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614104 No.614104 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.614138
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>> No.614181

Have you ever noticed how they always put the tail in the wrong place. Tails apparently grow out of the lower portion of peoples backs apparently. Not where it should on the coccyx.

>> No.614189
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hehehehe, he said coccyx

>> No.614192

clip-on tails

>> No.614193

>Tails apparently grow out of the lower portion of peoples backs apparently.
People don't have tails.

>> No.614199

I am shocked and apalled

>> No.614200

People have a coccys which is where the tail would be if we were to go back a few million years in our evolution (Unless you don't believe in that of course). Sometimes we have genetic throwbacks where you will see someone born with a rudimentary tail.

>> No.614202

Coccyx rather. Try typing that when drunk.

>> No.614214

a better question would be why the fuck do all the typical cat/dog/etc. ears sprout on the top of people's heads.

Anatomy doesn't work that way. D:

>> No.614224

>>614214 D:

>> No.614230

since when did horizontal smilies become signals for gaiafags, cocknose?

>> No.614232


>> No.614234

Since the dawn of time newfag

>> No.614273
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>> No.614286
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