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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 82 KB, 407x405, 1273405644088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6156000 No.6156000 [Reply] [Original]

Oh my god, the front page of this board nearly made me cry.
Could you all tell me how you sunk into this weaboo slump? you're obviously in one if you're a regular user of this board, tell me how you got into it? I would like to know how society succefully broke your toe-hold on social proficiency and cast you into the pit of waifus, shame and animu.
Pic most definitely related.

>> No.6156002


>> No.6156006


>> No.6156010


>> No.6156011

Triples, how fitting that i claim a small joy from the grasping hands of one of the users of this board.

>> No.6156013


>> No.6156015

It's not, no one ever calls me.

>> No.6156019

Long past of childhood trauma and rejection

>> No.6156021


>> No.6156022

xD look I got doubles, nice job of me, isn't it? now get lost

>> No.6156024

we don't care about gets you fucktard.

>> No.6156026


>> No.6156028


>> No.6156033


>> No.6156037

Jesus, I'm like a wizard. Stealing joy from you as you have stolen joy from yourselves with your choices, small choices you make every day.
>work out or browse?
You ALWAYS choose the obvious one.
>socialize and try to find intelligent friends, or jerk off?
I don't think i need to state my suspicious of what your choice is; ALWAYS.

>> No.6156042

Reported for obviously caring about gets.

>> No.6156044

Been out for the last eight days, will not be able to rest for another 2 days. If they drag me out again without giving me a few days to rest just going to tell them I need some space.

>> No.6156045

Let me tell you how it happened:

>go to Gamestop
>ask if I can use their computer to check 4chan
>see a thread started by you
>shit starts leaking out of the monitor
>reach into my pocket to grab my handkerchief
>spaghetti falls out
>try to clean it up with my jacket
>it doesn't work
>my jacket is a bear
>hot asian girl sees this
>shit on the floor
>she asks me if I'm playing Kirby
>I tell her I'm playing Professor Layton
>she wants to fuck
>slip on my own shit
>bear helps me up
>burst into treats

>> No.6156046

Only autistic children obsess over a lucky sequence of same numbers.

I guess that says a lot about you.

>> No.6156047
File: 175 KB, 351x1697, 1284793011023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this autism.

Ready the own works.

>> No.6156048

Ah, tripfags at last. You know, i expected to find a great deal of your kind on this board, but you're the only tripfag who has saged me so far. maybe there is hope for you all.

>> No.6156055

White Ren doesn't really count as a tripfag, it's more like a second Anonymous.

>> No.6156056

You know, I suspect your meme spewing is an act of hostility, maybe you could just tell me the REAL story?

>> No.6156058


There is not one White Ren.

We all are White Ren.

White Ren Legion activation sequence initialized.


>> No.6156059



>> No.6156061


>> No.6156062
File: 18 KB, 477x346, 1256226220197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>White Ren

LMAO!!1 What a buugum!

>> No.6156063

I'm stealth-sage'ing you so hard right now and you don't even notice it

>> No.6156064
File: 127 KB, 400x400, taken from a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks White Ren is a tripfag

>> No.6156065

>dayum, Ill show this loser so ahrd with my imag
Man, your aggression worries me.

>> No.6156066


Reported for reporting reports.

>> No.6156067

Buugum nerd doesn't realize what he just got himself into

>> No.6156069

Gb2 looking at niggerdicks in your facebook while I fucked youre dad OP

>> No.6156071

I mainly lurk /jp/ and only occasionally post on the other boards.

>> No.6156073

>announcing a report

>> No.6156074

OP is buttmad because we're immune to his trolling. Why don't you go back to mommy? You've been completely pwned.

>> No.6156075

>anonymuz is legionz0rs
Ah, i see.

>> No.6156078


>> No.6156079


It's like I can FEEL the pain raging out of your butt!

>> No.6156082
File: 4 KB, 230x241, 743274376743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem frustrated. What exactly happened?

>> No.6156083

I pull ur dads dick out my as

y u so owned ?

>> No.6156084


Reported for announcing reporting announced reports.

>> No.6156085
File: 14 KB, 568x800, BigUboa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw OP doesn't understand how /jp/ works

>> No.6156086

If you go onto somebody's porch and shit on the doorstop, they won't be happy about it. The fact that they got mad at you does not mean you are some sort of master troll causing butthurt everywhere.

>> No.6156088
File: 75 KB, 1100x564, 1270069013012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You see? You see what? Your own essence? Go suck Ron Paul's cock, newfag.

>> No.6156089

i laff w/ ur farts noob

>> No.6156090

>my god, he'll be banned for a day from a board he visits only to question
I'm still not getting answers.
I never said i wasn't a loser, I'm merely asking for YOUR stories on how you reached your own loser statuses.

>> No.6156092


It's like you're a fountain of suffering butts. Like literally I am butt-Satan torturing your ass in an eternal fire of rage.

>> No.6156094

Best thread on /jp/ now, right here. Kinda sad.

>> No.6156095
File: 121 KB, 640x1080, 1283115602452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's too late, this thread is now full of retardedness and no actual discussion will ever come out of it. Figure out why people find your OP fucking stupid, really think about it, and then try again some other time when you figure out how not to be mistaken for a two-bit troll.

>> No.6156096

One day, I woke up and stuck my dick into OP's ass. His butt was so devastated that he died and I ended up here.

>> No.6156097
File: 61 KB, 393x455, BUTTOWNED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That night, all that could be heard from /jp/ were the screams of a young man and a crowd of people chanting "Buugum! Buugum! Buugum!"

>> No.6156099

Holy shit, and i thought /a/ was a rich mine of butt-mad!
I may have found the master-vein, if triples and accusations of being a loser are all it takes for all these butt-pained posters to descend upon me, I should visit more often!

>> No.6156100

Congratulations, you found out that faggotry stays on slow forums longer than fast ones.

>> No.6156101

You'll love it here bro. Nice dubs too, pretty epic.

>> No.6156104
File: 18 KB, 316x233, reported.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.6156105


maybe ill just laeve my dick in ur but for now

the pain feels so good i cant stop sperming in it

>> No.6156109
File: 867 KB, 913x1353, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when OP sits on my porch and asks me if I'm mad

>> No.6156111
File: 16 KB, 226x273, nigga u serious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sad, because you're the only one getting worked up over this. Nobody here could care less about trol aspirant #234654

>> No.6156112

/jp/ is pretty fucking sad if you ask me, i came to ask a legitimate question and found it to be one of my better trolls, not even intentionally. I guess triples just means that much to the people(if you can call these mottled piles of organs such) here.

Jesus, captcha was "magdalena witersin"
reCaptcha is trying to tell me something about The Virgin Mary!

>> No.6156113

It's so cute that your trying to maintain a tone of condescension when your obviously bleeding out you're butt.

>> No.6156116


>> No.6156117
File: 37 KB, 320x240, Autistic_Sign3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6156120
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Backpedal harder, maybe you can reverse the river.

>> No.6156121

My god, I'll greentext the responses of every sager in this thread because it's so universal
Seriously guys, let's just have a good story thread.
That's the best way to beat me, steal my "troll" thread from me and make it a good sharing and caring thread as i had originally intended.

>> No.6156122


Unlimited Report Works

>> No.6156124
File: 30 KB, 462x465, get out noob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6156126

Story? Sure. I'll write up a story. Give me a theme.

