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File: 596 KB, 1280x800, livewlpr11-1280x800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6078877 No.6078877 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/.
Just thought I'd tell you that, if you guys still care, the Live A Live VN is now 90% finished in terms of writing.
All the actions and dialogue (save 2 fight scenes) are complete. Now I just need to go in and fancy it up a bit, make some copy edits, and write/improve the fight scenes.
All the BGCGs are finished (Unless I try to re-do the way BGs work), but none of the characters or event CGs are complete. I also can't do art for shit.
The music is currently just taken from the Live A Live soundtrack, but I'm thinking of getting some of my friends to re-do it and see how it turns out.
The programming outside of the basic in-game stuff (transitions, NVL mode, etc.) is practically non-existent because I can't do shit.

tl;dr Live A Live VN is coming along smoothly.

I kind of want to get Mugenjohncel to lend me a hand with the programming and possibly the art. Does anyone know a way to contact him?

I posted this thread yesterday but got 0 replies so I thought I'd post it again, just in case...

>> No.6078899

I'm sure if you post a guro image Mugen will come running.

>> No.6078907

what engine are you using I might help you with the programming

>> No.6078920

Nothing special.
Just want my menus to not be the default and I'm a monkey at programming that stuff.

>> No.6078921

You know, now that I think about it, isn't the cast 90% male? Aren't VNs more female oriented?

>> No.6078933

These are me, forgot my trip.

VNs are story oriented. OELVNs even more so.
It's not liking I'm writing Oersted: The Nukige or anything like that.

>> No.6078947

Give me a method to contact you

>> No.6078956

I had a tiny ounce of respect for you but then you talked about mugenjohncell. Sorry LAL-guy.

>> No.6078971

Oh yeah, I want to ask you a question, /jp/.
Because I didn't want the entire VN to be a retelling of Live A Live (see: laziness), I came u with the following idea:

Live A Live, but from each Odio incarnation's perspective.
Obviously, some will be better than others (O-D-O and Odeo will be a lot harder to do than OD-10 for example. It would also explain one hell of a lot of shit in Oersted's chapter), but it would definitely give it some more originality.
Only problem I have with t, though, is that I'd be tempted to name it Die A Die or something stupid like that. I also don't want to put too much of my own ideas in there because I think that would detract from the overall story.

>> No.6078993

Well, he looks like he's capable of helping me out in this situation. You don't have to like a guy to respect him professionally.
Besides, how else am I going to get help? Ask random people on /jp/? That works very rarely.

Please ignore my above comment.

>> No.6079082

Well, if
shows up, I might be good for everything but the art.

Anyone here wanna do some art?
I've asked the drawfag general threads about 3 times so don't tell me to go back.

>>6078956 made me angry

>> No.6079093

Which songs from the OST are you using?

>> No.6079173

As of right now...
Everything that appeared in Oersted's chapter.
Wings That Don't Reach
Difficult Fight
Journey to the Mountain of Hopelessness
The Demon King Odio

I am not able to use:
The soft version of Cry-A-Live (which plays during Uranus's death)
The soft version of Wings That Don't Reach (which plays during the flashbacks after the previous song)
The wind noise that plays at the end of the chapter (but I can make my own easily enough)

I'm also using Forgotten Wings from the Drammatica album.

End of Justice (doujin album) was a possibility, but I decided against it (not the feeling I was going for)

Of course, if I go into the final chapter or end up doing
there will be more songs for the respective chapters.

>> No.6079235

can you post some screenshots of what you have so far?
I'm interested in this and I kind of want to see what it looks like right now.

>> No.6079412

I've adopted the name LAL-guy because I'm tired of always taking off my trip and typing it all back in. The tripcodes are the same, so it's me.

Anyways, I got one kind anon to (possibly) help me out with programming pretty menus and the like.
If anyone else wants to come on board and help with the menus, art, or anything you can think of (because I'm sure you guys'll pick up on something I missed), you can reach me at
I'll probably be posting more threads in the near future as the project gets closer to completion.

It's not much, but it's there.
Keep in mind the aesthetics are at the lowest point on the list of stuff that's done. Still working on it, obviously.

>> No.6079446
File: 128 KB, 806x626, wowit'sfuckingnothing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Son of a bitch.
Captcha removed my image.
Here's your damn screenshot.
Captcha: problems, parkic

>> No.6079597

I see you just took a picture and put it through what looks like a photoshop filter... Well, I guess I can't blame you.
You said you had some event Cgs, though. What the hell do they look like?

>> No.6079651 [SPOILER] 
File: 166 KB, 800x600, fucking spoilers, man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like i said earlier, I can't draw for shit.
I think the whole artistic-realism makes it more atmospheric, but that might be my laziness talking.

I said I didn't have any event CGs finished, but I guess I could show you the placeholder.

Warning: Massive Ending spoilers
Don't look at it if you haven't already played (and beaten) Live A Live and plan on playing the VN.
Don't say I didn't warn you.
Also, it's a 2-part Event CG.

>> No.6079661

Oh yeah, I didn't draw that.
Right now it's just a placeholder because, like I said, I don't have any Event CGs done and I can't draw any right now.

>> No.6079672

Sage so I don't keep bumping this thread

But seriously, does anyone know how to contact Mugenjohncel. I think he could really help in the production of this.
As an alternative, does anyone know another person/group who would be able and willing to help me?

>> No.6079701

Here's Mugen's email. Best of luck.


>> No.6079752

check your email

>> No.6079765

I will suck your dick.

Anyways, I guess I'll end up asking him to help out after I finish the script 100%.
That shouldn't be too far off.

Thanks to everyone that helped, especially >>6078947
for (possibly) helping me out with the menu design and such.
Thanks Zun !bar, for keeping me inspired

Alrighty. If no one else has anything left to say or ask me, I'll let this thread die in peace.
I've got to start doing some editing and fight-scene writing, anyways.
