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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 123 KB, 1914x549, vs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6074222 No.6074222 [Reply] [Original]

Who do you side with?

>> No.6074229

All three.

>> No.6074231


>> No.6074235

Neither. I go to both according to my needs. Danbooru for translations and Gelbooru for "premium" content.

>> No.6074240

Oh fuck, pixiv was hidden when I expanded the image.

>> No.6074244

Pixiv is DeviantART in Japanese. I don't know why you're even making this comparison.

>> No.6074251


>> No.6074258 [DELETED] 

I use all boorus I can find.

>> No.6074278

Danbooru is a sack of shit. The so called mods keep deleting images and they lock out certain tags unless you pay.

>> No.6074283


>> No.6074317

I gave up on danbooru sometime last year when it kept going down all the time. Lack of loli tag without the firefox extension (or is it a greasemonkey script?) was also very annoying. So, gelbooru.

Pixiv is pretty shit overall and I'm pretty sure you people only like to hype it up because it's Japanese. Most of the drawings are absolute ass. I'd rather go to a booru where people actually filter the shit out for me. I'll only go to pixiv when I can't find something on a booru.

>> No.6074329

I don't understand why people hate danbooru so much. Just leech off of them or avoid them and stay with another booru. I also wonder how many mods in each site participate in these kind of threads.

>> No.6074341

Gelbooru since Danbooru started hating on my loliporn.

I can't read jappo so Pixiv is right out.

>> No.6074344

I use all three, but Pixiv the most.

>> No.6074346

>He doesn't use better_danbooru

>> No.6074348

I use each one whenever it suits me. To use only one is to be mentally disabled.

>> No.6076586


>> No.6076603

Suck up to mods, acquire contributor account, laugh when people say they go to Gelbooru for premium content. Pixiv has some good stuff that never makes it to the boorus though.

>> No.6076617

pixiv > gelbooru > danbooru

>> No.6076622

Gelbooru has more content (as in more PORN)

>> No.6076624
File: 161 KB, 900x637, 12960644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only one I visit pretty much everyday is Pixiv.
I go to Danbooru for translations though.

>> No.6076626

I prefer danbooru because their stuff seems to be better tagged, and I just use better_danbooru to see loli/shota.

>> No.6076631

Danbooru first (and only, in the case of Touhou images), occasionally check pixiv for less popular stuff that might not make it to danbooru, or to look up a specific artist I like. Never touch gelbooru, last time I tried using it was maybe 2 years ago and there were shitty interstitial ads and it was laggy as fuck

>> No.6076725

Reason why all the other -boorus are better.

>> No.6076741

Forgot to add in Fencedude... and pretty much the entire mod staff. Dickheads, everyone of them.

>> No.6076745

Fucking Pixiv artists, why do they keep deleting their shit?

>> No.6076757

It's the pixiv whores on danbooru who upset me.

>> No.6076777

danbooru. Sometimes I accidentally read the comments on gelbooru and I want to jump in front of traffic. danbooru is bad, but Jesus fuck.

Also danbooru is just like gelbooru if you filtered out all of the bullshit from the latter. Only reason to go there is for loli unless you like shitty futa and furry (most of which is terribly drawn even by the site's standards).

>> No.6076799

I only use pixiv, no real reason to use the boorus.

>> No.6076807

enjoy wading through page after page of shit. It's fine if you're looking for something less popular, but holy fuck I couldn't imagine how painful it would be trying to filter through Touhou images on pixiv. Also pixiv has been pretty slow to load for me lately.

>> No.6076816

>pixiv has been pretty slow to load
So is danbooru with their number of failboorus.
Probably because they know their works is being stolen?

>> No.6076841

It only takes a second to click to the next page so it isn't really an issue for me. It's easy to ignore drawings I don't like.

>> No.6076854

Pixiv, though honestly I prefer going direct to artist homepages. If they have a pixiv account I check whether the pictures over there are higher rez or not.

>> No.6076859

Why would you only use one?

>> No.6076860

>Oh no my pictures are posted on danbooru I must delete them from Pixiv!

