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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6160978 No.6160978 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6161025
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>> No.6161030

The eyes of an experienced temptress

>> No.6161084
File: 56 KB, 504x635, [Derp]_K-ON!!_-_17_(1280x720_x264_AAC).mkv_snapshot_02.31_[2010.07.29_23.23.52].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>install K-ON DTA
>sit at the table for 10 minutes
>move them away
>constantly walk offscreen for 10 minutes

>> No.6161086

Mio is the worst character on k-on

>> No.6161093

When they're all absolute shit, there is no worst.

>> No.6161105
File: 179 KB, 513x440, 1274114645950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mio is into the negative.

>> No.6161109

Only until Azusa joins

>> No.6161121
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>> No.6161137
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We like that show, it's still not /jp/ related.

>> No.6161141
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How can anyone hate Azusa

>> No.6161142
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my face when azusa was fat near me

>> No.6161148
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>> No.6161158

Stopid show for 13 year old girls.

No wonder you love it Sion.

>> No.6161164

Just leave me alone, dad! Let me watch my animes!

>> No.6161168
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Stupid game for 13 year old girls.

No wonder you love it ZUN!bar.

>> No.6161175

ZUN!bar and Sion:

Both are shit.

>> No.6161179

Those kinds of games are for 30 year old male virgins.

Get your facts straight nerd.

>> No.6161190
File: 294 KB, 700x1000, samefags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute girls singing and dancing on screen. Sure sounds pretty K-ON to me.

>> No.6161199
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Posting in anime threads on /jp/, so good. Bumping anime threads on /jp/, not so good.

>> No.6161200

Yeah and then you put your penis in them. Hardly even close to K-ON.

Also hello stalker-san from yesterday.

>> No.6161201
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She's not even remotely fat.

>> No.6161214

schoolgirl luca is the best luca

>> No.6161218
File: 39 KB, 848x480, [gg]_HIGHSCHOOL_OF_THE_DEAD_-_11_[D37B6D2B].mkv_snapshot_15.08_[2010.09.19_22.16.21].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the MC doesn't keep a totally platonic relationship even after clearing their cosmosphere

You should just realize AT and K-ON are on the same levels of moeshit. Here's your favorite AT heroine in her latest role.

>> No.6161221

K-ON! is great. I am going to miss it.
hate all you want, haters

>> No.6161230
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>>my face when you use implying unironically

So why are you so confrontational with me lately anyways, stalker-san? You were quiet for the longest time.

And I don't even care about your anime aimed at high schoolers. Discuss with with Sion.

>> No.6161226

There will be another season.
Probably a prequel, which means no Yui.

>> No.6161233

You're forgetting an important fact: AT is awesome and K-On! is shit.

>> No.6161250
File: 75 KB, 848x480, zunbars favorite k-on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is supposed to be your new petname for me ZUN? Or is your radar just so totally off these days?

You missed typed "sequel" and "no Azusa"

>> No.6161253

K-ON is better than AT, I'll give it that.

>> No.6161257


White Ren is pretty into the negative, too. Always reporting shit. Saging every thread regardless of content.

>> No.6161266

>>my face when you fall for my trap

I could tell because you mentioned Miyuki Sawashiro. I'm just trying to figure out why you're more buttmad than usual lately.

Is it because of work?

>> No.6161280
File: 65 KB, 1280x720, 1284957289965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you didn't fall for my trap and are now trying to save face
>your face

>> No.6161284

remember when all ZUN did was make fun of kids with low powerlevel and mention how much he loves MoF?

I swear /jp/ became some kind of bad boys love tripfriend drama written by some fat fujoshi

i am butt mad

>> No.6161286
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I, for one, enjoy both AT and K-ON!.

>> No.6161293

I already talked with you about how those two characters have the same VA though.

Anyways your job seems to be only part-time, so you shouldn't be that stressed out already.

>> No.6161299

Yeah but that was like 2 years ago.

As much as I love MoF, I can't talk about it forever.

>> No.6161304
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>implying I wasn't the one that told you that in the first place

>> No.6161317

>AT = K-ON
So now Ar Tonelico, text based VNs/Games where you dive into the minds of the heroines where you set things straight, have mind-telepathic sex. And how you together searches for secrets on how the heroines is connected to the code of the reality altering tower and how it's all connected to the downfall of the world.

Is all of a sudden the same as K-ON, an animated show where a bunch of teen-age girls plays music at school while doing various other kinds of slice of life stuff.

The logic in this thread is strong, I feel.

>> No.6161335

What kind of nerd do you take me for? I know all this stuff.

Don't take Sion seriously. He's just trying to get my attention lately.

>> No.6161354
File: 34 KB, 424x400, 1279181231190.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>K-ON = AT
So now K-ON, manga/anime where you view the lives of five girls as they grow up and play music. And how they together experience life while dealing with life issues and how it's all of their lives are connected together.

Is all of a sudden the same as AT, an average game where a bunch of teen-age girls sing music about fish while doing various other kinds of slice of life stuff.

The logic in this thread is strong, I feel.

>> No.6161384

I know you tried to be witty in how you turned that one around, but you didn't really succeed.

You can take that summary of K-ON if you prefer that one, it's a bit more ellaborated than the other one.

But there is no slice of life in AT, and the songs of AT is akin to computer science, wheras that fish song from AT3 is hardly relevant to the games at all.

>> No.6161689
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>> No.6161699

Sion, yesterday at Best Buy I saw some 12 year old kid playing Halo Reach.

Was that you?

>> No.6161705
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>going outside

>> No.6161737
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lol this thread is still here

>> No.6161773
File: 18 KB, 444x333, IT'S SUDO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is funny internet, isn't it?
