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605945 No.605945 [Reply] [Original]

Is it practical to hold a knife like Shiki does?

>> No.605958

No, the hand is too loose at that point to make an effective cutting edge I suppose, but he doesn't need to do much beyond poke at the lines.

>> No.605960

As an expert on knife fighting, I can tell you with absolute certainty that no one here fucking knows.

I find the reverse grip rather appealing personally, but it's not something I'd use most of the time.

>> No.605967

Is it practical to make a thread in /jp/ questioning the practicality of holding a knife like Shiki does?

>> No.605965

Shiki can get away with it because he has the MYSTIC EYES OF DEATH PERCEPTION.

>> No.605968

only for power

if you want dexterity you should hold it overhand otherwise you might just hurt yourself

also, /k/

>> No.605978

I'd have to say the only unpractical way to hold a knife would be fingers wrapped around the blade but that's my opinion.

>> No.605984


>> No.605990

It's practical but not horribly efficient.

>> No.605994

in b4 100 replies about knife fighting styles and whether it's a good idea to carry them when walking around in cities

>> No.605995

Yes and no, it depends heavilty on the motions being used. There are not many attacks one can executed well with a reverse grip in comparison to a more orthodox grip. But the reverse grip allows for a shorter swing in close range combat, and greater amount of leverage for lower body parries.

>> No.605998

No. Maybe if you want to stab someone behind you without actually turning around.

>> No.605999


How could it possibly NOT be a good idea? I keep at least one knife on me at all times.

>> No.606002

It's a practical way of determining the practicality.
However, your inquirey of the practicality of the practicality is impractical due to the creation of an infinite loop.

>> No.606026
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bullshit. Knives are for stabbing not slashing. There is no benefit and a lot of problems associated with holding a knife like that. Even supposing you can slice bone like thin air it is still better to hold the knife properly since it increases range, is more natural, and you can use your wrist to easily manipulate the angle of the blade.

>> No.606039

Shiki's method fails due him not gripping a firearm instead of a knife. Why stab points when you can shoot them down range.

>> No.606050

but it doesn't look as cool. Considering that he's just a fictional character, I'd assume boosting his image is more practical than being accurate.

>> No.606052

the whole point is that he CAN slice bone like thin air

He can slice ANYTHING like thin air

>> No.606055


Because guns are for faggots that can't actually fight like men.

>> No.606056

Reverse grip makes for more interesting grappling situations and c.c. Harder to defend against something that's not orthodox.

Also, don't bring a knife to a gun fight.

>> No.606066

Gee I dunno, seeing as how he started off with LINES and found out that tracing them broke shit.

But If you really want it your way we can see him try and hit a line on a moving target with his gun from long range. Then he'd be so much more haxxed that people will bitch twice as much as they do now.

>> No.606070
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Counter balance the knife...

>> No.606077


Guns are for faggots.

Blades are cooler in any way shape or form.

>> No.606086

oh holy shit I just realized. Shiki is the perfect sniper.

Hahaha, all he has to do is lie in wait from like half a mile away, point at the dot, and BAM

>> No.606087

wtf are you faggots talking about, slashing as a method can be used practically as a means to close the gap between you and your target so you can come within range to stab. Slashing in random circular motions while approaching forward forces the defender to use his arms to defend, exposing vital organs for stabbing once close.

>> No.606096

It is practical and you can stab and cut perfectly that way.

>> No.606099


No the point is that it doesn't fucking matter if he can slice through thin air. If your life is danger and you are a skilled knife fighter you will still hold it in the most effective manner.


That's like saying it's harder to defend against a nigger because he holds his gun sideways and doesn't aim.

>> No.606103

Versus what? Waiting half a mile away and just pegging someone in the head?

>> No.606108
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If you are close enough to slash than you are close enough to stab.

>> No.606112

Additional question : edge inward or outward?

>> No.606114


Wow, snipers being able to kill things one one shot at long range? That's really stretching my willing suspension of disbelief. Let's not go too out there, okay?

