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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 468 KB, 800x600, yumemiru 2010-09-06 14-33-37-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6090535 No.6090535 [Reply] [Original]

Hey... me and my friend like Yumi Miru Kusuri... give us another one of these types of games. With a good story. We don't give a shit if it involves loli's or tons of sex or anything.

He actually likes Mizuki the most... fuck his shit Nekoko is god tier.

>> No.6090542

Do you guys read the ero scenes together?

>> No.6090543


>> No.6090550
File: 124 KB, 1280x720, 1283201655088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't understand OP's sentence. It's in spanish or some shit.

>> No.6090551


Get out of this board and never come back.

>> No.6090561

If you liked YMK, you have shit taste.

>> No.6090573
File: 104 KB, 806x603, Aeka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<--- Best heroine by a mile.

>> No.6090592

>whoreslut and manipulative bitch
only liked because whiteknighting.

>> No.6090611

Perhaps the same could be said of all VN girls with routes.

>> No.6090626

Oye... a mi y a mi amigo nos gusta Sueño Mirar Droga... danosle un otro de este tipo de juegos.
Con una historia buena. No damos una caca si o no el juego tiene lolis o un montón de las relaciones sexuales.

Actualmente, su favorita es Mízuki... mierda, Nekoko es escalón de dios.

>> No.6090633
File: 102 KB, 810x632, ScreenHunter_02 May. 08 00.48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitch Imma strangle you.

>> No.6090639

not all girls have the
>fuck me or I'll suicide
That's why she's a whore, a slut and a manipulative bitch. Also she's so retarded she didn't even manage to kill herself.

>> No.6090648

Good work improving your spanish, but still not there.

>> No.6090657


>> No.6090665

putting an ñ sounds HORRIBLY bad for some reason.

>> No.6090667

that's not how Spanish works

>> No.6090679

Yeah you're right the fucked up druggie that takes it up the ass and the coke sniffing knocked up pair of tits are much better.

>> No.6090690


The entire VN is whiteknightery.

Aeka: protects the weak
Mizuki: guides the lost (future)
Nekoko: guides the lost (present)

>> No.6090694

You mean the girl that's exactly like you and decided to use drugs to 'color herself' and the nympho bored and afraid of tomorrow?
Yes, BY FAR.

>> No.6090754

Aeka is bullied (on a dangerous level), but she tries to hold on.
Nekoko has a drug problem, but even so tries to not get overwhelmed and doesn't want the drugs even though she is stuck.
Mizuki doesn't see a future for herself and deludes herself that nothing matters, and litterally fucks up everything until pregnancy gets her serious.

>> No.6091014

OP's post is about finding another VN. Not about discussing this one... but you can if you want... just saying we still need help here.

>> No.6091038

You want a VN like this...
Try wanko to kurasou and if you want porn with plot, try sharin no kuni.

>> No.6091044

I agree, Nekoko 2 years later is so cute. Look at that smile.

>> No.6091047

Or toxemia...

>> No.6091050

Virgin Roster's a lot like this one. You'll like it, OP. If you want a more "feel good" VN, try Kana ~Imouto~

>> No.6091052


She looks like she got punched in her left eye a little while ago.

>> No.6091062

They ALL have a bad end, why you gotta single her out like that?

>> No.6091063

ymk is okay for baby's first vn.

>> No.6091067

when you have clannad as a trip, please do-

>> No.6091081


Because no gives a fuck about the other girls. ;_;

>> No.6091130

All I have gotten from this threads had been various rapist/catgirl/loli VN's... fuck you /jp/

>> No.6091135
File: 82 KB, 799x597, 1280867036616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6091142

Ok then, Family Project for a serious answer.
But it may not be what you would like, but that's it if you want one in english.

>> No.6091144

you read sharin's description?

>> No.6091153


Saya no uta

[x] rape
[x] monster girl
[x] loli

>> No.6091179
File: 536 KB, 800x600, yumemiru 2010-09-06 11-24-53-35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, there are not any games as good as ymk.

>> No.6091191
File: 1.28 MB, 320x240, a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go for Utawarerumono, it's universally liked and has an English and voice patch

>> No.6091199

Well fuck guys, lets go back to /v/ and play some first person shooters.

>> No.6091202

So you've finally come out of hiding

>> No.6091219
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>> No.6091246
File: 606 KB, 802x601, Nooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6091292
File: 97 KB, 694x448, 1282513140338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come /jp/ are you sure that there is nothing as good as ymk.

