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File: 248 KB, 1024x768, dark-stalkers-moe-29526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6135538 No.6135538 [Reply] [Original]

So, /jp/, what gives you your fetish for 2D girls? I'm not trolling; I am honestly curious as to what makes them appealing to you. I figured I'd plunk my question down right here so as not to interrupt /h/ in its collective fapping, and because a lot of the members here aren't exactly closeted in regards to finding 2D girls hot.
I've heard that you like them because they're nonthreatening and don't require commitment outside of a My Pictures folder. That seems like bullshit to me, since the girls in RL porn aren't exactly banging on your door asking for a second chance with you.
I've also heard people saying that anime and other 2D girls represented an ideal body that was unattainable outside of poser porn, and judging by the proportions in hentai, "unattainable" is certainly true, although strictly in the senses hindering my quest to achieve a physique like Cthulhu.
I'm not getting on you for finding a drawing attractive. The Gibson Girls certainly weren't hurting for an audience. It's not that the object of your attraction is inanimate or "not real" enough. Porn stars aren't exactly au naturale in their styling- how many women do you know who undergo anal bleaching?(If you cut me off halfway through, that's okay. It's the same answer.)
Looking at the vast majority of anime girls seen as attractive, though, I think I'd rather give the Lincoln Memorial a lapdance.
What gives you the hots for anime girls? Why do they leave me cold? Be honest, /jp/. This is anonymous, after all.
And no, I'm not implying that the majority of your have hardons for anime girls, or that you should be ashamed for the former. I'm not writing a manifesto against the things you fap to- I just want to know why.

>> No.6135549

1D is okay too.

>> No.6135555

Well just look at Lilith and you'll understand.

>> No.6135559
File: 164 KB, 658x950, 05397c5f1482725ce0f233b2d92089c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lilith is so moe~

>> No.6135561

Because they're hot

>> No.6135564


>> No.6135570


>> No.6135574

>I'd rather give the Lincoln Memorial a lapdance
sounds like you have afetish for men. im not trolling

also reported for dumb "why do you like the things you like, and why dont you like the things i like" thread

>> No.6135575

IRL girls won't cosplay for you.
IRL girls don't know about true love.
IRL girls don't know how to act like a REAL girl (i said girl, not slut)
IRL girls aren't cute/kawaii/moe.

There's more but i'll stop there OP.

>> No.6135581

I agree with you re: the attractiveness of anime girls, but the answer is that taste is subjective. You can´t really explain why you like something.

>> No.6135582
File: 246 KB, 956x1440, 6501057fa8dbebde85809046448d4462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not so much a fetish, but just that 99.9% of 3D females don't meet the high standards of beauty I've somehow acquired, and it's easier for someone to draw a 2D girl than hope to find a girl like this one.

>> No.6135583

They're cute. Most real girls are fat or have some other detestable flaw. This is before you even mention their personality. I can see myself getting along with quite a few anime girls unlike real girls who have no hobbies other than sucking dicks and getting "date raped".

>> No.6135584
File: 227 KB, 600x1200, fad9d41006a07623d316a48d6e8b0997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lilith has inspired me.

>> No.6135585



>> No.6135587


>> No.6135595
File: 187 KB, 698x850, 1263820248839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer them because they can achieve perfection, without the constraints of the human body or reality, and because the inexistence of the disgusting things that are inherent to ourselves.

>> No.6135607
File: 858 KB, 640x360, 1244449015464.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those last 10 seconds are where most of /jp/ is doing it wrong and trying to look cool.

>> No.6135609

The truth is that even thought procreation is key to evolution. There is the strive for perfection. In the thought of being perfect which is unattainable by a human it is just an eraser mark away in a drawn world. thus we become to want to mate with a 2d character so that are dna will pass on and become perfect. (in other words they are the perfect girl in an imperfect world.)

>> No.6135632

OP's picture of Lilith has made me want to fap, fuck you OP.

>> No.6135633

Said it best.
>"why do you like the things you like, and why dont you like the things i like"

Such a silly question. That's the same as asking someone why they like baseball and don't like basketball. Likes and dislikes how do they work!?

>> No.6135661

They're usually much prettier than any real girl, and their personalities are usually also much better than those of any real girl.

