiene and all.

>> No.6169568
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You're deaf. There's no use trying to explain anything to people like you.

>> No.6169572


>is too poor to afford more than $10 Sony headphones.

>> No.6169579

Yes, that's because I'm sexy.

>> No.6169582

It's worth investing $50-100 for a decent pair of headphones. It's not worth investing $1000 unless you're an elitist fuck who can't actually enjoy music.

>> No.6169593

There is a difference between shit quality and acceptable. But once you reach that point, any further improvement is a total waste of money. The voltage drop down OFC cables is so minimally different from down non-OFC that it's unnoticable without an oscilloscope, and totally dwarfed by adding a few extra strands. Gold plating is for extended contact life in atmosphere, not because it "gives better sound". Etc. etc. etc.

>> No.6169596
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Plenty of nice headphones can be had for around 100 dollars, especially if you're willing to buy second hand.

>> No.6169602

>It's not worth investing $1000 unless you have a musically trained ear.
fix'ed that for you

>> No.6169603

Nobody said anything about gold plated cables here, besides you. So you know, all my cables are the cheapest cables available from Amazon.

>> No.6169606
File: 280 KB, 600x1245, Utsuho nuclear hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No dude, you don't need to spend a shit ton to get better headphones. All you need to do is listen to some of your favorite music on your shitty ipod earbuds or $15 headphones, then listen to the same thing immediately afterward with some actually decent headphones. You're fucking deaf if you can't hear the difference. Whether or not you care to upgrade to better headphones depends on how much you really like music or your gaming experiences. People who see no value in spending at least like $200 on some great headphones honestly are not privy to comment on music and especially not able to comment on acoustics.

Seriously though just try it one of these days. Don't go to Best Buy or some other shitty common place; they won't have anything of good quality and worse yet try to sell you shit that masquerades as high quality but is overpriced junk (like Bose). In fact it's these poser companies in big chain stores that probably make people start to think that expensive audio equipment is a rip.. because in those stores it totally is, because that's not even representative of what you should be aiming for. A real music/audio will probably carry some examples of the real deal.

Something not super-amazing-studio-quality, but still made by a serious company will make your ears cum compared to whatever shitty ones you might be using now. Sennheiser 280 pros, AKG 701s or 702s should be enough of a difference for you to shut up and sit down when you say you can't hear the difference.

>> No.6169609

Buy headphones that somebody else has used on their head? I don't fucking think so.

Imagine buying headphones from the stereotypical /jp/'er. Let alone getting past the smell of piss and shit...

>> No.6169612

In that case, enjoy your Sony. I'll still be enjoying the same pair of AKGs 5 years down the road.

>> No.6169622
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Used AKGs are best AKGs.

>> No.6169623

Well that means you're not a total idiot then. I'm just using examples of the more common audiophile bullshit. I have to sell some of this stuff and while I don't correct the customers because if I do they won't buy, it does piss me off to see them wasting money on useless garbage.

>> No.6169626

Also, nice headphones make little or no difference when the thing you're listening to is a 128KBS MP3. Download something lossless for yourself.

>> No.6169630

Customers? You have a job or something?

>> No.6169636

Yes, because I am not a NEET. It's a pretty shit retail job though, so don't go assuming I'm ultra-successful or anything.

>> No.6169640

All of your posts have been reported. Try to think about making /jp/ a better place before you think of posting next time, thank you!

>> No.6169643

v2 mp3 is fine, v0 is not noticeably better but not so much larger that it's worth re-encoding to save wasted space, 320kps CBR is pointless, lossless is pants-on-head retarded.

>> No.6169649

Once again, reported. Stop violating global rules.

>> No.6169651
File: 124 KB, 533x600, Utsuho_ultra_moe_mode.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I forgot to finish what I was saying, it was a split post, but then I went and read through another thread.

Now, the difference between the like $700 Grado headphones and $1700 Grados... only someone who has been carefully listening for years could point out the differences, and they would be such minor ones that 99% of people wouldn't give a shit.

In other words I'm saying the bang-for-the-buck is logarithmic in nature with sound equipment.. you will have to pay a pretty penny to get something that is revolutionary in sound compared to whatever bottom of the barrel crap common ignorant philistines use. But, you will have to pay a dumptruck full of pretty pennies for something only slightly better than something that is demonstrably high quality.

>> No.6169660

Quit making me feel bad for not having enough money to get decent headphones.

>> No.6169666

If you like jerking off to music, more power to you. I just hate when I'm treated like some kind of subhuman scum just because I don't care about spending a good deal of money to hear a perfect reproduction of sounds.

>> No.6169670


>> No.6169672


>> No.6169678

What are you trying to tell me with your greentext?

>> No.6169694


The only things that make people lash out at those who aren't big on acoustics is that normal people tend to be obnoxious and obtuse about it.

Some things, like having a nice gaming rig, or a nice sports car, a normal person won't really criticize (only /g/ people would try to find something wrong or outdated etc). But with music... it feels like 98 percent of the entire world is just fine with their unbelievably crappy headphones.. and that's cool. But, it's not cool when these same people act like we're crazy/deluded and say that we're wasting our money on superior equipment (which seems to happen all the goddamn time) ... or worse yet that their fucking awful Bose system even compares to something good. These criticisms are flat out irritating/enraging (on the level of young-Earth creationists or flat-earthers) to anyone who is knowledgeable on sound, and that's why so many of us are assholes regarding acoustics.

>> No.6169707

You are just an asshole looking for an excuse to be one.

>> No.6169722

That's because people can see that an expensive computer or expensive car gives a genuine benefit, even if they have no use for it. Expensive sound systems, on the other hand, give no benefit to anyone who isn't born with freakishly over-sensitive hearing. To that 98 percent of the entire world, there really IS no audible difference.

>> No.6169732

Not really, because I look like another person
I do not like people focusing their attention on me though

>> No.6169744

I really don't care what things people care to waste absurd amounts of money on, but thinking you're somehow better because you're an elitist fag when it comes to headphones is just plain stupid.

>> No.6169745

That's because people can see that an expensive audio system gives a genuine benefit, even if they have no use for it. Expensive computers or expensive cars, on the other hand, give no benefit to anyone who isn't a Formula 1 pilot or hardcore gamer. To that 98 percent of the entire world, there really IS no difference.

>> No.6169756

To demonstrate superior computer performance, you can show something with awesome graphics or some-such. To demonstrate superior car performance, you can drive really fast.

To demonstrate superior audio performance, you need a giant batch of calibration gear.
