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File: 28 KB, 432x412, NEET Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6150953 No.6150953 [Reply] [Original]

How many of you still look for jobs but then decide to browse /jp/ and remain a NEET? It just happened to me. Again.

>> No.6150964
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How many of you are actually looking for a job but there's no jobs avalible and you have to go back to browse /jp/ again?

It just happens to me. Day after day,

>> No.6150978

I used to go and ask if jobs were available in person but sometimes I'd get laughed at because of my retarded NEET voice so I did it less and less and eventually stopped completely.

I wish there were normal jobs for people like me, like counting nails or something.

>> No.6150982

How many of you study but when therre's no studying to study you resume browsing /jp/ again?

Happened to me, again.

>> No.6150984

I really don't know how people have a hard time getting jobs. Every job I've applied for I've gotten.

>> No.6150988

I did this when a couple years back too. I never got laughed at or made fun of when I was still in the store but I had a feeling they wanted to.

>> No.6150998

There's always more studying to study. Get back to studying.

>> No.6151009

>retarded NEET voice
What the hell does being NEET have to do with your voice? Mine registers barely higher than someone like Morgan Freeman, and I havent left the house in years.

>> No.6151022 [DELETED] 

How many of you watch anime or other forms of media then pause in the middle and find yourself on /jp/ again, for hours?

>> No.6151025

Do you like your deep voice? I dislike mine. I think it's too deep and it sounds like I have some kind of cancer. I've had people tell me that because I don't speak much, when I do speak it seems somewhat stronger and more direct.

I wish I had a normal voice.

>> No.6151028

well obviously, I wish I was the little girl, but being a white Morgan Freeman isn't too far below on my list.

It kinds of sucks talking to old people though, they can't hear low register voices for shit.

>> No.6151031

The thing with the old people is the worst. I know exactly what you're talking about.

>> No.6151042

I hated my deep voice when I was near the end of elementary school. Everyone would always look at me when the sex education teacher started to list the effects of puberty on boys. EVERYONE.

>> No.6151046

I wish I were Morgan Freeman being the little girl.

>> No.6151050

Old people can't hear anyone worth shit.

>> No.6151051

I wish I were the little girl being done by Morgan Freeman.

>> No.6151053

Thinking of this, when we were being told that at the end of puberty you would produce semen, I was already ejaculating at that age. Anyone else? Is that normal? It was in 6th grade, so I was about 11-12. That sounds about normal.

>> No.6151056

Same for me. I started looking at porn on my amazing dial up connection around the same time too.

>> No.6151058

I apply for jobs and then get nervous about what to do in the event I'm actually called for an interview.

>> No.6151063

I sometimes chicken out right before I enter the building where the interview is. I feel horrible when I get home if I didn't go through with the interview. Then I get paranoid because I think they may call asking why I didn't show. They never call back though.

>> No.6151068 [DELETED] 

I've done this. Nice to know other people have done it too.

... now if only there was some sort of support group for this crippling disability that afflicts us

>> No.6151071
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Good thing they never call back then...

They never call back, right? It's not just me?

>> No.6151082

I had to go for a group interview at Wal-mart about a week ago.

>> No.6151083

That would do wonders. I'm pretty sure a lot of us would make it through the interview if we had someone to encourage us.

>> No.6151085

Never applied for a job, and never plan to.

Living the dream.

>> No.6151091

Group interviews are the worst. I had one for Chapters and when I heard my competition's work experience I KNEW I wouldn't get the job. It's like they called me in just in case the person they wanted to hire declines the offer.

I hope at least your interview wasn't complete shit like mine.

>> No.6151098

Nah, it wasn't too bad. the 'speed interview' part was a bit nerve racking though. But they're opening a new store so I'm sure they were hiring everyone.

>> No.6151118

Group interviews for Wal-Mart. haha

I'm glad I quit them when I did 5 years ago.

>> No.6151122

It depends where you live. I have applied for jobs in New York City and was hired on the spot, first choice.

When I moved out to Oregon I had to fight for a part-time fast food job. It's really sad.

>> No.6151126

One of my internet friends had a similar situation. He had to fight for a job at McDonalds when he moved to his new area. It was a graveyard shift too.

>> No.6151131

Fuck yeah oregon. Where are you at bro?