And yeah, I know that it's possible to find a 3D girl who happens to be cute and awesome, but that's way too troublesome and, in my opinion, unrewarding, mainly because at least 99% of the girls aren't like that. I'm happy fapping to my 2D girls, thank you.

>> No.6135667
File: 466 KB, 650x800, Felicia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3D girls don't appeal to me at all, I can not find them attractive AT ALL.

>> No.6135675

Because preferences. Being fictional they've been created to be perfect and lack the flaws you find in 3D girls. I've only ever been attracted to 2D, it just seemed more appealing to me since 3D girls seemed to have so many unattractive things about them. Well except for lately, my attraction seems to be reaching into the realm of 3D now, I don't know what the fuck is happening to me. Maybe I'm turning into something horrible, like a normalfag or something.

>> No.6135688

> their personalities are usually also much better than those of any real girl.
This, this and this again. That's the main argument for me.
Even if you find a somewhat cute real girl, they ALWAYS ended up having a shitty personlity.

>> No.6135702
File: 32 KB, 607x467, hanako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think the "perfect" argument is always true. The only thing about Katawa Shoujo that interested me was the burned girl, for example, with also has an abnormally shy personality and was who I got when I answered Akinator for myself as a girl.

Lots of people find scars, bandages, and other imperfections to be attractive in 2D.

>> No.6135708

> treating her waifu like a princess in every game
> waifu happy
> /
> treating a 3D woman like a princess
> get bored and left for another manly man

That one for me.

>> No.6135711

I'm sure when they say "perfect" they mean in their own eyes, not in general.

>> No.6135719

how are they imperfections if you find them positive, retard?
perfection doesnt mean glroious aryan ubermensch
eye of the beholder

>> No.6135723

Normalfag, what gives you your fetish for 3D girls? I am not trolling. I am honestly curious as to what makes them appealing to you. I figured I'd plnk my question down right here so as it doesn't get lost in the storm of /b/ and its collective faggotry, and because a lot of normalfags here aren't exactly closeted in regards to finding 3D girls hot.
I've heard that you like them because you're biologically driven to and you mindlessly follow that. That seems like bullshit to me, since the girls in RL porn aren't exactly biologically attractive to me. I've also heard people saying that camwhores and other 3D girls represented an ideal body that was unattainable outside of certain social circles, and judging by the proportions of models, "unattainable" is certainly true, although strictly in the sense that they're all photoshopped.
I'm not getting on you for finding a whore attractive. Touhou certainly isn't hurting for an audience. It's not that the object of your attraction is animate or "too real". How many men do you know who think their waifu is real? (If you cut me off halfway though, that's okay. It's the same answer.)
Looking at the vast majority of 3D women seen as attractive, though, I think I'd rather give the Lincoln Memorial a lapdance.
What gives you the hots for sluts? Why do they leave me cold? Be honest, /jp/. This is anonymous, after all.
And no, I'm not implying that the majority of you have hardons for greasy sluts, or that you should be ashamed for the former. I'm not writing a manifesto against the things you fap to - I just want to know why.

>> No.6135735

There are plenty of other factors though. For example, just being a Touhou character gives a Touhou +99% attractiveness for me, and characters from anime, manga, or game that I like also get a smaller boost. If it was just a few pictures of a random beautiful girl, it would be hot but I wouldn't think too much about her.

>> No.6135736

also op since your new here you should know that /jp/ is pretty much full of pedophiless

>> No.6135745

Well, 2D girls are perfect in every way. I've gotten used to that fact by now, which makes 3D women seem way too flawed for me to like them. They also have horrible personalties anyway.
If its the fact that 2D is hotter than 3D you don't understand, I'll ask you this:
If you made a drawing of a 3D person you found hot, wouldn't she still be? If you kept adding details, she would some point look just the same.
Remove flaws, add preferences and you would end up with the perfect woman.

>> No.6135746

So that's what anal bleaching is. Just the kind of thing disgusting real women would need to do.

>> No.6135771

Unless you're fapping to fucking animals or aliens that look nothing like humans, you still find the female form attractive. Therefore, you all still like 3D girls by default. Deal with it.

>> No.6135782

Unless you're fapping to fucking animals or bugs that look nothing like humans, you still find the female form attractive. Therefore, you all still like 2D girls by default. Deal with it.

