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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 155 KB, 661x900, saten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.6085042 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a Saten thread?

>> No.6085048


>> No.6085065

Where did you come from?

>> No.6085067

whata boute i slab ur shet!!!

>> No.6085071
File: 2.66 MB, 450x253, 1272656916766.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like a /v/ fag to me.

>> No.6085378
File: 206 KB, 1920x1080, snapshot20100904233350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not on front page

>> No.6085384

Saten threads should be marked as spam.

>> No.6085395

They aren't? I'm not on my computer right now so I'm not using any extension.

>> No.6085398

That's not fair. That's like saying Touhou threads should be marked as spam.

>> No.6085419

hue hue hue.

Shut up spammer.

>> No.6085431


My butt was exploding mad during this whole episode yesterday. It had like every railgun reacting image ever.

>> No.6085437
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, [Ayako] A Certain Scientific Railgun - 04 [HQ][H264][1960B5EE].mkv_snapshot_09.38_[2009.10.24_00.01.51].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6085449

Seriously it had that, the Curry face, the Saten table thing and so on and holy crap I'm getting frustrated just thinking about it.

>> No.6085451

>He watches Railgun
laughing whores.jpg

>> No.6085454
File: 195 KB, 1920x1080, snapshot20100904233226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6085456

hue hue hue

>> No.6085461

I love this

>> No.6085475

On /a/? no. On /jp/? yes.
Saten thread should be marked and spam on /jp/.

>> No.6085490
File: 154 KB, 1920x1080, saten-san.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see how you could even say Saten is 'spammed' on /jp/. It's just some Anons posting their waifu. I don't see how it's any different than any of the threads that get posted on /jp/.

>> No.6085510

It's different because Saten is from a shitty anime and not something related to /jp/.

>> No.6085532

>shitty anime
You obviously haven't even watched it.
>something related to /jp/.
I see lots of threads less 'related to /jp/' on the front page right now. Do you go in each and every one of them complaining?

>> No.6085541

>Do you go in each and every one of them complaining?
Are you new? That is the foundation of /jp/'s autism.

>> No.6085550

So, by your logic everyone should make at least 10 no text posts of their "Waifus" a day then, right?

>> No.6085553
File: 104 KB, 480x640, 1282598772591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im fine with this

>> No.6085556

I stand corrected. "A Certain [Adjective] [Noun]" is a decent series. It must then be SATEN who is shit because these threads on /jp/ are badly placed.

>> No.6085565

That's because you're a shitposter.

>> No.6085566

>no text
There was text, but ok.
And I fail to see how threads like >>6085338 and >>6085436 are ok but this isn't. Or is the trick just to have a Touhou picture in the OP, and then you can discuss whatever you want?

>> No.6085572

That's apparently how it works according to our janitor.

>> No.6085574

It's a shitty anime. Anyway, even if we say it's not, it's still unrelated to /jp/ in every conceivable way and no "others do it too!" isn't a good excuse.

By the way, we also tell the other posters of unrelated shit to go away.

You're not me. Railgun is absolute shit and I will not stand for anyone pretending to be me who says it's any good.

>> No.6085581

My face when saten spammer tries to justify his shit

>> No.6085590

The second thread is 80% "this thread sucks" and 20% OP bumping his own thread so I'm not sure what you're trying to show exactly.

First one would get deleted if meido was around.

Once again, "others do it too!" isn't a good excuse. Fuck off.

>> No.6085598

>wants to have a saten thread

>> No.6085617

>Railgun is absolute shit
Opinions are great.
>"others do it too!" isn't a good excuse.
I wasn't making an excuse. I just think it strange that at least 50% of the threads posted on /jp/ don't actually seem to be /jp/ related, and nobody complains, or only a handful do. Yet a Saten thread gets so much hate.

>> No.6085636

Come on /jp/, arguing with trolls in a daily spam thread?

Holy shit, just report and hide.