>> No.6156127

No. You made a shit OP. Threads like this CAN and ARE made and generate discussion from time to time. Why? Because their OPs didn't fucking suck. Don't be stupid and blame it on /jp/ being inherently shitty when it's your own goddamn fault you spawned a shitstorm.

>> No.6156128
File: 813 KB, 1280x720, 1283810878536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm autism

I love all these kids who think they're "trolling" /jp/. None of them realise we are always eager for them to come in and exercise. You may keep believing everyone here is so frustrated he wants to kill himself, for us, it's just a good opportunity to make new image macros.

Nerd status: BUTT-BOMBED

>> No.6156130

>So /jp/ u buttmad about all my women and social lifee?? yah check those trips pic related its u, come back w/ life

>> No.6156131


>That's the best way to beat me, steal my "troll" thread from me and make it a good sharing and caring thread as i had originally intended.

>implying you can be identified as anything but a troll by posting advicedog pseudomemes

>> No.6156132

Eat some more sage, faggot.

>> No.6156136

I should be represented by a well meaning man, and /jp/ should be a sad man in my lap, telling me his fall so that i may lift him higher.
I actually just want to hear your stories, and i am kind of butt-hurt that you're all with-holding them from me.

>> No.6156137

Reported for implying. Go back to /b/.

>> No.6156139
File: 416 KB, 1280x720, 1283424817129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wats that OP? is ur ass leaking cum from my dik??

>> No.6156140


>> No.6156142

Fuck, nobody cares that you mean well. The people genuinely wondering why nobody likes Naruto discussion on /a/ mean well, but nobody gives a flying fuck. Try again in a few days with less shit posting and see if it works; you won't die because you had to wait a day.

>> No.6156145


Then why didn't you ask nicely? Oh, because you're just backpedaling because YOU'VE BEEN OUTTROLLED AND YOUR ASS IS ON FIRE.

are u madstrated?

>> No.6156146

>hey guys, I'm a loser, you're losers, tell me how you came to be my equals
and the response of /jp/ to my suggestion was
Why? Why must you hide yourselves from me?

>> No.6156148

Well it all started when Halo Reach came out. I was six years old at the time, and I met this fat kid on the playground. Me and my friends started making fun of him, and then some kid pulled down his pants. I decided it'd be funny if I pretended to suck his dick, so I went over there and put my face in front of it, but I accidentally touched his dick with my lips. Everyone was speechless until some kid screamed "GAY KID!" and then I had to switch schools.

>> No.6156151
File: 62 KB, 300x300, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you lose your anal virginity to White Ren

>> No.6156156
File: 92 KB, 444x334, 45fcbb02edc2f0efb3f4bb56b5410e29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You didn't say it like that at all.

The image your OP sends is "you're all fucking failures lololol, how u fail so much".

It comes off as a very low-tier troll. /jp/'s counter-trolling system is at optimum efficiency, as you can tell when you tripped it.

>> No.6156163
File: 37 KB, 486x348, madmadmad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny: OP thinks we aren't replying to his basement-dwelling thread right after we're done fucking our bitches.

>> No.6156166

Dammit /jp/, let this shit die. This thread is taking up valuable Touhou space. Yes, I mad.

>> No.6156167

Now that someone has gave me a story, even a obviously false one, i will share mine.

I started as the retard kid who runs around hyper as shit all the time, not-surprisingly, no one liked me. Then came the depressants.
I became a bookworm, reading children's literature, expanding my vocabulary but not developing socially, by 7th grade, when i quit taking my pills i was already too far behind. I became a weaboo for a few years, sticking to myself, having no friends, then emerged from my gay cocoon of self-hated as a loser with no tastes at all.
Now, i sit around all day living on my dead parents' money.

>> No.6156168

Stop with the buugum shit, /jp/. Do the whole autistic insult thing, but without the buugum.

>> No.6156171

I've always been this way

>> No.6156172

I love you guys.

>> No.6156176
File: 113 KB, 400x300, 1273100186995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because we hate autists like you in here. We might be losers, but at least we're healthy.
Your also a homo. Pic related: it's you at the restaurant

>> No.6156180

Oh yeah, socially behind, so sad. Never going to enter the normalfag trap called marriage and pop out a couple of kids you will secretly regret for the rest of your life while you're societally bound to raise them to make the same mistake you did. I really feel you man. You lost so much.

>> No.6156181

So my parents are kicking me out soon, but I'm just not ready to get a job yet.

This might sound strange, but can I live with one of you guys?

Some of my requirements are:
1. You must live in California or any state nearby.
2. It'd be nice if you had a free room for me, but I wouldn't mind living in the same room as you.
3. I will need to connect my computer to the internet. I have a router so we can figure something out, I think.
4. I'd prefer if you lived alone. But if you have really nice parents who wouldn't mind welcoming some guy to their family, then that would be okay too.
5. Feeding me shouldn't be a problem. I don't eat much. One meal a day should be enough for me.

Now, some things about me.
I'm a 22 year old white guy. I don't have any bad habits, I don't do drugs or anything like that. I usually take a shower twice a day, so you don't have to worry about me stinking up the place, and I'm generally a neat person. I'm a little skinny, but not really that bad looking.
I won't be able to get a job, so I obviously won't be able to repay you with much. But I can do laundry for you, and wash dishes and stuff. I can even cook a little. But I will try to learn to cook some new foods if you ask me.
I can even wear maid dresses for you if you want me to. I don't have any, but if you buy one for me, I will gladly wear it. I have long straight hair, so I won't even need a wig.
I like games, anime, visual novels, Touhou, and I like to collect cute pictures. And I pretty much like most /jp/-related things. I will bring my PC joypad with me, so we can play fighting games on PC if you want. I'm not very talkative though.

If you're interested, please send me an email as soon as possible. Tell me where you live and some basic info about yourself.

My email: furukawwa@gmail.com

>> No.6156182

I should have added, I'm 36. I was a weaboo before the moe-wave of the early 2000's.

>> No.6156185

Back in high school this one faggot liked to play with those YoGohoh cards or whatever you call them. So we took his You-GAY-Oh cards and ripped them up in front of him. He cried hysterically, it was awesome. He was such a loser he would wear tshirts with like Final Fantasy characters on them. So pathetic.

Later in the year he brought a few DVDs to school with faggy Japanese cartoons on them. So we stole his DVDs. He went ballistic. Eventually we put them on top of his locker in pieces. He went ballistic and cried like a little girl.

He was too much of a pussy to go to the dances, one time he got up the courage to come and he just sat in the corner and looked out of place. We laughed at him till he went home.

He dropped out Junior year. I am 25 now and I went back home to visit my moms house, I swear to christ I saw him in the driveway of his parents house going somewhere. Probably to some faggy comic convention or something. Still living at home watching gay ass japanese cartoons and talking about it on the internet. Going to die a virgin.

I hate losers like him.

Anyone else bully anyone?

>> No.6156191

Man, you sound more pleasant than i actually am.
Not to mention your grammar is superior to my own.
I actually live in my dead parent's home as well, by the way. I owe my continued existence to them.

>> No.6156195

/jp/, I got my laundry out of the dryer last night and I was sorting it when I noticed something odd mixed in with my normal t-shirts and pajama pants. It was a small, soft pair of my sister's panties. When I finally realized that a pair of my sister's panties had gotten mixed in with my laundry, I immediately wondered about my options. I could either return them and risk being seen as a pervert, or keep them and hide them from everyone to avoid suspicion. I chose the latter option.

