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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 58 KB, 200x150, dna_okusenman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
613039 No.613039 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.613047

I cry at the end of that video, every time. ;_;

>> No.613056


>> No.613070

why you do this? ;_;


>> No.613092

i gotta confess, the first time i watched this vid with subs, i started to tear up.

up until then i had just thought it was an awesome song, but reading and understanding the lyrics...


>> No.613108


...I don't get it.

>> No.613146

That's pretty much the story of my life.

>> No.613157

I thought Okkusen-man was like Mega-man. I felt seriously retarded when I saw the lyrics.

Also, this song became very sad when I found out what it was really about.

>> No.613172

/r/ engrish subs

>> No.613178


I actually managed to find a Youtube video subbed. Why didn't you post this one, op?

>> No.613179


>> No.613180


So ronery ;_;

>> No.613184

because I couldn't find it.

>> No.613185


What the FUCK. It split my post into two seperate posts.

>> No.613187

Is this a sad thread?

I...I don't have anything to share that is Japan related. I like weeaboo things because they are always happy...

>> No.613188


Me too. I was trying to remember which X# had an Oxenman. I was like "Hmm... Chill Penguin.. Overdrive Ostritch... I think there was a Bison in X3?"

When I found out the truth, it was so sad. But still awesome.

>> No.613196

Welcome to the dark side of the moon...

>> No.613220

Wow, call me a fag or whatever, but I actually got a little choked up after watching the video and thinking about my childhood and all the friends I've left behind.

>> No.613237

Pretty sad.

Anon is like this guy, except Anon doesn't even have a waifu, so double BAWWWWWWWW

>> No.613724

shameless bump, just because it got to me.

>> No.613726

Watching it on Nico cheers me up; the big streams of おっくせんまん should cheer any one up.

>> No.613737

fuck ;-;

>> No.613751

Telling people about my childhood causes them to make funny faces and sometimes cry, so I don't.

It is nice to know what other people miss from their lives.

>> No.613782


Alternate version with female singer (quite good, imo). Also has subtitles.

>> No.613816


so much better than the original

>> No.613820

Although it does sound better I don't find it as sad as the original

>> No.613833

Agreed. The original made me shed tears, whereas this one is just a good remake of the song.

>> No.613836

anon is at 2:10

it loses some of its charm without the crazy guy

>> No.613838


That's because you're a raging misogynist incapable of empathizing with women.

Or maybe I'm projecting.

>> No.613844

His fat friend is a hokikomori now.

>> No.613847


a) the crazy guy
b) the many voices shouting おっくせんまん during the chorus. The female version doesn't have that, which is an important part of the impact of the song.

>> No.613851


Well for me i hate when this guy screams like shit.

>> No.613856

Huh. I was just thinking that the female version made it understandible for women.

I'm wrong.

>> No.613865


No, the fat one became a responsible parent who works at a grocery store. The lanky one became a hikki, the super asian one became a doctor.

>> No.613877


both of these in the same thread = unlimited bawww works ;_;

>> No.613879

It has nothing to do with the fact that she is a woman, she makes it sound a little more happy, I know that those memories are supposed to be happy ones but it also has to show that you are sad of the fact that all you can do is look back at them.

>> No.613894

おっくせんまん gives me chills just listening to it ;_;

FUCK my life

>> No.613904


I understand missing something you enjoyed.


>> No.613911

Also the guy kinda sounds like he wants to cry, haha

>> No.613926


the ultraman line loses some of the awesome too with the woman.

not that it's not good, but it loses the manly camraderie factor.

>> No.613966

The video got me when they showed the kids playing while the mom was walking behind them, the rest just made it worse. both my parents have passed away and simple things like that are what I remember the most

>> No.614004

I've never had a real friend. This song makes me feel like shit. I can't stop listening to it.

>> No.614025
File: 35 KB, 481x394, 1209330968856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>613816 so much better than the original

>> No.614032


People who say they've never had a friend obviously didn't try hard enough. You can be accepted into any social circle with enough bullshit and flattery, then, work towards a genuine relationship.

>> No.614038

Could you go away? Buy a friend or something.

>> No.614057


Although some might interpret his squeakiness in high notes "bad", I personally thought it was rather unique. Also, I felt the guy has more emotion into his words than the female. Female singers always sound "nicer" anyways. Regardless, I still love the original by a whole lot more.

>> No.614077


Not the guy you were responding to, but fuck off anyway.

>> No.614112

Dick Cheney won't return my phone calls, and he said he'd be the DM! I rolled a new character and everything. ;n;

>> No.614144
File: 32 KB, 341x257, 1210679439199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.614261

ロネリ ;_;

>> No.614269


>> No.614278

Can't say ローンリィー without saying ロン.

