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6065959 No.6065959 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Poorly described VN's

Protagonist sleeps with girl for 17 years, then wakes up

>> No.6065970

It's shit.

>> No.6065984

I think you missed the point of this thread. What you did was in fact the opposite of what was instructed.

>> No.6065989
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Man has sex with Cthulhu, scary shit happens.

>> No.6065995

Playing club games everyday after school

>> No.6066006


It's about guessing it, you are not supposed to give away answer with pic ...

>> No.6066013

The 2.5 millionth customer of an establishment gets horrible customer service.

>> No.6066015

Protagonist is a doctor who lives in a city filled with mutated people, fantastic stuff happens.

>> No.6066022

Protagonist gets his girlfriend pregnant and then she dies.

>> No.6066023



>> No.6066029

Everyone dies.

>> No.6066030


>> No.6066031

A random loser encounters some girls one day, and he eventually has sex with them.

>> No.6066046


Also: Midget stalks old friend after moving home. Its pretty sweet.

>> No.6066048
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>> No.6066054

It's raining.

>> No.6066058

for real?

>> No.6066060




Having journey in father's car before death

>> No.6066067

Two men fight to the death. Then one of them listens to a disjointed story from his friend.

>> No.6066069 [DELETED] 

WORDS WORDS WORDS, OP with spanish sentences and pirate-ñike adventures. Also animals like seagulls.

>> No.6066073

UBW from FS/N?


>> No.6066076


>> No.6066081

Girl sleeps peacefully under tree

>> No.6066083

A showcase of how easily manipulable scared teenagers are. Also drugs are bad, moreso when you already have mental problems.

>> No.6066088

Lots of WORDS, crazy sea adventures, seagull-like birds and spanish in the OP.

>> No.6066091

Dude pilots a red robot with horns (three times faster than other robots) to fight against gravity. It's Gundam with porn.

Also older ones
Rapist tyrant upsets island politics
Nouveau riche high school student goes insane, murders classmates.
Obsessive pedophile cannibalizes close friends.
Seven lunatics raze town in pursuit of "magical artifact", blame imaginary friends for destruction.
Delusional man fails to keep his promises, commits bestiality, leaves childhood friend to die out in the cold.

>> No.6066099


Yume Miru Kusuri

>> No.6066101

Actually, no.
Good try though

>> No.6066103

Guy is in a book club and the story evolves from there

>> No.6066131


>Actually, no.
>Good try though

Let me try again, from what i played i remember another one ...



Since i finished it few days ago ... Crescendo

>> No.6066136

Looks like I need to read some more.

>> No.6066137


>> No.6066148

Symphonic Rain. I couldn't add more than "it's raining" because it would be too obvious.

>> No.6066152

Rozen Maiden for 17 year olds

>> No.6066166

Hero and girls with mental problems stuck in timeloop

>> No.6066168

Fate. Obviously.

>> No.6066197

Comparisons between two different systems of criminal justice are made, also a revolution.

>> No.6066205

I can't figure out some animes for that but not a VN. I am ashamed.

>> No.6066207

Sharin no kuni?

>> No.6066219
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>> No.6066220

You have sex with girls.

>> No.6066224



>> No.6066233


Almost every possible VN

>> No.6066240

Sweet pool, duh.

>> No.6066249

you rape girls so you can fuck satan

>> No.6066255

You wander around in a big house and fuck a pregnant mermaid for no reason.

>> No.6066258

Terminally ill girl kills herself.

>> No.6066263

Warrior fucks everything female.

>> No.6066266

You could make something more subtle like "sick boy and girl go into a road trip"

>> No.6066277




>> No.6066280

the wacky adventures of my hyper weapon

>> No.6066286

Cross Channel

Vampires, demons and black lines/points Horrible music

>> No.6066302

The protagonist sleeps and then a cat wakes him up.

>> No.6066303

Oh.. I missed that one.

>> No.6066304


>> No.6066305

>cross channel
isn't it more higurashi?

>> No.6066311

Pretty hard, but the shit music makes me think it has to be Umineko.

>> No.6066314


Lines gave it totally away, Tsukihime

My airplane crashed, then i switched consciousness with some guy.

>> No.6066315

I never played Higurashi. They are stuck in a time-loop?