I had them on my bed since I discovered them and forgot all about them until it was time to sleep. As soon as I looked at my bed with drowsy eyes, the panties stood out, a bright white compared to the black and blue sheets on my bed right now. What should I have done with them? I didn't want to put them with my underpants because that'd be a bit weird. I didn't want to keep them anywhere far in my room incase someone came in and looked at something and discovered them.

>> No.6156196

THIS IS /jp/

>> No.6156200
File: 24 KB, 466x429, 1281739774302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My girlfriend is 15 years old (3 years younger than me, don't you dare fucking say what you're about to say). She said she wanted to come to my house to watch a movie she just bought (I'm not allowed over at her house because her parents would freak out at the idea of a fully grown man playing grab-ass with their little girl). Surprise surprise, it was fucking Twilight.

Now, I knew she was a fan and all, but I never actually had to "confront" the problem. She spent the entire movie letting out these annoying (albeit cute) shrieks every time Edward did ANYTHING. She also gave me all sorts of fun-facts for half the movie, until I screamed "IDONTWANNAHEARIT" halfway through the movie.

Now, this just ruined her mood, and she decided to let off on me when the movie was over. "What's so wrong about liking Twilight?", she said to me. "Well, no offense, but it's just badly written wish fulfillment made by some fat virgin." Then she decided to set it off. She put on this twisted little smile, and said "Jamal, honey, you play Touhou". You see where this is going, right?

I couldn't really fight any of the points she brought up. I mean, she knows I play shit like Tsukihime and Clannad, so saying VNs are better written is out of the question. She even brought up how most of the audience for the new Touhou game premiere we went to at otacon were a bunch of shrieking fangirls, and how I spent the whole time we were there telling her fun facts about the character's origins.

How the hell do I get back at her?

>> No.6156205

I brought yugioh cards to school and anime DVDs this one time since a friend gave me some to try, but I never got beaten up for it. I had more of a reputation for being a psycho who would snap at the smallest thing. I really regret my school years, wish I could go back and change a few key moments.

>> No.6156206

I feel sad for you, as you are obviously telling your own story from another's perspective.How creative of you.

>> No.6156207

Well, just on a superficial observation, it seems to be catering to the taste of cheap, morally deficit losers. The whorish, pandering design of that character can only be construed as the Nadir of exploiting pathetic, desperate Weaboo faggots, who cannot court the affections of any Women whatsoever, and marks any actual fan as a hopeless degenerate. If you actually like this, you have no hope. Call me a troll. You no it's true. Hell, I WANT you to be offended. You SHOULD feel butthurt. Go ahead. Hate me.

>> No.6156208

Chess is a crappy tactical turn based RPG developed by a bunch of monkeys.

Right away you'll notice Chess has no storyline. Instead, all you notice is the the White army and the Black army are fighting each other over a battlefield. Note the "a battlefield," because Chess only has one story map.

As for the actual combat, it's extremely dull. Each unit can kill another with only one hit. This means units with a real good movement ability dominate the field (more on that bellow). There aren't even any combat animations or anything that happens in combat. One unit moves on it's space and "captures" it, and the piece is removed from the game with no form of action or special effects.


Chess has shitty class balance. The Queen is flat out overpowered while your actual front line units, the Pawns. can't do shit. I think the developers were afraid that no one would use the female character so they buffed up her abilities really high but now theres no point in using any other unit.

The rest of the units suck. Rooks can only move in 4 directions, same with Bishops. Boring. Also, whats up with the Knight? It has the most bizzare combat abilities of all the units. They're retardly hard to use cause they jump around like retards to move and attack. The devs should have named this unit Ninja, since Knights didn't jump around like that in real life.

Worst part, is the king. You see, the devs decided that if your king gets captured, you instantly lose the game. W-T-F? This wouldn't be a problem, except that he can't move for crap. Seriously, the most important unit in the game can only move 1 space a turn? Good luck keeping him alive while every other unit in the game dances around him.

Unbalanced classes, lackluster gameplay, and not to mention repetitive 1 hour+ games. Chess is not worth the time or your money. Buy Final Fantasy Tactics or Disgaea instead.

3 out of 10.

>> No.6156210

Man, finally a tale that may be honest.

>> No.6156213

JEWGROUNDS WAS FUNNY when we were all twelve, living in the suburbs, listening to linkin park, and watching dragonball z, drinking pepsi, while playing halo co-op on the easiest setting, during which we consumed doritos and looked at paintball guns on ebay in internet explorer connected through aol on a 56k modem, before hopping into our balding fathers' latest midlife-crisis-impulse-sponsored japanese-built suv, to head to the mall to procure more skateboarding shoes, third-rate irregular levis, and mountain-bike parts, before heading home, voting democrat and masturbating to the latest sears catalog, while huffing paint in our garages before talking to pedophiles on aim, pretending to be whatever camwhore we'd just finished ranting about on myspace, with a matrix quote/anime character name/triple six-asterisk-parentheses-surrounded screenname firmly in tow, before heading to our supposedly "good school" in the morning to buy more pot to smoke during our counter-strike lan party with jimmy and the rest of the gang, taking ritalin, adderall and prozac eight times a day, and at the same time taking a casual pass at local, state or national governmential figures, legislatures, or structures, to appear edgy and intelligent in front of our budweiser-sneaking, limp-wristed, near-to-columbine-sociopathic "deep" friends who started to play the victim card as soon as they started losing arguments, which coincidentally, was six days before their botched suicide attempt, made simply because school tramp number twelve wouldn't go underneath the cum- and sweat-stained bleachers with them, thereby precluding the possibility of them getting to second base before their thirteenth birthday rolled around, after which point ridicule from other insecure, like-minded, and equally virgin thirteen year-olds could be virtually assured.

>> No.6156214

My face is covered in deep rooted acne that can only be cured with surgery, or a very thick needle. Working as the special worker at McDonald's does not pay very well so I tried to needle the zits out, now I have zits and scars on my face. The rest of my body is hair and acne, I have to cover my bed in talcum powder so I can keep away the pain long enough to pass out from exhaustion.

I am fully deaf in one ear and I can only hear a high pitched whine in the other ear. I can only see the colors red, orange, and yellow. Having no tounge I have never tasted food. My nose is so full of snot and other assorted crap that I am also unable to smell.

The only time I ever interact with people outside of work and the forums is going down to the local game store where I buy used copies of 5 year old games because I only make minimum wage.

This account was given to me out of pity, and I am only able to access it at the library. I'm fairly sure nobody goes near me at the library because I have not been able to shower for the last three years of my life.

The only joy I have in life is pretending to be other people.

Are you trying to tell me YOUR life is worse than mine? Well fuck you and the elephant that trumpeted you in to this place.

>> No.6156215

You need to use this pasta in threads that are actually about a character. Maybe if you pull that off successfully people will get butthurt but more likely, like now, they'll laugh at some of the most failed trolling ever.

>> No.6156216

Sounds like you've met your match. Both fandoms are very retarded.

