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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6090227 No.6090227 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6090234

Azusa isn't first? Reported.

>> No.6090231

Yui deserves the 1st place

>> No.6090236

I thought they hated Ritsu?

>> No.6090238

In before people complaining about popular shows topping a popularity poll.

>> No.6090239

watching the moe stocks makes me feel like a grown up!

>> No.6090257


Saimoe shit belongs to /a/, don't question it.

>> No.6090259

Where the fuck is poplar?

>> No.6090260

What kind of shit is this? Mio 1st? Azunyan 3rd? The 8th is.......... ???
That can't possibly be Japan.

>> No.6090261

Ritsu isn't in 1st place? FUCKING HELL.

>> No.6090268

Seriously, and who still likes Yuki?

>> No.6090273

Wow, I knew Japanese are getting more and more retarded every year, but this...

>> No.6090277

Is Kira still in the top 10 male poll?

>> No.6090278

>Yui not first
Angry sage.

>> No.6090279


You haven't seen Disappearance, I take it.

Also, this chart is terrible. KEYSHIT shouldn't be anywhere near the top 10.

>> No.6090285

mio first? how the fuck can you like that affection-less pile of shit.

>> No.6090293

> Japanese
> Teenagers
Well, i don't see the difference with the rest of the world.
Have you ever heard of 'smart fags' ?

>> No.6090295

Not sure why people are getting bent out of shape, when it's just from Newtype. You should know what kind of people read that magazine.

>> No.6090310

Why does it seem like the Japanese manchild nerd population is way more flavor of the month in their tastes than elsewhere. Have some pride, be a little elitist at least. Or do regular people/teenagers actually watch this stuff?

>> No.6090312
File: 71 KB, 500x500, b4a022ef162914a4d7019bd4c512c1ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Yuki last ;_;
But oh well, at least that horrible abomination of a character that is Yui didn't win. I don't particularly like Mio, but everything's better than Yui.

>> No.6090315

And also, not very many people even vote in these things. I wouldn't be surprised if there were more voters in Saimoe.

>> No.6090319

You don't reach K-ON level sales by being popular with only otaku.

>> No.6090329

K-ON is life.

>> No.6090334

>Japanese manchild nerd population

>> No.6090346

Yuki had it's point before dissapearance.

>> No.6090348

look on the bright side, lacus isn't there anymore

>> No.6090366

I don't mind K-ON!, but I dislike the monopoly it has these days. Seriously, they literally own the top 5.

I want a more free moe market that encourages moe innovation.

>> No.6090372

I'm hoping for a boom in monster girls.

>> No.6090390
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The manga just ended, and the anime is almost over, too.

>> No.6090399

>Two characters from angel beats.
What the fuck, Japan?

>> No.6090405
File: 93 KB, 687x486, d_aoicomic008pl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good to see the best KEY heroine in the top ten.

>> No.6090409

in the manga azusa commit suicide

>> No.6090408
File: 252 KB, 800x551, 1272893805593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised at the lack of Yui. Maybe fujoshi don't like her.

>> No.6090404


>> No.6090413
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No, she doesn't.

>> No.6090421
File: 104 KB, 753x414, 1283258759025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tenshi is the most forced character I have ever seen

>> No.6090431

>forced character
What the fuck is THAT supposed to mean.
And I liked Kanade!
Because she reminded me of Yuki.

>> No.6090433

You are the most forced troll I have ever seen

>> No.6090437

>Haruhi and Yuki
>Haruhi and Yuki v2
Is this a problem?
Also Rei is there.

>> No.6090441

Why are there 2 Haruhis and 3 Reis there?

>> No.6090449
File: 433 KB, 350x201, 1282249104311.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why so Parkinson's, Azusa?

>> No.6090481
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>> No.6090496

Mugi should use an analog synth


>> No.6090505


>> No.6090518

Mugi is 5th? Bullshit.

>> No.6090532

More accurately it's Haruhi, Haruhi v2, Rei, Rei v2, and Rei v2b. Goddamn Japan and their stale personality preferences.

>> No.6090538

I want to hear Mugi's chin hitting against my ballsack.

