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6091523 No.6091523 [Reply] [Original]

Dear /jp/.
Soon it is payday and because i am a useless being that has never worked in my life, the state is giving me money so that i leave them the hell aone. I get in line with the hobos, drunkards and all the other scum of the society of this country, and collect my 532 euro for this month.
Because i am way below the living standard, useless and cant afford rent, the state gave me somewhere to live too. Which i only have to pay like 100 euro per month for.
With what my parents give me i have about 600 euro for myself every month.

Seriously, you guys need to learn how to exploit the system.

>> No.6091532
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>he can't collect unemployment using the internet

>> No.6091535

You need to learn about capitalisation.

>> No.6091536

>I get in line with the hobos, drunkards and all the other scum of the society
someone is in self denial

>> No.6091542

where i live you can only collect those benefits for 6 months.

even then its not a fixed number, its 1/2 of your last paycheck, so if you've never had a job you're not eligible

>> No.6091544

I'm workin my ass off getting an EE degree so I can buy 100s of figures and make /jp/ jelly

>> No.6091552

Yeah, but you still live in Europe.

>> No.6091563

There is joy in doing a job you love.

Buying that new car or tv or $300 bronze godzilla figure is always more satisfying with money you earned.

>> No.6091572
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>butthurt americafag who got left alone by the state to rot.

>> No.6091573

Oh, snap.

>> No.6091582

Engineer brofist, except I'm working my fingers to bone trying to figure out chemistry & mass-scale chemical production.

No need for money, really, I just like the idea that I'm in forefront of advancing humanity. I also like Cirno and Alice.

>> No.6091591

My dream is to become an engineer and try to support as many shut-ins as I can with my spending money.

I have visions of maybe buying a big house with a spacious basement so I can divide it up and maybe support a dozen or so. Maybe I'd have to adjust the number to fit my budget, since I'm not positive what it would cost to support them, but even if I could support just one person to LIVE THE DREAM I think I'd be satisfied.

>> No.6091593

You guys should just get a job working nightshift at a 24 hour convenience store, all you have to do is vacuum and pretend to stock shelves, it's so easy even you guys can do it and buy all the shit you want.

>> No.6091598

I just sold some stocks. It's nice to get an instant 20k for doing absolutely nothing.

>> No.6091604

Yah, I mostly picked up EE because I like soldering shit and electricity is just generally fun.
The money is just a bonus in doing something I enjoy all day.
Brofist on Cirno, but I'd pick Yuuka over Alice.

>> No.6091608

Like that show hoarders but instead of dead cats in your basement 30 years from now.


>> No.6091618

And all of them showing signs of sexual abuse.

>> No.6091624

Hi grandma.

>> No.6091625

its not abuse if they're already dead.

>> No.6091626

I am nearly 30 and useless but my dream is still to be a system administrator one day.

Keeps me alive and running, never let go of your goal and steadily work towards it. Even if you need to walk through shit day in and day out, one day the light will shine down and you can step on land.

>> No.6091632
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TBH I'd much rather watch animé, read manga and play Touhou all day long while ordering pizza & kebab without ever leaving my home. In word, I'd love to be useless piece of crap with wonderful life. That's why I invest in stocks and play lottery. Someday... ;_;

>> No.6091654
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>> No.6091679

I made it into the best engineering program my state had to offer. Planned to move into civil engineering. Failed fantastically.

My second semester was when I started my whole shut-in deal, after my roommate left.

This thread, in a small way, made me want to look into it again. Fuck yeah my could-have-been ;_; fellow engineer bros.

>> No.6091685

lottery is a horrible investment

you should put your money in US bonds or something.

>> No.6091695

why aren't any of the engineers here bro-tier like you guys ;_;

>> No.6091714



Get the fuck out.

>> No.6091728
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>he doesn't realize that brofisting gained popularity in /jp/ during VN cracking threads

>> No.6091735

I'd love to go into engineering (18 here, still haven't decided what to do with my shit life), but I suck at math. Might as well get in line for my inevitable welfare check.

>> No.6091740

Holy fuck, I knew that I couldn't be the only one who had this dream.