>> No.6076862

Pixiv. The only good things from danbooru and gelbooru come from pixiv anyway, so why not just cut out the useless middlemen?

>> No.6076877

Speaking of pixiv, someone talked about a function that let's you get updated whenever a certain artist posts a new picture. What is this function called exactly?

>> No.6076880

Danbooru is still the way to go if you want to get a link to the original artist's pixiv account. Other than that Gelbooru is superior in every way.

>> No.6076881

Bookmarking them?

>> No.6076885

You bookmark the artists and then go to http://www.pixiv.net/bookmark_new_illust.php..

>> No.6076894


>> No.6076929

By bookmarking, do you mean the お気に入り追加 button?

>> No.6076936

konachan > all

>> No.6076938


>> No.6076944

Their is a pixiv translation script. You should use it.


>> No.6076948

cute little sister

>> No.6076964

Okay, thanks.

I have no problem understanding the text on the site thanks to rikaichan, but the way it's built up kinda confuses me.

>> No.6077036

then pop into pixiv now and then,
but more of e-shuushuu

>> No.6077241

Gelbooru. I see it as a "best of pixiv" that filters out all the shit tier art. I rarely go to pixiv.

Fuck Danbooru. Anyone who uses Danbooru is an evident newfag.

>> No.6077297


葉月 here: I'm flattered sir. Y'all are the proof I do my job right.

>> No.6077310
File: 286 KB, 701x712, 2edb15cddb2b2536af43e7da31026c43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Far from it.

>> No.6077323


Nah, it's still a fine picture.

>> No.6077327

You don't read the comments on fucking anything. Ever. Even lurking amongst us right now are massive faggots who will make you want to kill yourself when you read their comments. They restrain themselves here, because they know they'll be called out on it, but link them anything, like some retarded video or some article on a terrible site, and you'll start to see very recent comments that have a touch of /jp/ but also a touch of oh my god what the fuck get off my board.

>> No.6077330

Upset now?

>> No.6077335

Danbooru, I use Pixiv to search obscure shit.
Gelbooru is Danbooru for retards who dont know how to make a account or install a script in Mozilla.

>> No.6077341


>> No.6077353
File: 251 KB, 850x1069, flagged for stupis reason.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Approves that and deletes this.

>> No.6077356


S/he's very right. We've been grappling with the influx of shitty comments on danbooru, and so far we're losing.

>> No.6077360

The voting system fails.

>> No.6077364

Oh boy, those are some ridiculous proportions.

>> No.6077377

Primary sources are either Pixiv for artists I like, or the artist's homepage itself. Danbooru now and again to check around. moe.imouto.org for occasional big images. iqdb to source things.

Fuck religious wars.

>> No.6077384


It's been advisory at best and not a real measure of anything for a long time now. The fact we switched to priv+ was another way of saying "porn 1 : quality 0"

>> No.6077385

Pixiv for check usual tags

Gelbooru for find official artwork or fast browsing

>> No.6077399 [DELETED] 

I just hope it's dealt with soon. Comments there have gone way out of hand.

>> No.6077422

It was flagged for photo-shop flare or something.

>> No.6077436

The only thing I hate about Hazuki is giving Mr. GT contributor level.

>> No.6077448


It's a decidedly uneasy task. Technical measures that approximate real human moderation on a site this big basically *have* to be proxies for some kind of human activities, and that means some tricky and expensive programming. If you happen to follow the forum, I have proposed a mod_virgule-like approach, but it's been slow for many reasons, including my thesis, the scale of the task, and the general difficulty of getting non-trivial changes past albert.

>> No.6077451

Pixiv for the most part. If I HAVE to use a booru I go with Gelbooru, otherwise I prefer using pixiv.

>> No.6077455


If that's any consolation, I hate myself for that too sometimes. One of these days I'll probably snap on one too many shitty Flan pic and rethink that decision.

>> No.6077468

Artist draws lots of sparkly pictures. Also menstruating Flan

>> No.6077473

It's hard to get responses from him sometimes. I rarely get on the forums, so a link to it would be appreciated.
A demotion is demanded. He abuses his power way too much, and he's becoming a janitor soon, so yeah.