>> No.614280

It seems something 100% of /jp/ can agree on is that we wish we could be kids again ;_;

Actually It's probably a good percentage of 4chan.

>> No.614290


It's probably fucking everyone. Your life could be literally perfect and it doesn't matter, there are still things that you lose by growing up. It's unavoidable. No matter how hard you try to cling to your childhood it's not the same as the real thing. I would know, I'm basically living an extended childhood.

>> No.614726

Being a kid was awesome, this made me wanna go look some old friends up

>> No.614996

For a female singer with more spirit and everyone in the chorus, try

>> No.614998


Elevens don't care for definite pronunciation. It can be "ローンリィー" or "ロンリィー" considering "ロンリィー" without the elongation is just easier for them to pronounce.

>> No.615125


>> No.615139

And for another decent male singer:

>> No.615279

Sometimes i wanna go back, my life didint suck so much at the time

I was actually happy

Fuck so ronery

>> No.615304

I thought this song was annoying with the woman from the niconico album singing, but when it's a dude screaming the meaning actually comes through.

>> No.615347

damn it ;_;

>> No.615365
File: 114 KB, 800x855, 120890675872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can be ronery together if you want.

>> No.615375


>> No.615408

I wish that I could turn back time..

>> No.615420

I cried...I wish I could be Ultraman like when I was a kid again...

>> No.615450

Shoop /jp/ instead of /b/ in there and then it will be accurate.

>> No.615517
File: 377 KB, 800x3140, 1208745076825.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.615526


>> No.615538

story of my life ;_;

>> No.615540

damn ...

>> No.615552

Why would she type like a retard if it was just a dream? Low standards.

>> No.615555
File: 48 KB, 797x924, my life - anonymous.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My life can be summed up by the OP's video and the last 3 panels of this.

>> No.615566

most of the users of IM's type like that, i got at least 10 people on my list that does

>> No.615569

HOLY FUCKING SHIT I REMEMBER MY TURBO BUTTON FORM 133 Mhz to 233 Mhz Pentium I! Also super mario 3 was awesome!

>> No.615575

I think I was pretty normal when I was 5. It was around 10 when I started fapping to CCS doujins.

>> No.615576

I don't have any IM programs installed because I've got no friends to add. ;_;

>> No.615579


>> No.615594


>> No.615593
File: 35 KB, 466x460, 120995956874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our memories are important possessions and we shouldn't give them up. But we shouldn't obssess over them too much either. Anons, remember that more important than that is our ability to create new good memories.

>> No.615653

Fuck yea although i sometimes get ronery reminiscing about the past, id hate to meet my old friends.

Unfortunetly im not the same guy i used to be, the ronery effect has totally shaped my personality making me into a souless zombie id hate to show them what ive become.

Looks wise ive changed for the good which is good
Character wise its very bad

Just yesterday ive met a guy who used to go to my old school and a rancid taste is still stuck in my throat, besides him continuesly calling calling me the pro masturbator in front of people was kinda annoying

>> No.615654

I don't understand why you'd all want to be kids again, I don't see the point in being an innocent retard for a second time. Really, just because it's common for people to have friends and get married, it doesn't mean that it's happiness.
You're all just sad because you fail at being a bunch of tools.

>> No.615666
File: 8 KB, 300x168, spoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Memories...ARE the past

>> No.615668

what is this "good memories" you are talking about?

>> No.615698


>Pro masturbator

Should of complemented his creativity.

>> No.615701

One day you'll meet a nice girl (perhaps not a great girl, but one you'll bear with so you won't be alone). You'll marry her, build a family, get a job to support them. You'll socialize with your co-workers and neighbors, maybe even consider them friends. Then you'll find yourself doing something you don't like for most of your day, and you'll find that your family, and all the other people around are boring and have nothing interesting to offer you.

You'll miss the times when you were just a lonely guy sitting in front of a computer playing games, watching pirated animu and talking shit to peers like you on an image board.

Such is the human nature.

>> No.615743


Old nick names, i used to be known as the pro masturbator in the old times of course being an all male school i didint really give a shit, besides i think it was partly my fault being the one who always tried to smuggle porn during the computer lessons.

Also its not the first time it happened , last time while i was walking to work i see this which i haven't seen in the past five years, what do you think was the first thing he said ?

"Do you still masturbate a lot"

Obviously i lied and responded "i dont need to masturbate theres somebody who does it for me" Trying to atleast look cool.

>> No.615761

>i dont need to masturbate theres somebody who does it for me

your boyfriend?

>> No.615768

My realdoll.

