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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6124433 No.6124433 [Reply] [Original]

What will you do once K-ON is over, /jp/? I don't think there is going to be anything better, ever. You might as well die.

>> No.6124441

Railgun OVAs, followed by Railgun season 2 and Saten spinoff

>> No.6124443

I have to carry on until Railgun S2
and the K-On! movie

>> No.6124447

K-on will never end.

>> No.6124446

K-ON is a shit series for faggots

>> No.6124450

You know who K-On appeals to? Faggots who cannot stand the concepts of drama or action. They watch slice of life SHIT like k-on because they're afraid to actually get attached to something, and watch as that something encounters problems. They can't stand the thought that their precious character might suffer, so they delude themselves with these shitty completely 1 dimensional characters who will never do anything aside from eat some fucking cake, go to sleep, and look cute. I could draw parallels to other slice of life shit like Azumanga Daioh. I could, be it not for the fact that Azumanga Daioh displays genuine character interaction and conflicts. You laugh at the cuteness of Chiyo-chan from an adult's point of view, you laugh at Chiyo-chan because she's a child, a genius child who was thrown into a place with people older than her and ironically being the most mature. You laugh because you see the simple genuine happiness everyday life can bring a to unique/special child. K-On? I barely even laugh after 37episodes of going through it.

K-on doesn't have anything remotely interesting as that, it caters to pathetic people who are afraid of interaction and disappointment, the same kind of people who lock themselves in their houses and blindly choose to ignore the reality in front of them, the fucking otaku scum.

Slice of like gets its humor from the way characters interact with their peers and their problems on a day to day basis. Calling K-on, a series which does not even as much as pretend to address this issue, is a slap to the fucking face to the genre.

>> No.6124448


>> No.6124453
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>> No.6124457
File: 450 KB, 823x1200, K-ON!_v04_ch13_p08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's already over, I read the last chapter this morning.

>> No.6124460

Reported for trolling outside of /b/.

>> No.6124461
File: 139 KB, 400x500, jp awesome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>K-ON is over

>> No.6124462

Are you trying to kill me?

>> No.6124464

You're a shit series for faggots.

>> No.6124465

Shit, are you searious?

>> No.6124468

I can't wait for more Final Fantasy threads to fill the gap K-on leaves behind.

>> No.6124473

But FFXIV is terrible, you're better off playing WoW.

>> No.6124472

You know little kids(like 6 year olds) watch k-on too are they faggots?

>> No.6124480
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I won't let it end.

>> No.6124482

6years old or little girls dont come to 4chan. It wasn't directed at them obviously.

>> No.6124483

proly last moe show ill watch evar....

>> No.6124491

I guess you don't know much about /b/

>> No.6124493

Yeah, I was being sarcastic. FFXIV is terrible, as is Mabinogi. I'd rather have animespammers than /v/ threads.

>> No.6124506
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>> No.6124509


Yeah, you go be a faggot.

>> No.6124514

Rewatch Lucky Star & wait for Nichijou.

>> No.6124521
File: 3 KB, 102x128, adrian-pasdar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a faggot
>browsing /jp/

>> No.6124522

I'll wait for KyoAni to announce a new moe moe anime, and hopefully it will fill the emptiness the end of k-on leaves behind.

>> No.6124524
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, 1278438078922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will be sad, but will also look forward to the next masterpiece by Kyoani.

>> No.6124528

They announced a new anime a while ago.

>> No.6124531
File: 972 KB, 1114x1400, 20100522_nichijou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They already did.

>> No.6124533

Thread is trolling me into the stratosphere.

>> No.6124535

Wait, you guys automatically love any anime Kyoani makes? I thought K-on fans just loved K-on, because of the moe and the music and such. That's why I like it. Goddamnit.

>> No.6124534

Be happy because /jp/ has gotten rid of one of the things Fake Sion loves the most, but then remember that the next season is about to begin so the textless screencaps and unrelated threads will never end.

>> No.6124540

Not entirely wrong, but mostly. Your post is based on assumptions and stereotyping. I LOVE k-on, but I also LOVE "deeper" shows, and there's no way I'm the only one.

>> No.6124543

I like them because of K-on.

>> No.6124544


Nichijou is hardly what I'd consider a moe moe anime, though. It's a SHAFT production.

Why KyoAni is doing it I had no fucking idea, but they had better not cut the male characters.

>> No.6124547
File: 449 KB, 823x1200, K-ON!_v04_ch13_p04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wait, you guys automatically love any anime Kyoani makes?
I didn't care much for Munto at all. I've liked everything else they've done, though.

>> No.6124548

Let's combine /jp/'s two favorites and make a K-on! MMO.

>> No.6124550

We don't love a show BECAUSE it's by kyoani, but many of us really like much of what they've made so far, so of course we are going to look forward to their next work.

>> No.6124553

The only character they cut in an anime before was the blonde guy from clannad afterstory.

>> No.6124562


And he was the best character in the game.