>> No.606119

It's not like it's cemented in his hand like that...A good knife fighter will use the unusual Shiki-style to slash, since you get more power and push with that type of slash, not to mention if you stab downward with that position, you'll have more penetrative force, AND use the other style for forward lunges as well as downward slashes.


>> No.606124

You can still stab with a reverse grip. In fact, you have a shorter start up time, since all you have to do is flex your arm, as opposed to a thrust, which is slower. The issue with reverse grip is that you have a much shorter range you can attack at, so it's only applicable if you're close.

Also, anyone that would use a knife as their primary weapon is insane. Even a metal bat is a smarter idea. Blunt, heavy weapons will always be preferable, unless you're a slow fuck. It's far easier to hurt someone with a club than a knife, and you need way less precision.

>> No.606127

I don't think you understand. Let's take Nero. Nero has the power of an entire continent inside his body. He can regenerate any part of it. A regular gun would do absolutely nothing.

But this would mean Shiki can kill anything that he can see a dot on.

>> No.606130

In his case he could use anything as a bullet and could conversely absolutely destroy anything he would need to snipe.

>> No.606135


Outward, this isn't fucking Rurouni Kenshin.

>> No.606138

Sniper rifles are really easy to get a hold of in Japan, you know.

>> No.606140



>> No.606143

>In his case he could use anything as a bullet
Do you even know how bullets work?

>> No.606148

>I can make one word posts to cement the fact that I am, in fact, correct, when there is nothing to justify that silly notion.

>> No.606161

i think he means like using consecrated metal i.e. hellsing

>> No.606163

Yes. The point of the statement is that anything that can launch a projectile would be just as useful if the speed was high enough. So A Sniper rifle or a Slingshot can get the job done.

>> No.606168


>>605995 here, I'm not going to disaggree with you (because you are mostly correct), but reverse grip has many practical application in low parries, grappling, and ultra close range combat.

However, the extra degrees of motion provided by finger manipulation in a more orthodox grip in most cases out classes the benefits of reverse grip. Not to mention the additonal angles of attack.

Tl;dr Reverse grip is only better in a limited amount of situations.

>> No.606171

fuck yeah I wish I were a badass with a knife.

I'd hold it reverse grip just for style.

>> No.606174

Reverse Grip
Slash: C
Pierce: B
Smash: F
Block: D
Parry: D

>> No.606181

A slingshot would bring him close enough to an enemy to be in danger from a quickly-executed melee or magical attack.

Pretty much anything other than firearms will do the same thing, and once you get to firearms, carrying them around, buying them in the first place, getting ammo, etc, become a logistical problem.

>> No.606198

I remember when I was younger and I actually used the reverse grip when I was bored and had a kitchen knife to cut things

It really is powerful, and it has a way stronger slash because it uses both your triceps and biceps for motion

>> No.606214

Everyone in this thread. Get up, grab a knife, and slice upwards using a reverse grip.

>> No.606217

...he uses a goddamn knife, I'm pretty sure that already puts him in close range and he does fine

>> No.606237


>> No.606245
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Why use a picture of Disco Shiki for a serious Knife discussion?

>> No.606258

A person is attacking you in melee range. What do you choose? A ranged weapon that at best can be used to bludgeon, or a sharp stabbing weapon?

>> No.606260

but why would you slash upwards? you can slash sideway fine, and stabs have more impact.

>> No.606261

BRB, going to practice my underhand knife slash.

I'm a killer, /jp/, you can understand that.

>> No.606267


and leave my neck, shoulder, stomach, inner and upper arm open to a slash or stab in the early half of the slash; and my armpits and entire body in the later half? All that for a easily dodged attack with little to no range? No thank you.

>> No.606271

>Is it practical to hold a knife like Shiki, because he does this in Tsukihime.

Corrected for proper meme form.

>> No.606274
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I know this doujin isn't the best resource for Shiki fighting material, but I have a feeling he mixes the reverse grip with this

>> No.606278

blunt weapons might be simpler to use as a weapon, but those are horribly ineffective if you get close enough. when you're close enough, you just let the knife do the work... it's sharp for a reason.