>> No.6156217

Yes but I like to besmear oneself with fresh warm dango and masturbate. Every day I walk with a black garbage bag and collect all dango that I see. For two full bags I spend all day. But when after heavy day I come home, I go to a bath, I turn on hot water... mmm and then I dump there my pleasure. And fap, imagining, that I has absorbed by huge dango. In general it seems to me, that dango, are able to think, they have families, cities, feelings, do not wash off them in a toilet bowl, shelter them, speak with them, caress them.... Oh, and yesterday in a bathroom, I had a wonderful dream when I have dived into the sea, and it turn into a dango; fishes, seaweed, jellyfishes all made of dango, even the sky, even the Allah.

>> No.6156220

Yeah man look at that failed troll what an autist

>> No.6156222


Touhou is perfection because it is crafted perfection, made by hundreds if not thousands of people.

It is a massive canvas you may write in what you please. Is Kaguya a manipulative bitch? An airheaded NEET? A gentle and solemn girl exiled from her homeland? A depraved and insane immortal monster? A melancholic and distant child who has become disconnected with mortals? Etc.

Touhou is interpretation. It's comedy. It's tragedy. It's Romance and Action and Drama and Horror. Touhou is a phenomena, not a single work.

>> No.6156223

I'm a chef, wanting to focus in Japnese cooking. No, I'm not wapanese or weaboo, but because it's getting more popular all over the US (as opposed to generic chinese shit) and its aimed at upscale locations so theres more money in it, so I went to Japan to be properly trained in cooking there and of course preparing sushi properly with all the right ingredients.

How am I so affected by racism? I'm a Japanese trained white guy, who's as good as them, just don't look asian enough to work in a resturant as lead chef, if I'm considered at all. White owners want 'authentic Jap' shit so that means guests might not think I'd be giving them authentic shit or even doing it right because I'm white, and the Jap owned resturants just don't want white people working their period... A) because Japanese are racist elitist fuckers anyway and B) for the same reasons as the white owners.

So I'm religated to the lowest rung on the ladder in these places if I am even considered in the first place because I'm not the 'authentic race'

Fuck.. current blacks at least have white people scared into being PC

>> No.6156224


What i say!! CHINA this is what you should notice!

There is one common thing to jews. No matter what and where they will work and keep on working till they gain their possition. It is "ahh this is so this world" then "ok I will work in this pich system but wait till i get myself worked to the lead" then they work and go to any shown position to gather intell "Ron Jeremy" and get promoted as things go. They keep doing ANYTHING.

I have a friend who has jew genes and does not know that. I have been secretly waching when he plays computergames. He does everything. He allways takes just a little weaker friends and when near victory he trurns and kills them too. He plays only historicall and finalfantasy games. No level of volence is a probelem. In real life he mistreats newer takes his dog to walk but once daily. Hes westerner little sister hasbeen bullied and cryes and eats herself ever fatter. Then he can call her fatty and as mother is more at home that fater and mothers stand for boys... well atleast after he gets her sister to use bad languace by behindcorner physicall.

This is how jew genes are. Everybody gets what they wnat and jews want to survive life no matter what. Other people have moral considerations of "what can I do?". I hope that morality is and important factor as jew nosed western capitals will not start thinking morlly unless they are proven it is the co-operative more efficient way of survivall. Thay cut their sons penises to make them grow longer unpressed by skin at youn age and become incensitive to keep women better.

BTW the sexually nogood gays will be next by my mother and father but maby not blacks as they are easy target and good workers. I have newer heard but this same answer by these people, umm my mother is late 70s swedish athelic, only little medic related, science circles and father is hardcore communist family, currently josbless and bluecollar steelworker.. :) :)

>> No.6156227

Holy shit /jp/, you will not belive what happened to me the other day.

So my friends came over to my place, we were about to irl roleplay some touhous, and this one jackass cosplaying Alice whips out this fucking huge flask and gulps half of the thing down. I'm not sure if anyone else saw it, but things got pretty bad.

It all started innocently enough; we were having a tea party and then out of the blue, Marisa spilled his tea all over Alice's dress. It was an honest mistake, but that wouldn't matter. Alice was fucking wasted, he took a swing and caught Marisa in his lower jaw. Blood was pouring from his mouth. The rest of us watched in disbelief as Alice squated over a now barely conscious Marisa. And took a shit.

All over him.

At this point I had ran back inside, grabbed my BB Pistol (It's pretty real lookin) and hauled ass back to the tea party, everyone else had left and Marisa, now lying on the dirt, half coved in tea, half covered in leaked poop, either in shock or otherwise I was unsure. Alice jumped out of the bushes, ran towards me but just couldn't make it; for his dress was caught on a branch and he was drunk as fuck, right next to a humungous truck in a two-car garage.

Hopping out with two broken legs, trying to walk it off he said, "Fuck you too bitch, call the cops. I'ma kill you and them loud ass muthafuckin barkin dogs" and when the cops came through Me and Marisa stood next to a burnt down house; with a can full of gas and a hand full of matches and still weren't found out. Marisa never came over to my house again and that was the last time I ever saw him.

The moral of the story: Roleplaying makes you a jackass.

>> No.6156233
File: 31 KB, 320x240, 1283813693484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP starts replying to kopipe

You sad, sad, individual. You're as good as owned and left alone to die. Looks like you proved >>6156047 right already.

>> No.6156235

The more I thought about it, the more and more damp the panties had become with the sweat from my hands. Maybe I was tired and not thinking straight, but I brought the panties to my face and sniffed. They smelled mostly like detergent but they also smelt of my sister, ever so slightly. Knowing that the item I was holding in my hands had been pressed up against my sister's bare vagina turned me on somewhat, and I began to get an erection.

After noticing how damp the panties had become with sweat from my hands, I began to wonder about the things that turned my sister on to actually make her damp down there. Could she have a brother complex? No, no way. Knowing her and all the books she loves reading, she probably gets off using some of the characters the same way I get off using characters. I imagined her wrapped in a blanket on a sofa, one hand helping with the book and the other helping with her arousal. What would she look like when she climaxes? Would she just sigh? Would her face look like she was about to sneeze? Possibly she would just let out a small noise and tense up. I especially enjoyed the idea of my sister doing the last one.

Before I knew it my cock had become very hard and erect and I was holding the panties to my face trying to smell as much of her as I could while stroking my penis.

>> No.6156237

thanks op, she is hot bitch in porn, i cum so hard while hurtling through space toward a decommissioned space station. slowly, i pull my knees to my chest and close my eyes as my bowels begin to expel hundreds upon hundreds of beautiful, symmetrical turds, brown as the day is long. i laugh like a young girl as my turds drift aimlessly behind me; they are as butterflies to a child frolicking in the fields of elysium.

i approach the station's docking port, flaccid cock in hand, and prepare to float gently into its inviting confines. i extend my cockless arm jubilantly, as to celebrate the majesty and depth of space, and thank jesus christ for this ultimate gift and blessing. but suddenly, my outstretched arm collides with the outer rim of the docking port, and the trajectory of my quaggy body is violently halted.

the fates afford me barely enough time to turn my head before the turds arrive. one thousand turds, each one seemingly larger than the last. i try in vain to cleanse my eyes of the shitsting, but succeed only in smearing my own fecal matter into a fine asspaste, which slowly seeps into my eyes and nasal cavity. i inhale three hundred and twenty four S­pace Turds; my lungs are permeated completely with my own shit. i hang lax, spirit broken, defeated by poop. i will never be the same. i am forever a shit faggot.­

>> No.6156238

I still laugh at how 4chan doesn't understand what sage means.

