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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6149563 No.6149563 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of /jp/ related dreams have you had?

I had a dream where I was married to Kaguya and we were living a happy NEET lifestyle together, until Eirin, Reisen, and my mother tried to stage an intervention and harass us into getting jobs and doing something with our lives.

Eirin tried to bribe me with all kinds of potions and elixers so in the end we just opened up a distribution company and hired people to run it and continued to do nothing except act as company figureheads.

>> No.6149571

I don't dream. Not since the storm anyway.

>> No.6149584

Last time I dreamt I could shit eggs. Next morning I jumped out my celling and broke my cox.

>> No.6149586

I had a dream last night where me and Gilgamesh went around fighting giant laser shooting scorpions in an effort to find some rope that could pull something or other out of a well.

>> No.6149596

>lol NEET XD

>> No.6149599

But what was in the well?

Did he constantly call you "mongrel" and "plebian" or other such terms?

>> No.6149604
File: 178 KB, 1464x1350, 4f1c2e78f72de2d1849dc8666c6bdde1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't dream

>> No.6149606

I tend to remember dreams only if they're nightmares and even then I forget them after a few minutes.

>> No.6149613
File: 56 KB, 900x700, tosyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

 don't dream

>> No.6149614

>Did he constantly call you "mongrel" and "plebian" or other such terms?
Yes, along with other terms of derision. As for what was in the well, I can't remember.

>> No.6149636


you dream emo faggots
look into some fucking pineal glands, or DMT you whiney manchildren

>> No.6149637

How much mana supplying was there in that dream?

>> No.6149644


>> No.6149651

You dream of walking through the cool night air. Your body cries for blood, having not fed for days. Weakly, you stumble to a small pool. As you bend down to it, you see that it is not water in the pool, but warm, fresh blood, steam rising off of it. You lower your head to drink, but cannot open your mouth. As you realize in horror that your lips have been sewn shut, a pair of cold, white hands reach out from the pool and draw you under.

>> No.6149652

I usually dream people love me.
Not very /jp/ related I guess.

>> No.6149654

They dream. They just don't remember their dreams. So they may as well not dream.

>> No.6149655

I've had dreams where I'm posting on /jp/; pretty boring.

>> No.6149658

Dreamt I was fishing with Chen.

>> No.6149661

did you cook them for her?

>> No.6149662

>They dream
>They don't dream


Of course they dream, and they will record their dreams if they try hard to remember them right after waking up and thinking about remembering their dreams when they are awake. You guys should follow these 2 tips if you can't remember your dreams, just focus on remembering it, put this thought in your mind.

>> No.6149667

No, it was real Gilgamesh, not servant Gil.

>> No.6149671


I don't want to remember. That would be to cruel.

>> No.6149675


Don't know. The only part I remember was that I was fishing with Chen... I know I was talking to her but I can't remember what we were talking about. The rest was probably abstract shit like most of the time.

>> No.6149684

I think I've dreamt about /jp/ as well.

>> No.6149699

I had a dream where Jamaican clowns were throwing razor blades at me and I had to block them with an electric fan.

I had another where I saw a gerbil on the ground. It started huffing insanely loud noises then I turned away running, looked back, and it charged towards me with its legs moving so fast it was a blur. It got into my shirt from the top and it started chewing on my spine.

I woke up when I felt the chewing.

Is this a sign that Tewi is teething?

>> No.6149698

I had dreams about /jp/ several times already. But they always were about having a good time in /jp/.

>> No.6149703

> I had a dream where Jamaican clowns were throwing razor blades at me and I had to block them with an electric fan.

Best dream ever

>> No.6149718

Speak for yourself was fucking terrified

I had another one where a man came up to me saying I had too much porn and started jabbing my gut with a torso. There was a cop car and bulldozer.


>> No.6149721

I* was fucking terrified

>> No.6149724

Some of my /jp/ related dreams
I was Ange and had to save Battler from an attack by a giant, like the kind Beatrice summoned.
I was captured by terrorists and rescued by Beatrice.
I was working at Warehouse 13 and tried to bronze Lambdadelta.
I tried to trade beer for a nuclear weapon with Ali Al Sachez from Gundam 00.

>> No.6149725

I bet you have loads of CP and loli on your computer and that dream was in response to your deep fear of being caught.

>> No.6149728

>I had a dream where Jamaican clowns were throwing razor blades at me and I had to block them with an electric fan.
>I saw a gerbil on the ground. It started huffing insanely loud noises then I turned away running, looked back, and it charged towards me with its legs moving so fast it was a blur. It got into my shirt from the top and it started chewing on my spine.
Give me your brain so I can have crazy dreams like yours.

>> No.6149730

Actually I don't save anything.

>> No.6149731

Trust me you don't want those experiences. They fucked my life up badly.

>> No.6149736

All my dreams are about father figures abusing me.

>> No.6149739

you can fix that so easily.

>> No.6149742

I took a nap earlier today and I dreamed that I was sitting in a classroom playing Touhou when Reimu came in and sat infront of me. From what I remeber she was harassing me because I was using Marisa.

>> No.6149743

I bet you love Kotomine don't you?

>> No.6149745

I had a dream where my stomach was cut open by Youmu (or maybe it was Yukuyo? I can't remember) and I had a bunch of black liquid pouring out of my stomach. I was stumbling around Hakurei Shrine trying to get someone to help, but Suika showed up and ripped some black bloody chunk out of my wound and ran off giggling.

Then I got better, or something. I don't remember so much what happened afterwords, because that part was so traumatic.

>> No.6149747

Well, not entirely /jp/ related, I've woken up from dreams where I was injured in some way and would have bruises/cuts where I was hurt in said dream. Is this bad?
I've woken up with blood on my clothing and sheets too, yet not having any visible wounds on my body.

>> No.6149749

I'm curious how many of you with dreams where touhous abuse you have bad relationships with their mother.

>> No.6149750
File: 104 KB, 290x414, freddy-krueger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you ever get injured by a man that looked like this?

>> No.6149771

I had a dream where Tewi pegged me with a carrot strap on.

>> No.6149796

did you eat it afterwards?

>> No.6149799

Oh my!

>> No.6149816

not /jp/ related, but i had one with a ghost that looked like a giant creepy photoshopped face floating around, destroying civilization and everything in it's path by and BAM, a fucking screamer