>> No.6066318

remember11, enjoying the loop you caused?

>> No.6066321


>> No.6066323

more or less.
the period of time is indeed the same in the several arcs.
And the girls are nuts.

>> No.6066325

Remember11 without even playing it thanks to that fucking spammer.

>> No.6066327



>> No.6066334

Kagetsu Tohya

>> No.6066340


>Remember11 without even playing it thanks to that fucking spammer.

If you like some mindfuck, give it a try.

My future self wants to kill me

>> No.6066343

Protagonist's parents go to Hawaii and he start living with his cousin in another city filled with snow.

>> No.6066344

FSN, this is too easy.

>> No.6066350


No, not really. It's a different universe each time. Think Kaleidoscope, from F/SN.

We see the same window of time, but the only person "repeating" (Rika) experiences a different length of time every iteration (gradually getting shorter, specifically).

She freaks the hell out when this timeframe shrunk to about two weeks, the average amount we see in each arc.

>> No.6066356

Cats, dogs and freebies

>> No.6066358

Talking about Fate i've just finished the Heaven's Feel route.
I fucking raged, what the fuck was that?

>> No.6066362 [DELETED] 

>Protagonist sleeps with girl for 17 years, then wakes up

That must have been some awesome sex.

>> No.6066364


>> No.6066369



>> No.6066372

the hell is that?

>> No.6066384


Too much worms for you? Also Dark Saber

>> No.6066403


>Protagonist's parents go to Hawaii and he start living with his cousin in another city filled with snow.

It's some Key shit right? Hmm, Kanon?

>> No.6066407
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If you just finished it, shouldn't you be all FUCK YEAH right now?

>> No.6066416 [DELETED] 


Snow Sakura

>> No.6066418


no, I played that one ... its even commercially available from JAST and I recall being boring as fuck....name eludes me ...

>> No.6066430

right answer is >>6066416

>> No.6066431

I kind of knew it would be bad, but not THAT bad.
... though now i'm thinking of it as the more logical route. > sakura/lust/rider/overrated people...

>> No.6066442


>> No.6066452


After you get all bad endings/Taiga stamps, fanservice with Ilya and Fuji-nee in heaven spa is unlocked

>> No.6066453

Everything goes fine until you realize one narrator was a ghost, and the other was a few thousand miles south of where you thought he was.

>> No.6066460

I'm interested, go on.

>> No.6066469

Cripples, cripples everywhere.

>> No.6066475


Get out, KSdev

>> No.6066499

Brass Restoration. Definitely.

>> No.6066507

I would have said ONE personally

>> No.6066509


There is glint of Remember 11 in it, but that's probably not it ...


I am also curious

>> No.6066515

It's Ef.
And both of these plot points were pretty obvious.

>> No.6066516

yeah, but there's no ghost in R11, that's for sure.

>> No.6066529


>yeah, but there's no ghost in R11, that's for sure.


"That guy"/BW can be called that. Nvm

>> No.6066536

Moralfag protagonist has some sort of crush-but-not-a-crush on best friend who gets abducted, then goes into cahoots with this douchebag who she may or may not have a crush on but he doesn't give a shit either way.

>> No.6066779
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I dunno.

>> No.6066803

girlfriend is santa claus

>> No.6066875


>> No.6066891

aliens crash spaceship and kill all the government in japan by accident. crazy shit happens, then you have sex.

>> No.6066915

My Girlfriend is the President.

>> No.6066932

Kills vampires, rapes maids and hates chairs

>> No.6066951

Main character recharges magical girls with fluid exchange. One of them is a loli.

>> No.6066959

Two sister express their disapproval of their parents splitting up.

>> No.6066961

(Saw + Sakura Card Captor) x time travel = ????

>> No.6066963

Jewel Knight Crusaders or Sumaga.(sort of)

>> No.6066966

this is a fairly accurate description

>> No.6066974


>> No.6066980

JKC it is.

Four nuns travel around Japan. One of them is male.

>> No.6066995


This sounds SO much like The Parent Trap.

I got one. Initial D: The Visual Novel

>> No.6067017

Protagonist rapes and pillages while getting into hilarious situations.

>> No.6067033

>Initial D: The Visual Novel
Fuck, Moero Downhill Night.

Sengoku Rance.