The reason they might cut the male characters from Nichijou, though, is because two of the four main girls have a crush on one of them.

They are not going to be able to sell this to the same greasy, disgusting, waifu-obsessed crowd that formed their K-On fanbase, if they want to produce a faithful adaptation.

>> No.6124570

Haruhi and Yuki had a crush on Kyon and they did alright with that series so they are not worried.

>> No.6124573
File: 455 KB, 823x1200, K-ON!_v04_ch13_p01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They are not going to be able to sell this to the same greasy, disgusting, waifu-obsessed crowd that formed their K-On fanbase
They already had that fanbase starting with Lucky Star. Also, KyoAni actually ADDED a male character, Ritsu's brother, to the anime. He's not in the manga.

>> No.6124574
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Every once in a while, /jp/ comes up with a brilliant idea.

>> No.6124582
File: 26 KB, 420x392, 311-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Make a K-ON game based on Total Distortion first

>> No.6124587

The people that watch K-on have had zero interaction with women during their formative years. This show is the only way they can get to "hang out" with the girls they pined for back in high school without the cops getting involved.

>> No.6124592

I like k-on and all my friends are females actually i dislike talking to males.

>> No.6124602


I find this hard to believe. I'm calling bullshit.

>> No.6124605

Welcome to /jp/.

>> No.6124613
File: 389 KB, 750x750, 68dff1ec6588ccda04c43849c23a257e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Believe what you want but it's the truth I have no reason to lie.

>> No.6124615
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>> No.6124618

>actually i dislike talking to males.

>> No.6124619

>The people that watch K-on want to be little girls.
And welcome to the internet, son!

>> No.6124617

I won't pretend I was popular but I had female friends in high school. I just watch K-ON because it's relaxing.

>> No.6124629
File: 245 KB, 600x700, e5e12a21f0e0e891f5552016fe428c8c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are just hard to talk too and I feel like i'm always going to say something weird when I talk to one.

>> No.6124630


>> No.6124636


Did any of the girls have a crush on him?

Whenever any female character, ever, has a crush on someone who is not the main character, the fanbase starts screaming SLUT SLUT SLUT because they're all greasy neckbeards who have never talked to a woman in their life.

Nichijou is probably not going to sell too well, KyoAni will stop pretending to be SHAFT, and we can get back to making KEY anime.

>> No.6124643
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>Implying I had no friends when I was younger because I don't like a series with terrible writing,no conflict and cookie cutter character development with only one good character who shouldn't even be in the show to begin with (Tsumugi).

>> No.6124650
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, [CoalGuys] K-ON!! S2 - 18 [63552577].mkv_snapshot_12.10_[2010.08.05_18.39.36].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only one good character

>> No.6124651

Nothing like a good K-ON thread to bring out the high school stories and tears.

>> No.6124656

>no conflict

Given that you seem to believe that human interaction revolves around conflict, I can safely assume you never had any friends indeed.

>> No.6124660
File: 39 KB, 165x230, 1284264097805.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people just don't get it, Sudo. Your words will be wasted.

>> No.6124661

Every character was good except for Azusa, she's evil.

>> No.6124664

That's how /jp/ feels about girls.

>> No.6124676

The people that don't watch K-On didn't go to high-school.

>> No.6124678

>Given that you seem to believe that human interaction revolves around conflict

Conflict doesn't always mean violent opposition, dumbass.

>> No.6124682

I never said that.

But it's understandable that you don't understand what I'm talking about, you never had friends.

>> No.6124695

Hey, you. Would you stop acting like that's actually an insult on /jp/?

>> No.6124701

Wasn't people saying the same goddamn thing with Lucky Star? Am I in a time loop or something?

>> No.6124711

K-ON = Babby's first anime

>> No.6124709

ITT: Normalfags from /a/ storm into /jp/ to try and troll us but ending up clutching their asses and grasping for straws as they try to defend the first slice of life anime/manga they've ever watched/read.

>> No.6124718

That would be DBZ or Sailor Moon

>> No.6124720

>Didn't watch Speed Racer reruns in the early 90s
Get out.

>> No.6124722

It is an insult to that guy, apparently.

Wannabe-normalfaggotry. People like that need to be kept out of /jp/ by all means necessary.

>> No.6124731

Actually more like Naruto, don't forget, we're on 2010 now.

I don't care if they came from /a/ or something, /jp/ has being damn awful for severals days now because of them. This is getting really annoying.

>> No.6124741

> has been
Rage and mistakes

>> No.6124742

Avoid subject, use ad hominem arguments.

Don't bump unrelated threads if they bother you.

>> No.6124744

>for severals days

A year, you mean. And even that's an understatement.

>> No.6124746

I don't understand the appeal of K-ON. All the girls are dumb as shit (see the OP for an example), nothing happens in the show, the jokes are not funny, the art style is ugly, and the girls aren't even that attractive. The only thing it's good for is the doujinshi.
