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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6162679 No.6162679 [Reply] [Original]

I'd like to know your story, /jp/.
How did you become a weaboo?
What was your first anime?
Do your parents care?
Last time i made a thread people assumed i was a troll, so to be very clear, I'm a fucking loser. Can you please tell me your story now?

Since i made the thread, I'll start

>parents dead
>living in their house, on their money
>planning on using the last of my money to take (a) parachuting lesson in a couple of years, not planning on using my parachute

>> No.6162682

Try /b/.

>> No.6162681


have fun buddy.

>> No.6162685

>troll [...] I'm a fucking loser

Most trolls are.

>> No.6162686

I don't watch anime.

>> No.6162687

Someone stop this man! He's trying to make a sequel to The Skydivers! Coffee be damned!

>> No.6162689

>I'll start
>greentext story

You screwed up again. Try lurking before you post.

>> No.6162744

You know /jp/, i tried to get stories from you guys twice, and all i got were shitty trolls and sagers.

And I'm not leaving until i get some stories

>> No.6162752



>> No.6162756

Lurk more. This advice seems to be lost on most of 4chan, but we still try to uphold it in some fashion here.

>> No.6162758
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You have any grandparents, aunts, cousins that you've can possibly connect with?

I was in a pretty bad state, aunt (my deceased mom's older sister) let me live with her for a year or so, pretty much saved my life.

Also, when evaluating the possibility of reconnecting with a relative (or even good friend), keep in mind that you are most likely in an abnormal mental state.

PS: Where are you at geographically?

>> No.6162761

I became a weeaboo when I woke up in Gensokyo.

My first anime was Tsukihime.

I killed both of my parents and ate them because I didn't want to leave my house to buy food.

>> No.6162765

Try shitting up a different board.

>> No.6162784



No, my grandparents died before i was born, parents had no siblings.
It's not like i got along well with my parents before they died anyway.

>> No.6162803

>implying /jp/ has mods
I made a 260 reply thread just samefagging, you must be high if you think moot will spare any of his precious mods for this board.
he's got his hands full just keeping child porn out of /b/.

I should have added, my first experience with anime was Akira, when i was 14.

I live in the American northeast, not the most supportive people live outside my door.

>> No.6162813

We actually get a decent amount of that CP posted here, so it must pay attention to /jp/ at least a little.

>> No.6162814

Moved away to go to university.
Used my newfound freedom to stay inside every waking moment I don't have to go to lectures.

>> No.6162835

>implying all of moot's mods aren't busy keeping vidya off of /v/

Shit hole is nothing but mass effect 2 threads, and AUTISM HERP DERP

>> No.6162844

Fuck, me too. I hardly talk to people more than once a week, I'm not really sure how its possible.

>> No.6162850

try forex trading with the rest of your money op
you can be a neet forever

>> No.6162854

aha same here
I'm glad the cafeteria is big enough I can always have a table to myself

>> No.6162863

I often feel a bit guilty taking up a 2/4/6 person table with just me. I'm going to bring packed lunches more often.

>> No.6162868

Alright, OP. It sounds like you're serious and don't plan on being a condescending faggot. Here we go. What's your first question?

>How did you become a weaboo?

The fuck?

Eat a bucket of shit.

>> No.6162874

>parents dead
>living in their house, on their money

Dude, what eroge are you from?

>> No.6162895

all the tables at my school are 8 to 16 people
I just get there within the first 10 minutes of meals so there's like 6 other people there

>> No.6162899
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Dick, contribute or please don't contribute at all. You choose to see me as condescending.
What's an eroge? Don't just respond with "lmgtfy".
I'm a general loser with no hobbies other than video gaymen, not a weaboo.

>> No.6162917

Back in high school, i just didn't eat. Too awkward sitting down next to kids i hardly knew, it made me feel like shit.

>> No.6162933

a visual novel
the main character usually lives in a house alone with enough money to live without a job

>> No.6162944

An eroge is also know as a VN, visual novel, Hgame, porn game.

>> No.6162945

you could leave the school during lunch at my school
I lived like 200 yards away
it was nice

>> No.6162980


Music to and from school, eating in peace.

>> No.6163023

>You have to wait a while before reporting another post.

>> No.6163115

>I live in the American northeast, not the most supportive people live outside my door.

6162758 here. I get the impression you are *really* hurting. I am in the NE (Philly area) as well, can offer some psych recommendations if you want.