>> No.6085692

Because all Saten threads are SPAM. Now you are gonna defend the Dawson threads, and KoG spamming Cirno images aren't you? Some thing along the line of:
>Hey, it's Cirno images guys. It's /jp/ related. What do you have against that KoG guy?

>> No.6085710

But it's not spam. I make one Saten thread in a day and suddenly I'm spamming? That's not fair. And KoG spam and Dawson threads are posted with the intent to bother others (trolling), while a Saten thread is made just to post cute images of a cute girl and spread love.

>> No.6085747

Cool bump.

You are spam, but so are all the other types of threads mentioned in here.

Though technically, reporting something as spam should only be used for autoscripts that post on the boards (anontalk, cash sites, automated spam floods)

Of course with capchas, it doesn't really serve that purpose anymore. I am sure the mods look at them in almost the same way.

>> No.6085794

Are you saying you don't make a Saten thread every 10 minutes where it doesn't belong and bump the threads back to the front page every 5 minutes?
Sounds like spam bro. Anyway, why can't you do it in /a/? Because no one pays attention to you right?

>> No.6085806

>Are you saying you don't make a Saten thread every 10 minutes
I'm pretty sure I just said I make one a day. Having trouble reading are we?
>why can't you do it in /a/?
Why would I go on /a/? You may be able to stand that board, but I feel trolled just by looking at the front page or some of the posts.

>> No.6085843

By posting something that is from /a/, you instantly qualify yourself as a ret/a/rd. Now go there, it should make you feel better. Here, click this link >>>/a/ and free us from your autism, deleted.

>> No.6085843,1 [INTERNAL] 

What the hell, the Janitor is deleting Saten threads now? Is he new to /jp/ or what? Wish these guys would actually learn what is and isn't board related before deleting.

>> No.6085843,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.6085843,3 [INTERNAL] 

Protip: All Saten threadsare deleted in meido's sight.
And can you believe that? 2 pages of /jp/ was gone, all of which were Saten spam. Talk about autistic retards who do nothing all day but post a piece of shit character from a piece of shit show in a place where it doesn't belong just to piss people off.

>> No.6085843,4 [INTERNAL] 

It'd be nice if he deleted the 8 pages of non-Saten off-topic material.

>> No.6085843,5 [INTERNAL] 

It would be nice if you would fuck off to /a/ forever and don't ever bother us again. You don't belong here so of course you wouldn't know what's /jp/ related.

>> No.6085843,6 [INTERNAL] 

Why so defensive? You actually think all the other off-topic shit should stay? You must be one of the people always making those shit threads.

>> No.6085843,7 [INTERNAL] 

I don't even make threads anymore. Neither would you, now please go to /a/.
And what do you mean by off-topic shit?

>> No.6085843,8 [INTERNAL] 

Just look at the front page. At almost all times, at least half the threads are off topic. Look at this thread http://boards.4chan.org/jp/res/6085436 it was there when Janitor deleted Saten threads, but he ignored it. And then when the Janitor is here, he is only here for 5 minutes. And really, what is the point? As soon as he's gone, the shit threads/off topic threads/Saten threads just come back.

>> No.6085843,9 [INTERNAL] 

Too bad you pissed people off too much then. Remember CurryButt.
Anyway, I reported that thread and this thread just the same but what can else I do?

>> No.6085843,10 [INTERNAL] 

>Remember CurryButt.

>> No.6085843,11 [INTERNAL] 

Just a reminder to bump the thread that you like guys, I already did to the OC threads. The spam is getting out hand fast.

>> No.6085843,12 [INTERNAL] 

I like Saten-san threads.

>> No.6085843,13 [INTERNAL] 

Just fuck off already Saten spammer, don't plague with your /a/ bullshit anymore. The main /jp/ is already enough, now get get the fuck out of my ghost board.

>> No.6085843,14 [INTERNAL] 

Not to mention your Saten spam is also considered a spam.

>> No.6085843,15 [INTERNAL] 

You're becoming like Jones, anon. Next thing you know you'll be accusing yourself of being the Saten spammer.