>> No.606282


>> No.606287

You are correct sir.
The Novel has him mention when he adjusts his grip and what types of things he does with that grip, though not to the minute detail.

>> No.606289

he does, at least from his moves in melty blood, you can see him hold the knife both ways.

>> No.606296

but it would mean nothing, seeing as I don't have mystic eyes of death perception, nor am i descended from generations of incestuous demon killers

>> No.606299

I was always taught that the best way to hold a knife in combat is to not fucking have one, because they're useless as fuck and the most you'll achieve is giving your opponent a knife.

Even a keychain is a better "I'm being fucking attacked I need to defend myself" weapon, and there a myriad of better weapons for the offensive.

>> No.606303


Everyone watch these for actual practical reverse knife usage.

>> No.606307

Did the second chapter of that even get translated?

>> No.606308




>> No.606315


>> No.606318


This too.

>> No.606323

Is it practical to cut the lines of death on someone?
Shiki does it in the game.

>> No.606331

If I have knife skills and glasses and black hair will red headed maids be all wet for me?

>> No.606335


Even if you could find red-headed maids, no.

>> No.606336

No, you need THE GLAND for that.

>> No.606401


Yes, it's very practical. You'd have to see them to be able to cut them, or you might as well be fighting with a blindfold.

>> No.606414


>> No.606419
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>> No.606421
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>> No.606427

doh hohohho

>> No.606453
File: 106 KB, 768x574, 1210569024178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it practical to be an unarmed combat specialist in a world where everyone shoots bullets like China is?

>> No.606456


>>606401 here

Well, fuck.

>> No.606463


Yup, all she has to do is get the speed required to get close ranged.

>> No.606466

Yep. Shiki's lines are a product of his brain rather than a part of his vision, so he knows where the lines are even without being able to see.

>> No.606473


Really? I always thought that Nasu was implying that the lines were always there, but only someone with the MEoDP could see them and abuse them like Shiki does.

>> No.606476
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Is it practical to use swords like Ciel does?

>> No.606481

No, I mean the lines were always there BUT his brain processes them rather than just converts them through his vision, and that's why it hurts his brain to leave them unrestricted for too long

>> No.606482


black keys

>> No.606483

As if Shiki can see people's death's half a mile away without going bat shit insane

>> No.606487

I always thought, if the lines are always there without them being created by Shiki, wouldn't people contantly be accidentally cutting them?

>> No.606488

Probably so, but Shiki's ability is a psychic one so it's sorta like another sense. He uses those bandages to block his vision in order to enhance his perception of the lines and points.

>> No.606489

Is it practical to cut someone into 17 pieces and ejaculate at the same time?

>> No.606490

They're not swords, they're pages of the Bible.

>> No.606491

He can.

>> No.606494

Is it practical to use a backflip to dodge hits in a real fight? Shiki does this in MB too.

>> No.606495

Wouldn't looking through a rifle scope mean Shiki would see the lines on the scope itself, rather than the dots/lines on the target?

>> No.606504

uh, well, I think he could probably see both the lines on the scope AND the lines on whatever he's aiming at

>> No.606506

He can see the lines of arcane concepts such as "Nature" and invisible things like air without obscuring his vision of any other lines, so I would expect it would work like that.

>> No.606510
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Is it practical to ride each other into battle like Zengar and Trombe do?

>> No.606511

Probably see both but that wouldn't change much.

>> No.606513

but what if the death of the scope was right in the middle of the lens?

>> No.606517

Same can be applied to an enemies clothes, think about it. Wouldn't the lines of death for a person be covered by his or her shirt? So... if he were fighting somebody... he'd have to strip them... and a fight with Akiha... would be very, very hot.

>> No.606519
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Is it practical to use awesome magical powers in fights?

>> No.606522


Now you've got my interest!

>> No.606523


Hell yeah it is.

>> No.606524

I already said that he doesn't really "see" the lines. He can use them even when blindfolded.

>> No.606527


Of course it is. Real men ride each other.

>> No.606528

He can always wear his glasses and look into the scope

>> No.606532

That would mean he can't see the lines/deaths of whoever is in the other side of the scope though.