If only I knew moon so I wouldn't have to spend time on a board that imports foreign concepts and then DOES IT WRONG all the time.

Using sage as a way to "insult" someone's post or thread is just completely wrong and a retarded misuse of a good feature that is so popular in sites like 2ch and Futaba. Fuck, iichan and 4-ch do it right. It's just 4chan and 4chan's lame knockoffs that fail at using sage.

The true meaning of sage means that YOUR POST isn't worthy enough to bump the thread. It's ironic, because you think that you're insulting others while you're just, in fact, insulting yourself. Yes, sage can be used when posting a derogatory comment in a thread that you don't want to bump, but posting with just the word "sage" accomplishes nothing but contribute to spamming the board. The trend of replying with the name of a tripfag and sage is even worse, as it accomplishes nothing and only serves to increase the e-penis of whoever you're "attacking".

The sage feature was never meant to serve as an implied insult or general disagreement! Why people started using it that way is beyond me. There are plenty of reasons why one would choose not to bump a thread with his reply. For example, bumping threads with stupid one liner replies should be discouraged and those people should be coerced into using sage instead.

I want to use sage, yet I almost never do it on 4chan because people will jump on me thinking I'm insulting their post or something.

>> No.6156240

Op here, I'm going to leave now. Several trolls and "RANDUM LOL" posters have made my thread autonomous, so now i leave you with what will no-doubt be the top thread in your board for several hours. Enjoy, omega males.

I actually am a loser, and i actually just wanted your stories.

>> No.6156241

           イ ('i, ,/            (ヽ
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        ヾ' ..,,    '; 'l,            ,/ .:' ノ'
           ゝ- .,,,   .: i!         ノ' ,:' ''",フ
       ,,-'', ',,,..    .:' /'       ''",,::'   "つ
         `ツ、,,ー- .:' (,,,,,/⌒ヽγ´ ''"ヾ、  彡'
          ''-彡,,  ':,  .( ^ω^). ヽ、,,_,,ノ'⌒   /JP/HOENIX!!!
            ,彡'   |    / ' ゙" '-=-'"
            ノ., "シ ( ヽノ   ,,_,,,ミ^ヾ
              "''ツ' ノ>ノ ヽ''ヽ)

>> No.6156245

You failed at convincing people to tell stories.

This is not our fault. It is your fault.

Deal with it. Try again tomorrow.

>> No.6156248

>I actually am a loser
You're also owned.

>> No.6156249

I pul my dik out of ur as and it dreps cum. I watc the pudle of cum mix w/ the taers that ur bledin on the flour I walk away as your but bleeds tears and poo I stand behind my castle of dbz vhs tapes and I have a boner buttowned. you r the hurt of ur butt own is my body adn tears is ur blod I hvae creatid over a thosand macros unknown ot speling or knwon to autism you have withstod mad ot create many farts yet those gays will never range any butt except urs lmao so a pul my dik out of ur as unlimited own works. youve just been HURT FEELINGS AND BUTT RANGED go drink ur moms bredt milk you fart commander I bet you hav a fetish FOR MEN LMAO ur just so made all the time its 2 easy 23 own you "i lik to drnikj sperm from my sperm bottle while waring my sperm necklace" - you

He’s running away ww

>> No.6156250

No, but then again the kids who bullied me now lead shit lives. That and the kids who did it were cowards, when I made friends with a group of people all of a sudden they wanted nothing to do with me because the odds were to even. Now they take drugs, one was permanently injured in a fight and ones dead.

>> No.6156254
File: 47 KB, 336x425, 7854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Try being more polite.

A better idea occurs: try blending in. Example:

/jp/, my life's taken a severe turn for the worse recently. One of my parents died and I've come to terms with how worthless my life is. Never had any friends, family never cared much, etc, etc. Anyone else have some stories as to how they got where they are?

>> No.6156275

If you seriously did intend that, even now you're posting in a way that would invite trolling.
why can't you be nice?

>> No.6156298

Now, I was always up for new things, but this had to have been one of the more unusual things I ever did. I'm usually in my bed at that time and getting ready or trying to go to sleep. It was 6 AM.

Instead, I was masturbating with a pair of my sister's panties while imagining her masturbating. I think the fact that I knew her and her habits turned me on more. I knew what she sounded like. I knew what she smelt like. I knew her favorite color, favorite food, favorite song, ect. This made it much more arousing and appealing than a simple character I'd lusted over before in the past. This was something I could really get hooked on.

When I next opened my eyes, the clock said 6:53 AM and my sister's alarm clock was set to go off at 7:00 for school. I knew what I wanted to do - I wanted to go in there and ejaculate on her.

I got up out of bed, light headed and delusional from lack of sleep and masturbation, and made my way down the hall to my sister's room. I walked right in and figured I'd make this as fast as I could.

I started masturbating but being the curious type, I wondered if she had any panties that actually hadn't been washed yet. I turned around and saw a pile of clothes on the ground so I walked over to them and started rumaging through her dirty clothes. Socks, shirts, skirts, pants, everything seemed to be there besides panties. Digging deeper, I finally found a pair. I immediately brought them to my face and inhaled the scent. It smelled just like my sister. The kinkiness of it all was just too much for me. I started ejaculating all over the pile of her clothes and fell backwards to rest for a bit.

>> No.6156300


>so now i leave you with what will no-doubt be the top thread in your board for several hours

And it immediately drops off the front page.

I fucking love you, /jp/.

>> No.6156302
File: 88 KB, 567x425, 1272424766739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha look at the faggot OP, he's thread is already bumped off the frontpage guess thats expected from a fart commander like him

>> No.6156312

I'm telling a story. It's not true, but it's a story in my mind.


>> No.6156313

Hey, OP

hey, hey OP

That post is for you.

Check >>6156047
see the crying, butt-bleeding faggot at the end?
That's YOU.

>> No.6156314


I'm not even sure if i was trying to stir up shit, i like trolling, but i also like hearing people's stories, so maybe it was both.

>> No.6156321
File: 20 KB, 205x174, clown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw OP got adicted to bein analy buttraped

>> No.6156323

Just bumpin', Deal with it.

>> No.6156331

So it took all of 5 minutes for your thread to fall off.
You can stop crying now.

>> No.6156333
File: 236 KB, 800x800, 1296908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Whatever you may have intended, you triggered the defense system. There will be no regrets.

>> No.6156336
File: 9 KB, 300x220, tissues.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guis i'm leaving coz i'm butthurt
>haha your butthurt

Stop embarrassing yourself OP, you're ass is still bleeding

>> No.6156337

>one man fights a city of weaboos in Clint Eastwood's latest action packed movie: The greatest of the Worst

Deal with my bumps.

>> No.6156350
File: 114 KB, 600x518, 1281783008724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Op here, I'm going to leave now. Several trolls and "RANDUM LOL" posters have made my thread autonomous, so now i leave you with what will no-doubt be the top thread in your board for several hours. Enjoy, omega males.

Oh, wow, you' just went like, beyond OMEGA
Ok, keep bumping brah, you only make us harder with every butthurt post.

>> No.6156351

At precisely 11:59 PM GMT, I press "play" on my sound system, a CD containing a masterful rendition of Wagner's "Ride of the Valkyries" prepares to play at ear-shattering volumes. I strip the glove quickly before the CD begins, throwing it hastily out of sight. Should I fail to throw it far enough, I must stop the CD player before the pre-arranged five second silence is finished. That day, there will be no pleasure.

