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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 425 KB, 800x1633, yukkuri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6120418 No.6120418 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6120422

Déja vû...

>> No.6120426
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>> No.6120428

Enough. This can be considered as flood already.

>> No.6120444
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>> No.6120447

this gives me so much satisfaction

>> No.6120514
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at first i was like :D
but then i

>> No.6120526

O was hoping for this.

>> No.6120559
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>> No.6120589

In before splat.

>> No.6120608
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>> No.6120611
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>> No.6120612

What a surprise.

>> No.6120617
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>> No.6120626
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>> No.6120636

Bracing for impact.

>> No.6120639
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>> No.6120646
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>> No.6120654

Here it comes.

>> No.6120656
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>> No.6120658

I don't understand, the yukkuris tapped his foot with the thing with wheels and he decides to kill them? I know it's a yukkuri comic but that seems a little extreme.

>> No.6120663

Tip: try reading the dialogue.

>> No.6120664

I think you should read what the young-yukkuris say as well

>> No.6120665

They tried to make him fall because they were angry at him.

>> No.6120666
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Violent overreactions are common in abuse comics.

>> No.6120668


>> No.6120670
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>> No.6120672

To most yukkuri, being run over by one of their own carts (suii~) is terrible mutilation and the yukkuri understand this. They lack the perspective to realize that it would neither intimidate or hurt their owner at all; but, it still conveys the same malice.

>> No.6120675

Yukkuris are incompetent at everything they try to do. Why should it bother him so much that the stupid yukkuris stupidly failed at another stupid plot enough to kill them again?

>> No.6120677
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>> No.6120684
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I really an surprised there are not any fondu or deep fried yukkuri pictures or concepts. I mean think about how delicious they would be.

The Reimu tainted them forever. Its a bad batch now. Best to remove them now before they can infect any other yukkuris with their rebellion.

>> No.6120687
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It's best to not even think about stuff like that when reading abuse comics. It's not supposed to make sense.

>> No.6120692

These owners have serious anger issues.

>> No.6120696
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And sometimes it's just a twisted sense of humor.

>> No.6120702

Do we ever get to find out what happens to the grown ones?

>> No.6120706

Yukkuris emit some sort of psychic wave or something when injured or distressed, causing feelings of satisfaction in the abuser.

Bullying moe~

>> No.6120709
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Cannibalism. That's what happened.

>> No.6120712

They were forsaken

>> No.6120714
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>> No.6120768
File: 565 KB, 501x1845, 25478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the high class fellow who only owns the highest class of yukkuri.

>> No.6120776


what happen here?

>> No.6120777

First time on /jp/
What is this shit?

>> No.6120783


Please continue

>> No.6120785

Surprise! It was actually Reimu all along.

>> No.6120786
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Yukkuri are yukkuri. They take it easy.

That's all. Everything else is conjecture.

>> No.6120788

I don't have them all saved, so I'll just be lazy.


Halfway up the page, moving towards page 1 is the translated. Untranslated starts in the back.

>> No.6120827

Wow, that guys is kind of a dick.

>> No.6122561

Parody of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8V-zxWY3vsY

>> No.6122573


>> No.6122605


I lol'd.

>> No.6123454

No continuation on this?

>> No.6123473
File: 44 KB, 600x450, turn to have autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