>> No.6135809

unless your fapping to fucking animals or aliens that look nothing like humans, you still find the human form attractive. therefore you like men by default. deal w/ it gaylord.

>> No.6135813

2D is a superstimuli. Google it.

>> No.6135814

Unless you're fapping to fucking animals or aliens that look nothing like God's image, you still find the female form attractive. Therefore, you all still like God by default. Deal with it.

>> No.6135819


Speaking as someone who doesn't hate real women and doesn't have ridiculously high standards...I dunno, I just do.

Honestly, I often watch both cartoon and real life pornography. Both of them have something I want to see, just displayed in a very different way. I enjoy both equally, but I;m not entirely sure why. I mean, being a straight horny male already exaplains why I like normal porn, but stylized porn is something Is something I'm not too sure why I like.

Part of it may be the inherent cuteness of anime characters. The way they're drawn and the way they act is 9/10 meant to be cute before being sexy, and I guess I find that really attractive. It's something I normally don't find in normal porn, and the stuff that tries often fails miseribly, i.e the character comes off as more of a bad acting slut rather than a cute woman. There are a few exceptions where the actress is flat out adorable, but that's few and far between.

Another might be the impossible things one can do with cartoon porn. Although I'll admit that my tastes in porn are rather vanilla, there are still a few impossible things I like seeing in my animu porn. For example I personally enjoy monster girl pictures.

Another things that some hentai have over normal porn is an actual story. In all fairness, most hentai stories tends to be bad, but when I find a story that actually makes me care for the people having sex, it makes the art that much more fappable.

>> No.6135838

Ah that's another key thing. 3D porn is with porn actresses. 2D is often cute, innocent girls who are either shy about sex, or at least not showing it off to an audience.

>> No.6135840
File: 335 KB, 666x925, Satorin is so moe moe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my entire life, I have only found 4 or 5 people that even LOOK at or above my standard, dress and appearance. Most of shit personalities though.

I mean, how can you not just want to cuddle up and enjoy the rest of you life with delicious 2d?

>> No.6135841

personality is one great factor
most rl girls have horrible or zero personality
fictional can be anything you want
also cant get arrested for 2d loli

>> No.6135842

I view people who like 3D as people below me. Above them and still below me are the people who like 3D but only at certain ridiculous standards they claim to have. Then there is me.

>> No.6135843

>also cant get arrested for 2d loli
Depends where you live.

>> No.6135844

>also cant get arrested for 2d loli
Lucky you ;_;

>> No.6135851

Another way normalfags ruin everything, they think everyone likes 3D just like their normal selves so they make harmless things illegal.

>> No.6135853

>In my entire life, I have only found 4 or 5 people that even LOOK at or above my standard, dress and appearance
that sounds like a personal problem

>how can you not just want to cuddle up with delicious 2d?
my computer monitor is not very cuddly

>> No.6135867

>fictional can be anything you want
I dislike when people say this

>> No.6135871

It has nothing to do with perfection as far as I'm concerned; certain flaws only serve to make a character more attractive.

>So, /jp/, what gives you your fetish for 2D girls?

That's just the way it is.

>> No.6135872
File: 441 KB, 743x620, Moeshi and Satorin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't own a dakimakura.

I can't really disagree with you on that, I mean compared to 2d perfection how can any real women compare? Plus, it doesn't help the slut style is in right now, god I hate that.

>> No.6135875

One thing is missing imperfections in 2d. Artists don't draw skin conditions, excess fat, massive beef curtains (well, usually), bad teeth or distracting features. But this is only the outward appeal. You know about waifus, right? The character's personality and mannerism are very important too and even outright flaws are portrayed as moe. Not so in real life.

Real life relationships often end in concert with changes in brain chemistry. This happens first at the one year mark when romantic love starts to fade and later on the five year mark. Five years is what it takes for a child to be conceived, born and survive it's most vulnerable years, after all.

Then there's the fact that 3d girls get into relationships for different reasons: not wanting to be alone, sexual gratification, waiting for the right person while in a relationship or for convenience and appearances. Needless to say I'm interested only in Disney love. I have no idea how to go about finding it.

Getting in a relationship also involves risk of getting hurt, disappointed and betrayed.

>> No.6135876

Why? Unless you just don't know what you want, it can.

>> No.6135882

Love of 3D girls is just a trick to get you to reproduce. Are you going to let nature trick you? I don't want to reproduce, so there is no need for 3D girls.