>> No.6085843,16 [INTERNAL] 

Go back to bed Loss. Am I doing it right?

>> No.6085843,17 [INTERNAL] 

Then why have I never been banned?

>> No.6085843,18 [INTERNAL] 

If you're the real Saten spammer, you have been.


You're probably just pretending to be him to stir shit up on the ghostboard anyway.

>> No.6085843,19 [INTERNAL] 

But I tell people I'm not Saten spammer and they say I am anyway just because I make a Saten thread.

>> No.6085843,20 [INTERNAL] 

And we, ghosts from beyond, are supposed to treat you differently because? If anything we are more pissed off at pieces of shit like you than anybody else.

>> No.6085843,21 [INTERNAL] 

I don't see what the harm is. I just make a thread to post my waifu as so many others do. ;_; I always see those silly threads with remillia flying and nobody complains about that spam.

>> No.6085843,22 [INTERNAL] 

It's because you should do that in /a/. Do you even have half a brain? And don't even start on because /a/ is shitty so you don't want to go there, you are an equally shitty poster. Just do us a favor by going there and never come back.

>> No.6085843,23 [INTERNAL] 

I don't post it here because /a/ is shitty, I post it here because I like /jp/ and everyone who posts there, and post Saten threads to make everyone happy.

>> No.6085843,24 [INTERNAL] 

Well too bad everyone on /jp/ hates you and hates Saten.
Can you just see by the hostility, and how the Saten spammer and you(who also spam Saten) are the only ones doing it?
Now FUCK OFF!! before I hack into your computer and replace every Saten picture with a goatse image

>> No.6085843,25 [INTERNAL] 

Err, I don't really understand why, but you sound kinda mad? If you don't like the Saten threads just hide them.

>> No.6085843,26 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah, I am mad because /jp/ has been spammed with it since April or even before that. The spam used to be so bad that there was even 6 Saten/Railgun spam threads on the front page at a time, and the spammer had to bump them every 10 minutes.
And now you are fighting for its right to be here? Don't fucking joke with me. And I guess you are new here as well?

>> No.6085843,27 [INTERNAL] 

Please calm down, anon. There's no reason to bust out the bbcode.

>> No.6085843,28 [INTERNAL] 

Some stale kopipe I found in /a/ that I found when searching through my kopipe folder:

Kazari Uiharu's ability is actually the power to create the physical manifestation of a "stand" (a contraction of the phrase "one who stands by me").

At level 1, her ability was classified as "Artificial Creation". She could manifest a broad variety of simple life-like beings. In practice, it allowed her to create flowers and small animals by calculating their genetic structure and manifesting it in a physical form.

During her latest ESPer examination, she was classifed as a potential level 2. This meant that she could create increasingly complex beings, but her transition into a fully functioning level 2 was halted due to personal distress. It is noted that due her unique personality, she was often a target of bullying by her peers and acquaintances.

As Uiharu was close to falling into the despair caused by her crushing loneliness and neglect from her family, her abilities increased as to ease her desperation. She unknowingly (and unconsciously) created a "stand", or artificial creation that was far more complex than anything previously encountered. This new lifeform became a companion and savior to Uiharu, as it gave her the affection and company she so desperately needed at the time.

Yes, I am talking about the being known as Ruiko Saten. Saten is a "stand", or artificial creation. She only exists to heal Uiharu's broken mind, but cannot currently manifest any abilities of her own, or realize the truth about her own nature. It is expected that as Uiharu's level increases, the "stand" known as Saten may start manifesting ESPer abilities of her own. At this point, it is not possible to predict how either party will react once the truth is revealed. We at Academy City's Power Curriculum Program will continue to monitor the situation, and make any necessary arrangements to provide a stable environment in which the subjects can continue their unhindered development.

>> No.6085843,29 [INTERNAL] 

but /a/ sucks

but /v/ sucks

If you don't like something, <b>ignore it</b>. Nobody's going anywhere, and if you can't handle it, YOU can fuck off.