>> No.6151130

I had a one on one interview but the guy doing the interview was really nice. The worst part though was when he asked me stuff about when I was a role model for someone and things like that. Obviously sitting in front of a computer all day doesn't afford many chances to be a role model so I had to make shit up. Either it worked or he didn't care because I got hired anyway.

>> No.6151134 [DELETED] 

Take your disgusting regionalism to /int/.

>> No.6151133

My recent job interview lasted for 40 seconds. I had a feeling the moment the manager saw me he didn't want to hire me. It's like he just interviewed me really quickly to get it over with. When he asked me what my hobbies I froze up and said "Uh, I....I just sit at home all day, nothing much". Then he asked me if I've ever done volunteer work or clubs, etc. and I said no to all of them. I guess he found out I was anti-social then cut it off short. Not being able to look at his eyes didn't help.

Since I keep getting turned down from jobs, my dad is forcing me to do volunteer work instead. I don't want to work for free but I have no other choices at this point.

>> No.6151135

Eugene area. Worst town for 500 miles.

>> No.6151139
File: 179 KB, 350x197, 1268007245289.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn that sucks. Could be worse though, like in Amity or one of those hick towns.
Salem area here.

>> No.6151172
File: 8 KB, 400x259, facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...or you could just get your asperger diagnosis an leech off the government

>> No.6151185

Sounds like you need to get some distance from your parents.

>> No.6151193

I don't see how he can if he doesn't have a job.

>> No.6151219

Now a days I search on the net opposed to going out and wasting paper. I actually find interviews now but all has failed, I can tell if some one is not interested or just playing along with eye contact.
I am thinking of getting into the trade industry but there is about bunch of crap that they want for requirements.

>> No.6151233
File: 46 KB, 382x555, 1284503028029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember handing in my first resume
They basically told me to fuck off

>> No.6151237

Tried to get work as a cashier, they said to work on my speaking voice. I have a loud monotone ;_;

>> No.6151242

I speak loudly too, but that's because I'm hard of hearing. I work as a cashier so I figure that's a bonus so the customers can understand me better.

>> No.6151244

At least you don't have an extremely quiet, stuttery, shaky voice like I do.

>> No.6151253

I can't believe the way adults behave sometimes, why is it so hard for potential employers to treat NEETs and normalfags alike with respect? I thought the whole "don't judge people" deal is something you learn in pre-school. It's not like they're coming to rob the fucking place, they just want a job.

>> No.6151260

Yeah, but if anon can barely ask for directions to the bathroom without shitting himself then he's not going to be very useful in any job that requires him to be sentient at the very least.

>> No.6151263

That's life, deal with it.
They need someone who can get the job done so they can make money, not some pathetic hikki with horrible anxiety that cannot look anyone in the eyes.

>> No.6151266

Is it too much to ask for to get a normal employee that I can hold a friendly conversation with?

>> No.6151267
File: 39 KB, 400x300, 1281607686220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6151294

>Implying jobs in this economy are possible unless you have connections

>> No.6151309

...Thats quite a fucked up perspective you have.

>> No.6151322

sadly this

>> No.6151323

They hire people so that those people will do work for them, not to "give them a job". If a business hired everyone who walked in off the street they'd go under in months.

>> No.6151332

Most of what you learn about society these days are huge fucking lies. Every ideology, attempt at social engineering, and common moral values. Everything like that which requires actual people to put it into practice is doomed to lead to a huge cluster fuck.

Try looking at the situation realistically. Everybody needs something, is looking for someone to fill a certain role. Pick your desired field/market and present yourself as an unmissable vital asset.

If you're looking for a job in customer service, or anything dealing with lots of people and you can't conduct yourself as at least moderately confident then you're either an idiot or looking for charity.

>> No.6151334

I'm still in uni so I don't have to worry about getting a real job for a couple of years...And when that time comes I think I'll just go for a PHD.

>> No.6151337

Unfortunately, this is the dark side of capitalism. If you don't work, you can't eat, and the government doesn't give a fuck because we shipped all our jobs overseas.

>> No.6151339

What will you do after that?

>> No.6151354

Dunno...I could probably get a job as a researcher at the uni. Honestly I just don't see myself functioning very well while holding an actual job.