>> No.6135888

People who think that the proportions aren't as good or that 3D girls can't be as good as 2D girls clearly haven't looked at really good child pornography, since they are just as adorable as the 2D versions. However, if you order this then there is danger that you'll be marked by the feds from next time on; it's a double-edged sword. I can't recommend it to amateurs.

>> No.6135902

I masturbate to 2D mostly because you can portray certain situations in 2D that would be either illegal or impossible to depict with actual people. My tolerance for pornography is so high that there's no reason for me to watch the usual thing ever again. Instead, I need to see a demon princess subjugating another demon princess by having her penguin minions rape her while grinding her crotch into the latter's face. This is an actual thing.

>> No.6135904

Well, even if that's the case, i don't want to see her being banged hard by a random actor.
Like anon have already said, 2D imply love and shyness.

>> No.6135910

Yet you have no problem with your 2D girl being banged by a faceless man?

>> No.6135913

Well it's not so much that I have a fetish for 2d characters(I don't even masturbate to them, or at all), it's just that I sort of "fell in love" with her. There's no reason for me to go after real life women and I doubt this will change later on, I'm perfectly happy with how I am now.

>> No.6135919
File: 488 KB, 612x842, dd711b9a74642635d0b75ad5ff0f51a96b32dfb0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like Disgaea

>> No.6135940
File: 520 KB, 954x711, 1256224001327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The real world doesn't have 2D proportions. Not even close.

45-15-35? Sure. 2D can have have 3D impossibilities, like a 24P bust -- that doesn't even sag. Beautiful long hair that never gets messy. Perfect skin that never gets blemished.

3D will never be able to compete, ever.

>> No.6135942

The stereotypical "perfect woman" in Japanese culture is meek, subservient, accommodating and pure. This appeals to the average geek because that put's him above his waifu and enables him to treat him as a dependent figure which he is not able to do with a 3D woman because she can always leave (the outside world is not tailored and made for him.) Also there's the point that he usually isn't that succsesful with RL women so being woed by a woman who want's only him, tailored to appeal to him and depicted as gorgeous- take a wild guess why he likes them. Even the anime eyes are there because it biologically wants to take care of them (like babies.)

tl;dr The chinks know what you fantasize about and indulge you whereas real women are driven by something else than your satisfaction- namely theirs.

>> No.6135944
File: 2.84 MB, 1485x1485, lith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6135950

Exactly. So 2D is superior.

>> No.6135952

> The stereotypical "perfect woman" in Japanese culture is meek, subservient, accommodating and pure.

I doubt this is what anon wants. In many cases, anon wants a woman who is mature, strong, and will help him be a better person.

Meek/subservient women are incredibly boring anyways. I'd rather have a Haruhi than a doormat.

>> No.6135960

>I masturbate to 2D mostly because you can portray certain situations in 2D that would be either illegal or impossible to depict with actual people.

It's unfair to compare the two.

>> No.6135961

>every 2d girl is meek, subservient, accommodating and pure
Well you don't know very much about it, do you?

>> No.6135963

Breasts sag in 2D, too, it's why I don't like the healthy fetish.

>> No.6135970

Everything that is worth doing is illegal, immoral, or makes you fat. Does that stop you from torrenting, for example?

>> No.6135975
File: 311 KB, 1000x1100, patchy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Only if the artist wants them to.

>> No.6135987

I'm not so sure about that. Love is what people crave, not for someone dependent and helpless. I prefer my 2D strong of mind but loving. There is no need to worry about your waifu running off with a more handsome or wealthy man.

>a woman who want's only him
You're on the mark here, though.

>> No.6135988

Wait, I'm fat because I torrent?
Thank heavens, I thought I'd have to go on a diet.

>> No.6135993
File: 274 KB, 1000x1100, 1284579053953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6136005
File: 69 KB, 600x800, 1fbb47cd242b2f690532cd4ce1dff659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because this doesn't exist in 3D.

>> No.6136007

'Love and Shyness' i said. Don't go jumping on any weird conclusion.