>> No.6085843,30 [INTERNAL] 

><b>ignore it</b>

>> No.6085843,31 [INTERNAL] 

It's like saying that I have cancer and I have to put up with it.
Oh wait, it's actually true. Thank you for pointing out that I have to put up with the bullshit that's killing my beloved /jp/, Anonymous. I owe for life.

>> No.6085843,32 [INTERNAL] 


How is one occasional thread that you don't care for "killing /jp/"? Hide it, ignore it, and move on.

Saten is getting the same treatment Ar Tonelico did. One day she will become accepted.


>> No.6085843,33 [INTERNAL] 

No, sorry, just no. The more you spam it, the more people will hate it. And can you notice they spam the fucking same picture without any variation as well, just like every other spams that have graced /jp/?

Once you allow an anime to be on /jp/, some f/a/ggots may use that as a reason to discuss anime here(not that they are not having it right now, but still). The only anime that are allowed to be on /jp/ is the Type-Moon ones, that has been and will be the only exception.

And Tonelico? Are you expecting people to bring it to /v/ where thread dies every 2 hours if you forget to bump it? Not to mention that they will inevitable called weaboo and kicked out or the thread will be kiddie trolls trollinf kiddie trolls like every /v/ thread ever.

What I don't understand most is that: why can't you do this shit in /a/ where people ABSOLUTELY love it and will even welcome you with open arms?

>> No.6085843,34 [INTERNAL] 

>The spam used to be so bad that there was even 6 Saten/Railgun spam threads on the front page at a time
Reminds me of when there are 6 shitty Touhou threads on the front page at the same time.

>> No.6085843,35 [INTERNAL] 

I only watched railgun because it was spammed so much. Kind of funny.

>> No.6085843,36 [INTERNAL] 

>The only anime that are allowed to be on /jp/ is the Type-Moon ones, that has been and will be the only exception.
I didn't realise you were the boss of /jp/.
>And Tonelico? Are you expecting people to bring it to /v/ where thread dies every 2 hours if you forget to bump it? Not to mention that they will inevitable called weaboo and kicked out or the thread will be kiddie trolls trollinf kiddie trolls like every /v/ thread ever.
What kind of shitty ass logic is that? Does that mean if some anime doesn't get any love on /a/ and threads of it die within an hour it's ok to bring to /jp/? Or if there is a comic book that doesn't get discussed on /co/ it's ok to bring to /a/?

>> No.6085843,37 [INTERNAL] 

All the cool kids had seen it before this spam bullshit started.

>> No.6085843,38 [INTERNAL] 

And all of them dropped it at episode 4 or so.

>> No.6085843,39 [INTERNAL] 

>I didn't realise you were the boss of /jp/.
I'm not the boss of /jp/, I'm just talking from experience. Those threads about KnK movies were great and I genuinely enjoyed discussing in them
>What kind of shitty ass logic is that? Does that mean if some anime doesn't get any love on /a/ and threads of it die within an hour it's ok to bring to /jp/? Or if there is a comic book that doesn't get discussed on /co/ it's ok to bring to /a/?
/jp/ is a catch-all board for everything from Japanese media that does not fit into other boards after all. And the userbase selectively chooses what they like and could tolerate, see: mahjong threads, idol threads, fighting games threads, figs threads, Vocaloid threads etc. JRPGs should be right up the line of that.

>if some anime doesn't get any love on /a/ and threads of it die within an hour it's ok to bring to /jp/
Oh god, I wish I had someone to talk about Yu-gi-oh 5D's on /jp/ with me. Whenever I go to /a/ recently to look for a thread of it, there's none to be found. There used to be some that appeared once in a blue moon. Yesterday, I tried to make one (and that was the first thread that I made in months on 4chan) but there was no respond and I was too shy to bump it ;_;

>> No.6085843,40 [INTERNAL] 

The only reason /jp/ exists is because of shitposters shitposting on /a/. I don't think anybody has the right to complain about spam.