>> No.606535


Really? I heard it was because his powers got so strong his glasses couldn't stop it from going out of control.

>> No.606542

Not like it would matter,unless he's aiming to kill someone non-human

>> No.606551

It's shit.

>> No.606552


That's sort of the whole point...

>> No.606546

Someone archive this fucking thread. It is made of combat practicality and confusing psychic powers.

>> No.606557
File: 54 KB, 400x400, 1210569959308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well there are the sniper rifles with magic scopes which this guy is fond of using

>> No.606559

who is this

>> No.606560

That does happen but the Bandages aren't for that purpose. They're only used in battle. I guess Shiki found a way to cope with seeing death all the time or learned how to toggle it.

>> No.606562

Emiya Kiritsugu

>> No.606563

You're right.

Anyway, I'll try to explain it.

OK, so if you're looking at something, another thing can block your view of it. But putting something in front of another thing doesn't necessarily keep it from making noise, does it? The whole thing about the "lines" is that he doesn't slash at what he can see with his vision, he slashes what his brain processes and detects, which is more about being able to detect all the lines around you rather than just anything in your line of sight, which is akin to another "sense" rather than just vision. Vision actually has a fairly minor role in cutting lines.

>> No.606564
File: 65 KB, 400x400, 1210570056804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you best be joking nigger

>> No.606565


Why would the scope be magic?

>> No.606572


>> No.606576
File: 18 KB, 180x135, 1210570164374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So that guy needs several explanations of the same fucking thing to fully understand it...

Where have I heard of this before....

>> No.606577
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to see which humans are masters, and to blow their fucking brains out before they realize whats going on

>> No.606581

is this a low tier character thread?!

>> No.606583
File: 41 KB, 488x640, 1210570243761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it practical to fight in a fursuit like Saber does?

>> No.606584

Concept art of Satsujinki Shiki for Tsukihime 2: The Dark Six.

>> No.606585

Non Existent Tsukihime 2: The Dark Six

>> No.606580

Where is this from?

>> No.606588

Hey guys. Do you ever wonder why Shiki doesn't miss the lines? I mean, he's fighting vampires that can move at mach speeds, he's gonna miss at least a couple times.

>> No.606592


>> No.606594
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Needs moar ShiKI

>> No.606595
File: 131 KB, 788x1161, 1210570368475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to repost The Dark Six material ITT.

>> No.606596


Furry Saber will yiff the everloving fuck out of you AND YOU WILL ENJOY IT.

>> No.606597
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>> No.606599
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>> No.606602


Hell in fur, yifffag.

>> No.606603
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>> No.606605
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>> No.606606
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>> No.606608

Since I finished Tsukihime, I have always carried a pocket knife around with me everywhere I go, just in case. I was also wondering about the practicality of the reverse grip.

I'm thinking of looking into a martial art that focuses on knife fighting. Any suggestions?

>> No.606609


He kills a tree

>> No.606611
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>> No.606612
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>> No.606614


The one that knows what it's teaching.

>> No.606615

I know who this is, but not Mr. Dawn
Is he also a Dead Apostle? I think I may have missed that on wiki

>> No.606617
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>> No.606619
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>> No.606620

he uses a thermal scope, not magic

>> No.606622
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>> No.606623

his scopes aren't magic, he has one with night vision and one infrared scope. Use of magic circuits are picked up by the IR sight.

>> No.606624
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>> No.606625


low tier

>> No.606628
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>> No.606629

and this is the guy who lost his limbs and replaced them with mythical creatures, the rat being the smartest one or something.

>> No.606630

Just study the moves Shiki.T or Shiki.N use in MB.

>> No.606632
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>> No.606635
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>> No.606636
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>> No.606650

I wish to stick penis in Solomon 4.

>> No.606654


yeah she's the fourth limb of this guy


but what limb is she? Arm?

>> No.606655

looks painful

>> No.606657


No amount of studying will get me to move as fast as they do.

>> No.606660

Wait, she's a limb?

Howe does that work?

>> No.606661

Of course he misses/gets parried etc.