>> No.6090563

1. Generic blob
2. Generic blob
3. Generic blob
4. Generic blob
5. Generic blob
7. Dandere
7. Genki
8. Genki
9. Dandere
10. Dandere

2nd half of the list is not too bad

>> No.6090577
File: 68 KB, 1280x720, [Frostii]_K-On!!_-_14_[D61C99B4].mkv_snapshot_04.29_[2010.07.20_23.29.22].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6090584


The fuck is this shit.

>> No.6090708


Whether or not the list is accurate is a matter of debate, though.

>> No.6090725

Isn't that kuudere?

>> No.6090729

That's kuudere, not dandere. Damn newfags.

>> No.6090793

Dandere could be thought of as a subset of kuudere, where the cause of the kuudereness is shyness but the character has enough of an interest in the specific subject for them to lose their kuudereness when that subject is brought up.

So yeah, kuudere would probably be the most accurate term to use here, though the cause of the kuudereness differs for the shown characters. Kanade was kuudere due to her social awkwardness and inexperience with life outside a hospital; Rei because she's basically an experimental subject; while with Yuki it's because she wasn't supposed to have emotions to begin with, and the fact that she develops emotions throughout the series is a sign that she has evolved beyond her original programming or whatever you want to call it.

>> No.6090836

Nope, I'm too retarded to see the difference.
Danderes are quiet and silent because they are shy.
Kuuderes are quiet and silent because that's how they are, until they go dere?

>> No.6090859

Tenshi warmed up to the remaining chracters near the end of the show so does that mean she went dandere?

>> No.6090866
File: 704 KB, 1920x1200, 1249516219007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought everyone hated Ritsu? I'm glad Rei is still loved though.

You have a point there. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of girls did vote in these polls.

>> No.6090873
File: 18 KB, 379x214, imok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mio, Tenshi/Kanade and Rei in the top 10

>> No.6090889

It's fucking newtype only fujoshi vote.

>> No.6090898

>>6090836 (samefag)
>Kuuderes are quiet and silent because that's how they are, until they go dere?
Or rather, because their environment caused them to not know any better?

>> No.6090902

>Mio over Yui

What the fuck? I bet Mio whored herself to the max.

>> No.6090920

>Yui over anyone besides Asuza

What the fuck?

>> No.6090928


>> No.6090941

Then why is Mio number one? I would have thought they'd pick someone more... "girl-power-y" like Ritsu or Yuri. I'd say there still quite a bit of manchildren voting.

>> No.6090948

Do you people not know what kuudere is? Kuudere doesn't mean 'quiet/doesn't talk much/shy'. Minato from Akane iro and Nanasaki from Amagami are what kuudere is.

>> No.6090993

> Nagase Minato
> Kuudere

>> No.6090993,1 [INTERNAL] 

This is what I'm talking about. You do not know what kuudere is. It even says within the very VN how she is kuudere.

>> No.6090993,2 [INTERNAL] 

Sunrise fanboy here, I'm deeply offended by this. Fuck this moeshit.

>> No.6090993,3 [INTERNAL] 

Are you offended by the lack of Gundam Seed Destiny?

>> No.6090993,4 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah, and the lack of Code Geass too!

>> No.6090993,5 [INTERNAL] 

Shame the Code Geass heroines are garbage. Except for Tianzi.

>> No.6090993,6 [INTERNAL] 

The lack of posts reporting this blatant offtopic thread is truly saddening.

>> No.6090993,7 [INTERNAL] 

What? When you report a thread, you shouldn't make a post declaring that you did. It just provides more unnecessary attention.

Most people who say "reported" don't even do it for real, anyway.

>> No.6090993,8 [INTERNAL] 

Reported to Eksi whom I doubt would give a fuck about the ghost board anymore;_;

>> No.6090993,9 [INTERNAL] 

No, the reason people declare that they reported a thread, so other people who'd do the same won't have to. And you can bet that there are quite a lot of us who indeed report it.
I didn't mean it here on the ghostboard, I meant when the thread was alive.

>> No.6090993,10 [INTERNAL] 

woa i thought they did it cus they are retarded

>> No.6090993,11 [INTERNAL] 

Much like your posting.

>> No.6090993,12 [INTERNAL] 

lol u mad retard