Should the glove be out of sight and out of mind, all is well. I sit back, and let the vibrations of sound finish the job. I stare at the only image that has yet fulfilled my criteria for arousal, and a glorious geyser of semen erupts from my penis, splattering every which way in the room. I sit in a half-conscious daze of joy for nearly half an hour before I prepare for the hour-long task of cleansing my computer room once again.

Even as I finish up, I hear the fading whispers in my delusional mind from the image which I stare at so deeply.

Now if you'll pardon me, I shall take my leave and indulge myself in delicious pudding confectionaries before it is time for self-pleasure.

>> No.6156353


>> No.6156358

>10 years later, OP is still mad

>> No.6156360

I am the dregs of the bottom of the gene-pool, but.... I feel the floor beneath my feet, at long last. I cannot fall any farther, not without becoming a weaboo anyway.

>> No.6156361
File: 131 KB, 531x379, 1283604242114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Op here, I'm going to leave now.

Cry more, OP

>> No.6156368
File: 14 KB, 231x245, 1284418976624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he think anyone here is a weeaboo
Full retard

>> No.6156371

That is, that's what I would have been doing, if my sister's alarm clock hadn't turned itself on and woken my sister. I had actually heard a beeping sound, but I guess it didn't phase me in that state. I have no idea how long my sister had been watching me search through her dirty clothes and ejaculate while sniffing a pair of her dirty panties. What if she had woken up early and noticed me masturbating over her? Things were going to turn out bad.

"Please get out or I'm going to tell mom", she told me in a monotonous voice. I complied. I dropped her panties and walked back in to my room. I felt like shit. What kind of pervert masturbates over his own little sister? Worse off, would she tell our parents anyway? What would happen if she did? I never liked talking with other relatives so I would definitely have no where to go in the case of being kicked out.

>> No.6156373

yes friend, help me keep on page one. I believe firmly EVERYONE on this board is a troll, or my thread with it's low bump rate would have died already.

>> No.6156376

All kinds of thoughts rushed through my brain as I lay awake in bed, the dim morning light barely piercing the shutters to my room. I heard someone walking down the hall. Was it my parents? No, this sounded lighter. The dog? No, there was no clanging of its collar. I got up and walked to the door, ready to face whatever or whoever it was. After some time, I heard something at the bottom of the door so I looked down to see what it was. When my eyes went down, I had no idea how to respond. It was a pair of my sister's panties. She must have came down the hall and put a pair under the door crack. I left them there, traumatized by panties, and walked back to my bed and sat down. I wanted nothing to do with panties anymore. I wanted nothing to do with my sister anymore. I laid back and closed my eyes, readying myself for sleep.

When I awoke, something soft was in my hands. In some kind of dozing stupor, I must have picked them up when I got up to go to the bathroom. Ever so slowly, I brought them to my face and inhaled the scent. Much stronger smelling than the ones I had found with my laundry originally. I inhaled again. The scent of my sister. I feel asleep like that, with her panties to my face. Maybe I did want something to do with my sister and her panties afterall.

>> No.6156379

First, I do a cross-check between visual stimulation, byte size, appearance in greyscale and negative, and of course, the 4chan timestamp.

At which time, if these criteria prove to be sufficiently arousing, I save the picture. At 11:30 PM GMT each day, I load the most appropriate image within my folder, and prepare to fap.

However, the way I fap is not the same as the way most people fap. I habitually have a boner at this point in time already. At this point, if the temperature is not already a smooth 72 degrees Fahrenheit, I adjust the thermostat accordingly. I then replace my regular computer chair with my leather fap-chair. Sitting in this chair, naked as the say I burst forth into this world screaming from the forehead of Zeus, I prepare for action. By the time I am comfortable and set, it is 11:40 pm GMT.

Then, I proceed to stare at the appropriate image for five minutes, tensing my crotchular muscles. This moves my boner to the "raging" status. At this point, I proceed to don a single white glove and begin to stroke. This, I perform for the next fourteen minutes.

>> No.6156380

How exactly am I keeping you at page one? You are the one butthurtedly bumping your own thread.

>> No.6156382

jesus, type faster dude.
Or if this is a bot, bot faster.

>> No.6156390

>two omega males dominating a board on the fastest forum in existence
How dude?

>> No.6156395

I finished it in

I don't think it's bad for something written on the fly with no editing. I could see myself writing more stories.

>> No.6156400

You are the only omega male in here.

>> No.6156402

Sorry, I thought this was copypasta. No wonder you were posting it so slowly. So how old is the sister in this supposed to be? Because she sounds like 14 at best, I can't get off unless she's under 12. Would be much better if you talked about what a small and good girl she is and how on top of it being incest you're a fucking pedo.

>> No.6156404


Please, please do.

Grab a pen name, find an upload site, take a night off and write your teeth out.

>> No.6156406

It was pretty good dude, you should write more.
Mind telling me how you became socially ostracized, if you are so?
My thread will be alive for quite awhile, and you can sage when you tell me anyway, if you don't want to contribute.

>> No.6156414

>on /jfuckingp/
>claims I'm the only omega male in this thread
Dream on man.

>> No.6156423
File: 38 KB, 380x240, 1279843881668.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6156428


/jp/ is sort of a theta-male hive.

We cut ourselves out from society, and hold no illusions about ourselves. We hold very little relationships and see very, very little value in having them, though we might still desire them.

Why theta? Theta is an AWESOME letter.

>> No.6156429

You know any of us personally? Probably not, but you would if you stopped being a basement-dweller and started going outside and talk to people like the rest of us, you know, instead of going to random boards and trolling yourself.

>> No.6156436

I dunno, not that old. Not too young either. Maybe she's a bit of an underdeveloped lanky and clumsy preteen or perhaps early teenage girl with little or no friends, so she reads a lot to fill the gap in her life with fictional characters and/or friends.

I just like being alone. Nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.6156441

Andrew was scared, unsure how it would react to him.
He was after all the first male the creature bred and raised by Aphrodite incorporated had ever encountered, and even if he was extremely feminine, it might kill him offhandedly for simply possessing a penis.
It was, after all, a creature bred to service women.

Should i continue, or just go back to mindlessly bumping my own thread?

>> No.6156452

>implying the men on this board are ronery because they choose to be, and wouldn't fuck the first woman to show them interest
>or even the first male to do so.

>> No.6156456

Eh. I don't see it. Early teenage girl yes, preteen no. The guy would give her age some kind of mention if she was that young. It feels exclusively "she's my fucking sister" rather than "she's fucking 10"

>> No.6156460


Actually yes.

Most people on /jp/, I'd wager, wouldn't be able to get it up with someone. They might dream of doing so, they might want to do so, but I imagine getting so close to someone real would upset them too much to hold their arousal.

>> No.6156461

so into this bro

>> No.6156466

14 sounds right, maybe 13 at the earliest. It's still pretty young.

>> No.6156470

>This Thread.
What is this i don't even

>> No.6156474

Please for the love of god, 13 then. Personally, I would have nothing to do with the panties of a 14 year old girl. After 12-13 things like that start to get disgusting for me.

>> No.6156478

Should i go formless mass of warm oily tentacles or some sort of insectoid egg injecting thingie?

>> No.6156480

Some guy came here thinking to troll, got anally raped, and now he's crying and licking his wounds while a bunch of pedophiles are taking over.