>> No.6091745


Please fuck off back to /v/ and stop shitting up /jp/

>> No.6091766
File: 93 KB, 872x1072, 08_10_22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, mein herr.

Please go find another corner to floorshit in and stop grumping up our thread.

>> No.6091787

So how much SCIENCE goes into EE?

Can it be learned from the basement without genius level IQ? Any good way to start, besides Google?

>> No.6091800

Of course, with enough discipline you can learn just about anything via self-study. It's easier than ever now with the internet. University is 80% bullshit anyway.

>> No.6091801

Go study whatever interests you, I switched from economics to biology to sinology to engineering.

I think I'll stick with this one.

>> No.6091820

I've been considering going back to school to make something of myself. I will never be able to live unemployed, so being a desired worker is better than being a low-tier salary man. I might as well work towards something.

I'm considering language. I'd like to acquire a few, starting with Spanish.

>> No.6091828


It is, but it's also awfully hard to get into a really lucrative career for a large company without some kind of proof of your educational background. For example, a good friend of mine is BRILLIANT when it comes to his understanding of biology, genetics, evolution, etc, but he's stuck working at fucking Target because he didn't finish college.
I on the other hand did finish college, and I'm pretty much set for life right now. I make money damn near faster than I can spend it.

>> No.6091838

If you got the guts and the will you can go back to college and graduate, even with 30. Second education is not uncommon anymore.
It just requires willpower and dedication. But if you put in 2 or 4 years pure effort you get a bigger outcome than doing nothing. Plus, way more money.

>> No.6091848

Both my mom and dad didn't go to college and they both make more than I will with my EE degree. ;_;

>> No.6091849

I'm definitely going back to college next year, working in retail really sucks and I wouldn't do it if my family didn't desperately need the money. All I need to take are about a half dozen more classes before I can graduate anyway.

>> No.6091851

What didn't you like about Economics? I really enjoy it and am considering making it my major.

>> No.6091867

You can get into any company if you produce something worthwhile. Even if you're not college educated, but you know your shit, you can write a program, patent an invention, write an impressive thesis, contribute substantial articles to a scientific publication, etc. Producing results would get one hired even faster than a scrap of paper, and you don't need uni to do that.

>> No.6091911

Where are all the other college educated NEETs?

>> No.6091929

gettin me some college educate at Alfred University

>> No.6091932

western new york

>> No.6091991

I am interested in engineering (and mathematics in general), it's just that my math skills are subpar.

>> No.6092037

My math skills suck too
I got dropped into calc 1 first semester of college
I panicked but soon found out that you can just go to the tutoring center and they'll assign some smart neckbeard to teach you and help you with homework
all the classes also had group tutoring sessions

>> No.6092067

And people complain about black people living off welfare.

Incidentally you get more money than me and I work a legit job.

>> No.6092090

took first year electrical engineering and completely failed, now I'm taking nuclear engineering, here's to hoping ;_;

>> No.6092178

Public Works Program here.
Feels bad man, no welfare just the worst possible jobs jobs available with the blackest niggers (most of which are court ordered to be there). On the other hand having no other options gives me only one direction to head in. Who knows one day I might actually turn in an application.

>> No.6095190

Does not compute. You're not born with math skills, you acquire them by dealing with various problems of mathematical nature, which is something you'll do automatically if you're really interested in maths.

>> No.6095229

Still dreaming of becoming the next BNF.


>> No.6095230

According to this idea, the only thing I'm interested in is refreshing /jp/ all day.

>> No.6095247

Upon graduating I'll have one of the best qualifications in my country so I should have no problem finding a job that at least supports my basic needs.

I'd just save everything beyond the £20-25k I'd use and use it to trade. Like my oppai tastes, I have no interest in average, just small + fuckhuge. Even if I were well off I wouldn't feel satisfied till I had tens/hundreds of millions. I still wouldn't use it, I just want to feel like I beat the game.

>> No.6095255

I get roughly 1000e a month being completely arbeidsongeschikt (whatever the English word is), and all I have to do is get checked by some woman once a year. It's pretty awesome.

>> No.6095265

I'm actually doing it guy, feels good.