>> No.6077486

Why are people still arguing over which is 'best'? They all do different things well, and which one(s) you want to use depend on whether you can handle moon, whether you want translations, whether tag quality is a priority for you, whether you prefer a better-filtered or more complete selection of images, etc. I don't see the need for the West Side- East Side bullshit that pops up in every one of these threads.

Also, how hard is it to simply ignore retarded comments? We all know little kids and dumbasses use the internet. Shit, I see them too while checking comments for info on context/translation/artists, but danbooru's not like youtube, where you might have to wade through hundreds of derp-tier comments looking for a useful scrap of information.

>> No.6077509

I use safebooru and konachan to find stuff. I only use danbooru for translations and pixiv for finding new art.

>> No.6077541

Request this to be stickied for truth.

>> No.6077542

>Mr. GT
Recently, he's been getting upset when someone beats him to the uploads and asked the artists to send him higher resolution versions of the same pictures so he can make his own uploads the parents to spite the other uploaders.

>> No.6077552


http://danbooru.donmai.us/forum/show/38968 is the gist of it. There's more discussion in this thread, but be prepared for a very tl;dr thread, it's huge.

As for demotion, yeah, I haven't noticed he applied for a janitor. Will have to act on that.

>> No.6077557


Uh-huh, [citation needed]?

>> No.6077565

Pixiv for when I want stuff by a specific artist. Danbooru for when I want stuff by series.
Gelbooru for when I want to fap.

>> No.6077572

It's pretty obvious.

>> No.6077579


I mean the "asking artist for hi-res" part.

>> No.6077584

And the increase of posts by him without source. If you check them, you'll notice that nearly all of them are parents of images uploaded by other uses, mostly Herrmobel's and Mysterio006's, I think.
Example: http://danbooru.donmai.us/post/show/700794

>> No.6077598

I was wondering where those higher res images were coming from.

>> No.6077606


Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I haven't had anywhere near enough time recently, not to mention I've given up on comments a long time ago, so I'd likely have missed it otherwise. I'll have talks with some people now.

>> No.6077612

So wait, he just PMs these artists on pixiv asking if he can have a hi-res image so he can post it on some shitty gaijin site, and they agree?

>> No.6077650

How I see them is

Danbooru - simplicity
Gelbooru - quality
Pixiv - quantity

All three are good in there own way, It's just a matter of taste.

>> No.6077665

I guess he omit the part with the gaijin site.
I didn't actually get involved with looking into this, but after questioning the source, I got a PM from [censored]. I know that there is bad blood between them.

>> No.6077680

>I got a PM from [censored]. I know that there is bad blood between them.
Yeah, Mr. GT and Herrmobel are retards for each other

>> No.6077686
File: 16 KB, 298x298, JackBlack(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gelbooru while searching furry
>115 pages
>Danbooru while searching furry
>8 pages
>pixiv while searching furry
>10 pages

I think this speaks for itself.

>> No.6077698
File: 9 KB, 200x200, 1261583182926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why where you searching furry on those sites.

>> No.6077742

Now search loli and watch what happens.

Modifying your browser in any way does not count.

>> No.6077760

don't forget to put kemono in on pixiv its the same thing but japanese

>> No.6077768
File: 72 KB, 1440x810, 1279632312529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gelbooru is for me!
I think we all can agree on that one.

>> No.6077771

Danbooru: 798 pages (+62 deleted)
Gelbooru: 1385 pages
Pixiv: won't load right now

>> No.6077776

>Danbooru while loli
>798 pages
>Gelbooru while loli
>10 pages (Bullshit i don't believe it.)

>> No.6077783

Nobody tags their stuff as ロリ on pixiv.

>> No.6077799

Pixiv only ever displays 10 pages at once. You also can't use english search terms on a Japanese site, you stupid fucking americans.

>> No.6077811

ロリis more or less Japanese.

>> No.6077833

Gelbooru confirmed for master race.