Also, go away.

>> No.6156483
File: 421 KB, 567x800, 1278845423841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


To hell with your neurotic obsession, any age is fine so long as she's cute.

>> No.6156486

It started as a chance for sharing, turned into a self-depreciating collection of idiots and turned into a orgy of men on computers. I love it.

>> No.6156487

>implying the men on this board are ronery because they choose to be, and wouldn't fuck the first woman to show them interest
See, this is what ALPHA AS FUCK people always desperately want to be the truth. They cannot handle it at all when there's a male who has no contact with women at all, but doesn't want to, and isn't gay. They always want to assert their superiority, so the idea that these gay nerds don't even want to be with a real woman really rubs them the wrong way. They try to re-assert their position by calling them bitter virgins who would jump at the first woman who gave them the time of day, but no woman ever would. After all, you don't feel superior when other people don't acknowledge you as such. So these people absolutely need others to be jealous of the women they get.

I pity those people. Being with those disgusting women, centering their lives around the very pursuit of them. And they can't fathom that pity, they can't believe it in the slightest, they think I simply must be seething with jealously with every fiber of my being. And that makes me pity them all the more.

>> No.6156491

I wonder why /jp/ always seems to attract so many bullies.
It's almost like real life.

>> No.6156494

> my face when I'm actually one of the pedophiles
I'm still here dude, and if you want, i would still love to hear your story. I'm collection them in a journal.
I like people, they fascinate me.

>> No.6156495
File: 200 KB, 595x475, Autist_reaction8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6156496

>This thread.

I love you JP.

>> No.6156498

Those men do not exist. Any men claiming to be so are usually just men who have given up hope.

>> No.6156500

My theory in action. You just can't believe it. You are incapable of it.

>> No.6156501

Welcome, OP.

Welcome to /jp/.

The land of the true kings.

>> No.6156505

Oh yeah, I forgot to add that you're still trying to convince us that you managed to keep your anal virginity.

>> No.6156507

You know, after this threads start i was really starting to lose hope in this board, but then this

cool motherfucker breezed in and saved it from the idorts who rushed in to sage meaninglessly, maybe you're not so bad guys. Better than /a/, anyway.

>> No.6156509
File: 57 KB, 600x340, Autist_reaction7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6156510
File: 277 KB, 408x600, 1281781748041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I especially like how he thought this thread would stay bumped if he didn't feed us with his butthurt.

OP, you are so easy to break.

>> No.6156512

>go to a board consisting 90% of pictures of scantily clad animu girls
>guy claims the men on this board are bad-ass loners who don't like women
Dude, just give up.

>> No.6156516
File: 44 KB, 600x450, 1284387852329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I'm not butthurt guys, honestly, I'm not

>> No.6156521
File: 98 KB, 453x302, Sanae_knows.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>simulacrum noodles

>> No.6156522

>my face when 90% of posts are hoping something has gone into my ass
At this point this thread has become one huge Freudian slip.

>> No.6156523

There's an obvious flaw in that argument. Can you spot it? I think you knew it already, but you decided to post anyway.

>> No.6156525
File: 59 KB, 516x443, 1283803894663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks we would prefer 3D pigs to superior 2D


Sorry about your shit taste brah.

>> No.6156527
File: 296 KB, 800x600, 1275927022705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>can't accept that 2D is superior

>> No.6156529

Ah, i called you men. My bad. Boys.

>> No.6156530

So you can be good every once in a while /jp/.

>> No.6156531

There is a key difference between the two that you should be able to solve.

But you can't, because of the reasons stated in my theory.
Addendum: people who are not ALPHA AS FUCK but want to be can also fall into this way of thinking, because they want the effort they put forward to be ALPHA AS FUCK to be valued. They may view themselves as equal as the people they are trying to insult, but they believe they will be able to rise past them one day.
Many women also think this way, because they want their bodies to be valuable. A woman's "well you won't get with me or any other girl loser" should be a very powerful thing, but if the target has no care for real women, it really sucks for her.

>> No.6156533

From start to finish, this thread is a piece of shit that should not have come out of there.

>> No.6156538

calm down guys, i like 3d and 2d. I'm just saying, we're all losers here, and it's best not to pretend.

>> No.6156541
File: 36 KB, 478x359, 1281347832839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not our fault you have a fetish for men.

>> No.6156542
File: 15 KB, 250x250, Orly_tim2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Your pea brain simply cannot understand what superstimulus is nor how or why we laugh at people like you.

>> No.6156543

This pic, so much truth. Perfect depiction of this thread.

>> No.6156545
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>> No.6156547
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No, you are clearly a "loser" of a much lower order. The land of kings is not for you, little one.

>> No.6156552

It's amusing how this aspie samefagged his thread to 150 posts.

>> No.6156553

You're the loser who keeps backpedaling for attention .

>> No.6156557

Man, other than the weaboo shit, i think i can relate with all the obvious losers on this board. Maybe my next thread will start more nicely, so we can all have a civil discussion. I'll be working on my story in the mean time, I think I'll go with insectoid egg injectors, tentacles are too common.

>> No.6156558
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>> No.6156560

I find that insulting. I am not OP.

>> No.6156565
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>> No.6156566

It's quickly becoming my greatest creation on 4chan, I'm sad we didn't get many stories though. That really is what i wanted at first. Mostly.

>> No.6156568

Insectoid egg injectors are too common too. Use something more fresh, and make it more /jp/ than /d/ material.

>> No.6156573
File: 59 KB, 704x396, Miyalol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>attempting to compromise and make an attempt at a graceful exit
>totally obvious that the board dicked with him the entire time and had fun with it

Our janitor (Meido) is around to protect people like you from us, not the other way around. Apparently she's still asleep.

>> No.6156574

Damn, I'm the king of small gets.
I'm like a blind man in the land of the blind, and the dude who made the incest story is our one eyed king.
Let's call him grummsh.

>> No.6156579
File: 1.06 MB, 258x320, 1283606970953.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw op is still sticking around for more

>> No.6156581

maybe a swarm of bacteria that create sexual appendages on the hosts' own body? i don't think I've ever read a story with that exact plot.

>> No.6156588

>you guys are fucking retards

No, sonny, you are the losers. You still have no idea about us. You can't even relate to us, you're just like a loser who tries to get close to the cool kids and keeps getting bumped off, then brags about how close he got to them.

>> No.6156591

Man, you guys sure have been hurting me. 160 posts, page one, and still no stories. I guess you are all winning actually, since i came here for stories.

>> No.6156592

Stop bumping these shit threads you newfags.

>> No.6156595

Is there a video sauce of this?

>> No.6156596

I find it funny how there are people who didn't know that numbers exist, or something like that.
Treating every single instance of double digits at the end of a post number as something that's impossible to happen is just... wow. I don't even know how to explain.

>> No.6156599

Bumping to spite the gaiafag that says newfag.

>> No.6156602

>hey guys, we're all losers here, let's share our stories
and here comes you:
See, i can imply things you didn't say just as easily as you.

>> No.6156603
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>> No.6156608

Maybe because it becomes boring after you realize it's just the same old futa or whatever. What about a nice story about a good girl? The challenge is making her as good as good can be be, but still having her be engaging in sexual conduct.