>> No.615772


Your mom

>> No.615782


He's just trying to be a jackass. If someone I haven't seen in ages came up to me with a line like that I'd just pretend I didn't know them and nothing of value would be lost.

>> No.615844

I was man-Patchouli growing up. I still have problems keeping friends I make, since I tend to shut them out.

so ronery ;_;

>> No.616488

Just watch me, I'll still be watching pirated animu with my kids.

>> No.616506

Is not that we want to be kids again, it's just that things were just so much simpler back then, you had someone to take care of you and there were no bills or taxes to pay. There so much crap to put up with now.

>> No.616510



>> No.618148

So true.

Also, I can't believe this thread is still alive.

>> No.618221


I still have someone to take care of me and don't pay bills or taxes. Don't get me wrong, it's awesome. But it's still not the same as real childhood. There's an ephemeral something that's missing. That childish sense of wonder, the ability to take great joy in the little things, the positive outlook on life, the belief that people were generally good... that kind of thing.

>> No.618233


>> No.619166

that's a good thing.

I'm hoping someone can archive this, it shows that not all people on 4chan are cold hearted robot bastards.

also, I wish I would have met some of you guys when we were kids, just by going to 4chan shows that we have something in common

>> No.619250

Some people still have those qualities, The philosopher John Locke believed that all people are born good but are shaped by others and his/her surroundings. I guess it's true. The older you get the more you loose trust on people and sense of wonder

>> No.619462

Damn, I weld up every time I heard this song on my mp3 player when I take the train home from work.

>> No.619517

A divorced wife can easily aquier 75% of the husbands assets and income.

>> No.619536


>> No.619537
File: 219 KB, 1280x720, 5cm_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems relevant.


>> No.619538

What does that have to do with anything?

>> No.619607

while this may not be relevant to the topic, are there any other animus similar to that movie?

>> No.620845

this thread has been alive for two days

>> No.620940


That's pig disgusting. I'm going to go out and rape all the divorced women in my country.

>> No.621613

I almost cried. Srsly guys what the fuck? Post more videos like the OP's.

>> No.621665

Trains are fucking epic. A real man's way to commute, you can pick your nose and shit and not give a fuck about anyone else.

>> No.621669


Oh god.... The hurt....

>> No.621895
File: 142 KB, 954x823, Yep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.621970

you live in fucking hawaii, you don't get to complain

>> No.621978

Go cry me a river you filthy unvirgin.

>> No.621992

This is pretty much me. Except I'm 20 now, I have no fucking friends, I don't live surrounded by nature and I don't think I've spoken or gone outside in the past seven days.

>> No.621999



>> No.622018

It's actually worse to not be a virgin but suddenly live apart from a lot of people. You know what it's like, but all you can do is replay that stuff in your memories. You don't get to idealize it, either.

>> No.622017
File: 21 KB, 771x538, donutphone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a "MS Paint my life" thread?

>> No.622021


>> No.622033



>> No.622042
File: 146 KB, 641x2614, 1207425033124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.622047

What CD was this from?

>> No.622052

this is just awesome

>> No.622063
File: 400 KB, 536x3159, 1210186659409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.622065

now you made it even sadder you faggot

>> No.622071


What the FUCK.

>> No.622074
File: 93 KB, 563x915, 1210193672603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.622076
File: 570 KB, 650x1300, FANTASTICO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.622077


I know what's going to playing in my head as I'm on my deathbed now.

>> No.622090
File: 101 KB, 916x1796, 1210195557383.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan MSPaint comics > All other comics ever

>> No.622105


Oh God, I saw what was coming as soon as I saw the construction site.

>> No.622115


This is what they should have used at the end of MMZ4.

>> No.622120

I'm going to have this exact fucking dream now, aren't I?

>> No.622119
File: 114 KB, 685x2568, 1210192968991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Related to fags who like "ronery" threads that have no place on 4chan

>> No.622141

As a senior in HS, I can already say that tears started to well up a bit when I watched this a year or so ago. Especially the violin version.

I thought the massive amount of replies was just newfaggots going "OMG, BAWWWWW", but I was wrong. Good job, /jp/.

>> No.622145

No Anon, you lost the game.

>> No.622143
File: 213 KB, 800x1500, Thurman Thomas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.622149

Is there an album?

>> No.622158
File: 24 KB, 554x452, 1210193130817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.622173
File: 147 KB, 681x1329, 1210193864102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.622178

Everyone ignores the ronery MS Paints anyway. Those threads are only good for fuckwin like the Mastodon one.

>> No.622189

Repost it please

>> No.622198

see: >>622042

>> No.622205

So mastodon made it or something? Because all I see is Moby Dick

>> No.622226

...Mastadon is a band. They sing songs about Moby Dick.

