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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6085766 No.6085766 [Reply] [Original]



A VN where your love interest is an autistic girl who can't feel comfortable around other people.

>> No.6085776

we don't need another whiteknight vn.

>> No.6085774

ends in rape

>> No.6085777

Just throw it a new character route in Katawa Shoujo and


>> No.6085783
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Yes we do, the flood of NTR comes too quickly, and too strong.

>> No.6085789

How about a vn in which your love interest is a fucking bitch, through and through?

>> No.6085798 [DELETED] 

"Mysterious Stranger" albino guy and Anon is my OTP.

>> No.6085810

So, Clannad?

>> No.6085811

Why would /jp/ want to date themselves?

Oh wait because they're pathetic

>> No.6085815


>> No.6087141

as long as we have a GAR protag.

>> No.6087146
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>> No.6087148

Have you ever actually been around an autistic person?

>> No.6087151

i'm on /jp/ all the time

>> No.6087156

That explains the massive amount of autism I sense everytime I go to /jp/. Now I know it's from you.

>> No.6087159

Lots of VNs like this, they just don't directly state that the heroine has autism, even if she pretty much has all the symptoms of someone with autism.

>> No.6087160

Whenever I'm on 7447, the autism becomes unbearable.

>> No.6087162


I have, in high school. She had terrible acne and unkempt afro-hair my friends and I used to make fun of, she spoke in the grating, screeching voice at all times, and launched into stupid monologues when the teacher would call on her. The only interest of hers I was aware of was her pet rabbits.

So I used to draw pictures of rabbits being tortured to death and show them to her. In lunch one day, between that, other kids mocking her, and me afterward skipping around the table she sat alone and screaming "EVERY DAY IS A HAPPY DAY" while everyone tried their hardest to make her cry, she suddenly jumped up and screamed at me inchoerently about how she slit her dog's throat when she was a kid and ran off screaming and crying. I'm not sure what that was about but it explained alot. Autistic people are sub-human filth who murder their pets because they're retarded and emotionally stunted. What an awful girl.

>> No.6087166

>So I used to draw pictures of rabbits being tortured to death and show them to her.
Wow, you're an asshole.

>> No.6087179

What are the patterns?
Does she repeat everything she does?
What's that limited interest that she has, I bet every must know it if she's autistic?
Does she repeat after what people say all the time?
Does she respond to to people properly or is there a lagging time in her respond? Is she socially aloof?

>> No.6087195

How about a VN where you date the female version of yourself after a series of questions detailing your personality and such?

>> No.6087207

way to show your own autism there pal. you aint a hair better than that girl.
tell me, what is it that fucked *you* up so much?

FUCK YEAH. I'd hit female-me so fucking hard.

>> No.6087216

The irony is killing me.

>> No.6087221


My friends I used to mock her all the time in her classes but I wasn't by any means very familiar with her. It was common knowledge in the school that she was diagnosed autistic but I can't cooberate every aspect and give you a line for line summary against the ICD-10 definition. She was able to function in a school environment, just badly, and no one really liked her. It's been ten years since I last saw her though.

>What are the patterns?
Wasn't close enough to know.

>Does she repeat everything she does?

>What's that limited interest that she has, I bet every must know it if she's autistic?
All I know about was the rabbits.

>Does she repeat after what people say all the time?

>Does she respond to to people properly or is there a lagging time in her respond? Is she socially aloof?
She was aloof because no one liked her, she tended to harp on things no one cared about, she had abysmal social graces and was easily upset and angered.

>what is it that fucked *you* up so much?

I was 12 at the time. Nothing else really. That's just what kids do.

>> No.6087222

I hate myself, why would I do that?

>> No.6087225

A VN where you play video games all day with a female version of yourself?
Yes please. She doesn't even have to be female ;_;

>> No.6087228


I should correct that. The last time I saw her was in high school. The incident described was in middle school, but I continued harassing her up until I switched schools my sophmore year.

>> No.6087243

/jp/ doesn't know what autism is, it's just a word that people throw around any time they see something they don't like.

>> No.6087275

12 = Highschool
What is this?

>> No.6087277


>> No.6087338

>Whenever I'm on 7447, the autism becomes unbearable.
You are just mad because I styled on you there everyday.

>> No.6087348

>She doesn't even have to be female

>> No.6087363

>A VN where you play video games all day with a female version of yourself?
>She doesn't even have to be female ;_;
Just place a mirror next to yourself all day if that's the case.

>> No.6087752

Just read Houkagoe Play
And cry at the good end

>> No.6087785

You're a piece of shit. GTFO /jp/.