>> No.6156609

Man, are you insane? Go to /d/ if you want futa, I'm ashamed of what my favorite board has become. One spammer even more obnoxious than me has been raping it for a year or so now...

>> No.6156610
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No but here's it without the marks.

It's from an artist who likes 3DCG and futa-Cirno.

>> No.6156612

This is why I love /jp/.

>> No.6156613
File: 294 KB, 580x620, 2002250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/d/ has no direction.

I want Touhous impregnating touhous.

>> No.6156616

Guys, I'm watching dawn of the dead, the original. I just heard part of the song in the Gorillaz album: Demon Days, the song "intro".
Just felt like sharing that with you guys.

>> No.6156621
File: 46 KB, 1153x710, the king.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the king of peepee

>> No.6156623

me again, yes i know dawn of the dead was around first, I'm saying i found where it came from.

>> No.6156628

Aww, I came here for stories and got a small and personal OC picture, thanks man. I'll keep it for use as a photo when i make new you-tube accounts, since i delete their goddamn cookies weekly.

>> No.6156633

Please add a period to the end of the sentence, as i did.

>> No.6156638
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>I'm special

Yes, yes you are. You are a unique snowflake.

>> No.6156641

spammin' it up.
You guys should just do something constructive with this shitty thread, it'll be around until it auto-sages.

>> No.6156644

We're still implying things no one said? ok.
>I like stephen colbert, because he's, you know, OBSCURE.
You hipster, you should be ashamed of yourself.

>> No.6156654

Oh shit, sorry guys, I've got to go. My fucking torrent has finally finished, 70 gigabytes of assorted shit, here we come!
Goodnight guys, not all of you are bad people.

Politely saging my own thread.

>> No.6156661

OP is over in the corner laughing awkwardly while he tries to grasp what is going on.

>> No.6156664
File: 29 KB, 330x248, ownedforlifenoob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget to wipe all that blood your ass has spilled on your way out.

>> No.6156668

Bump for OP

>> No.6156671

ok, can anyone please sum this thread in ~50 words? it's too long to read the whole thing

>> No.6156672

see >>6156047

>> No.6156674


Troll tries to troll trollville

Troll horde rapes him

He backpedals and claims he wasn't trolling

Trollhorde giggles

>> No.6156675


I can relate to this.

Original DoD is also sampled in Panzer AG - Battlefield.

>> No.6156699

reading this while thread made my ass hurt. so much butthurt from screaming sagers, all at one douchebag who made a thread we've seen ten thousand times before. For shame /jp/

>> No.6156701


Oh hello OP

>> No.6156705

This is what /jp/'s autists actually believe, where actually is just people so mad at shitposting they shitpost as a form "vengeance".
For a board that likes to proclaim it's the last bastion against underaged bullshit, you sure do like to spout things that would make a /b/tard embarassed.

>> No.6156710


Yes, we get it OP.

>> No.6156713

i bet u have a fetish

>> No.6156717


Stop trolling OP

>> No.6156725

Rather than a last bastion against underage bullshit, I like to think /jp/ is a last bastion against normalfaggotry. There are the idolfags, but they keep to their own threads. There are normalfags, but I'm pretty sure /jp/ is the board that frowns on it the most. Now if you were on /b/, you'd be thrown out for not being a disgusting normalfag while they all fapped to scene girls and beautiful goddess camwhores.

>> No.6156730

Yes, this thread is bullshit. Isn't it autosage yet?

>> No.6156734

Have you ever heard of cytotoxic T cells? The OWN works work the same way.

>> No.6156735

/jp/ - where people obsessing and having delusions over constructed images of singers is thought of as "normalfagging"

>> No.6156741


I like the idolfags for one.
There everlasting thread brings me an inner peace that I would otherwise lack in the to and fro my NEEThood provides.

>> No.6156742

Oh excuse me, Idolfags are not normalfags. Even in Japan, fapping to Morning Musume is as otaku (with the bad definition of the word) as it gets.

>> No.6156743


Well, yeah.

I mean, they're 3D.

>> No.6156744

Normalfags come in all kinds, but at the end of the day if they love real women they're still normalfags. Every normalfag probably worships some woman the same way the idolfags worship their idols. Whether it be his girlfriend, his wife, some actor, some bullshit.

>> No.6156756

Hm, it seems I've made a spelling error.

>> No.6156757

Uh, no it doesn't work that way. Mainly because normalfags don't "worship". To some of them, women are people, to others they are bitches they have to fuck, but none of them "idolizes" women.
I know, for I have met real normalfags, people who seem so average you can't believe they have nothing hidden in their closet.

>> No.6156764

Okay. But that was kind of just like an extra justification to what I'm saying. When it comes down to it, I don't care if someone is the most eccentric person you've ever met. If they like real women, they're a normalfag.

>> No.6156767

What are you doing that would bring you into contact with normalfags?
Get out OP.

>> No.6156780

Maybe he is a horrible normalfag student or maybe he even has had a job!

>> No.6156781

I'm not OP, as I am not a loser. OP has probably drifted off to the ownzone by now.

But don't tell me you have never even contacted normalfags, even out of necessity, before? I can still remember a guy from highschool who has the very definition of normalfag: played soccer, lots of friends, popular with he females, academically a bit above average. Plus he was friendly and approachable as fuck. Very moe, overall. And he didn't idolize women, it was more like women idolized him.

>> No.6156802

> I can still remember a guy from highschool who has the very definition of normalfag: played soccer, lots of friends, popular with he females, academically a bit above average. Plus he was friendly and approachable as fuck. Very moe, overall.
>Very moe, overall.
Moe doesn't exist in 3D. Get out, normalfag.

>> No.6156820

>Moe doesn't exist in 3D
This (and all the 3D PIG DISGUSTING-crap) really is only true if you think about what the said 3D creature thinks. Or look really closely at all the things that are disgusting about humans. I guess "normalfags" lack the ability to think about the negative things.

>> No.6156826
File: 10 KB, 291x269, smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh really?

>> No.6156828


Really. That's not moe at all.

>> No.6156835

Kisama, you take that back.

>> No.6156836

>267 posts
oh deer

>> No.6156841


No, I refuse. An ugly ape-spawn is not moe.

>> No.6156852

Not moe.

You don't know what moe is, normalfag.

>> No.6156860
File: 105 KB, 450x360, no you didn't.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to fuck your shit up

>> No.6156864
File: 53 KB, 660x710, 1269401591968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what down syndrome looks like.
3D is flawed form the get go.
2D master race reporting in.

>> No.6156867


Nope. Still hideous.

>> No.6156896

why is this thread so damn long

>> No.6156928


Because its the best thread on /jp/

>> No.6156938

>270 posts and 54 image replies omitted

Why is trolling /jp/ so easy recently?

>> No.6156940

Oh look. OP is back.

>> No.6156946

Would you please read
Not this reply in itself but
Each line's first letter?

>> No.6156949


We all know that you are OP.
You bump the thread, then sage and say OP is back.
You can't fool me you asshole

>> No.6156955

More like you are owned for thinking that I'm OP.
I'm just a random bypasser who stopped to observe /jp/'s traffic accident

>> No.6156959

Oh, don't worry, OP. Next time, we'll be sure to remember to use a condom.

>> No.6156963

I am the OP

>> No.6156968

I am OP.

>> No.6156964

I'm OP

>> No.6156971

OP is OP
Nerf OP

>> No.6156973

No, no, no, I am OP.