At any rate, whining won't solve anything. Anime and video games are still going to be posted, and the people that like them far outnumber those that don't. As long as there is honest discussion and not just trolling, it has a place on /jp/. Learn to be more open-minded, and you might even find something you like.

>> No.6085843,41 [INTERNAL] 

>Anime and video games are still going to be posted, and the people that like them far outnumber those that don't.
Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.6085843,42 [INTERNAL] 

>At any rate, whining won't solve anything. Anime and video games are still going to be posted, and the people that like them far outnumber those that don't. As long as there is honest discussion and not just trolling, it has a place on /jp/. Learn to be more open-minded, and you might even find something you like.

Who gets to decide what's accepted and what isn't is the userbase, not meido who you like to blame so much.

Don't bring AT into the debate since you have no idea how those threads started. No one ever spammed AT to force it on us. People genuinely liked it and wanted to discuss and imagedump stuff, and it became a tradition on the board.

I'm sure people will discuss animu if it's good (Raildex isn't, sorry). Your spamming isn't going to change that.

Actually, did you know that /a/ has Index threads much like our AT threads? Why don't you go discuss shit there?

>> No.6085843,43 [INTERNAL] 

>Actually, did you know that /a/ has Index threads much like our AT threads? Why don't you go discuss shit there?
The spammer thinks he owns /jp/ and we must discuss whatever shit he likes, of course. Actually, /a/ even has chain K-ON threads, Strike Witches threads together with Raildex threads. And coincidentally, they are the anime that we are constantly being spammed with. Strange, isn't it?

>> No.6085843,44 [INTERNAL] 

I really hope you guys are just responding out of boredom. I'll have lost faith completely if you're getting trolled this easily.

>> No.6085843,45 [INTERNAL] 

Jesus christ kids, stop shitting up the ghost board too...

>> No.6085843,46 [INTERNAL] 

>People genuinely liked it and wanted to discuss and imagedump stuff, and it became a tradition on the board.
What the hell are you talking about? Do you not remember the debacle that was Ar Tonelico? Every thread was people arguing about how it was or wasn't /v/ and didn't belong. It wasn't something that just naturally occurred and was accepted.
>I'm sure people will discuss animu if it's good (Raildex isn't, sorry).
Don't give me that shit. A show being good or not has nothing to do with it getting discussed on /jp/. All anime threads should removed period. And generally are. Don't bring your own shitty taste into your post and somehow imply it decides what gets discussed on /jp/.

>> No.6085843,47 [INTERNAL] 

Is there any other reason to reply to anything here besides boredom?

>> No.6085843,48 [INTERNAL] 

>Do you not remember the debacle that was Ar Tonelico?
Anonymous tends to redecorate his memories from time to time. Seriously, Jones, Sion, Alabama and other assorted tripfags and Anonymous unleashing their buttmad at the same time against the early AT threads threads was a sight to behold. And laugh.

>> No.6085843,49 [INTERNAL] 

Only Jones and his circle of shitposers can enjoy something as bad as railgun/k-on/lucky star.

>> No.6085843,50 [INTERNAL] 

>What the hell are you talking about? Do you not remember the debacle that was Ar Tonelico? Every thread was people arguing about how it was or wasn't /v/ and didn't belong. It wasn't something that just naturally occurred and was accepted.

Now you're talking out of your ass. Here's a thread I created before AT was part of the board.


There were some haters, but that thread was quality compared to the shit that goes on these days. And no, I was not the only one dumping images in that thread.

>> No.6085843,51 [INTERNAL] 

That fucking faggot. I wonder if he's the one spamming Saten. He's known for making half of the Saten threads in /a/ after all.

>> No.6085843,52 [INTERNAL] 

>I hate Mir, ungrateful bitch
Confirmed for homosexual

>> No.6085843,53 [INTERNAL] 

I fucking hate you fags that think you own the board just because you get your IRC buddies to spam the board. Anime has a right to be discussed here too.