>> No.622236

Oh well I don't listen to hippety hop.

>> No.622247


>> No.622250


>> No.622257

Why don't you go listen to some linkin park.
Preferably in /b/.

>> No.622279

Would it make it better if it said ZETSUBOSDAAAAA
(Or however one would spell that. Fuck if I know)

>> No.622289


>> No.622294


>> No.622296

Lulz. Ultimate version :

>> No.622302


>> No.622303

this wasn't that sad, then again, im not very nostalgic

>> No.622325


>> No.622709

This thread shall not die.

>> No.622733


>> No.622743


>> No.624014

this thread is almost a full day old

>> No.624158

>>613039 05/13/08(Tue)02:48
>>624014 05/15/08(Thu)00:19

>> No.624179


>> No.624230

now I feel bad for not playing Harvest Moon
my wife is waiting for me ;_;

>> No.624244

Same here, but with Rune Factory.

>> No.624277

It's not as old as the "fucking lolis" thread yet.

>> No.625202

this thread is officially over a day old

>> No.625915

Oh wow.
I ignored this thread for a day or so and just happened to be browsing youtube instead of sleeping and somewhere along the weird path one takes between related videos I landed at a version of エアーマンが倒せない and one of the relateds was this. I saw the moment in the beginning with OP's pic and thought "HOLY SHIT THAT'S WHAT THIS THREAD WAS ABOUT?!"
I immediately dug it up and received a heavy dose of ronery I was not expecting this morning.

>> No.625954

it's like every time I get on /jp/, this thread is on the first page

and every time I see this thread I have to watch おっくせんまん and RAINBOW GIRL ;_;

>> No.625960

2 days.

>> No.625964
File: 34 KB, 315x377, 1210848104636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.625966

Tears are so... salty. ;_;

>> No.625973

soavyse (1 month ago) Show Hide
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wat the anime called

youtube ruins EVERYTHING

>> No.625974
File: 150 KB, 778x731, 1210848390581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long ways to go to beat that other really old thread.

>> No.625976

Is there anything else that I can watch? I just want to wallow in the ronery...

>> No.626015
File: 53 KB, 500x284, 1210849226741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This scene made me bawwwww

>> No.626306

One reason I hang out at 4chan most of my day.

>> No.626488


>> No.626556


>> No.626609

Walking with you.
Our footsteps are light.
I wonder since when I have these feelings.
A precious treasure.
These ordinary days, every single one is special and precious.
That which taught me that they were that shining and pretty...
"Keiichi-kun, won't we go to search for treasures today? I wonder, wonder?"
I always want us to laugh.
But I wonder why...
Suddenly your back seems so pained, going far away.
Don't carry your worries all alone.
I reach out my hand but you don't even see me.
I touched your cheek, and you started shivering.
"Did Rena... do something to make Keiichi-kun angry?"

>> No.626610

The fear in your eyes... even if it hurts you, I won't accept it.
I'll get them back... these... precious days.
I will protect Keiichi-kun.
It's alright. It's alright.
"Am I not your friend? So... please don't be afraid."
I'll hold your cracked hands tightly in mine.
So that you won't break, won't shatter one day.
Because I'll always support you with these hands.
So... Keiichi-kun. Please don't be afraid anymore.
It hurts... it hurts, it... really hurts.
But... Keiichi-kun's pain is nothing like this. Because... he's more afraid than anyone else.
I can't cry. Don't cry. Smile... if I just smile as always, Keiichi-kun will surely smile as well.
These... shining days. Keiichi-kun smiled in our midst. He smiled beside me. So... Keiichi-kun. Let's go back... to these days, all together.
Keiichi-kun. I'm sorry I couldn't lift your pain. I'm weak, and so I was too late to take away your pain. Sorry. I'm sorry. Keiichi-kun. Keiichi-kun.

>> No.626608


>> No.626676


>> No.626703

Has anyone managed to find a flash file of this rather than crappy youtube-quality? Moontube is better but still not flash and I also don't have a method of saving things off of there right now.

>> No.626753

sometimes life is hard.

>> No.626761


>> No.626802

anyone got a mp3 of op's song?

>> No.626815

Where does this song originates from anyway ? 2chan meme or something ?

>> No.626826

it's megaman 2 dr wily's castle theme, an awesome tune on its own

>> No.626973

can't believe it's still alive, also /r/ archive

>> No.627021

DownloadHelper (Firefox plug-in) can save off moontube, but I don't think one with subtitles is on there.

I recorded one off the youtube version so not the best quality, but still decent enough.


>> No.628213

I cast "raise the dead" on this thread.

>> No.628267

Way to suck at casting.