>> No.6136011

>every 2d girl is meek, subservient, accommodating and pure
I didn't write that, why should you change a quote? I said that the female gender role on which most 2D girls are based are like that. And yes they are, at least compared to the average western 3D woman. I don't know why you get so upset about that, that's what most men want and fantasize about. There's are reason it's so popular.
Problems only set in when people think they can find such a woman. SPOILER: You can't, if they are beautiful- they have already someone who is more in line with the ideal male stereotype than you, people use what they got- if someone is beautiful they are going to act like it thus destroying the psychological traits that make up the "beautiful/heart-of-gold" combination most guys here seem to go for.

>> No.6136013

Look up "Akumako 2", you'll cum buckets. Assuming you're into that kind of thing. I'd post the one worksafe page from it but my shitty connection won't allow it.

>> No.6136015

>I don't know why you get so upset about that, that's what most men want and fantasize about.

No, that's just you.

>> No.6136024

Can I just ask something (I can already sense the shitstorm coming in response to this). A lot of people have said that they prefer 2D because they have a good personality unlike 3D women. While I agree with the statement, does it matter to you that they aren't real? I figure if you take personality into accounts then you are looking for something other than just a fap so how do you have a relationship with something which doesn't really exist? (or do you find the personality attractive which then aids in fapping?).

I've given up on women myself; it'd be more accurate to say I never attempted to get one so I didn't bother, so I'm not dissaproving of anything you are doing.

>> No.6136029

>Love is what people crave, not for someone dependent and helpless
Disney/2D love is something that is purely based on on a mutual will to share and give happiness, since women in real life are selfish (like everyone)- RL love turns out to be more of a compromise based on brain chemistry, sociological pressure and of course empathy (on which 2D love is mainly based but which only makes up 50% of 3D love-at best) than what you can experience with someone who was made to appeal to you. That's what I wanted to say, maybe it didn't come out right.

>> No.6136034

Eroge, man. It's basically a virtual relationship.

>> No.6136037

>No, that's just you.
Nope, read any anthropology book and you'll see that that is how most men are, of course there are those who don't fit it but that doesn't make them unique- only fit into a slightly less populated pigeonhole.

>> No.6136047

If the artist doesn't want them to it means he can't draw properly and it pisses me the fuck off.

>> No.6136050

OP is a fag

>> No.6136051

>Of course, some people may not fit, but that doesn't mean they can't be pigeonholed into another neat category
You have OCD.

>> No.6136069

I have never been in a relationship so I don't know what I should long for. I don't own any pillows or figurines but I enjoy looking at artwork and spinning a story for myself now and then. I very rarely actually fap to characters I like.

>> No.6136074

>Of course, some people may not fit, but that doesn't mean they can't be pigeonholed into another neat category.
Again you change my quotes, wtf man.
Also I didn't say I feel a strong urge to go around categorizing people obsessively. I just said you can analyze and categorize something like that. That's what anthropology, psychology and sociology are for. Would you call out everyone in those fields of study as having OCD?

>> No.6136075

Tough to explain. Some people, including me, just try to better themselves in case they ever see their Waifu or Husbando, because they want to be the best they could be for them or make them as content as possible. It's not so much that I pursue a relationship with her as much as I try to get ready in case I ever see her.

>> No.6136084

I used to read Marvel Comics and as an impressionable teen it didn't take long before I developed a fetish for drawn superheroines. The rest is merely the story of how I moved from western style 2D drawings to Japanese style 2D drawings.

Srsly, take a look at almost any comic or manga and you'll see an endless parade of girls with attributes that are commonly held to signal attractive looks. Even heavily stylized looks appeal to readers because our minds will tag the character as beautiful. Artists are well aware of the fact that that attractive girls sell, no matter on how abstract a level that attractiveness is. Stylized might be harder to treat as fapmaterial, but the primary barrier is already broken once you find realistic drawings sexy. You simply move from more realistic to less realistic.

If there's also a story involved (comic, game or anime) that usually makes 2D girls even more attractive, because that gives them a personality of sorts. Fleshes them out on another level, so to speak. For outsiders unfamiliar with the story it's just going to appear even more confusing when somebody goes gaga over a specific character, because they literally don't know what drew out that emotional response.

If you're trying to figure this out on an emotional level then you'll probably remain mystified. Until you develop at least a mild fetish for the same thing your attempts are likely to fail. You'll just have to accept on an intellectual level that people behave this way.