>> No.6077851

And it has 63150 results

>> No.6077890

Danbooru pages:
33476 - Total 100%
22401 - Rating:Safe 67%
7098 - Rating:Questionable 21%
3974 - Rating:Explicit 12%
Gelbooru pages:
34718 - Total 100%
19370 - Rating:Safe 56%
8525 - Rating:Questionable 25%
6648 - Rating:Explicit 19%

>> No.6078011

Can't wait.
A little late with my response.

Your method sounds like a good idea, but I'm kinda against privs getting multipliers. Most of them got their status because of $20, not for contribution. But I guess that's when your karma system comes in.

>> No.6078024

I got it for tagging a couple of years ago. Interestingly enough, I was made privileged right after my ban expired.

>> No.6078079 [DELETED] 

The promotions back then were really weak. Some of them upload shit or don't contribute at all.

>> No.6078084

The promotions back then were really weak. Some of them upload shit or don't contribute at all now. One of them even uploaded a fucking macro.

>> No.6078102

How do you know that ?

>> No.6078112

Trust me, you would know if you pay attention to uploads.

>> No.6078125

Isn't that good though? We get high resolution images and he gets a sense of satisfaction. It's a win-win for everyone.

>> No.6078126

Well, some day he emailed me to delete a corrupted file and told me that I could re-upload it myself, so I thought it was nice of him. But its true that he has been reported to be a little too 'competitive' regarding the uploads

>> No.6078131

Danbooru mods are elitist hypocrites who approve shit, yet deny good pictures for petty reasons. Pixiv is good, but keeping track of what every tag is called in Japanese gets annoying after some time. In other words, Gelbooru.

>> No.6078142

If you have any particular grief, you know you can still email a janitor

>> No.6078144

I get so mad when Mr_GT snipes uploads with 2 tags on every single post he uploads

>> No.6078149

Your definition of a good picture is anything with a dick or vagina.

>> No.6078156

I've been cockblocked several times too, but its not a competition. I just make sure every good art is uploaded and the posts correctly tagged afterwards

>> No.6078157

lolibooru is best booru

>> No.6078160

Janitors are shit as well.
No, but Danbooru's definition of a bad picture is anything that they're not personally into, regardless of how good the pic is.

>> No.6078175

I think the main criteria are 'Is the pic anatomically correct ?' and 'Is this original art instead of a shitty Photoshop job ?'

>> No.6078190


>> No.6078210

Since people in real life have eyes bigger than their noses.

>> No.6078231

Facial features ≠ anatomy

>> No.6078910

So can anyone find me a single good picture that's on Gelbooru but got deleted on Danbooru? Because as far as I can tell such a picture does not exist.

>> No.6079894

I use all sources I can get my hands on.

>> No.6079903

ペド is a good search term on pixiv if you like loli...

>> No.6079909

Danbooru and Pixiv. I only go to Gelbooru if I want to see more of something and don't want to put it it Japanese.

>> No.6079981


Though, Gelbooru hosts Danbooru anyway, so the traffic all goes to the same source.

>> No.6080000

I side with Google.

>> No.6080109

usually pixiv, just bookmark the artists you like.

>> No.6080579

GT just got demoted from t-janitor. Just thought you guys will care since your so butt hurt by him.

>> No.6080584


>> No.6080641


>> No.6080654

Don't worry about it if you don't know.

>> No.6083884
File: 76 KB, 519x600, 1280698514031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6083892

danbooru because I LOVE all the faggots tears when I delete something

>> No.6083900


>> No.6083908
File: 21 KB, 622x247, bern_sip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, FeKa

>> No.6083911

pixiv to see my bookmarked artist. then danbooru to see my subscribed tags.

>> No.6083921 [DELETED] 

I miss banning people.

>> No.6083929

Danbaroo... Because Quantity.

>> No.6083945

three mods were fished out

>> No.6083948

If I upload a lot of milfeulle pics will you let me upload stuff you'd normally delete

>> No.6083968
File: 8 KB, 300x300, nappi_tongue.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope. I approve only good pics there.

>> No.6083982

I much prefer Danbooru due to their having more completely tagged and sourced pictures.

>> No.6083985


I prefer pixiv because it IS the source.

>> No.6084036

If I upload a lot of umineko pics, will you approve them?