>> No.6091303
File: 12 KB, 206x235, 1280011605594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6091305

The T word, anon.

>> No.6091312


Sharin no Kuni and the fandisc
Kana ~Imouto~
Cross Channel

>> No.6091323

third time:

>> No.6091327

Well, my favorite VN is Galaxy Angel but it's rarely if ever recommended because it's cute. Most people on /jp/ want more story and less moe.

>> No.6091332

Cross Channel and Family Project are written by the same person as YMK.
And they're both better.

>> No.6091339

I deleted YMK after Aeka's route. Melodramatic piece of shit with unlikable characters all around. The guy who worked with a protag was a bro, but everyone else fucking sucked. I've no idea why it's so highly revered.

>> No.6091346

/jp/ thinks YMK sucks, actually.

>> No.6091348
File: 68 KB, 799x598, porngames.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dude would have made the best route

>> No.6091352

it's not haha. Most of us think it's shit.

>> No.6091360

Everyone one of /v/ fucking loves YMK, it's just you /jp/ people who bitch at them for liking it.

>> No.6091363

The fandisc ruined Sharin for me. I preferred Hozuki when I had to guess at all his motives.

>> No.6091364


There is your problem.

It's a horrible game when compared to stuff /v/ will not even ever touch.

>> No.6091383
File: 199 KB, 800x600, houzuki kickin ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Really? I think the fandisc made him a much stronger character. And Ari is badass

>> No.6091428

It basically removed all the ambiguity surrounding him. That ambiguity was one of the key elements that made him so interesting.

Also the reveal that Ken and Ririko weren't blood-related. God did that piss me off.

>> No.6091461


And you think /v/ plays VNs as often as we do?

YMK is generic. It's baby's first VN.

>> No.6091467

>That ambiguity was one of the key elements that made him so interesting.
I bet you think Darth Vader was a better character before it was revealed he was Anakin.
>the reveal that Ken and Ririko weren't blood-related.
That was like in the first flashback in the original.

>> No.6091473

>Also the reveal that Ken and Ririko weren't blood-related.
That's in the first game.

>> No.6091475

Not that anon, but what's "the T word"?

>> No.6091485


>> No.6091489


>I bet you think Darth Vader was a better character before it was revealed he was Anakin.

No, but Anakin Skywalker was a better character before Lucas made him into a crying faggot.

>> No.6091495

Ah, of course. Sage for stupidity.

>> No.6091510

Now I want to do some laced coke and choke a bitch.

Something about choking bitches in this game.

Probably the reason it's so good.

>> No.6091521

Anakin is not a crying faggot.
He's an emotionless faggot

>> No.6091528



>> No.6091570

fuck you. Now i'm reminded of my shitty voice acting job that requires me to do shit like that.

>> No.6091589
File: 195 KB, 489x265, whatgivesman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why /jp/, why you hate what I like.

I finally find a VN that I can stand and your all like "its shit."

>> No.6091599

Don't take it personally.

>> No.6091648

Haters aside, I quite enjoyed YMK.

>> No.6091659

The folds of that towel/blanket form the shape of a person fingering their ass...

>> No.6091669

Just look at it this way: if you can stand YMK, then you would really enjoy the better ones.

>> No.6091672


what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.6091692

>I bet you think Darth Vader was a better character before it was revealed he was Anakin.

He was a better character before the prequels made him into the worst character of the past 50 years of film, yes.

>That was like in the first flashback in the original.

Pretty sure the only mention of anything like that is Ken and Ririko "having different mothers". Nowhere does it imply, throughout the whole game, that Ken isn't Saburo's biological son.

In any case, a lot of the fandisc felt like a super-cheap retcon to me.

>> No.6091738

Chapter 2, 007.ks
He's only once held a serious discussion with me.[np]\
It was to tell me that my sister and I are not related by blood.[np]\
;;Kid, you're in an eroge, it should be obvious

My sister didn't seem very surprised when she found out that we weren't related by blood.[np]\
Rather, she seemed delighted. She formed her beautiful lips into a grin and said she'd play with me even more from now on.[np]\

[name txt="Ririko"][vo s=rir_0004]"I have a wonderful vagabond father and a very cute little brother who isn't actually related to me."[np]\
;;[name txt="璃々子"][vo s=rir_0004]"放浪癖のある父がとても素敵で、血のつながっていない弟がか

Chapter 5, 059.ks
@chr r=ririko_c_g_15 rs=m
[name txt="Ririko"][vo s=rir_0767]"A-although we're not actually related by blood."[np]\
;;[name txt="Ririko"][vo s=rir_0767]"ち、血はつながってないんだけどねぇっ"[np]\

>> No.6091804

Okay, I'm an idiot and don't remember any of that.