>> No.6136140

I can sort of understand this

I can also kind of understand this, but I've got to ask, do you ever really think you'll see your waifu? You know she is a fictional character (I'm assuming no one here is a retarded OHMYGODNARUTOISREALISEENHIMONEDAY gaiafag type so you can differentiate between real life and fantasy) so when would you ever be able to meet her? You don't have to answer, I figure it must be confusing to think about.

>> No.6136164

To me, my waifu is both an ideal of the perfect woman and a standard I use to test myself, the idea being whether someone like her would accept me as I am. It's a good way to burn out the bad or useless parts of your personality. Naturally I know no real woman would come close to her, and I do plan on doing the whole marriage + children thing, if only because my aunts would eventually play matchmaker for me. But I can always hope.

>> No.6136171

another OP here, I am a gigantic faggot.

>> No.6136179
File: 141 KB, 1024x768, escapism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's escapism, obviously. When it comes down to it, even if you don't be lazy and actually make your own ideal girl in your head, it still is the same thing, because nobody you can be with can match it.

>> No.6136196
File: 1.18 MB, 1866x1473, sextoys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I choose both

>> No.6136215
File: 49 KB, 521x545, 1277200258891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ. Fuck.

>> No.6136230

3DCG is horrible. Either go with live action or 2D animation. Seriously, don't give me that creepy shit.

>> No.6136246

I don't know. That is, I'd like to, but I honestly don't know if I ever will. Even if I don't, I'll have lived a good, long healthy life because of her(Or at least, I like to think that is what drives me).

Like ( >>6136164 ) said, it's a way to test yourself and get rid of traits that are generally considered undesirable. But as I said before, my 'relationship' with her is sort of hoping I get to see her, making myself better along the way. Of course, if I find a nice 3d girl I'll settle down with her, but I'd never forget the one that, at the very least, helped get me there.

>> No.6136256


But it will be interesting to see whether normalfags will ban CG child-porn, the main reason CP is illegal is because it harms and exploits children, but if they ban CG CP once it starts looking realistic they would prove that it's not about protecting children but simply uncomfortable with the stuff. I'm not a pedo myself, but it'll be an interesting future moral dilemma.

>> No.6136264

It's banned, but only because people use it as a legal dodge. If it's not photorealistic, they don't care.

>> No.6136286

>but only because people use it as a legal dodge
That's like saying, FPS games should be banned because they are only legal dodges to murdering people.

>> No.6136306


I see, thank you very much for your response. If you ever do decide to get married I hope you don't forget your waifu anon; personally I dread the day my parents decide to arrange my marriage (it'll definately happen by at least 25) but I hope it turns out well for you.

>> No.6136313

No, I mean they will take a photo and say, "It's highly realistic CG, you can't prove it isn't." The image in this thread would not be considered banned, it's obviously fake.

>> No.6136321

Considering they already started making drawn depictions that aren't even close illegal it's pretty clear they're just uncomfortable with it already.

>> No.6136328

>my parents decide to arrange my marriage
What country/culture do you live in?

>> No.6136347


Surely in a shitty country like France, Texas, Louisiana...

>> No.6136390


I'm an Indian who was born and lives in the UK. My family are very old fashioned (no sex before marriage, religious, no smoking/drinking, I have to do medicine as a degree) and since I am the only male in my house they tell me I have to get married and have children when I have no desire to do either.

They have already tried the standard "you'll be lonely in the future/kids are awesome/we don't care what you think just fucking carry on the family name" but I refuse to. I figure they won't push for marriage for another 4 years as that is how long left my degree will take, but once I graduate I am pretty much fucked.

>> No.6136452

I was going to say move out, but this is /jp/ after all.
Tell them you're in Britain, not in India.

>> No.6136472

>anger your only source of education, food and shelter.
I'm not him, but that's not a smart move. Wait till you have an income, and then start a confrontation, not before.

>> No.6136499

I actually kinda like the one in the middle.

>> No.6136507

I'd have to agree with you on this, get a stable job first before moving out. Personally my parents still bitch at me to find a girlfriend considering I'm the eldest (hell even my younger sister has a boyfriend already) but they really can't do much since I moved out of the house to somewhere relatively far from home

>> No.6136566

If I ever say that them they would tell me all day everyday that I am not white, no matter how much I try white people will never accpet me and that I should be ashamed. They have told me this a lot before, I just do nothing until they get bored and stop.