>> No.6085843,54 [INTERNAL] 

should i tell moot to make a post informing the nooblords that anime doesn't belong here

>> No.6085843,55 [INTERNAL] 

why don't you just go back to /a/ already?

>> No.6085843,56 [INTERNAL] 

because it's autism is around ten times bigger than /jp/'s

>> No.6085843,57 [INTERNAL] 

because you post there ten times more

>> No.6085843,58 [INTERNAL] 

It's "its", you dumbass. Learn some English.

>> No.6085843,59 [INTERNAL] 

And you think you own the board? No, anime goes to /a/. And you should just fuck off to /a/.
I would like to raise this question again for the 1000th time:
Why discuss something where it's hated when you can just bring it to /a/ where people welcome it with open arms?
Why won't your autistic brain fucking get it already?
Maybe you don't have a brain, that's why.

>> No.6085843,60 [INTERNAL] 

Oh deer, even Saten images are illegal in the ghost board now. You are awesome Jones, do it again!

>> No.6085843,61 [INTERNAL] 

>why troll shitty board full of underaged hysterical cretins

>> No.6085843,62 [INTERNAL] 

Sorry sir but no matter how shitty, any Touhou threads are /jp/ material.
moot agreed, don't bother him about it.

That goes for you as well, >>6085843,34-kun.

>> No.6085843,63 [INTERNAL] 

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>> No.6085843,64 [INTERNAL] 

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>> No.6085843,65 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.6085843,66 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.6085843,67 [INTERNAL] 

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>> No.6085843,68 [INTERNAL] 

Oh my, this looks broken.

>> No.6085843,69 [INTERNAL] 


Go back to Gaia.

>> No.6085843,70 [INTERNAL] 

Omg (″・ิ_・ิ)っ-̾ Im Anonymous and I absolutely luuuv ಠ_ృ Fourchan ( ゚ 3゚)~♪ and my fav is the anime and yuri boards!!!!! Okies so anyways, im going to tell you about the BEST day of my life when I met my hot waifu illya!! キタ━━━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━━━━ OMFGZ SHE WAS SOOOOO FREAKIN moe IN PERSON!!! Supa moe desu!!!!!!!! キタ━━━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━━━━ッ!

When I walked onto Tokyo street looked up and saw&ILLYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! キタ━━━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━━━━ッ!!!!

KONNICHIWA OMGZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ SUPA SUPA SUPA MOE ILLYA-CHAN!!!!! I yelled then she turned tsuntsun then deredere!!

she looked at me (。◕‿‿◕。) and then he saw how hot I am ( ≖‿≖) she grabbed my hand and let me knead her delicious flat chest (´・ω・)つ|・・|then pulled me behind a coffee shop ( ̄へ ̄) and started to kiss me!!!!!! [OMG!!! HER TOUNGE TASTED LIKE SNOW!!! RLY!! (″・ิ_・ิ)っ-̾ ( ̄へ ̄) (″・ิ_・ิ)っ-̾ キタ━━━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━━━━ッ then I saw some baka fat bastard watching us and I could tell he was undressing her with his eyes!!!!!!! ( ̄へ ̄); OMG I COULDNT BELIEVE IT EITHER!!! ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ] so I yelled UH UH BAKA NEKO THATS MY GIRL WHY DONT YOU GO HOOK UP WITH TAIGA CAUSE ILLYA-CHAN LOVES ME!!! ಠ_ృ then illya held me close (。◕‿‿◕。) and said she would only ever love me!!!!!!!! an guess wat!!!!!! she let me knead her again!!!!!!! ** (´・ω・)つ|・・| then we went to her apartment and banged all night long and made 42 babies and they all became holy grails!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nyaaaaa!!! キタ━━━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━━━━ッ

>> No.6085843,71 [INTERNAL] 

Yes, all of these emoticons are acceptable. You can stay.

>> No.6085843,72 [INTERNAL] 

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I am a faggot