And I've seen eroge where the brother and sister are related. It's just not very common because eroge writers are ballless faggots.

>> No.6091854

Actually, Romeo didn't write YMK. Which explains why it sucks.

>> No.6091857

It's becoming more and more common. Japanese people are 1 child families now. Men are growing up without sisters. It becomes a fantasy of theirs that if they had a sister there would be romance in their lives. Blood related brother/sister incest games are becoming a lot more common.

>> No.6091859


Wasn't he involved with the scenario, though?

His, er, unique touch is pretty evident throughout YMK.

>> No.6091864
File: 56 KB, 800x600, YMK_021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've played a fucking TON of VNs. I liked YMK just fine.

Haters gonna hate.

>> No.6091872


You might have enjoyed it, but are you honestly going to defend it as high-quality writing?

>> No.6091877
File: 2 KB, 126x104, 1278003888498s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>high-quality writing

To be honest I don't think it high-quality its just high-quality compared the japans normal bullshit.

>> No.6091882


Actually, the writing is quite good, especially for a VN.

Nekoko's route is probably the worst in that respect, though.

>> No.6091884


It certainly has excellent production values, and it's passable, but the story is still quite mediocre.

Generic protagonist helps girls who can't help themselves.

>> No.6091892


No, the writing is miserable.

There's no character development. Kouhei either doesn't care or wants to protect the girl. The girl is either lost and miserable or wanting of Kouhei's love.

The closest thing to development is Hiroko's transition from dependent to independent, and that HAPPENED OFF SCREEN.

>> No.6091895


Yes, but it's a twist on that entire concept. Compare YMK to something like Clannad and you'll see what I mean.

Not that Clannad is a bad game or anything.

>> No.6091898

The writing, narration, dialogue and interactions between the characters, internal monologue - all those things were pretty good in YMK.
The story itself, pacing, placement of ero scenes and progression of events - those weren't so good.
Still, quite a nice VN. I'd say definitely above average.

>> No.6091901

>There's no character development.

What? But. Mizuki. That.

>> No.6091902


It's a slightly refreshing alternative to the generic high school romance, but it's still needs more color.

Maybe if they made it on drugs..

>> No.6091906

>placement of ero scenes

Yeah, that definitely bothered me. Only route in which they seemed to make sense was Mizuki's.c

>> No.6091924


Like Op said I like Mizuki best.

She just feels like the closest thing to a loving relationship.

To honest this was another porn game to me, that happened to surprise me in story.

>> No.6091934


I think I'd have enjoyed the game more had it just been about Mizuki.

Her theme is god-tier and she has easily the best story.

>> No.6091951


I feel the same way. Mizuki just related to me the most in the game.

She was the only one to seem to have character development at all.

I'm gald I did her story first or I've might of just said to hell with the game.

>> No.6091965


I actually did hers last because I wanted to have good memories of the game and not angry ones.

Fuck Aeka's route and fuck Aeka. Worst segment of a VN I've ever played.

>> No.6091977


Aeka's route is just played off as that fantasy of "revenge" against bullies.

Plus she just fucking crazy, I wanted her to kill herself.

>> No.6092010

>Plus she just fucking crazy
That's the best part, anon-kun.

>> No.6092018


I only remember as being about unrealistically evil and powerful bullies alongside adults that wouldn't do shit even when it would be in their best interests to do so.

When I found out Japan is actually like that, I came to the conclusion that it must be the worst country in the world and that two nukes were not enough.

So yes, I hate Aeka's route.

>> No.6092043
File: 2 KB, 126x88, 1277589597108s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When I found out Japan is actually like that, I came to the conclusion that it must be the worst country in the world and that two nukes were not enough.

Are you me?

>> No.6092087


Timid fucks that are scared of conflict.

I still remember that stupid security guard at Disney Land. He looked scared as shit when he told me that sitting on the railing was against the rules. And didn't do anything when I started sitting on them again.

>> No.6092757

Fine. Try Nocturnal Illusion, OP.

>> No.6092787

Someone has been bullied at school it seems.

>> No.6092810


Normal bullies do not destroy money. Normal bullies do not taser people in the middle of class. Kouhei's entire class was clinically insane and needed to be committed, but due to not a single adult in that route being willing to take responsibility, everyone went unpunished.

I fucking hate Aeka's route and I fucking hate Japan.