Unfortunately, as soon as I get any income I am expected to take care of them. My older sister could move out and get married/stay single, it doesn't matter to them. But because I am a guy I am expected to let them live with me until we're all dead.

I want them to give up on the whole marriage thing but I doubt they will. My only option is to tell them I'm gay (I'm not but I have enough evidence to state that I could be) but that might fuck me over a little. They may have given me a home and brought me up well but goddamnit I am not ruining my life just for them to have the family lineage continue.

>> No.6136576

Call them disgusting normalfags

>> No.6136577

>once I graduate I am pretty much fucked.
Lol no, more like awesome.. Once you graduate you can get a job and spend all your free time on being a part time hikikomori.

>> No.6136601

>Unfortunately, as soon as I get any income I am expected to take care of them.
Well, give them money regularly but move out. You can't ruin your life to please them. I know, I live in a similar culture and I said fuck it to all that and they still love me. Either they accept you or they leave- in that case you don't have to give a fuck: you've got money, a home and they obviously care more about tradition about them then about you so you shouldn't feel to bad.

>> No.6136619

Can I ask which culture that is?
I'm hoping Pakistani for some reason

>> No.6136705

Any free time a doctor has goes towards more doctoring bullshit until you become a consultant.

I'm pretty sure they would still care about me but they would never stop hounding me about getting married. My only hope is that my sister puts off marriage until so long that they have to arrange her shit before mine, giving me a small amount of time to...prepare/emigrate. They basically do control my life right now, I'm doing a degree I hate for a job I don't want and have never had another option to even consider. I would have liked to do something relating to IT but I doubt I'd make any real money out of it, but maybe I'd enjoy it at the very least.

What can you do I suppose. I'll just be a hikki as long as possible and deal with this normalfaggotry when it comes to it.

>> No.6136771

Nope, Albanian.

>> No.6136785

>tell me all day everyday that I am not white, no matter how much I try white people will never accpet me and that I should be ashamed.

Move to France. Here they are ashamed of being white. Except if you're a filthy tsigane this is the paradise for you.

>> No.6136801


You're not a nigger, not a sandnigger, not a paki, not an indian, not a slav and not a white. You're fucked. Maybe shitty melting pot country like malaysia or Philipin will accept you.

>> No.6136807 [DELETED] 

He already said he was Indian.

>> No.6136831

Kinda sucks that there are only a couple million of your ethnic group left. But no worries, I look like the average Caucasian and speak 4 languages so I wouldn't stand out that much anywhere.

>> No.6136835

For both 2D and 3D I have lust but love I have for neither.

>> No.6136856


In my defence, I don't act white. They just think I do because I don't act Indian; I don't care for the religion, don't like the music and don't speak any languages from India. This means that, to my psychotic family, that I am ashamed of my heritage. I'm not, I'm just indifferent really. I certainly have no desire to be a white person contrary to their beliefs.

>> No.6136875

Are your parents Hindu or Sikh?

>> No.6136938


Hindu. Decent religion but batshit insane culture. Very old fashioned but it has some benefits.

>> No.6136945

Too bad they aren't Sikh. You'd get to walk around with those badass knives, man.

If I were you I'd convert.

>> No.6137040


Nah man, Hinduism as a religion is actually chilled out provided you follow a non-dualistic approach to divinty, which my family does. The religious stuff they do is only really a throwback to their upbringing in community villages where they did that stuff so it's like second nature to them. My uncle is very cultural but he doesn't believe in god.

Also I've never met a Sikh who I didn't want to murder, and all converting would do is get my family to find a sikh wife instead of a hindu.

>> No.6137068

But those knives man, those knives. Sikhs in Britain get special treatment and are allowed to take them anywhere. Just think of those knives.

>> No.6137090


You know that they can't actually carry those knives anymore right? Like, at all.

>> No.6137102

They can't? I've been lied to then.

>> No.6137133
File: 617 KB, 648x897, 3290390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suspect that for me, 2D girls are a crutch to keep me from becoming a raging misogynist after my experiences with real ones. There's also the fact that they're generally cute while their 3D counterparts are anything but. I'm not attracted to "sexy" clothes.

>> No.6137162


Are you from the US or the UK? I remember when they used to be able to carry them but they haven't been able to for quite some time.