Otherwise, in each encounter in Tsukihime, the fights would end the first second, then Shiki would go to set up the harem.

>> No.606666


>> No.606669

Is that a clockwork mecha?

>> No.606674

So he pretty much uses her like a marionette, then, through his mind?

>> No.606675

This guy >>606605 lost his limbs due to his village crippling him or something, so he has to imagine mythical beasts to replace them. One being the land whale, rat, the mantis looking thing and the marionette, I believe. Someone correct me as I am sure I am wrong at something.

>> No.606677

His limbs were originally cut off.
Long Story short, he now has a symbiotic relationship with 4 great monsters, who when not released, are his limbs.

>> No.606686


>> No.606694

Retarded faggot

>> No.606709

Shiki cuts through shit with the ease of a knife through hot butter, so the difficulty of his grip is irrelevant. All you need know it it's maximized for killing purposes and it looks cool.

>> No.606711


That's THE Merem Solomon.. he's the body.

Rat King - Left arm.
Earth King - Right leg.
Lady Windup - Right Arm.
Sky King - Left Leg.

>> No.606719

Anyone have pictures of the other Dead Apostles? I'm looking for Crimson Moon and Primate Murder

>> No.606723


The ranged weapon. Guns weigh quite a bit, and one good smack would kill a person. And if one was to guard themselves, it's sure to break bones.

>> No.606727
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These were from the type-moon artbook, I'm afraid there are no more.

>> No.606729

* Right Leg
Merem's Right Leg, as depicted in Character Material
The King of Earth. The monster that Merem materializes more often, specialized in mass destruction. He originally wanted to craft it as a dog, but because of his poor artistic talent the shape ended up being closer to a legged whale. Thought it doesn’t have any specific abilities, its mass which spans over 200 meters is enough to make it a fearsome monster. Both Leg demons have no consciousness and limit themselves to follow Merem’s orders.

* Left Leg
Merem's Left Leg, as depicted in Character Material
The King of Sky. A flying giant monster similar to a multicolor Manta Ray, specialized in combat against a single super-powerful enemy. It possesses an enormous destructive potential, but because it is destroyed after dealing damage Merem considers it too consuming to use often. Like the Right Leg, it has no mind of its own.

* Right Arm
Merem's Right Arm, as depicted in Character Material
The Lady Windup. A living mechanical statue shaped like a girl, approximately 10 meters tall. It’s made of an accumulation of personal-use weaponry from approximately a hundred years ago and it possesses a very limited intelligence, which causes her to confuse orders very often and makes her difficult to control. She also has a shrine built on her stomach. Merem apparently doesn’t like taking her out too much.

* Left Arm
Merem's Left Arm, as depicted in Character Material

>> No.606749
File: 166 KB, 886x717, 1210572238510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crimson Moon was actually the giant red moon and is now Arc herself. Usually seen as Arc in her Princess Dress.

No official art exists of Primate Murder.

>> No.606754

I thought Crimson Moon was defeated by Arcueid...

>> No.606756

..and has disappeared.

forgot that part

>> No.606761


go back to animesuki faggots

>> No.606765


>He originally wanted to craft it as a dog

Oh! I see what Nasu did there.

>> No.606766

You mean Beast's Lair.

>> No.606767
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Well, there is this, but it's certainly not official.

>> No.606775

Crimson Moon was defeated by Zelretch and left a Reality Marble for itself to be reborn into a suitable vessel if and when it appeared. Perfect True Ancestor Arc was born right after Crimson Moon's defeat and so she inherited its power.

>> No.606777

If vision means so little, then why does he even bother taking his glasses off?

>> No.606791

because they cancel out the effect. Sort of like a trigger to turn it off in his brain.

>> No.606797

At his current level, he needs to "see" the lines and points. The thing is, with all of the swinging he does out of line-of-sight--his mind is processing the information and storing it for combat purposes at high speeds, meaning he'd only need to look once or twice to cut up a target.

>> No.606855


So you're saying he can literally kill vampires blindfolded.

>> No.606869


>> No.606880
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>> No.606906


>is about to begin


>> No.606961
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Among other things.