>> No.6084060

While that is true, having the images accessible in a language that I know is very convenient. I use Pixiv when I see something I like and want to see more of the artist's work.

>> No.6084068

I'll approve only the pics that look good to me.

>> No.6084069


>> No.6084105

Pixiv seeing as how 99% of shit you find on Gelbooru, Danbooru or even 4chan comes from there. It is definitely NOT the "DA of Japan" as I've seen people post a few times, at least when comparing art quality.

>> No.6084198

I bookmark artists I like on Pixiv (up to 155 now, wonder if there's a limit) to make sure I never miss anything from them, but for general browsing purposes I use Danbooru. Filters out a lot of the shit content, and the tagging system is a lot less archaic.

>> No.6084222
File: 388 KB, 630x630, 12869590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

danbooru sucks for one good reason: this picture was deleted.

reason? not good enough quality.

>> No.6084233
File: 259 KB, 500x712, qb2cd56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely gay for deleting an Aldra pic.

>> No.6084240

What a horrible image.

>> No.6084274

I switch back and forth between Danbooru and Gelbooru; both of them are full of shit in their own various ways so I use them both to compensate for each other's lackings.

Pixiv is something else altogether. It's more like Deviantart but with real artists instead of shitty teenage tracefags.

>> No.6084300
File: 16 KB, 807x376, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The anatomy is fucked up.

>> No.6084306

I have seen far worse get accepted.

>> No.6084323


>> No.6084324

I use danbooru to help me find pixiv tags.

>> No.6084398

Didn't expect my thread to get this popular.

>> No.6084404

Whenever you search for something the result just links you to some pixiv pages, which are in japanese and don't help you at all find the source of what you are looking for.

>> No.6084411

danbooru because I like to access my lolis using the AMERICAN LANGUAGE

>> No.6084412


>> No.6084924

(-)Horrible tagging, moon language

(+)Good tagging, great pools, translation
(-)Loli banned, strict approval

(-)Shitty pools, shitty comments

Also, don't forget the fact that 80% of Gelbooru pics are acquired through leeching off Danbooru.

>> No.6084948


They're fine; they just suck because you're Japanese sucks.

>> No.6085181

>awesome forum
>only one dick mod
moe imouto

>> No.6085200


>> No.6085225

You mean hidden.

>> No.6085452

> don't forget the fact that 80% of Gelbooru pics are acquired through leeching off Danbooru
Always add -user:danbooru to your searc, problem solved

>> No.6085512

Doesn't the admin of da let gb leech him?

>> No.6085549

He publishes a full API to rip the site efficiently. He just doesn't care with all those fools who send him $20.

>> No.6085591

No, Pixiv tags are fucking terrible because there's so many duplicates among them.

If I want to go through Persona 3 images I have to check ペルソナ3, P3, and P3P. It's entirely possible an awesome image is tagged with one of these but not the other two. This effectively doubles the amount of time I have to spend searching.

Same thing with Monster Hunter: モンスターハンター, モンハン, and MH are all in use on Pixiv, all refer to the same game/series, and all can return completely different results.

>> No.6085608

This, and also coupled with the fact that artists will just tag an image with just one or two tags make it annoying as fuck.

>> No.6085623

wtf, that was deleted?
unbaleted just for you anon-kun.

>> No.6085768

thanks. you're awesome.

>> No.6085784

I was about to approve it, but I remembered that I kinda hate Queen's Blade.

>> No.6085788

Then add the tags yourself. I know you do this on the other places already.

>> No.6085855

I do, but there's still two small problems:

1.) I'm still spending more time just searching for images than I'd like to be, all because Pixiv is too retarded to condense/alias some of these tags together.
2.) The other sites at least give you a tag edit count, as a means to pat you on the back and say "Congratulations, you've helped make this site slightly less shitty this many times." Pixiv doesn't even give you that much.

And speaking of retarded things about Pixiv, why the fuck is there still no other way to sort images by anything other than date?

>> No.6085866

Use the script I linked, fag.

>> No.6085884

"Sort by rating" would resort in a large amount of circlejerking.

>> No.6086173

pixiv. danbooru is to rough. gelbooru is fool of shit heads.
